Ark + Pokemon = Palworld?

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and happy Friday everybody we're checking out a new game today and if you haven't seen anything about this one you've probably been living under a rock because it seems to have become all the rage this week uh I confess it's a game I slept on wasn't really sure what to make of it I heard Pokemon with guns I was like I don't know that might be interesting but I don't know if it's up my alley but it turns out it's actually like this crafting survival building game with like this element that's kind of similar to Pokemon in it but they actually like capture these animals and force them into indentured servitude to do your bidding so I was like all right that sounds good welcome everybody who's here in the chat so far or if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very much for the support it's greatly appreciated and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes are made members that we highlighted at the start of the stream uh we're going to jump in and start a new game cuz I've never played this before I did see a little bit of gameplay on it but I didn't want to watch too much it wind up uh ruining my Discovery experience uh we need a world name uh yeah um okay this this game's we dead here should work uh I'm going to have multiplayer off of this one I'm just going to play solo we'll go with normal difficulty CU I don't know what I'm doing and then uh I don't know forget the custom settings we'll just leave it all standard jump in as soon as we can finish setting up a world start a game yes let's do that so now I do know that uh they sold something like a million copies of this game within the first few hours of launch today uh so you know there might be change player name no I want to keep the name uh there might be some problems with online gameplay a little bit I have a feeling their servers are getting absolutely slammed but I think with single player we don't have to use the server so we should be good I [Music] think at least this is my hope uh cannot edit your character after the game started okay presets I guess we can start with a preset and go from there I've seen a lot of people with this crusty bearded dude so we're going to go with a dude that doesn't have a beard guy looks way more young and weirdly handsome than I am you can do different torso sizes oh I kind of actually want to like Oh I thought that was actually going to be like the length of his arms oh yeah you oh he's a big boy we eat all them Pokemons anyway I'm trying to go like more normal I want to be able to see what I'm doing on screen and I get blocked by my giant uh my giant torso [Music] all right standard customization stuff we've got uh we got different faces we can pick from oh my God that's a that's a very like angular looking face right there old and chisle looking oh my God there's so many faces No we don't want to go with the girl's face cuz I'm not a [ __ ] oh yeah yeah the grizzled face with the scar there we go that's what we want I don't know the hair goes with it [Music] but need like spirals that show death in the there we go there's eyes with like Targets in them that's perfect can't go wrong uh yes there we go eyebrow color I think that would just change with my hair but I guess not uh all right we got different hairstyle options available we got the uh the Shaggy look oh my God it's like Willam defo with like laser target eyes I don't know hairstyles I I'm I don't spend a whole lot of time looking at my own character oh the hair actually moves he move the character too that's cool um I don't spend a lot of time looking at my own character so I don't know we'll go with this look I guess why not uh I really want to change the color though [Music] oh yeah that's that's it right there perfect the pigtails were just precious oh they're precious voice huh huh yeah I don't really hear that much of a difference It's s from like the male female voices I don't know whatever huh yeah yeah yeah make a lot of voices anyway all right let's go with this guy crazy purple hair dude why not character creation complete we can't change it but whatever we don't need to change it we've got laser targeted eyes we're fine oh see his hair fit in just perfectly here all these crazy cartoony Critters the towers are the key the tree holds the truth don't forget the butter for your buns and other critical pieces of information I look like I'm wearing a skirt all right see so welcome to PO World Oh my he he looks like a sour evil little guy I kind of like it all right Windswept Hills like up Fallen branches or hit trees to get wood open the options menu with escape to check the survival guide open the build menu with b and select primitive workbench inste to build so what they what did I say I have to check a survival guide this will be all like our instructions but you know me we don't read instructions oh uh open the technology screen for the menu and select pal sphere technology pal spere oh these are for oh so okay U similar to Ark this is where I was saying that uh kind of reminds me of like this weird blend between like Arc and a Pokemon game they've got like a similar unlocks for the different things that you can craft as you level up you gain access to those different unlocks and then of course you got all those little critters you can catch and force into servitude lamble and a chickpea those are the two things I can see from here or something all right anyway what's this flowing totem unlock fast travel oh acquired one technology Point go me this guy is an expedition Survivor you've got wood whoa look at the gun the Castaway it's been a while since someone who didn't stink of Pals washed up here the Silence of living hell people I came with aren't with us any longer those damn Pals ate every one of them you be careful out there here take some basic supplies you need to toughen up you want to survive out there what you give me oh wood oh great you gave me wood it's fantastic look at all the other things they've got they like oh yeah I can spare some wood that's all I can do for you oh we could roll Dodge roll anyway so this uh this game turns out it is a Survival Game I uh wasn't really expecting that when I saw the first bits of information about it I was all like oh Pokemon with guns that's a weird blend I wonder how long till they get sued and then I saw more about the game I was like oh actually that kind of looks like something I want to play and now I'm hearing all kinds of good news about it use technology points UNL did I just level up you have unused stat points I level two go me punch that tree down welcome to Minecraft Everybody sets up there's path to the pals and doors so building a base Beyond enough to put a bed in can be problematic oh really they sort of get stuck in corners and things it does sound like it could be problematic okay I've GA it a bunch of wood you've got wood kind of a nice little area over here very Scenic good view from up here wonder how big the map is in this game oh all right oh it's pretty big looks like it's uh different little islands that I assume are going to be like level gated or something in the sense that if you go over there you'll get splatted if you go against something that's too high level relative to what you are we're on this island the plateau of Beginnings okay there b m Super Chat strange lady gave you wood what game is this every game well this this is the game of real life strange lady gave me wood don't tell my wife e should put all your workbenches and storage outside of a small Hut oh I see so you just like build a Hut to like house your bed in or whatever and then everything else goes Outdoors oh look how cute these things are too huh it's a Lambo and I guess this one's male or female is that female male that's male right I can never remember the symbols pretty sure this one's male isn't he cute I learn how to build and do stuff first found berries we're getting seeds so I'm going to assume that we either feed the seeds to one of the uh forms of Critter recatch Little Pals or we can actually plant and do little farming got to name them after chat if I can name the the pals I'm totally going to name them after people I'm thinking oh there's stuff down there uh I'm thinking uh naming them after people in uh like members and stuff like that would be a good option oh is that a chest over there what is that this is a chest I got stuff gold coins pal spheres small pal Souls oh my God somebody murdered the pals and gave me their souls pick up cway Journal day two you found a note from another adventure you can check their journal from the options screen uh party technology pal deck oh okay here we go so it said we wanted they wanted me to pick pal sphere we got that we got to craft a pal sphere attack Pals to weaken them then press Q to throw a pal sphere to capture them all right probably getting ahead of myself here oh you can climb on the side of stuff that's cool I like when you can do that in games that's neat this is a female kativa she's a chicken you know it's a cat but you just never mind I don't want to explore I want to explore r r raggy oh wow nice views don't know whether it's better to build up top here or build down bottom is a little farther down maybe where there's more trees cuz I'm I'm assuming I'm going to need a bunch of wood is there fall damage uh I'm going to I'm going to guess there is without scientifically checking it I'm going to guess there is fall damage let's find out ah oh maybe not I fell pretty far it took like nothing [Music] bunai oh it took a little bit of damage so there is fall damage but it's not aggressive holy look at the size of that sucker a mamor rest that's different what's this LIF monk Effigy collect lify and offer them to a statue of power to improve the ability to capture Pals uh right take their word for it that's the sparkly leather something must have died [Applause] there it's a big beasty he's a bigan wonder if it's aggressive or not I mean it's it's the starting area so I wouldn't assume it's aggressive but it's got like the picture on the end of it there with the pointy horns and such are you mean are you a mean boy you big you big baddy don't walk at me all right he's fine everything's fine I don't know how far down I should build lots of res resources up here all right let's just build a crafting bench uh up top there maybe now that I've run down this far already well you know what we'll just build one right here this looks like the perfect spot primitive workbench slap we got to build something we can start smacking Critters with cuz until we've started to abuse innocent little animals we have not really gun to game select recipe wooden Club handheld torch stone pickaxe Stone axe all right we going make a few things I need a padium fragment uh okay star production the lambl are so cute they really are like something from a children's book oh okay so we got one thing let's make a pickaxe look like we can craft them in multiples too you have unused stat points I should probably use those so I think it craft stays on the crafting bench until you pick it up apparently so we have to be careful of that we'll make an axe Too Blue Rock spadium all right so that'll be easy enough then okay so we've got stone pickaxe we got the weapon uh got the axe so that's one two and three I assume two three no can't hop key to the weapons that's interesting knowing myself I'm going to get stuck out here at night so let's uh whip up a torch ax AAL question yeah you think the lambo would be upset if I smacked it upside the head with an axe just a rhetorical question you know just feels like a could be valid thing to [Applause] wonder five PL in preg okay I love this guy's face it's like it's like what would the Green Goblin look like if he had purple hair only one way to find out yeah see you Cheryl smack some trees too while at it his face is saying G he's like why am I on this godforsaken island he's all like Peter don't tell Harry all right I already have some pal sper but let's do the quest thing just to craft it and get it knocked out there I have two pal speres it looks like my God those lambl are like terminally cute I'm almost going to feel bad smacking them really hard oh I need Stone now dang it use to B my Stones where's all there we go that's all I needed just one more taada all right you guys look very innocent and unsuspecting level two level one so there are different levels of these things too now they have Sexes I wonder if you could breed them [Music] later hooray we got our first uh thing of a bobber walk up a hill tends to end with this pal tumbling back down this causes it to become dizzy and unable to move making it easy to capture and kill oh my god well they don't all right do they chase you or what about the technology screen for the menu and unlock the the uh PO Box build a pal box in an open space the surrounding area will become your base okay um I don't know if I want it to be here can I I can't pick this thing up though can I I guess I'll have to leave it here hey kativa get wrecked cat boom look at that CAU two things already at a glance it appears full of confidence but it's in fact weak and cowardly being toyed with by captivia in many ways the greatest of disgraces this looks like some kind of metal over here probably take some of this with us ore it's not no specific kind of ore just generic or press B then C to deconstruct oh okay but I don't necessarily need to deconstruct it I just it doesn't look like the tools have durability unless I'm missing something where's the jiggly buff I don't know I mean there's only a couple things here we've seen so far it said I is it is it just the technology points we spend or are there actual like other actual it says you have unused stat points how do I get to my stat points player level stat points three enhanced stats