I Finally Got a Tesla and It Scares the Crap Out of Me

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rev up your engines all right finally I got my hands on a Tesla real guy bought it with all the incentives he paid $43,000 It's Kind of a Funny Story because he's young and he had bad credit and his previous car was a Sonata with his bad credit stuff it cost him 60 Grand so this was a lot cheaper than his previous car and this is a dual motor model 3 extended range but I can't comment on the extended range cuz the furthest he's gone it's about 60 miles last year and this year especially Tesla dropped their prices a bunch cuz they're trying to sell the things they realize there's only so many millionaires out there better than during Corona virus when they were going for way over list price and used ones are going for more than new ones those days are long gone you know about electric cars tires are expensive they wear out faster and check this out look it's got 6,000 Mi and the tires are already worn out the tires on a Tesla especially a dual motor one they are going to wear out three times faster than in a normal car because the giant batteries hit it under here with the battery in the car they weigh a lot and there's two things going against the tires one the more a vehicle weighs guess what the faster the tires wear out but number two being an electric car they have phenomenal torque him being young and driving like a maniac like he says you're going to wait tires out faster he just got the speed upgrade but he had to pay for it a lot of people don't like that he had to pay two grand so he could ask us what was already in the car right it goes much faster it used to go 0 to 60 and 4.2 seconds and now it goes 0 to 60 and 3.6 that's quite a bit faster I mean they're very fast cars I just don't like the idea that he bought the car and he had to pay extra money to make it go as fast as it could go it wasn't like oh well okay they modified the car and if it was a gasoline engine maybe they put a turbo one or rebuilt the engine or put bigger fuel injectors no it's all software it's already in the car and you got to pay two grand more taxes it and I think that stinks myself and it's a raw deal right now let's look at the fit and finish okay you can see it's a little wider in the bottom than at the top it's not outrageous like some of the early ones were see it's thinner here it's a little wider here but the back one it's pretty even unlike the older ones they seem to be doing a better quality job putting them together I'll say that so let's take a look inside now one thing I don't like as a mechanic is this if you go behind this panel between the back seats you pull it off then there's a connector there you unplug the connector and then even I have to have an adapter for my fancy scan tool I have them but then again I'm a mechanic with a $5,000 scan tool and all the stinking adapters that come with it but it kind of aggravates me that I work on these things I got to take that apart then I got to turn the car off then I got to let it sleep for 15 minutes then I unplug it then I got to plug my scan tool in and then activate it that way why on Earth he made them like that it's stupid now you can say oh it's cheapness well not really it's still got it in there but you have to access it with an adapter why didn't they make them all with OBD plugs is beyond me well I can tell you the truth it's cuz he doesn't have to by law electric cars are not covered under the law that all gasoline petroleum cars have to have OBD2 plugs they were originally instituted for anti-pollution reasons and since they say well it's electric car doesn't pollute right I mean you can argue that the electricity comes from somewhere but the car itself yes does not pollute by law they didn't have to pull one in so they did I mean we look around the seats are nice here's a giant screen that does everything right and in front of you it's nothing kind of looks like little uh fake wood paneling we used to have in sellers in the 1960s so you looking there but all your information is over here it's disconcerting for a lot of drivers I do have to say when I tested out that electric Volvo a few months ago I really liked it because it was more like a car and it had all the instrument panels here and even had a cool gearshift knob that was made out of European Crystal you know so I got to say for traditionalist you just feel weird driving looking at nothing and then all the information is over here now it doesn't obstruct your field of vision like some of the Toyota screens do that actually incurs into the glass but at the same time when you're looking ahead you got to look over here to see stuff and touch them to me yeah that's kind of counterintuitive I don't know and of course it's going to have electric parking brakes cuz everything on this car is electric the only thing we got here is a brake pedal and a gas pedal and of course it's got all the crazy link profiles and stuff you can put it in he's using the front for his backpack now not all that much space that's usable unless you happen to have something that's bizarre shape you know it's only using electricity creating electricity yeah that's probably polluting it somewhere else but the car it's self isn't doing anything you don't have to worry about it throwing anything out the only thing that these put more pollution out ISRO particles from the tires when you're driving on a road rubber micro particles go around and now they're finding out that a lot of these rubber micro particles and they have plastic in them too are one of the main contributors of water pollution most people never think about it but okay you're driving down the road do you ever notice how the roads are slightly graded sometimes you let go your steering wheel it'll pull to the right or the left depending how the drainage is well all those micro particles of rubber and plastic the rain carries them down the drain into the river streams and ultimately into the ocean so they are polluting more because they got big tires that wear out faster and all that little tiny pieces of rubber that you can't really see cuz they're micro they end up in the water supply so it's not like they're not doing anything at all they're not doing anything to the air but they're kind of messing with the water backup camera is phenomenal check it out she warns you the side stuff you hear that little worrying sound that's the Tesla Noise by law they have to make noise so people can hear them cuz other than that now that we're going faster the only thing you hear are the tires going down the road as you can see this has a conventional steering wheel nice small size but a real wheel it's not a yolk now here we go to our little drag strip we're going to go up to the top of the hill then we're going to stop off we're going to take off full speed so ready we're coming to the drug strip we're stopping and we'll see how fast this thing can go go Whoa man this thing is fast let me tell you it threw me back in the sea and it really does go let's say you're cruising and then you want to pass people look