First Meal Back In Korea

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yes what's up y'all today back in Korea this is my first video back in Korea a little bit clickbaity maybe I have I might have said first meal back in Korea I've had a couple meals I've been back for three days um but this is my first video and it's McDonald's yo I've been missing McDonald's I only had it uh so I did that one McDonald's breakfast the BCB uh and I did that video while I was in Chicago and I believe that on the night of March 18th I also ordered some late late late night McDonald's but I can't confirm that or tonight so it might have never happened I can't remember uh anyway so this is kind of a joke but not really I'm dead serious because I've been really craving McDonald's um usually I eat it like once once a week at least twice a week three times a week four five I don't know but I got all my all my Classics here this came out to 13 and four cents USD for everything you see here and that was that's for everything it came in about 18 minutes and you know I don't want to I don't wanna just go out there and say Korean delivery is better than American delivery but I might just have to say it um at least some some things let me show you what I got I have right here a triple cheeseburger right here a McChicken we got some french fries and we got a six piece nug so just a lot of my favorite classic things why six piece why not a ten piece because I was looking at the menu and they don't have a 10 piece anymore the largest size is a six piece what's the deal with that no idea they're really scheming over there over here I should say seems pretty hot and fresh man it's been a little bit a little bit of a mess though it's been a minute since I've filmed here so kind of getting used to it's a lot more convenient to film here because it's kind of like set it and forget it instead of trying to figure out all the Angles and the trying to calculate the sun patterns over there and whatnot and and uh it can get a little bit crazy but that's neither here nor there at this point Diet Coke as well so let's get into it oh yeah one ketchup packet and one Cajun sauce for the for the nugs but you know what I'm using ranch don't care going in foreign [Applause] [Music] that's never a good sound [Applause] I've missed McDonald's fries I've tried a lot of weird fries over the past month we can stop being the weirdest for sure and I gotta say McDonald's there's a reason they're world famous there's a reason why many people call them the best hmm it's nice they're using paper straws here at McDonald's here now so that's also a little bit strange um I'm pretty sure I saw someone comment on one of my videos while I was in America and say oh this guy really doesn't like Korean food does he I feel like the nugs in America might be slightly better anyway no I mean I like Korean food been back for about three days I think two of those three days out I've got Korean food I went out to eat it I would say if I go out to eat in Korea 99 of the time is going to be Korean food read 95. for me personally and at least the setup I have going maybe I'm I'm just like a lame-o but it just Korean food works so much better for me eating at a restaurant eating out just catching The Vibes a lot of times you're putting it in a big old you know pan pot and you're cooking it over a flame and doing it gets all messy and um it just I'm not an expert on it either so that's another thing but it is what it is I'm gonna try this triple cheeseburger man and I realize I haven't I forgot I have a b cam over here um if you weren't the wiser you would probably just think it's a double but I can assure you there are three patties in here a lot of cheese oh no good to be back good to be back the chicken I mean it just to make chicken though I like they want heavy on the Mayo I I don't disrespect that um I apologize if this is kind of a uh a cop-out video but I've been craving this when I was in America it was hard to rationalize going and getting McDonald's because we do have it over here and there's a lot of other places that I have never had or you know haven't had for a long time over there so what do you all know about the Triple G in the ranch is that insane never never thought about something like this before that's not too insane that's not too insane at all actually that's pretty pretty good anyway I like Korean food it's funny how my Korean food tastes have kind of changed over the over the years I've been here though um there's some foods that I used to love that I don't love so much anymore and some foods that I've never heard of five years ago and I love now [Applause] oh it's good to have these back it's like less annoys you and I overuse them but yeah 13 bucks for the delivery of this meal right here that's absolutely shocking to me and before I came here I feel like such a dunce for how much I was kind of like before I went to Chicago and I know Chicago is like an expensive city big city and I know like you know if you go to a smaller city in America it's not going to be so expensive all that duh but soil is also a major big ass City I mean it's way bigger than Chicago to be honest with you and I was always under like I got kind of stuck in that Loop where I was like living here for so long got used to the prices and then I became that old man on the porch like why is it so expensive but now I realize it's super cheap over here and um I'm loving it what can I say that being said I do Miss America a lot oh man let's catch up right on the white shirt big win by the [ __ ] against the Raptors though sorry Toronto but uh who's I even talking about I don't know I'm lagging real bad got the jet lag syndrome going on killing me foreign I feel like I have a lot to talk about but nothing to talk about at the same time you ever feel that way hmm yeah no I'm just a little bit days in hazed right now just chilling though anyway yeah what I was saying is I feel like it don'ts because I was always complained to like other people as well like Korean people I was like oh in America it's so much cheaper to get this or that like man back when I lived in America you get him a chicken for one dollar like this probably costs like three bucks over here and it was on the dollar money but I guarantee you if I ordered this through like a delivery app and plus all the tip and everything it'd be like 10 bucks you know what I'm saying so it's like also I feel like the cream of chicken is a little bit different so it disappeared for a while and it came back in a different form I think it's like in the middle like so the Canadian McChicken I'm pretty sure is like a big boy right and then the little what Americans call the McChicken in Canada they call it the junior chicken or something like that could be off on that but uh this right here I feel like is it in between it's like not a regular U.S McChicken but it's not that big you know Canadian McChicken either I feel like it's somewhere in the middle and does that look cooked to y'all or is that just my mind playing tricks on me part of the letter okay yep I feel like I haven't even completed my original point anyway practices around the world they're just different you know it is what it is big cities small cities big countries small countries I remember like way back in the day I posted some kind of house tour video or something talked about the price and you got people on both sides of the spectrum like hey that's insanely expensive why would you ever pay that you're an idiot and other people like damn like where I live you know that would cost like twice as much so it's like what do you want me to do you know but um nothing of candy really anyway McDonald's first meal back I'm gonna try to get a little bit more creative but you know my mind is still con complete autopilot um I don't know where I am I'll wake up and I'm like oh where am I you know one of those like am I still here or am I still and in Chicago you know I don't I don't know and then I'm like oh I'm back here waking up at like 3 A.M hunger the first day back I landed I probably would I don't know dinner time came home or went to sleep I think I ate a little something some went to sleep woke up like 3 A.M and then I was hungry so I'm like you know what I'm about to get some girl so I went out to just a restaurant at like 4 00 a.m and there's other people in there eat like this is weird [Applause] I'm sorry if this whole thing was very incoherent random and just kind of dumb but that's kind of like half of my videos anyway I'm about to get out of here thanks for watching catch you all in the next video peace let's go both
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 226,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, mukbang, mcdonalds
Id: 66-b-fp7MM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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