there we go hit point stamina attack Defense work speed and weight I mean weight probably pry these gam pretty much always feels like a good option uh we'll go with stamina too cuz I don't know reasons I intend to use my my captured Critters as uh servants so I don't know if I need to increase my work speed if I going to make them do it for me anyway wait all wait Timber is not pleased in my actions he's uh I don't even know where he is right now it's hiding somewhere my my daughter fell asleep on the couch down here he was laying with her for a while but I think he got bored of it he's like I've had enough oh my wait you got wool and button off those things too how am I getting the meat out of them if I'm not actually murdering them that's weird go explore and see if we can find a good place to make a base it's obviously not going to be too fancy but Clump Clump Clump yeah I need the stamina just for running if nothing else we got some chickens down there or sorry chickas or if they lay eggs you know given that they're chickens oh that fast travel thing is like shining up there I wonder if there's any reason to actually fast traveled back up to the top of that thing ooh another chest this one's like purpley is it locked or is it just fancy oh just fancy got some I got a meas sphere pal speres and gold coins so clearly there's like a vendor or currency setup in this game what if we can take on one of those big green things level two against level 35 we got this D unit not warm enough Timber gives three thumbs down I mean the temperature's pretty good down here it stays really stable in our basement I fallen asleep on the couch Down Here Without a blanket or anything and I'm usually perfectly comfortable it won't be able to move if you carry too much heavy stuff use stat points to increase your carrying capacity well I can't I used all my stat points I'm slow a gumos oh my God it's like some kind of weird rabbit looking thing oh there's another oh what is that that a alpaca like an alpaca only we to pengle it another chest I really should open the chest but I'm getting kind of overloaded maybe we should drop some rocks they're pretty heavy I can get more of those after I guess uh take half this card there we go good love pal the wonderful thing about wles the wles of wonderful things oh there's another one of those uh teleportation things down here I'll make my base down there seems like a reasonable thing to do king of the forest memest is this a boss why is the name so big and fancy the other one wasn't like that is he going to attack me if I get near him I'm not fond of being attacked you go M rest yourself buddy base has its own fast travel oh then I didn't need to come down here at all okay I'm going to fast travel back up top then cuz I want to be up in the hill where I have a nice view if I could fast travel to it anyway then forget that business unlock fast travel try out one technology points hopefully I don't leave my stuff behind when I fast travel quick at least all right well after all that running around I think I'm going to build up here cuz uh I like the view and it looks cool up here there's literally no other reason to do it I although a crap you I know you can use the pals to like Harvest things so I probably should be conscious of actually having things around for them to harvest otherwise might might be kind of wasteful maybe I should just go back to where I made my bench before onai I'll make it well you know what ow ow ow you chasing me all right so where we put the bench is where we're going to build this is fine what are you going to do oh look you've been waiting for me how nice of [Music] you 100% capture rate all right some a pal box in an open space so I got to go build no e yeah there we go pal box I know stick it over here holy how big does this thing get look at the space it takes up so sad smacking the poor things but also hilarious at the same time agreed access a pal box and summon a pal to your base get out of here Cat build a wooden chest deploy to the base huh oh that was base upgrade okay so we got P boox management menu fast travel or base upgrade all right let's take this level three Lambo not the one that I beat up that's still recovering poor guy what's this primary skill Runner muscle head diet lover okay hold on a second pal boox management how do I learn more about his abilities what is muscle head view details oh my God look at me I'm failing at the game there we go muscle head attack speed plus 30% work speed minus 50% wow I don't want that Runner 20% increased movement speed that will do just fine we're summoning this dude put put him there me is he here I'm confused us on whom so it looks like the berries are for feeding to my critters oh it's cold oh don't like it oh my God am I going to be the first person to die on the first night in this game oh Pal's at the base down here there oh there we go hey buddy oh my God you're just terminally cute and apparently tired Pals without beds will get stressed okay so that's the thing we got to do uh all right so use tab to open your inventory and press consume food to save off hunger is there a consumed food button nobody gave me any food all I got is this like raw lamble probably shouldn't eat that right consumable oh I can use it on myself okay all right so we do have to feed them that's that's something worth knowing just level up open your inventory with a tab and strengthen your skills already did that uh so I got to wait till I level again before I can get that one out of the way capture five lambl and earn an exp bonuso lambl oh we got him at sleeping oh uh oh my God what happened holy this 54% G okay so you really got to wear them down for this to work all right we caught him on the cheap my poor chicken like rolled away wandering Merchant is this Bon welcome I've got some good items in stock all right bye arrows food and eggs get them out of here you're not welcome at my base a flame organ giggity Venom gland electric organ horn assume we'll get those by killing other Pals I don't really need what you have buddy can I craft a fire I can't craft a fire p in here but is there whoops is there a fire p i can craft in here primitive workbench and a PO box that is it so we need to unlock some technology like I don't know fire storage repair bench structures wooden structure set that cost two points how many have I got I've got 16 technology points to work with we want a bed we want straw beds from a palal should probably learn how to make cloth actually you know what let's get the bow and arrow too why not just get it all unlock everything common Shield e we don't need a shield we'll just try not to get hit cloth outfit protect against the cold feed box Place food and Pals of the base will eat from it that's perfect alarm Bell B sets the alert for Pals on base change pal Behavior to either attack or uh invading enemies or Focus entirely on work whenever you like oh wait we can get attacked that's cool hanging trap catches p that pass through only effective on small Pals and humans oh my God it's kind of cute let's go with the spear upgrade away from our club the club of Doom uh we need to catch what one more Lambo I think yeah we got four out of five uh okay so we should be able to build a fire now the wooden chest can't go wrong with a wooden chest my Pal's sleeping so I guess I'll do this myself nothing they can beat the P organ yeah yeah it all lies of pee that's a good game megasphere an item that captures Pals when thrown its cap capabilities have been improved allowing it to capture a wider range of Pals well isn't that special take all quick stack nope R doesn't work X I don't want to do move left move right is there not like a quick way to transfer from the one like into the chest oh right clicking does it there we go uh fiber cloth seeds I might need the stone leather small pal Soul Spirit left behind by small pal could draw out hidden abilities if offered to a statue of power take your word for it campire oh yeah go to work little buddy the more they do the less I have to do which is kind of awesome you don't want to be coming with pal that's right Shield's like a little energy Shield it's always on and recharges don't have to wield it like a weapon oh we definitely want that then look he's picking stuff up too oh my God I knew I could make them do work for me but I didn't realize it would just like spontaneously go and do stuff if they were bored that's great uh PO Box upgrade available still hav Level Up increase your player level by capturing 30 Pals we're a little ways off of that P box oh wait hold on base upgrade build a wooden chest base upgrade max number of Pals at base will go to two max number of bases will stay at one now I can have two Pals let's get this other oh I got to do it here don't I at this kativa and see what this does I love how cute they run it's like a little kid in a costume it's adorable terminally adorable uh all right infrastructure why can't I go to infrastructure what's going on here oh there we go uh shoty bed we got foundations we got wood foundations this gives me access to all the walls and stuff already too which is nice I got a fair amount of oh my gosh okay it's going to be pretty big put our house back here build continuously there we go all right put some walls in here we need uh we'll put a window at the front we'll get a window at the back too cuz there are no reasons I can see I'm going to constantly accidentally just click instead of right clicking building's easy at least doesn't take a crazy amount of materials either which is nice leveled up got wooden stairs slanted wooden roof do I have to be outside to make this work rotate [ __ ] on it rotate I I can't do it from inside it seems uh it would be great if it would let me put it on the roof maybe I got to put the triangles on first literally oh there we go got it keep not hitting the right button when I'm crafting I'm building hey we have a house it's a glorious Mansion all right uh we're going to need uh shy bed insufficient materials I got to gather more wood all right what's in here Lambo need you to get more wood hey what is the cat mitt doing wait it's a loose it's a rabid Lambo get it oh no wait that's that's my guy oh he's down here mining holy good job with the stone buddy epic yeah my cat's getting stoned okay this over here is definitely a a lamble on the loose we get oh it's only level one accidentally overthrew a sphere there or something all right that got me the five that got me an XP bonus uh build up your base until it reaches level seven that could take a bit what we got to do for base upgrade next Build A Primitive workbench we got to build a shoddy bed we can do that I can make all kinds of shoddy things we're going to be need more storage for these guys too wait a minute thought it said I didn't have the materials I needed insufficient materials wood oh I got 12 need more for the CH all right I got to do some chopping apparently neither the Sheep nor the cat are really interested in Breaking trees down got beds for our little buddies too yeah I'm going to put them outside I don't think there's any real reason to have them indoors right unless they get cold I don't know if they do my dude was getting cold but he's a wuss so it's different they don't get cold all right that's good I mean In fairness the Sheep do have their own coat to carry around with them all the time fancy wool coat they've got yoink okay simple bed it's pretty big for a simple bed actually let's STI it back here we'll let them come in and do that cuz I'm lazy and I don't want to do it myself not much Point having minions if you're not going to put the minions to work I guess I need more Stone oh like all right I accidentally hit e why is the bed still building there's nobody in here building it oh wait I have three I have three Pals working for me now we've got the cat and two of the sheep unless the Sheep was just in two places at once in which case that's super weird he's harvesting berries too so that one okay I'm confused did I level up again I thought I was only allowed to have two Bas upgrade we got to build a feed box build uh straw pal beds we need three of those those should be easy enough to get uh okay we don't want the muscle head what what about the diet lover what's his deal decrease in hunger is less likely by plus 15% oh all right and this one this G's got no passive skills roly poy fluffy Shield when activated equips the player equips to the player and becomes a shield sometimes drops wool when assigned to Ranch we'll bring out the diet lover I guess why out I swear I have four Pals working for me right now even though it says I'm only allowed to have three I do H we've already hacked the game baby oh requires kindling uh recipe oh let's cook some lamb up that that's weird lamble chops wait a minute I need to cook lamble chops how can I not make lamble chops what's up with [Music] that more weight is there do we have to unlock recipes for cooking that seems like something we might have to do the lamb kebabs oh no not the lamb kebabs wooden living furniture set oh my god let's get the shield Berry Plantation a ranch farm for raising sheep and fowl like Pals assign a pal with the appropriate traits to a farm to automatically produce items wood Stone and fiber all right why not parachute oh sweet I want one of those oh I spent all the points dang it foiled again okay we need to build uh not the plantation not the ranch guess some straw pallets will do we'll put these along the side here maybe I can't it was hit an invisible wall oh crap we got got a right click you guys in the way so excited about having a bed you're on the you're in the road now oh they leveled up oh they actually can't be that close together insufficient materials I need more wood again did you walk over the fire of a mistake yet no is that a thing I could do I was fortunate enough not to do