Why pay more? It's good enough.

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what up y'all today i got myself some food from a place called no brand burger which is a fast food restaurant here in korea that's been sprouted up like creeping charlie over the past two or three years i think they actually opened up their first location just about yeah three two or three years ago and now it's everywhere it seems i did try a couple bites of one of their burgers when it first came out back in the day uh i have no thoughts on it don't don't even remember what burger it was but i'm gonna be giving it a full test because i haven't had it since then so that probably indicates it wasn't that great or it wasn't that cheap i don't know it was pretty cheap i got all this food right in front of me for about 13 bucks and that was including the delivery fee so it's probably about like 10 bucks and i got a burger their signature burger i got fries i got a chicken sandwich i got what they're calling chicken nuggets and even a no brand cola right here so that's a pretty good price especially for korea now let's get into this real quick i'm going to start with this burger oh by the way um if you're wondering what no brand is all about the name no brand burger no brand is basically like a budget brand it's like a great value with walmart so we don't have a walmart in korea we don't i think they used to have it but they don't have any more they have something called emart and basically no brand is to e-mart as great values to walmart so think about having like uh a great value a great value fast food place that'd be pretty crazy anyway here is the burger not looking too bad there their signature burger that's looking really decent this is their coleslaw chicken sandwich over here yeah that's not looking too bad either man [Music] here are what they're calling their nuggets chicken nuggets came in a five piece and each one i mean it's more like little little drummies here i'll put those over here uh they're fries and yeah the coke so i'm gonna start off with the burger looks like this actually has two pieces of cheese with some onions lettuce tomato some kind of burger sauce and the patty let's see if we can get not surrounded by cheese so we're not going to get a good look at that but um but we're going to go in for a taste of it going in all right okay one more bite definitely not the worst i would definitely eat this if i was hungry and i would enjoy it it should be really hitting the spot in some situations it's reminding me kind of like everything's good except the burger patty itself which you know that's probably the key part of a burger but everything else is really spot on and i wouldn't have any complaints with it the burger patty itself does taste a bit flat it tastes like it could be a frozen burger patty something that you would find in like a cafeteria like a school lunch type of thing maybe not a lot of flavor or texture it kind of feels like maybe there's some some things in there to make it bigger some additives i'm not sure but like i said if i was hungry and you gave me that i would be really enjoying it especially for the price let me try the chicken sandwich i'm not gonna i'm not sure if i'm gonna be eating everything here because i have some place to go here in a couple hours i don't want to be too bogged down for it but here is their chicken sandwich i believe they have about two or three options for chicken sandwiches this one seemed the most normal um just their coleslaw chicken sandwich good amount of coleslaw on top along with some herbs of some kind chicken sandwich or chicken you know patty on the bottom with some kind of whole grain mustard as well chicken patty i don't know if this is like a just straight up chicken breast or chicken pat i don't know we're gonna find out we're going in check this out yo that right there is better than i expected can't lie there's pickles on this as well sweet if they were dill i would really be respecting this but i shouldn't have expected they would be hot seems fresh seems pretty juicy to me flavorful oh looks like it's some white meat there i've had a lot worse chicken sandwiches in my day this one is actually surprising with the quality of the chicken everything else on there pretty standard but i like that chicken i don't know if i can trust this chicken i mean they're all pretty uniform here i don't know how you really make this shape there's got to be some kind of paste maybe i don't know going in hmm there's a little cross-section of that yeah it's um this definitely tastes like a frozen nugget it has that flavor something you get out of a bag in the freezer section but it does appear that they deep-fried it or something this right here it seems like uh yeah like some kind of paste though not too bad i've had way weirder chicken i had a chicken once or was it maybe it was snake i don't know i had chicken that i think might have been a snake before so that's pretty crazy anyway not the best on those and the thing is this five piece nugget here was probably like almost comparable price to these burgers so all right let's try the fries knocking the lies these fires are looking pretty good pretty thick cut looks like uh cut from an actual potato somewhat of a crisp to it um very potatoey so if you like a really potato french fry it's one of those needs way more salt i'm not sure kind of oil they're using but they might want to check up on that fan of the texture not a fan of the flavor i don't want my fries it tastes like potatoes you know i want to taste like just deep-fried salty sticks you know what i'm saying i'm just kidding oh but for real they need a little bit more try this uh no bearing cola [Music] satisfying tastes nothing like real coke although i'm not really sure if i should be the one to talk because i can't tell part coke and pepsi but right after that just tastes so different almost like if i was blindfolded and you gave it to me didn't tell me what it was i might not even guess it's supposed to be cola tastes fine though i mean it tastes like a refreshing soft drink but uh but yeah no brand burger i like their uh well i don't know what do you guys think about their slogan why pay more it's good enough very honest we're not that good we're good enough all right let me try this again i'm trying to think like what score to give this overall and i can't really come up with a number it's hard to factor to calculate the the price and the value into it because a lot of times i will pay less for less quality actually most of the time actually every single time i've never been the guys that i need the best of the best so and i'm usually just bargain hunting so i'm trying to find those deals this should be right in my alley except it's almost under the threshold of of worth it where you know mcdonald's isn't that much more expensive or burger king and but a hundred times as good like i always do the calculations in my head maybe not a hundred times as good but a solid ten times better no yeah i don't think i'll ever get this again they do have some interest other interesting burgers some crazy ones i just want to try the classics so maybe in the future i will i tried again for a video perhaps they had like a pepperoni burger or something but yeah i wouldn't get it for myself just on my own time the hell's not if i'm craving a burger i would definitely you sometimes just gotta get yourself a burger and there's some egregious like other like gas station or convenience store burgers here and this blows those out of the water so there's levels to it man there's definitely levels i'm gonna polish off these sandwiches and probably just save the fries and and these to snack on later they'll keep easier these are a bit a little bit messy the mayo on this burger really helped a lot and really kind of carried this burger and now i'm almost flip-flopping on my i think i would take the burger over the chicken sandwich depends what kind of mood i'm in i suppose but it's not too bad man maybe i would get this again um i mean you can get like two or three of these for the price of like one you probably get two of these for the price of one whopper from bk similar kind of styles nah i'm getting the whopper every time anyway this was a little bit here and there but i don't know you might find it kind of interesting like a snow brand burger spot but like i said yeah i got something to do coming up real quick so i'm about to get out of here so thank you guys for watching this one hope you enjoyed it i'll catch you in the next video peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 204,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, asmr, muckbang, eating show, food, fast food, burger, korea, korean
Id: N1QHeJW3evw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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