at that woo there all the xorn stocks this thing can fly there's no arguing at and a top it off it's fast quiet speed it's not making any noise even with these worn out tires that he bought cuz he liked the rim he's going to put his other tires on when he gets a chance and let's accelerate wow man this thing is like a rocket ship there's no arguing that it's a good thing they didn't exist when I was young cuz if they did I would no longer be here making videos for you I would be six feet under from flying in the air and Landing somewhere upside down the only thing you're going to hear it's a turn signal that's it pilot now not the advanced one but I got to say it looks cool now we can see what's on the right hand side so we don't hit anything and it's warning there's a person next to us when the light turns green it's supposed to ding they dinged stop sign to warn you in case you are looking at the screen and not the road it also has a 16 speaker sound system that's killer but I can't play anything because of copyright reasons he's not driving cross country and stuff and where his girlfriend works they have a free Tesla charger so when she goes she can plug it in and get it charged for free now when it comes to charging if you buy a supercharger he said pretty much around 40 45 minutes It'll fully charge the vehicle now if you're in a bad situation where you got to plug it into a house at 110 well what it did that once it estimated a little over 24 hours to charge it up but he charges it at night 12 hours where he is and since he's only going 60 miles there's no problem he could do that indefinitely the fit and finish is much better than the earlier ones are can argue about that he didn't like the original rims so he got fancy rims I agree with them it looks a lot better with these rims yes I'd be kind of pissed if I had to pay two grand to get more speed out of it vehicle and it wasn't like oh well he paid it and they reprogrammed it no it was already all there even the programming he just had to pay to be able to access it I think that's a raw deal myself but all things considered he paid like 45 Grand for this thing so his monthly payment is 600 you know to me of course I'm a cheap skate when I bought my house in Houston my house that I lived in the monthly payments were 550 for the whole house right and he's not not living in this thing right but for today's economy I see people that are paying a th000 bucks a month right and he's buying it he's not leasing it he's going to own the thing so it's his and since he's not putting all that many miles on it hey it might last him quite some time for his lifestyle he's not driving it far he's not going cross country and the thing he's taking little trips here and there and just like the guy that brought me the electric Chevrolet last year he lived in Maryland worked in Washington DC and he was happy because he had plenty of charging in his town home go to work and back and work and back and he had oh 35,000 miles on it it worked fine he didn't have any problems with it it was a lot cheaper than this thing was cuz it was a cheap little Chevy but paying higher insurance rates it's not just cuz he young these electric cars cost a fortune when they get wrecked if you remember the video that I made last year and Ro island with a model 3 that when an autopilot hit the curb broke the front motor and it dented the battery 30,000 Mi on it they total the car guess who pays for that insurance company guess what the insurance company does it raises the rates on everyone and especially the people that are buying electric cars so keep that in mind don't just think the price add it all up see do you mind paying the extra insurance if you've own a house town home whatever and you could put a two 20 generally that's cost you a couple Grand to get it hooked up the things don't cost that much you get a decent one like the AEL they're like 500 bucks they don't cost all that muchoney thought you got to run the 220 and that's a lot of power don't try doing it yourself pay an electrician to do it let me tell you you're don't want to burn your house down cuz some fool didn't know how to wire it correctly you add all those costs in and if you don't mind those costs you want a screaming car they come down because people weren't buying them at the higher prices that if you want to try one of these things out and you're in that kind of a limited situation his girlfriend's got a conventional Kia gasoline right so they want to go to California they can jump there they can drive to California in it they don't have to worry about finding charging stations on the way right if you got a twocc car household that would be my advice to anybody who's thinking about buying an electric car you got two cars hey you want to try an electric car what the heck go on try an electric car and if you don't like it you still got the other one to take big trips in unfortunately for the electric car companies there's lots of guys in my position baby boomers post World War II we're downscaling things we're going to one car and that one car isn't going to be an electric car it's going to be a gasoline car or hybrid as things stand today got a nice minimalist look on the back with all that glass just don't break the glass or you'll be paying through the nose if you do buy one make sure you you got Collision baby cuz even a minor wreck on this thing can be 20 something Grand if the battery gets DED just keep that in mind and if you're like one of my old neighbors in Houston bought a mod s the original owner paid 121 he paid 455 and it only had 15,000 mi on it no poo poo a used one with low mileage cuz a lot of people don't drive these electric cars that many miles and they still got a lot of life in them and you can get them cheap just make sure you pay a guy like me to check it out before you buy it because when I hook my machine to this thing I get so much information I can do all kinds of testing with it you got to pay a mechanic to check out an electric car unless you're out of your mind and you like rolling those dice cuz eventually you're going to get snake eyes and lose if you don't have a mechanic check out an electric car before or you buy but you can get a phenomenal deal the days of Corona virus are gone where they were going more used than new no the used ones the prices have been dropping like a stone so think about that if you can find a good low mileage one if you want to try out an electric car so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music] nah
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 733,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, are tesla cars reliable, are tesla's reliable, are tesla's worth it, buy a car, buying a car, buying a tesla, buying a tesla model 3, car advice, don't buy a used tesla, electric car, is tesla reliable, is tesla worth it, should i buy a tesla, tesla, tesla car, tesla car review, tesla motors, tesla review, I finally got a tesla, here's what I think, 2023 tesla
Id: BNZIcSJw-t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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