that just yet these little worker guys are great sheep tend to follow the leader you suggesting there's a bunch of sheep pal you have in your party is working for you at the moment recall him and he won't work [Music] huh did the fluffy Shield oh look at his poor face he's crying it's like don't let them kill me I'm a good Lambo I swear I make all the wool don't do it all right you can go he's probably learned his lesson you don't need any pull items to craft them they Auto pull from the box oh yes I'm a big fan of that I love when games do that hurting himself he's dud like put me down I'm a good sheep I haven't been bad even once oh this is the the Sheep you're talking about here that's in my party how do I how do I unsummon him so he's not in my party anymore he's a level five lamble I want to get rid of him I mean I don't want to get rid of him but I just like I want him to or will he still like or will he still work even though he's like in my party weapons damaged oh they do have a durability need a monkey type guy I haven't even seen the monkey type guy yet transporting but he's just standing there oh you know what can he only go a certain distance from me is that the problem we didn't rename the pals yet oh I forgot we could rename them uh okay hold on I got to find out where we rename them put all this in here I guess for now okay I assume I do that in here H boox management menu passive skills a slacker what you slacker view details edit ah there we go found it okay this one will be still snow okay F coward and un unstable sanity drops 10% F faster attack minus 10% I captured the best cattiva [Music] apparently all right this one could be Eevee let's go details Let's see we need uh got LJ in here who wants to be the slacker slacker dinner thanks for volunteering P [Music] Watson I love that we could rename them make Bal spot let's see wait what am I you're a you're a Lambo I have five lambl and then the one cat thing so does he bring them back he brings them back to you like resummon them but it doesn't like put them away so I don't know Denny Beauty she try to live up to it all right you keep you keep slacking over there P Watson good [Laughter] job uh why does it say I've only got two of three straw beds I built three oh I know what happened to the third one I did something wrong oh I didn't have enough materials that's right there we go you guys go build that thing low bed will get rest and then I need to I need to build the feeding box feel like I need one of those for myself Beed box put that over here there you go get to work lambl oh my God these pals are great look at them leveling up too they're going up faster than I am increase your player level by capturing 30 Pals we don't have to go hunting uh in which case we should probably consider making some more the caption capture things build Berry plation deploy a work pal to the base did I not already deploy a work pal I'm confused kind of deployed a whole bunch of work Pals I thought oh uh maybe I should make make that repair thing ruction repair bench oh I work slowly you know what you guys do it I'm I'm too slow wait wait wait I started production requires kindling how do I get kindling oh it's cooking on its own I was wondering if the Sheep were going to go and have to cook their own friend's flesh and for a moment there I was entertained a very dark way okay wait why am I getting getting all repair bench I want the crafting bench okay we got HST we have problems I put the benches too close together I think that's problematic seems I don't want them too close together the uh hit boxes kind of overlap maybe we'll put this over here Cult of the Lamb yeah maybe a tiny bit of cult to the lambish okay let's go with the uh the common Shield myself one of those I'm hungry again oh yeah you do it cat good job look at E's hard at work making me a shield it's a specific pal skill kindling uh or you let it cook or you can cook it yourself oh I see I assume I have to put berries in here so my pals have something to eat there you go Pals good job I wonder if the cat needs a different type of food okay I have a shield I guess that's the blue one above my my green health bar now you can make them eat their own species yeah I believe you [Music] 100% make some cloth out of my friends need a fire one need a whole bunch of ones I've only caught two things so far we're still super early there's a lot lot I haven't done that I still need to do uh LJ says LJ oh oh my ah you can pick him up can I throw them how do I get rid of it I want to put him down oh there we go so confused right now I don't even know how I picked that thing up Qui there we go okay what else can we craft now we can make a ranch no I don't have the materials yet storage uh let's make more storage chests cuz I have a feeling my little pals are going to fill these up fairly quick very Plantation I need more stone for [Music] at Old ye sheep play the classic game of ye sheep look at all this stuff a cat was busy over here man Wonder e he's taking a break that would not be the right tool always keep the blue balls with the oh don't worry I got my blue balls all the time I'm married after all I know how to prepare about when the lambl finish something they're all happy yeah they're very cheerful those guys you going to play the new Cult of the Lamb DLC uh I don't know is it even a DLC I saw they added some additional content to the game but does it actually change anything about the game other than like some additional additional cult things you can do maybe some other creature types just got here and I'm naked that's right Jean that's how I operate welcome to nudes Town population Willam defo with purple hair you can have naked dances in cold to the lamb can you did they put little sensor bars over them cuz that'd be funny [Music] what these what are these neutral things about neutral what's neutral about you exactly uh do I have any more technology no points dang it I got to go I got to go murderize some things I thought I had unlocked some clothing but I don't see where to make it oh there it is duh all right I'll get un naked so you can guys can be less Disturbed he's not really we he's not really naked though he's wearing a skirt seen a new zombies game called Paradise uh I don't think I have seen that Mrs walk what did you just say I'm I SP they have fig leaves oh nice oh I can put another P you're right right right uh let's see pal management menu we got Watson as a slacker we might have to put out Mr MC bald spot cuz the muscle head one works less quickly oh I got to get a bed now though for that b it's like our whole stable over here almost there we go I can build that give me my clothes interacting with this bench is a little weird it doesn't always there we go oh I put it on oh wow look at that fancy outfit I got I'm styling now Rebel with let of clue over here yeah let's make a spear [Music] making the poor things sleep outside apparently they have pathing issues so yeah plus they're animals oh a crap we did it [Music] again okay I'm going to swap out the spear for the uh the club cuz it seems like it do oh my God he's holding that spear a little bit awkwardly [Laughter] oh boy it's good thing he's [Laughter] clothed not saying just saying why do you look what's the matter of little guy transporting but oh it was like stuck Eevee at red berries okay we need uh more wood what's with the wood I need to get a pal that chops wood shocked by the spear yeah it's very long that spear too you know no pun intended there look like when you burn out your full stamina bar you then have to wait for some of it to recover or like it has to recover back to full rather before you can use it again why is the merchant in the water uh whereas if you stop before it's fully depleted it you can use it again like right away can you throw at the spear I don't know it's pretty long but maybe why out I'm apparently overweight or something you're weighed down by carrying too many items okay that's blocking oh it's got kind of a weird animation might have to get a weapon that has a little bit more of a sweeping attack if benches become inaccessible or Pal start acting weird just reload the game right now I think that's the only fix oh is it okay it's probably good note oh I have 27 lb worth of stone on me I guess that might be part of the problem there my Hunger level at let's have a little snack oh those filled me up nicely can I sleep through the night in this game what's the bed for exactly is it just for recovering if I get killed [Music] all right sleeping is a thing it's morning welcome to the morning of day whatever it is yeah I need to build Berry Plantation so we can get that next level guess we'll slap it over here I can get it down before they move into the spot Plum at level one they going to give you later on it's just a name I guess I don't know that's this game on shift right now but can't wait to play tomorrow nice seen the item in the technology tree at 12 it's uh interesting haven't really looked through the whole Tech tree yet level 12 you say we got the Pelt armor max meat cleaver medieval medicine bench two unknown items and then a house plant set not sure which one you might be referring to unlock oh unlocked after certain Pals been captured oh some of them you have to get certain Pals that's fun all right upgrade base King build pal gear workbench build statue of power wait I could build a statue of power I thought I had to find them to show what I know who's working the Farm is there any way is there any way to tell I don't want to do it I'm lazy look at the ancient technology to the right huh who huh ancient technology huh oh oh over here ancient technology the grappling gun fires a hook that latches on to distant targets pulling the user's body toward the target allows for easy movement between places with varying elevation oh that's cool pal Essence condenser small Feed Bag looks like a pile of poop egg incub at place a p leg inside to incubate it that's cool Mega grappling gun super ultra Mega grappling gun all right we got to go stab some Pals Neil with the Super Chat sorry I missed the stream the other day but thanks for playing Icarus this game looks fun well thanks for the Super Chat Neil I appreciate it yeah we made a little progress with it Chris I spent a lot of time fussing around the base I tend to do that a lot can't help myself let's find some more Pals we can impale it's like date night okay chicken chick chicken chick oh my God the poor Chen oh the humanity that was a slow capture I got some chickpea poultry and an egg I'm assuming I need those to like put in my little farming area I've got den and Beauty following me around and I don't know how to unsummon her just wait till pal 69 giggity what happens if you just outright kill a pal [Music] oh my God you literally can they just roll around like balls they play soccer the The New Classic Game of sheep ball poor thing ah I murdered it and now it doesn't even get to go to its rest it's just going to roll on forever plus it's flatter over there maybe it's flatter let's find some more things we don't have yet think you have to hit e again to unsummon no if I hit e again it resummon it okay it unsummoned it what when I was back on my base and I hit e it was just resummoning it all the time all right well is what it is maybe I was hitting it more than once oh I want to get one of those uh I'll Paca dudes sheep bowling yeah they look like they got big pink socks on level 10 yeah I could probably take a level 10 right oh got like blasty blast Powers I Choose You sheepa poo go get him D Beauty oh oh no they they're they're pack animals they're the ones attacking too oh my God don't kill Deni and Beauty oh no they're ganging up on den and Beauty I got to I got to unsummon ow ow I don't like it [Music] okay uh let's just run cuz I have no idea how to [Laughter] heal chees it oh my God okay they oh crap I was going to say they don't seem climb to chase me but actually they do go buddy go we'll lose him over the river actually if I eat it will probably help right I don't have any food oh God it's going to murder [Music] me oh they're ganging up yeah suck it these guys aren't even on my team and they're helping take that melpa oh frozen solid that's cool okay we need some we need one of those uh those pulet things guys they really use a bow here ow I wasn't even fighting anymore no jerk [Music] ow I really wish I'd made the bow before I came out here and started this this ill-considered [Music] fight a r roll dropped all items and Equipment respawn least I died close oh I could pick a tele a Teleport spot different than the island I'm even on that's [Music] weird okay there enough materials to make a bow yet cuz I think a bow would have been more helpful [Music] there oh my girl it's Pokemon but not yeah it's definitely not Pokemon clear it has similarities you they're cute fluffy creatures and various things with different powers and abilities that you use for combat but they're also slave labor put them to work for you help you with your ill gotten gains um I assume it makes three at a time so let's make I don't know a [Music] few got to e the Sheep please grab Fox Park ASAP for fighting well I haven't even seen it rld so I can't grab it if I haven't seen it I I I really haven't watched other people play the game too much I did pop in on Brian's stream when he was playing so I was curious what the game was like uh I didn't stay for very long though CU I didn't want to spoil it on myself I like to discover things while I play the game so as we find more of these uh more of these Pals we can enslave then I'm sure we're uh I'm sure we'll put them to good use I kind of wanted to use the Sheep Shield but I I didn't want to get Denny and Beauty killed like right away like that would have been inconsiderate nope just get out of here okay we have the bow should probably learn how to fire