Why Rich Rebuilds Is Opening A Tesla Repair Shop

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The genesis of Electrified Garage was such that a lot of people started reaching out to me because of the YouTube channel. People that want to get issues resolved with their Teslas. And at the time, Tesla was super busy, they didn't have time to get people in for appointments. When many owners try to schedule a service appointment, the service centers are stretched thin and appointments could be weeks out before a car gets in for service. So they started reaching out to me and saying, 'hey Tesla is too busy to take a look at this,' or 'I own a savaged vehicle can you take a look at my electric vehicle?' So this is a personal car that I'm working on. This is my car and this was in a side collision. My name's Rich and I run a YouTube channel called Rich Rebuilds. Hey guys, Rich with Rich Rebuilds here and today I'm going to tell you all what's wrong with my salvaged flooded Tesla Model S. The reason why I start my YouTube channel was to kind of demystify Teslas in general. So I purchased the Tesla Model S a few years ago and I started taking it apart to see if I could actually put it back together. Main screen, the door handles are presenting. This is off to a good start. This car really has a special place in my heart because this is the first one that I rebuilt. This is Dolores my first completed flood Tesla project. If you guys haven't heard the story on this as yet, I found a Tesla that was in a salt water flood and spent six months merging two cars together to bring this one back to life. At the time there was a lot of mystery around the cars. Tesla wasn't really sharing much information about them in terms of what's inside of them and how they worked. So I figured to myself, people may actually be interested in this. So as I started tearing into the car more and more, I started taking detailed photos of things, detailed videos. This blue connector goes back in the door. And just kind of took off from there. I recently had a subscriber reach out to me. He reached out to me and said, 'Hey Car Guru, I need help. I need to install additional seating in my Tesla Model S and a service center local to me will not do it for me. Can you help me?' I said absolutely. The channel has been gaining an insane amount of traction. Thank you. Since then I've gained a small cult-like following. Someone printed my face on a hundred dollar bill. This is the wall clock someone made for me. Someone sent me that poster of Elon Musk over there. It's a life sized. See that long like weird paper thing? Yeah. There we go. So after the YouTube channel started gaining more and more traction, I reached out to my friend Chris and Chris and I just said to ourselves we got to start something. This is a huge market here. Let's help people out as much as we can. I know how to rebuild a car. Chris has the parts to do it and he has the contacts to actually reach out to those people to get the things that we need. And let's just do something. Chris was like, 'you know I could run with this.' You know he's he's built shops before from the ground up. I started with Tesla in January of 2013 and at the time I was looking for something new. I was looking to get away from a desk job and get back to working with my hands and working on cars. So about four and a half years in, I was part of one of the restructurings that happened at Tesla. And at that point, I decided, well you know, I can go and find another job and not necessarily be happy or I can do what I've been thinking about for a while which was to start Ev Tuning and do my own thing and be my own boss. Ev Tuning is more of an online presence. It's a place to go and order parts where you as a DIY person can install them yourself. Either repair your own door handle, install your own center console, vinyl wrap or, you know, order a set of wheels and tires and we can ship them to your house and you can install them yourself. Where Electrified Garage comes into play is for that person that doesn't have mechanical ability or frankly doesn't have the time or the aptitude to do so. We're in a startup scrappy phase at this moment. We're just like Amazon or Google or any other startup company that started in a garage. You know, we're literally in a two car garage right now and the Electrified Garage is gonna be built adjacent to that in a larger space. So over there is gonna be the HVAC. Yup. The wheel and tire machines are gonna go over in this corner here. The alignment machine will be going in this bay on this side. There'll be another lift on this side and then in the front will be an area just to work on the car if it doesn't need to be jacked up. Seventy percent of what you do with a Tesla doesn't need to be up in the air. It's mostly stuff inside the car. Hey Rich. Hey, how's it going? How you doing man? How have you been? Great, good to see you. Good to see you too. What's she in here for today? Well I gotta tell you, I think I'm having a problem with this. I believe it's this sensor. OK. It's not quite picking it up when I'm parking and I just wanted to have you guys take a look at it. Sure we'll take a look at it. No problem Super. Thanks man. I had a really well known problem with door handles presenting and not. And these guys had put together a door handle assemblies that used better quality parts, if you will, than what the manufacturer was offering at the time. And had replacements done with that. And I had a one of the sensor units had gone awry and they had taken care of those things for me. We pretty much have been booked every Saturday for over a year now. With appointments for customers to come in from anything from getting their breaks replaced, to a door handle fixed, or winter wheels and tires put on their car, dash camera installs. Right now it's just. Yup, just the two of us. Just us. And we both actually have full time jobs too so this is really a, it's really a struggle at times. There really is no Tesla presence up north and here's the oasis of Teslatude a mere 40 miles away. So the facility that we're building now that's next to EV Tuning is actually in a residential area. But Seabrook as a town is kind of unique in that they allow other businesses to open and operate in a residential area. So it's kind of like a mixed commercial and residential. There's actually three other garages within a mile of where we are that all operate out of essentially their house. Electric vehicles don't make any noise. They don't make any smells. You know it's not like a traditional garage where you're gonna hear all kinds of loud banging and that kind of stuff. For all intensive purposes, we probably could have said nothing and nobody would have even known that we were here. I think the Tesla struggles as far as being able to service cars in a timely manner for a couple of reasons. The biggest one is obviously it costs a lot of money to open service centers. You have to buy or outfit an existing location. You need to hire employees and train them. And so that makes it difficult to do that quickly. And there's so many other aspects of the company that need to be ramped up at the same time. That's not necessarily an area that you can focus on. Tesla has tried to stem some of that by offering ranger service or mobile service, as they call it now. Where it's basically a technician in a van that has parts and tools and they go to your house and fix stuff. But still, even at that, there's only two service centers in New England and they're both close to Boston. So if you're in Maine, Vermont or New Hampshire your choice is drive three or four hours for work to be done in your car or somebody has to come to you. You can easily be three, four or five weeks out in some instances in order to get your car in for service. We're hoping that the demand is really strong and we're hoping to grow this into more of a franchise type business and almost work alongside Tesla to actually repair a lot of their vehicles as well. Because at this point they need all the help they can get. We haven't. I haven't at least no. No I haven't. Yeah. They kind of. They tend to stay away from us. Usually when anything comes out they kind of say well what they're doing is, kind of their own thing and then they're giving us too much attention so. I personally like him. I think he's a brilliant guy. Super smart. Driven. He's fostered a great company. He has his issues of course but I think he's a genius. Yes. There's no doubt about it. I would agree as a whole, I think he wants to do the right thing and he's definitely pushing the rest of the industry to do the right thing as well. A lot of people are super excited to get these brand new cars and when they do there is a minor issue with it, it takes you a month or two to get back into the system to get the car repaired and kind of leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. So our goal was to say to ourselves, you know what how can we build something to help this company? And that's what we're trying to do.
Channel: CNBC
Views: 2,473,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNBC, business news, finance stock, stock market, news channel, news station, breaking news, us news, world news, cable, cable news, finance news, money, money tips, financial news, Stock market news, stocks, rich rebuilds, rich rebuilds tesla, Can you drown a Tesla motor?, elon musk, elon musk tesla, what tesla knows about you, tesla stock, tesla model 3, tesla model x, tesla model s, tesla roadster
Id: m3vhtI7tTPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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