it before I fight things all right arrow drop's not too bad man doesn't look like the arrows are recoverable where's my body totally think the lamble enjoyed being yeated maybe splash down I do like the the ability to climb on the side of rocks and stuff that's pretty good oh no a couple of the chickens died as a result of that fight I started or are they just no no it's dead did they float did chickets float they don't float oh well they sort of float no it just bounced give my stuff back take it all what is he doing oh he's dead I I feel bad not very bad but I do wish I could use the hotkey to like swap weapons instead of the M wheel a gas get gas oh man that one hurt him hurt him bad only 87% other ones are teaming up on me I think not for long I don't know if it's worth having multiples of these things but I guess I have to capture the a whole bunch so I guess I might as well back here I'm not done poking you that's what he [Music] said just me only 84% you have to get their health pretty low in some of these things to actually get the like 100% capture more pal to get the more XP bonus yeah working on it oh my stuff is leveled up even though it was just in my inventory that's funny challenge the boss at rain Syndicate Tower make sure your pals and Equipment are top condition H boss you say you use a controller oh can you that's nice well I guess yeah so this came out today as a steam Early Access and it's also on Xbox so if you have Xbox game pass available in that too okay I'm going to feed myself what are those what are those they look like some kind of weird Cris uh is this B only level two but who are you oh my God they're adorable you're cute let me stab you oh crap I don't have orbs all right sorry I had to murder you I didn't have any orbs left should probably go get some can I teleport there just manle the base I don't do that I want to fly to it guess I can't play the game on Game Pass on PC I adds there too it's in all the places not just some of the places a crossplay works but they're both on different patches so you can't oh yeah yeah I'm sure that'll get sorted it's day one so there's there's always problems on day one it's just an inevitability Mr Anderson is anybody planting on this thing like what are you guys doing how I assign them do I have to like assign them to the planter in here brittle what's this do sand blast while in a team improves efficiency of cutting trees oh that's handy logging assistance level one well let's bring that thing in maybe it'll actually do some logging itself that would be great oh no okay so this one's got Mining and storing what does he got planting oh oh sweet I got a Gard now look at that completely unplanned cuz I don't know what I'm doing to tell gamas leaf leaves drop by M used to make clothing all right you say so ew fried eggs uh let's make some uh grilled Chickapea oh look we got a frying pan you w water though you'll need a water oh I got a water a man what is this stardo [Applause] Valley [Applause] I probably could have added seeds if I just wanted to do it on my own I guess so you get the P the waters oh okay I got to get a penguin all right it's cool I love that uh they all have like little different things that they do so as you like C capture different ones you increase the capabilities of your own base that's kind of a cool little element like the fact that you can make them work for you in the first place is really neat but do they actually they don't sort very well they're even worse it's sorting than I am and that's saying something wait what happened wait what feel like something got mixed up there there so it looks like they just stick things in random chests I guess could be worse St and whatever been is closest to them yeah go get our oh wait wait I got to make more of those uh things first select recipe Plum sphere thing four is the max got mixed feelings about this game okay why is it the indentured servitude is it the murdering cute creatures is it the fact that it seems to be taking from another IP pretty heavily you level up your pals they do level up I don't know if I have to do anything in particular [Music] um oh Fox Parks that's what that thing was no wait I didn't see one of those wait if it's in my thing does that mean I saw it somewhere I don't remember seeing it I saw the fluffy ones we got a penguin calling them Pals and enslaving them they're not being enslaved they're actually just friendly creatures who want to help I don't even tell them to do anything they just do it on their own except for that thing where I like hold one up as a shield that might be questionable woo Who oh fighs in triple shots that's problematic only 62% catch rate on that one cuz it didn't wear it down enough come on penguin yeah got a pengal it Fe of this pal have all been disappeared but uh sadly desire to flies are remain as strong as ever even now it tries to fly any way it can I'll help you fly little buddy right off of a cliff oh 70% BS won't level higher than you currently are that makes sense exp bonus plus 54 oh as you catch like more of each type you get a bigger bonus of it so is there a point in which you just have too many can you like sell them to the vendor or something like what's the deal with that where' those little white fluffy dudes go I want to introduce them to my poke stick Ean is slacking off Eevee how could you I didn't think she was a slacker but I've been been re-educated just curious if there was something hiding down here but it looks like death you have to feed them you do yeah but you can put down a feeder so I have a little feeding thing that they can just go and grab food whenever they want you just s of like fill it up with whatever I have berries in it right now I don't know if there's like specific foods for the different types of Pals you have and if you have to like make sure that it's accessible for them all those little white fluffy guys where' they go oh my know that's a view there's a the scenery is pretty cool in this game I like it still snow the 63 Monon member message hi cryptic Fox I love this game hey still snow I named one of my uh one of my pals after you you're the the first the first sheep we caught or Lambo I guess they're called Chris with an 18mon uh member renewal thanks Chris appreciate it thanks for the support here look I'll tell you what cat oh two for one oh no I I over murdered him Didn't Know My Own Strength hope I got something off the killing that cat just dispose of the evidence no one will find it down there try talking to them in a firm voice and adding or else what is this a Demolition Man next I only be going to go find the three seashells here they are the Cris or cres or whatever they are whatever they are a i got all way back here again and I don't have oh pal fluids I said Spartan uh body fluids taken from a pal useful for its high viscosity oh my God what on Earth was I doing to that pal that's just wrong okay I don't like it I don't like I don't like the pal fluids wow High viscosity pal fluids okay well and I learned something I thought I had a torch there it is uh oh can I put the torch as an accessory no oh really fond of that wow we got some pal fluids baby I don't want to know how I got those I'm going to assume it was through murder and Mayhem not not through other means oh you lose stamina as you climb and if you run out you fall okay should have known Bai wait till you have to farm them the pals or the uh or the they the pal [Laughter] fluids those blue rocks those are a padium so there's um padium in there that I use to make the uh little pal capturing devices look here's still snow although she's sleeping but not on a bed did I not I don't have enough beds out I bet I think I have uh I have five Pals out but only only four beds so we need to oh I don't have enough wood how's that possible I don't have any Pals Gathering wood what is this ice organ materials obtained from Ice Pals can be used to make uh ice mine and more all right I fed myself an egg I hope you're all proud of yourselves all right we want to get uh we want to get the penlet in here but we need to rename the penlet okay this can be uh Zolo diecast actually no wait ice cream Taco it's perfect ice cream Taco confirmed chick a be Zolo [Music] diecast so oh this is my party and this is the storage box so I guess I could like shuffle them out if I didn't want a slacker in my party I could take them out and put the the the cat in here even though they're only level two earthquake resistant 10% decreased incoming Earth damage and they're a coward attack minus 10 well good okay we need to get Mr MC bald spot out of here ice cream Taco can go there oh did I capture brother the one pulet I thought I only got one all right we need another pinget so this one can be uh read the description of meat cleaver at level 12 okay hold on damle of Syracuse they give you lots of characters for naming water nice uh requires Pet's rocket launcher what penlet Cannon when activated the player equips a rocket launcher and fires penlet as ammunition penlet penlet explodes on contact and is incapacitated that's crazy all right wow just wow my God I got to get some wood oh maybe I you know what I'll sleep cuz it's night time we'll make a daytime and then we'll get some [Music] wood this is not Pokemon nope it's definitely not it it has a lot of elements that are common with Pokemon the whole like cute little critters that you capture with orbs that you throw on them after weakening them oh that is so cool I love all the little things that they do and that they have like different skill sets and stuff that's really cool oh what I don't like is I only have four slots here so as soon as I have a ranged weapon equipped I have to like give up something monkey can have an assault rifle that's cool yeah we haven't seen the monkeys yet I've I've only seen uh maybe a half a dozen different ones so far cuz we haven't gone that far yet how far the little pals will go to pick up the stuff it's like if Pokemon was an edgy teenager it it reminds me a lot of like a like a blend between Pokemon and Arc cuz it's got like the whole crafting bench thing and when you go into technology you've got these technology points that you want unlock similar to like an arc oh I leveled up again uh enhance more weight and more stamina technology uh I want the glider I want to be able to do that fireball I'm not going to worry about just yet structures not worried about just yet statue of power make an offering to enhance the statue or the stats of the player and their Pals wonder how long this stat lasts for pal gear workbench I need another cloth to craft that mount a torch place at the base to light the surrounding area yes please wooden Tavern furniture set what decorative furniture set set up a bar and enjoy life with your pals oh my God uh I have four points left a logging site can produce wood at a base requires pal with lumbering trait which I don't have produce stone at a base that's cool unlock that the bat baseball bat for close-range combat might be tough to get a home run with a pal oh God yeah I'll hold on the other points for the moment oh wait you wanted me to check the meat cleaver right level 12 knife for butchering summoned Pals when equipped the pet command becomes butcher butchered Pals will not return oh no it's so wrong still snow ate red berries they're are poisonous are they no no unfortunately not hey how's it going oh can I be the new one cat you got oh hey Stella uh let me see actually I think I already named all the ones that I have at the moment but we'll be catching more more more oh wait we got a chickpea oh I did catch another c i name I thought I named all these ones all right this one can be Stella here we go Eevee with a 57 month member message for the white Eevee uh find the white Eevee and swap my name don't forget to make more blue balls that sounds so [Laughter] wrong uh we need to name this Chickapee who could we name this one this one could be Jean congratulations Jean later on some of you may be butchered to provide food but don't worry I'm sure you won't feel a thing aside from the butcher thing oh I got a g m we got name here too uh let's see what could we name this one electr vean need to capture 10 of each type of pal okay I think the rest of them are all named yep oh no there's another one that is not named man we got a lot so many already please not GIC Fox if you use the meat cleaver on me I will stare into your soul with my cute eyes while you do it oh it just sounds wrong don't do it don't D it now this one could be Jason there we go okay I need more uh I need more blue balls sounds so wrong I'm never going to get used to saying that oo 30 yeah how heavy of those things do they have weight let's go down to 15 for now just in case they have weight I'm curious what they're like when I'm carrying them what happens when you're carrying your blue balls God uh oh sorry oh no you were working and I interrupted my bad oh I did it again come on I was still I'm going to let still snow do the work cuz I keep interrupting I'm getting in the way you put myself up for tribute for the meat cleaver excellent more concerned with what costes blue balls oh God so much inuendo a they really love being yeated yeah Yeet orbs call them orbs all right blue orbs got to go handle my blue orbs and throw them at somebody oh I also need to build another one of these uh straw beds kind of forgot we're going to wrap right around back here there you go you guys build that and then everyone will have a bed there'll be much rejoicing oh and there was also a couple things I unlocked so we got lighting we got mounted torch Oh I thought it was like a wall mounted torch but it's actually like a floor [Music] thing uh we've got statue of power oh look at this thing this is cool wait is it facing away from me I think it is I want to face toward my base oh no that's not right that sound like a hill how do I cancel don't build it I can't cancel it nothing this is to disassemble all right well it's going to be slightly tilted it's fine even the leaning tower of pza is still hanging around so it's fine I guess then we got the pal gear workbench it's fishing materials I got get another cloth you'll unlock wall torches later yeah I just thought the one that I bought I already unlocked was a wall torch clearly it wasn't it's all right all right all right pal gear bench we'll stick the pal gear bench over here weird hit boxes on the buildings it's like stuff can't be too close H eating more eggs okay so these actually the weight's not too bad they're only 1.5 in weight for 15 of them so that was pretty good they're not as weighty as I was concerned they might be uh I'll put the berries in the other box I keep them all fed full pal is a happy pal it's the Leaning statue of power enhance player stats that was not the right button uh all right capture power offer lift mug Effigies to enhance your capture power is it like a permanent upgrade or is it like a temporary one I should complete power box upgrade available use one lift monk Emery to [Music] enhance next one is okay so it looks like it's a permanent thing that's cool I'm all right with that pal boox management uh oh no I see uh another level up available build a Crusher build stone pit build logging site okay we got to capture more Pals before we can do a lot of that got to fix my uh fix my axe [Music] [Applause] here oh it takes materials to repair okay that's problematic I've really got to get a wood Chopper God here comes the sacrifices what you can ride several of the pals that's cool like a slaughter house that way your pals just assume when they're being bad when they're being brought in the just your H to ascend yeah I'll be like you've been a good little pal you come over here you're reaching a new plane of power oh hold on a second I got to rename that one pet so if I'm get an Eevee for Eevee then let's make uh we'll make rabbit dog the uh whever Eevee is still snow wait uh which one did I name Eevee oh there it is this one could be here's the painful irony for you rabid Rabbid dog is the [Laughter] cat ha take that if I got a dog later I'll swap you I'll swap the name over to a dog oh God for some reason that really makes me [Laughter] laugh oh God woer meow let's catch you know yeah we got to go get uh let's go get ourselves an Eevee now I mean they're not Eevees they're like whatever those white fluffy dog things are it's going to be hard not to refer to some of them by the Pokemon name they're just so similar there is an egg just laying there I was making something which is why I was chopping the trees and then I forgot cuz I'm easily distracted there they are this is the only way to get back at us for being mean to you yeah exactly only in rabbit's case it's just cuz it's fun the irony of it makes me laugh oh 240 to the face I almost feel bad about that oh come back here 100% capture crus compared to lamble it has finer wool and a temperament more suited for suited suited for domestication however it's historically always been kept as a pet cuteness is considered a virtue oh God I forgot they team up so there are crck points it seems you get them in the head you get uh oh what are you oh you're a lot bigger than you look oh boy oh crap [Music] oh crap I'm on of arrows that's a problem why do I pick these fights I'm going to die oh God I keep trying to change oh boy I'm really dead guess e doesn't hear my armor is damaged too don't hurt me God dang a ask for the arrows back I should have okay note to self don't attack the big strong wrong things yet for the second [Music] time zero deaths always success uh I want to make more arrows select recipe ah all the woods on my corpse of course it is Stakes were defitely made yeah that was already my second death what I should have done was probably summon a friend like I don't know a penguin that freezes things you almost want do it again yeah it was real close well when it was uh when it was farther away it looked small I didn't realize it was a big Critter turns out it was Firefox used as a flamethrower oh that's fancy take it all I got to go fix my armor it sucks I kept trying to change weapons by hitting the number key but that's not how it works oh no I killed it got too zealous with my clicking rabbit dog is taking a break oh I got to hit that wrong button like over and over again you can ride that flying one oh that's awesome ow you jerk that hurt my shield oh was cowering with like his eyes down and Stu it looks so sad for a second Le wind cutter that [Music] is what are Grant's good for which you talking about uh like the money you find in the game there are vendors although the one we found so far didn't exactly have anything good oh the crem is good what the crem is good for uh I don't know let's go back and check so hav spend those two points uh let's go ahead and make um a logging site I guess I don't have the right kind of kind of pal for that yet but love the way they bounce around with their tongues out [Music] we're quickly going to get a lot of names in here I think level up hoay enhance stats give my pal deck that's the Fox Sparks but that's not the one that I caught hrat scris uh they produce food they're useful in farming and Gathering possible drops wool M team increases attack power of neutral Pals sometimes drops wool when assigned to Ranch guess I should make a ranch there yeah it's so fluffy man excuse me sorry I got up Bel uh you no I don't need need that [Music] many 90 arrows hopefully they not expensive oh upgrade the camp uh so I think I got to build some more stuff excuse me I've got to get uh whatever it is that does the tree harvesting the stone pit I can probably build the crusher I don't even know what that is oh my God we got all these things to name now there we go we got n now Jean bald spot okay I need more names more people got to Pat the Derp in [Music] here got uh Bravo [Music] kilo Lisa in here all right I'll bu just we lamble I got to catch more lambl who did I miss earlier Matthew Prince there we go I think those are all the ones we caught that were new oh let's see what we can make over here for our oh nothing eventually we can grab things for our Pals there I think got to get cloth through repair that which means I'm going to need another you know I'm going to make another workbench two primitive workbenches have got to be better than one how I rotate this there we go that was pretty quick when he got three of us we're going or four of us whatever I got to get that glider crafted too no no not a Lambo the last lamb I got mixed up with got me killed [Laughter] oh Rabbid being a cat brutal CU it made me laugh so I made him a cat until we catch a [Music] dog cruel and unusual punishment possibly uh tools for repairing structures used to UND destroy structure to repair them oh I can make a glider now or parachute I guess it is it is multiplayer I'm playing single player right now uh but it is multiplayer I think they been their their servers are probably getting slammed pretty hard today they like within a couple of hours of the game being released today they had sold over a million copies of it or something which is pretty insane I was trying to get into the uh the game to play it earlier when they had like other content creators but I I kind of slept on this one and I didn't I didn't really pay attention to it enough before I saw what it was so I missed out on the chance okay glider's equipped how do I use the glider glider for soor through the air simply made isn't very fast speed 50 stamina drain 20 all right so the stamina is useful they might have other food on me where did it go I eat it all I think I might ate all the food my axe is in rough shape too [Music] fix all my stuff want to play this now it's pretty fun so far actually I've only been playing for a couple hours now but uh it's quite good he had such problems with multiplayer earlier the authentication server went down for an hour yeah anytime you're looking at like a day one launch of something that's an online service particularly something where they've had just like insane amounts of interest in the game like you're going to have problems with the multiplayer server so even if I was going to play multiplayer I probably would have defaulted to single player today just cuz it would have been too crazy otherwise I think uh Stone pit I need more Stone I can said any more wood I guess that makes sense let's go smack a rock she was starving I already died a couple times she was here to collect the souls she'd be well fed already think you mistakely ate all the food uh or drop it at uh while fighting the bird behind the rock oh maybe I might have I thought I had a couple things but I might have dropped it maybe meou is around stealing your fried eggs with Jesse and James sure that's what it is definitely not my incompetence that can't be it oh okay that was Overkill I I overdid that a little bit I meant to meant to capture it but oh [Applause] well forgot to name went after Ashley oh I was uh I was grabbing everybody that was in the chat today as opposed to uh specifically p on but I shouldn't even went after Ashley actually oh I leveled up again uh or no I didn't I got more technology points though is the bat good I wonder Fireball is cool but I got to get a flame organ for that let's go with wooden Home Furnishing set or whatever Tavern set too why not uh oh the crusher I have to make one of those to upgrade my base poison bow wooden Tavern cabinet furniture set nope going to do it okay we need a stone pit I got to put it within range of my base we'll stick it down here and then we're going to need wood for the other one we going to sleep as just be either the horse or the bird that killed you yeah that seems uh that seems appropriate how's the game so far so far so good I'm actually really enjoying it uh all the little pals you can get are very cute they've all got fun little abilities it's really neat that they just run around and do stuff for you at your base so you don't have to spend like crazy amounts of time doing these different activities all the time even though I'm still crafting a ton of arrows here um I've only seen a few Pals so far maybe like what five or six different ones so far I've gotten killed twice already so that's fun but it's more than I was expecting when I saw this game originally I was like oh it's Pokémon with guns and that's what everybody's been saying about it but it's really more like survival crafting with that like creature capturing element that Pokemon has you know that we could put them to work for you and stuff I keep forgetting to summon one when I'm fighting I should bust out the Penguin and get him to use his like ice breath or something SP six hours under super fun yeah it's really good so far I'm I'm shocked it and it has it has really good reviews so far in Steam as well yeah the initial outfit's super cool too so as my hair can't go wrong with the purple hair got the Willam defo face and the purple hair they have different Pals at spawn at night okay I should probably go night hunting I guess then I I'm still in the starting area right now so I'm sure the like the pals that are here are going to be relatively Limited uh I'm curious to see what what other weapon upgrades we'll get access to I'm assuming the bat is probably better than the spear just cuz it's Tire in the tiers but maybe I should unlock that sometimes standing in the right spot for the benches is a little weird uh I think I was going to craft in here we're loaded up on arrows put that away oh I was going to make more of those orbs I need more wood for [Music] that I love the cookie animation too you be Batman finally I'm Batman there's a boss pal that's a ferret and it's super cute oh that's neat I mean so far all the animals have been really cute oops all right my Hunger is getting up there so let's have a little Chow [Music] Down that's good uh we're need some more wood forget don't have access to the axe there good job oh there's 9,999 stone in there I know I know I I ate the eggs it's uh I should have th I should actually make a point of throwing them away wonder if the crusher crushes just stones and ore or if if I could throw eggs in there keep an eye out for a cave okay I haven't gone far so there's lots of to still the the map looks huge in this game if you haven't seen it already this is the uh the starting Island here that we're on now and this is the map I'm assuming there's going to be stuff that's in these other areas that have the fog of War where we haven't found them yet but one of these days are going to make a game with egg cooking and eating skill Tre gross make a box di to the mine oh that's a good idea so they don't have to go so far what's the range like on this uh there you go [Music] they're so happy it's creeping me out okay production oh I don't any more patum fragments dang it uh where's my pickaxe I need to be able to run faster too feel so slow so this here under the waterfall this isn't a cave here is it they going to do the classic hidden waterfall cave no not this time unless oh there is a cave how you crouch there we go oh crap am I supposed to go in here I feel like this is not supposed to be a place I'm in hopefully I can get out of here here now oh boy there we go yeah we found a hidden cave but it was no good frankly frankly that cave sucked every time I see the cat picture with rabbit dogs name to it makes me laugh oh Priceless I love that the vendor stuck in the water over here too are you okay did your inventory change by any CH I can't even interact with you while I'm swimming how about now there we go I got some items in stock there one of them an inflatable boat o schematics what the heck is G oh that's got to be like gold or whatever right uh low grade medical supplies we got high grade medical supplies get high in our own Supply flame organ I could make the bow if I had 100 gold for that know got to do though let's SM normal rocks and get fragments yeah these ones give me the guaranteed ones I [Applause] guess build the crusher by the also oh it is for crushing rocks then okay I figured it probably was but how's the game so far so far is so good it's uh surprisingly entertaining I wasn't really sure what to make of it when I when I first saw it the original trailers I saw were like it was all about oh look you got these Cute Critters got machine guns I was like oh all right I mean that's fun and all but I don't know if that's up my something I'm going to be terribly interested in uh but actually it's uh it's like a little Survival game with crafting and building and pet capturing and exploring and stuff it's pretty good so far I'm still really early in but uh but so far so good and I keep hitting the number buttons trying to hotkey my weapons I really wish that was a thing need to make the big bird that you poked and ate in your face I got to actually catch the Big Bird to name it okay I've got more of those things I can make some more capture orbs these things here pal [Music] spheres oh I CAU a lot of wood cuz I was going to build like the uh the logging site and then I forgot and enslaving you forgot enslaving it's not enslaving they're getting paid in food it's a barter system a little innocent murderer and Mayhem never hurt anyone except maybe the victim okay you're on the way you got to move there we go okay do I have enough for the wood thing nope used to ball the stone and plaum again all right well let's go let's go hunting we need more Pals man I got to figure out how to use this parachute thing too okay that's cool oh except for the whole stamina loss thing guess I should pay attention to that before I jump that is 100% going to murder me at some point What's My Level now level eight think we can take one of those things I got a lot of arrows this time [Music] fire things with the fire stuff oh tree in the way oh my God these are cute it's probably why I'm murdering it Fox Sparks I got the flame organ let's not ask where that what part of the animal that was oh it's only 60% capture on this one ah my P's easier to capture when their hit points are low cannot be captured if you kill them imagine that what do you mean they have to survive fir Fox better stay away from my cookies yeah the tail will keep you warm oh those crit shots oh I killed it oh okay I'm on fire that's probably bad [Music] 80% well I may have killed it but at least I got to pick up some parts hooray any more of these things H Oh wrong button oh well that's all right I want the penguin out anyway I keep forgetting to summon the penguin to fight for me S that thing's really big I swear it's a boss or like a mini boss or something fir foxes are useful well let's see what their deal is pal deck where is the Firefox it is unskilled to controlling fire from the moment it is born and tends to choke on the Flames that it breathes unintentionally oh that's great Fox spk sneezes are one of the leading causes of forest fires they offer kindling leather and Flame organs so I guess they help with cooking sure the habitat for them too all right cooking gritters plus I'm sure they have like a fire based attack of some sort I want to fight these uh level 10 mpaka things but I I would rather not fight multiples of them at once we'll fight that one come on freeze him solid buddy oh that's right just like that oh that was a low capture oh we got it don't be fooled by this Pal's fluffy appearance a Hypersonic kick from one of its Mighty legs may send you flying to the other side of the world Nate redirected here well welcome everyone who might be rating from Nate stream as we uh harassed the lives of these poor cute innocent [Applause] creatures ah it's coming right for us he's so Frozen oh God that was a low capture rate no not the penguin oh God the did he die don't die little guy here you come back in oh I killed it dang it this raid's brought to you by raid oh no [Music] raid I didn't mean to kill that uh crazy alpaca thing want to see what condition my my team is in here how do I other my party actually he's not that bad off it's fine he's less hurt than I thought he was I like that they get Frozen though can you ride at the alpaca thing I don't know check the pal deck it does farming apparently can be ridden yeah can sweet sometimes drops wool when assigned to Ranch okay well we need to get that guy so we can ride it around that's pretty epic I need to find one of the wood harvesting things you're level 9 trying to catch a level 10 it lowers your catch percentage due to yeah that makes sense makes sense I think the one I was shooting was a level 11 but it makes it even worse I guess oh another chest oh jeez uh teally secet attack is highly effective against Fox Parks so I guess that makes sense I is ice Bas what the heck is going oh he's murdering [Applause] everything he was just sound like a murder spree I guess he like defends me automatically there must be a way to like set different parameters for their oh oh jeezus wigging out get your green orbit you have at base uh it'll catch it faster oh for the those big wings yeah I kind of for forgot I had that thing actually look at you damn it C how could you look at all the things you murdered did I open that chest I didn't cck four you can control it oh there we go feed pet oh wait I can pet him oh that's ridiculous emotes command attack aggressively command focus on same enemy there we go arrows low grade medical supplies and coins come on Dam I should actually go back to my base and like uh add the alpaca thing to my team blue balls going to the next level green balls that's right you're a new face don't tell me an outsider not that it matters to me not that you're on this island now that you're on this island why not try and C some Pals you can get some extra exp for capturing up to 10 of the same kind you know you know what they say pal Tamers get stronger the more Pals they capture here take this I've got high hopes for you oh platium fragments all right fine what's this what's this what's this there's magic in the air cway Journal day XX how do I even read those journals woo I've gotten two of those journals but I have no idea where to read them uh let's go with more weight they turned his Fox into a handheld flamethrower oh my God we got to go do that stop shooting yourself little slow on the upkeep there dles get the handle all right hold on I haven't got anything wait are you saying there's a handle here or you saying I need to like craft one or something one day we'll be able to name them I hope what name which you can name them I've named all kinds of mine look I got Stella Zolo denium Beauty Electra ban need to research and craft a harness first for the flamethrower oh I see oh the pal oh that's the pal equipment station I get it I get it wait where was that I got I use that statue to go back home but first we'll uh kill more of these things I mean capture capture jeez too slow a I killed it woo saved him the time I saved your life Fox bucks Dam would have murdered you that have been tragic oh well look at him gu's aggressive nuzlock on this is going to be interesting the Nuzlocke what's the Nuzlocke El what's a Nuzlocke for you oh that is some sort of a boss thing there F travel home okay so Technologies oh there we go Fox Sparks harness harness for holding Fox Sparks activated its partner skill to hold Fox Sparks and attack using a flamethrower so crazy h m Paca saddle oh we want that so we can ride it I'm assuming yep saddle for safely riding the mpaka ooh tunder outfit tropical outfit clothing outfitted for hot climates helps fend off the heat requires a primitive workbench to craft Tundra over for for the cold I assume uh Hot Springs Pals can recover sanity while in the hot springs oh that's where the pal fluids go oh no oh they excuse me they take a bath in the viscous fluids we've extracted from other Pals oh that's so wrong uh sandbags for defenses it's cool let's get this that I'm going to swap the spearo for that thing get the alarm Bell what not we can go fire bow now Burns Pals with fire arrows making them easier to capture requires fire arrow so you actually have to have the fire arrows to shoot those things though is a bit of a shame but all right there's still another pal I haven't caught that unlocks this thing all right that's fun oh I'm hungry apparently need to cook something oh look at this guy sitting on the chest what you doing buddy iing up aung tonight uh somewhere I have other coins I would like to put them all together they have like move up right all quick stack oh okay good so quick stack will take anything in your inventory that's matching what's in the box and just automatically put it in the box right I a [Applause] pl we have some naming to do need to build your Ranch and wood stations yeah I do [Applause] those to BU out shooting innocent creatures like I'll in a second I got to get some more wood to make or no or was it still no was short of for the uh the Wood Station it's probably got enough now yep I have enough Stone now oh man it's big uh we'll put this over here we'll let to put the wood and the stone in the same chest not that I can actually harvest the wood yet cuz I don't have the right kind of pal for it keep having to feed myself eggs it's so gross okay we got we got a lot of lot of Critters in here to name uh wow eight Critters the name who wants oh we got to we got to get Ricky in here it's going be Ricky [Music] confirmed okay we get uh wait this one give be Nate get a little Nate in there oh no wait wait wait that's not right no we can't have that one named Nate we got to name a different one Nate this one could be Joe but Nate was going to be my my servant we're going to ride Nate around Firestorm that seems like an appropriate name for this one okay what about uh me me me me oh cat Dean wait a minute okay rabbit you're off the hook can I name mul of those I can okay where was that other rabbit there we go go this seems like a more appropriate setup here there we go get back to your own species I mean you're not the black and white dog that's the on the uh on that one image for the game but you got three more to [Music] name Dragon seems like a good appropriate one who wants to be a chicken okita Farms look at that you're a chicken congratulations one left we got one more n named the strongest pal you yeah but it's cuz I'm going to ride around on it what's your Critter one of these fire things I don't know this will be Mark there you go Mark okay now I want to change up my team a little bit I think so we've got stealth over here but Stella's not all that Stella for fighting you know we'll pull Stella out of here let's go with we'll throw in the alpaca why is it red level 9 level sync level 10 oh it's pulling the level down okay cuz this thing's actually higher level than me Mr B Spot with super chat so Fox is going to ride Nate bear back interesting oh no Mr mcal spot we're slapping the saddle on that puppy just wait till I mount up we'll give him a surprise so wrong uh unstable suntan lover what's that do 10% decrease to incoming fire damage okay abnormal and Artisan what's the triple thing on here work speed plus 50% abnormal 10% decreased incoming neutral damage okay so uh I actually want to put let's put this uh abnormal one to work here if it's got like faster work speed that's kind of Epic we'll take the suntan lover onto our team oh my God how many pages of oh my God got have pages and pages of these things that's epic oh I have wait I have room for more down here uh let's get the chicken in here hydromaniac hydromaniac same thing get jean in there we go a little bit of variety oh I need more materials for the ranch dang it got to get a wood gatherer what are your stats uh good question I don't know we'll have to take a look Hope Nate joins the stream while you're riding him Nate was here earlier I think he might have gone to bed now no heart feelings to the cat stats no fighting yeah the cats are not really the best for fighting it seems oh [Music] boy I do need more pet Peds yeah I got short one now I'll let them do that while I'm building a peped they're such good workers completed we're almost up to level seven for the base now which is what we had to get to oh the Sanity on the sheep is like what's say sanity 100% why did this showing War for the progress bar is that the work they're doing right now not get the murder bird you for got Ashley that thing just happened to fly in there it's not there all the time yeah the Sheep is shaking its fuzzy tail at me it's kind of creeping me out a little bit oh I need more fragments give to me the fragments maybe they can become over sane they it be up extra sane not just not just your average insane I don't think that Lumber thing is going to craft until I have a lumber working Critter sort of problematic uh this is early access just came out today on uh PC and Xbox so you can get it on steam or the uh Game Pass for PC or on the Xbox I guess you can just buy the game outright probably on Xbox to but if you're going to do that you might as well just got Game Pass yeah this oh no he's working on it okay I didn't think they were going to build it what ises this Crusher do oh I can make plum fragments in here I'm going about this the hard way all to two St you are a slow worker catless I you you know I probably use the stone to craft this thing that's fine whatever it's fine shouldn't shouldn't mock his uh his his work before I really know what's up of STS how was the wood just sitting [Music] there okay Fox Mark's harness make a flamethrower baby stay up late need bat oh bats fly around at night I guess it makes sense night bamara the fiber production of the crusher comes in handy okay you do feed the worker Pals yeah there's like a uh feeding trough kind of thing over there that I've been putting berries in they've been eating from mission complete power box upgrade available score yeah the game's at like 10% off right now I guess like a day one sale or whatever I don't know how long that sale last for but it's been uh it's been good so far I mean it's always going to be to some degree relevant to like what kind of stuff you like but but uh base upgrade boom level seven build a Hot Springs Build A Primitive furnace build Berry Plantation too need a second ber Plantation I wonder what they did with the uh oh I need a lot more stuff wood in particular oh okay they've been storing the berries in here I guess that that makes that makes sense no point putting them anywhere else I guess um 10 wood that is not enough to do what I need to do so the hot springs I don't even have unlocked yet it's down here takes two points [Applause] um insufficient materials I got to have four this time I've only got one let's teleport back down bottom and then we can uh nope not there uh how do I teleport again fast travel there we go we'll go back down here was your oldest or youngest uh losing their mind last night oh it was my younger one she I mean my older one got involved too but it was just great all around honestly um where does the saddle go oh you know what I didn't pick it up did [Music] I it was just a fun night in general last night let me tell you fox spks harness oh there we go um do I have to put it anywhere I guess I don't all right I just I just have to have it it's called Huggy [Laughter] fire that is ridiculous ah get cooked ah what do I need a harness for if I'm just GNA hold it like this anyway look at that face with the flamethrower that's epic it's too crazy oh you can quickfire I thought I had to aim and draw at least it comes out of the front side yeah that too that's uh that is a very that a very big positive just some of the malpa [Music] so how do I come back here I got need to ride you how do I ride my mpet oh I got a I see I see oh my God I'm riding Nate go night Sheriff go I'm assuming I can ride him pretty much indefinitely let music up the stamina here sounds very wrong to say whoa I can spit while I'm riding him stamina's a problem though oh God oh [Applause] God so we got fluffy tackle I was using the air cannon I need I need to go for the fluffy tackle I think what they're doing there boom smoked them oh no oh that was all right sorry that was incidental damage it was my bad oh God [Laughter] oh maybe he's not the best battle pet I I don't know he didn't die did he it was it was just me that died right hopefully the heck is that that it's Puff the Magic Dragon over here it's got a crown dinos suome level 14 that is kind of cool looking okay where do they my body now it just occurred to me I don't have my I don't have my parachute on me I was going to float down to my body and I just realized I don't have a parachute see what happens you rely on naed battle Yeah I hope he didn't die did he oh he's all right what's that noise what the all hold on I need my equipment first then we got to go attack that thing that's a rare pal that's what that is uh take it all come back grenade a wrong button again okay we're going to go uh Dam no Dam we got to get the rock the fox Sparks got him you won't run away now it's not too [Applause] quickly ow that one hurt just got to watch that fox that D doesn't kill him oh no come on it was a rare one [Applause] oh it's hot that's weird oh I'm hot what what's going on here I'm on fire I'm on fire I do have to get in the habit of pressing E when they get low on hit points that was a missed opportunity right there I wonder what's different about the rare ones that's a shame is there I got to make some medicine precious Pelt fluffy fur collected from Pals can be sold to Merchant for a high price ancient civilization Parts debris excavated from the ancient ruins contains abundant information on lost technology extremely valuable people from all walks of life are seeking such crystals it's says spark plug all right congrats on killing a special one thanks M fry dang it mistakes might have been made snagged him just in time I really do have to get used to unsummon him oh he just killed that one outright that was [Music] crazy damn it you're vicious man that penguin is epic don't be a bed spark plug for the win I don't even know what to do with them do I just take it to the merchant and sell [Applause] it or is there actually like crafting I can do with it or something see like it still tried to catch it it doesn't went away well the bodies don't go away when you kill them they just lay there they I think they despawn eventually but you can kick them around and everything yeah there's a Wandering Merchant in the water right by my base I did read it I mean it says can be sold to the merchant for a high price but does it not have any other any other uses is it literally just stuff to cell incubator needs them to craft probably had to keep the spark pluggy stuff yeah why is the shinies down so ring cuz the body still laying over there you can't catch them when they're already dead though come on Nate I got to m up elephant oh you got just run them over look how chicken I'm coming through a I wasn't wasn't running anymore I guess I should probably get the 10 I need of these uh sheep things oops this mount put him away ah oh I didn't make the bat yet I got to make the bat still too oh [Music] no [Music] two more we got a free coffee Dragon things for lumber this that guy up there the like the 13 whatever it was level 13 I'm out of [Music] orbs you have unus stat points run that chicken over ah take that chicken deer for lumber two okay I wonder if enemies can come through the water there's that Merchant in the water over there uh wonder if yeah I wonder if enemies can come through the water so like if I have to set up defenses I could just like defend the bridge let's see I'm going to try selling this fur thing and see what it's worth that dark spot on the cliff is a dungeon dark spot on the cliff right now talk bye no sell dang it I'm still talking to the vendor you little jerk 500 gold for that thing sell it does sell for a lot oh my God the chicken's just kicking my butt in the water here oh he died the chicken killed himself oh my God I didn't occur to me that he could attack me while I was talking to the vendor that's epic then he got all water logged nobody likes too much water in their chicken makes it look more plump in the store but it's definitely not better quality dark spot was where you were collecting the Lambs oh okay hold on I got the thing telling me to challenge the boss but I don't really have my equipment really upgraded yet I'm going to assume the boss is too tough for me just yet so need has has low stamina but High spit apparently sounds like a classic Nate trait really hard at work seems to be a good worker apparently for that uh Firefox thing although I I have no idea where it is that it's doing its work it's probably sleeping yeah it's just hanging out hard at work just standing there good job way to like work or [Applause] something could you get out of the way you're kind kind of in the way thank you yeah hi big guy all right I want to make uh I like the idea of the fireball but I'm going to go and make the bat for now curious what the damage is like on this thing it's got to be better than the spear CU it was higher up in the in the research tree but can't handle the Wild Ones yet and the mission one is uh way out of League found that myself the hard way oh those level 30 some odd things is that what you're talking about I guess I got to level up a bunch okay so the bat attack 50 versus attack 35 for the spear so that's an improvement uh I got to repair my stuff [Music] here apparently using the flamethrower you can burn down your base really that's cool I kind of want to do that now let's do it on purpose and we'll call it an accident I need to get some bigger storage boxes these things just are not going to cut it look like I destroy these things somehow oh hey Timber how you doing here buddy oh actually let's go talk to that Merchant and see what we can buy for [Music] ah my God I am muted dang it yeah I had two benches but I uh I wanted to stop the production because uh I didn't want to use up all the materials I needed to craft the Spheres making arrows uh although I do need more arrows cuz I've only got 25 left I don't know how long I was muted for I had to cough oh I am hungry it's all right we got we got food cook those eggs they don't really give a ton of nutrition oh my God cat you driving me baddy or caddy I guess hold on one [Music] second muted and Ste no balls they're crafting them relax uh my pals are hungry wait who's hungry I've got food in here for them but do they not maybe they don't all eat berries maybe some of them need [Applause] meat probably I guess probably the fox ones probably need meat [Applause] right was that a Firefox yeah I got a couple of those [Applause] okay Timber you're like right in my face buddy say hi to Timber everybody seems appropriate for him to be on a stream like this oh try to move him down here Into the Dead Space we got to cook the berries for them uh uh I don't know I don't think so they were eating them before when I put them in there I don't know I guess it it must show the type of food they eat right maybe not oh you know what maybe it's CU they're on my te the ones that are on my team they don't get fed oh I just fed them an egg that was weird yeah okay so maybe if they're on my team they don't get fed because cuz they won't eat from the [Music] trough not actually here like unlike the ones that are like assigned to the base yeah I get it now this is Timber if you haven't seen him before they eat everything but uh cook food gives them sanity back oh does it all right I didn't know that Barry M barries we'll get the we'll got our little Firefox working there to cook all those things up did I beat Timber and catch him at a ball too no he just showed up one day if I recall correctly my wife and I were having a conversation where she said she wanted a cat I was like we really don't need a cat I really don't want pet hair all over the house there's no way we're getting a cat so now we have Timber same conversation happened with our dog and then we got our first dog and then the same conversation happened with our second cat and then we got a second cat and then I absolutely put my f the foot down when my wife wanted a second dog I was like absolutely not our house can't accommodate it it's more expensive we got enough par pet hair already it's too much so we went ahead and got a second dog uh wait work speed defense attack I wonder if I should crank my attack up a bit does really go up all that much does it so why to keep arguing with the wife just taking all the animals I got to put up some level of resistance you kidding do you know how many animals we'd have in our house right now if I just said yes every time oh my God it'd be insane it would be like living in a farm yeah and two kids oh cool look it's put everything fire on the on the fire which is weirdly additive I guess okay I need um I think I need more wood to make more arrows the quick stacking is nice but it would be kind of nice if you could just like Auto deposit into any of the boxes that are within range oh I get chop okay okay I thought it actually had to be one of the pets that worked this thing but I I didn't realize I could come over and Chop on it myself that's cool only get like one wood out of it but such a good we Fox yeah yeah we we okay it would be a zoo I guess not quite not quite a farm I have the same conversation about the moose horse sheep cows beavers couldn't fit a moose in our house some those other things maybe they wouldn't be comfortable and neither would we the moose get to be awfully big been asking for cows for years cuz you want to raise and breed cows to put you your own meat oh yeah yeah we had uh I lived on a farm when I was younger and we had cattle for that we always had fresh meat in the freezer it was nice well I mean frozen meat I guess not fresh but you know what I mean we knew where we knew where it came from getting all e i e IO is that what happened Brandin first K boss the deer thing okay somebody was saying that there was a cave as soon as I get some more arrows we going take a look I haven't tried the crusher yet no so what do I use in the crusher I know I can put rocks in there can I also put like wood in there to get fiber or something yeah fiber collect from trees material use when creating whatever whatever that's cool how many rocks have I got in here 12 they're kind of slow working oh they're putting wood in here too just cuz the box is near the wood thing okay [Music] arrows do I want 18 of them maybe not let's get that work we'll go talk to the the merchant over here I love that this Merchant's stuck here the wandering Merchant can't really wander cuz they're stuck in the water they're like a permanent Merchant now jump off the cliff where the Lambs were turn around for cave okay hold on got to remember where where that was I've got some good items in stock uh by okay log your headband schematic witch hat schematic farming hat schematic bowler hat too too cap I wish I could see what that looked like gumas cap ping cap kind of want the witch hat one when an inv unlocks a recipe for witch hat uncommon can be crafted at the Primitive workbench is that a watering Merchant well they're definitely enjoying the water so maybe okay so I have this let's go craft the uh the witch hat oh my God just get out of the water o I want to get this guy too he's level 14 let's see I wonder if he's susceptible to flamethrower let's get him with the Huggy fire oh my God that's vicious oh my God I feel bad sort of holy sort of oh that's going to be a low catch chance let's get a bow out here [Applause] already yeah I may not catch this guy he's pretty high level compared to me even with me wearing his health down got him Dome a pal the once anger cannot be pacified it rages on and on like Inferno the phrase step on the dome's tail has come to mean enraging someone okay that a big fancy when I got there let's see o ether deer that's funny Nightwing must have been that bird I shot here he is he's a dragon does planting oh lumbering nice level two we got to put that thing to work at the base Who Wants To Be A Dragon we got to name a dragon maybe we name that one Jess I don't think we've Nam done after Jess yet oh let's see this one could be J Stewart if I can manage to reach around my cat to actually type my God there we go confirm oh I can ride it I can get a dinos something saddle and ride this sucker Botanical smash wind cutter veil of Darkness 10% increased damage uh to dark attack damage okay and I got a spot for it already so blam it's so big give bit a straw bed back here there we go it's so fluffy catch the human the human's a traitor though so if I if I catch them as will they still be a Trader or can I still trade with them feel like that would be bad if I couldn't oh we got another lamb we going to name too uh who wants to be a Lambo here my little one loves foxes that's awesome thanks Peggy chibi this is going to be brand win there we go uh we got another one to [Music] name too many names Kristen Dempsey oops Timber you're making it really hard for me to type buddy I can like reach all the way around him typically just my left hand doesn't work very good AER Jessica um I don't think I think all my foxes are currently named but I can name a chicken Jessica chick let's I need to catch some more foxes so if I get another one I can rename it Jessica I think they're all named now why don't you go out at night and find the Purple Dream thing then name them after me m all right Purple Dream thing you say night time you you say Purple Dream thing you say there's another one of those dragons down there I know thought I saw another one of those green dragon things so wherever you say in this um this cave is supposed to be at said it was by the where I caught the Sheep is it over here oh cat Dean slacking off where to go cat Dean oh I found a chest coins arrows and small pal Souls too far was uh after the first jump down oh okay between this and Lego fortnite which one's more replayable I'm I'm going to guess this one's got more Replay in it what is that ether deer it's only level 9 we can get it we can get it oh there's a whole bunch of them down here thought it was special for a second that's not very special um let's bust out our penguin cuz he's awesome just got to remember to put him away quick enough oh in your face I don't know what his attack is oh okay he charges I should have known I killed him too quick dang it that's some eor venison it's nice that the penguin freezes stuff but he's vicious [Music] only 46% chance to catch him oh couldn't tell that only one was fighting me or not I guess he is I got to get some healing stuff made oh as I die dang it was that the fourth time I've died God dang Force God is angry he definitely was he didn't like me very much or get hit less I guess there's that too that might help also but I feel like having some healing for when I do get hit would be handy I guess I didn't unlock the recipe that lets me heal myself did I where are we here or is that a purchased item no there's got to be it got to be able to craft it at some point right have 13 points available let's get the uh hot spring cuz I need that for an upgrade the Primitive furnace three shot bow bow the fires three arrows simultaneously only consumes one Arrow per shot feathered hair band high quality workbench metal pickaxe metal axxe necessary for building various facilities can be made with primitive workbench that oh shoot I don't have the plans in my inventory I can't make that hat I wanted oh I forgot I didn't have my umbrella not my umbrella my parachute thing blast so you're saying the cave is it is it in there you said it was like the first jump down and if I turn around it was like there was a cave right there big bird was back down the hill I don't know if I can handle the Big Bird getting my butt kicked by stuff here oh these things are fighting over here where's my bow oh my God the deer is like punting the chicken come on get him yeah yeah chickens were still trying to kill that thing oh my Lord really 93% capture rate and I can't get the thing there we go h oh saved him just in [Music] time them chickens is foul assistance they're a little foul yeah hot springs The Souls of Pals kind of gross [Applause] actually when they resign this game did they just have a meeting and say yes to everything maybe I don't know everything that I've seen in the game so far has done quite well Jess is slacking off where's this cave people are talking about keep missing it is it it's not marked on the map is it shoot the big green thing that thing's level 30 something I'm I'm only level like [Applause] nine I've been doing a pretty good job of dying already without uh without doing that You' been slacking off all right ooh there's an egg over here what are you a verant egg build an egg inator well that might take a bit go turn around follow the dirt path up the caves on the right okay hold on let's get our alpaca friend out here come on Nate we got to go for a ride I have a saddle but it doesn't appear that I'm using it Mak big pink floppy thing is like waging out from my backside award upgrade top Fox with that tree what what you talking about pass it why can I not see this cave I swear to God I'm blind you said it was on the right side right is it behind the waterfall or something oh wait is it no is it in here the tree back there is an upgrade tree next to where you looted the egg has pickups on it [Music] oh does that tree despawn or can I go back there at any time I don't have an incubator I can't hatch the egg yet I don't even have the incubator unlocked I don't understand the cave you're talking about I clearly can't see it I'm blind the cave is a lie yeah no the other way not that way this way that way that way what way I'm going to go get that tree thing whatever that is about so that glowy tree there huh H oh it's got like sparkly fruit things ice skill fruit and whatever that is grass skill fruit electric skill fruit use on a palal to teach it Iceberg oh hold on I've got an ice pal here buddy how do I use this fruit on him oh I can just do it right here I didn't even need to I'm smir new skill Iceberg okay what does iceberg [Music] [Music] do summons a sharp ice Lance under an enemy me wow it's strong too holy dude's going to be a beast what are those he can make snow cones a tant oh my God just flat out obliterated him how could you you okay you know we better put him away and we save him for the big fights oh good I got more pal fluids yum one of those T in things oops Overkill they're only level one so I'm kind of like I got to be a little careful about how I shoot him what are these things too toos oh God they're immediately violent maybe because they saw me kill that tant okay I Choose You Iceberg blasting what the oh God they blew up no jeez those are ridiculous I scared the cat away [Music] come on yeah suck [Music] it too too feather they dropped gunpowder those things all right catch him down he didn't like uh how loud I got he prefers it to be quiet and peaceful around here oh my God those guys blew up your base oh I could see that that is brutal very cool though like a castle down here okay we need to change up to our little alpaca friend again a ho sheriffo it's nice that I can have the torcho while I'm running be nicer if I hadn't fall in there more tense uh I've got no more of the uh little capture eggs though [Music] I can see my house yeah I named this one [Laughter] Nate what is that purple thing a Daydream I got to make some orbs I got going try and catch that thing hook crates or is it hres maybe it's a very philosophical owl it's the most useful Nate [Laughter] yet yeah night pal time I there's a whole bunch of them there kind of wish Nate had better stamina not going to lie that's noted awkward like recipe I need more of [Music] these they're wearing witch hats I can craft a witch hat actually I should make one yeah it is early access so the Early Access period started today it's available on both PC and the Xbox uh if you have Xbox game pass it's um on both the PC version and the uh the console version and that's available on Steam if you want it on on uh computer as well uh it seems like the the patch updates for Xbox are trailing a little bit behind the PC version which is not uncommon so um crossplatform plays not working right now although apparently it's supposed to but it is early access imine A's pink thing wagon and now talk about his stamina yeah what can I say fox cooked a whole bunch of berries oh yeah I meant to put those back in the uh in the feeding thing for them acquire those stick them in here so my people stop starving wonder how they prioritize what they eat quick slot I need more storage well it's convenient this guy walked in here let's batter up a jerk this un summon him ow there we go often lost in thought and sometimes finds it difficult to sleep I think therefore I am it is [Laughter] hres that's too funny I love a game with a good sense of [Music] humor jeez stay in the stupid orb [Music] yeah made me waste him okay let's go find some of these other [Music] things He's listed under so Socrates at Old Socrates hooray I got a Venom gland uh it puts those it's interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes them that's dark all right hookes Get Wrecked jeez would you get in the orb and stay there God name it micro Tyrant okay that's uh the Daydream thing [Applause] get the orb CH for the Super Chat why did the pony have a cough because it was a little horse or aird thanks Jess appreciate the Super Chat and the bad joke there might be a little jerk oh I killed him I thought I could weaken it just a little bit more apparently not how many orbs have I got left four four orbs left any Pals the point a lot uh I've got a a deer type thing that's got some pretty pointy antlers reminds me I got to I got to name some things again oh God it's got like a super orb I'm out of arrows batter up a oh missed don't do it don't do it yeah we got him [Music] they don't want to stay in orbs cuz they fear I'll ride them like [Laughter] Nate awkward I even like the glider thing can you be the kamakazi [Laughter] chicken yes yes you can be the kamakazi chicken hold on let's go back we'll name some stuff see what else other things can do okay we got a whole bunch of junk here uh so this one needs to be micro Tyrant there we go this one could be Joseph he's very pointy Stella brand Jessica oh right uh who wanted to be the the explody bird real [Music] boogeyman okay explody chickens named we got another E we're going to name I spent a lot of time naming stuff this will be a bmara need more chickens I have a lamble I'm content yeah with an oh miss spell something looking for typing dare you takee things oh my God we're getting so many of these things I'm going to run out this going to run out names for the brown chicken brown cow brown chicken brown cow hold on a second here I got to name it uh let's name this one um um sneaky gamer what else have we got here [Music] tant Ranch would produce things uh I think yeah I've got to put the ranch down I I kept like getting distracted by the things I don't care if you use my name just make it unassuming totally not a psycho yeah there we go that t is totally not a psycho different L of wles let's get gleaming in here as a uh a hooker oh my God there's so many Critters oh that def's A Healer oh is it oh that's micr tant another hookes a who wants to be in here that isn't already in here I've got so many of these things already mag Nate looks like he could use a berry oh I might have to feed him Let's see we got uh I 757 wits do to name Ashley somebody said earlier that I should name her the giant bird thing that killed me early on pgy mcnight there we go one more John P we haven't got John in here yet there we go I think that's all the critters right now too good all right it's uh it's almost 12:30 my time I think I'm going to crash for tonight uh it's been fun I definitely want to play more of this I want to catch more of the critters and build more stuff unlock more things oh wait I want to make a witch hat before we go supposedly I can make it here yeah there it is I need 10 cloth and three ingots well we're not making that witch hat today I don't have the smelter made yet cool anyway this is po world uh if you haven't uh if you've been living under a rock and you haven't seen any of it yet so far uh it is out today in Early Access you can get it on both PC and on uh on Xbox thanks everyone for coming to hang out tonight really appreciate the super chats and everything I'll probably wind up playing this again tomorrow cuz I had fun with it tonight uh and I may actually have some time for a daytime stream tomorrow as well I want to play some timberborn I was going to play that last night and then family stuff came up and I couldn't play it had to cancel the stream um but if I could fit that in tomorrow I will I'll do that too but uh thanks so much everyone I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 13,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, palworld, lets play palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld first look, palworld ep 1, palworld part 1, pokemon, ark, survival game, pokemon with guns, palworld live stream, palworld PC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 18sec (12318 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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