The strangest meal I've ever had.

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this right here is from a restaurant that i recently discovered that has the most random strangest menu i've ever seen in my life i got pretty much the whole menu it's a pretty small menu they did i did leave a couple things off it because they're pretty unimportant in my opinion but i had to investigate this and we're going to take a look so right off the bat brown paper bag i like that the name of this place i don't know if i should reveal the name they'd have the stickers on the bag i took them off though it's named after one of the foods that are in this bag so right off the bat what do you have [Applause] tortilla chips i like that i like tortilla chips close my eyes i haven't looked inside here yet one piece of white bread toast cut into thirds next up two things in one oh this is actually this is looking good we have pulled pork you might not think this is too strange yet and maybe i might be overreacting a little bit but i'm telling you this was paired with these right here saltine crackers about 500. i got some utensils we have some ketchup okay we have some oven roasted chicken and some hash browns and last but not least we have some pickles so yeah i didn't did i show you this this right here is chili very soupy chili smelling good like i said there's also a couple more things on the menu i didn't get just a couple types of soup like corn soup and vegetable soup i thought those are unnecessary i don't need more hot stuff i mean we already got this chili but it's too hot to be not damn soup also there was like rice white rice for like a dollar so not really missing out on much there so for this meal right here the tortilla chips and the toast the chili these condiments here and the chicken and the hash brown were all included in their platter and i just got their platter i had to get this on the side as well because it looks good no other barbecue no other meats nor their mains nothing really to speak of except that soup and the white rice and i don't know man you tell me if i'm overreacting but i just feel like this is such a strange menu i can't really fathom it i mean it looks pretty decent like i like all these foods i'll tell you what i like this pulled pork the look of it it's a good helping for the price i think the pulled pork and the crackers were about eight seven bucks i feel like the pulled pork might kind of go with this toast or if this was not toasted just plain shred of white bread i feel like i would like that combo but it didn't come with that it came with the crackers so uh the chili and the crackers actually would make sense i like to put crackers saltine crackers in my chili but yeah again they didn't come together so that's just weird let's get into this man i'm gonna start with everything individually first i paid by the way about 20 bucks for all this not too bad it's just such a grab bag i'm gonna start with everything just gonna go down the line and try everything individually then i'm gonna try to mix and match a little bit i know some of the combos are probably gonna be pretty tasty i feel like whoever created this menu was definitely feeling some type of way either that or it was like a it's like a front for a little laundromat operation if you catch my drift anyway going in with the pulled pork this looks pretty damn good like i said and that's not bad at all i could eat that any day of the week and for the price don't need the crackers with it but it is a good amount and it's tasty not the best food pork i've ever had it's solid it's definitely solid and i would order that again and i might all right toast not doing a whole lot for me but i can see where this could come into play a little bit later uh try this chicken chicken's looking good usually you see like oven roasted chicken some dark meat here it's not weird to see kind of chopped up like this but you wouldn't usually see it with these other foods it's all though it's got really nice flavor man maybe i will reveal the name of this place because i like all the food i'm eating so far and if you think about it you know maybe my mind will change throughout this video because is it weird is this a weird combo or are we weird for thinking that am i weird for thinking that this is a weird combo why not have this combo you get a little bit everything you got like the hash brown off the mickey d's breakfast mini you got the tortilla chips you know mexican restaurant roasted chicken from i mean it's not barbecue flavor it's just very minimally flavored probably like a salt and pepper maybe a spg type of thing but just pretty standard roast chicken right there this is barbecue style the pulled pork not overly barbecue flavor but we can definitely tell the american bbq influence it has in there this toast again i don't know that's just out of left field and the crackers in the chili i don't know man so let's keep going it's solid it's good it's less greasy give me this man i'm sure this is just out of like the frozen hash browns you know but however they prepared it it's just not dripping with grease like i'm used to usually i get the mcdonald's hash browns but this is good and i assume that's why they gave me the ketchup tortilla chips let's see solid tastes like out there out the bag they're not still um yeah i mean just tortilla chips i feel like that would be good in the chili as well try this chili man like i said it's a bit soupy looks like you got some some tomatoes in there all kinds of vegetables really and some meats pretty hot i heard this hot chickpeas or what are these man something that i don't need i don't mind them though very healthy tasting chili you know not the best chili i've ever had that's sweet pickle all right i should probably also eat this pulled pork as it was intended with the cracker i've never thought to do this before i actually don't like that surprisingly i was gonna say before i ate it yeah that's not gonna be bad like you can't really go wrong with it but you can i think that's yeah so we tried that these are definitely going with the chili let's start making some combos i guess this one i know should work chili on the cracker it's more like it i'm sure there's a lot of you people who put tortillas like corn chips in their chili i've never done it but it makes sense ain't nothing wrong with that his toes got a little bit dehydrated on this way here so i feel like this would be should be the perfect solution no that don't work either hasbro i like that i like that though i gotta try the hash brown with the pulled pork though i really like that one i would go just for another bite of that but i gotta try it with the chicken as well hmm that's solid but i'll tell you what man that pulled pork with the uh that hash brown right there i like that a lot next time i make a pulled pork sandwich i want to get like a crispy element in there and i'm not talking about crispy like some coleslaw i will put that in there too but i'm also talking about like a crispy potato element fries or you know house brown if i have it let's try this i would prefer if that was straight up white bread these pickles are sweet not my favorite when it comes to barbecue you know pill pork and pickles like dill in my book that's a winning combination this one right here maybe not as much but worth a try i suppose nope toasting ketchup nah i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to see how that works so get a little base of the chili in the spoon yo that could be awesome right there pulled pork chili yo yo yo that is something i'm gonna have to look into real talk though man all right chicken chili never had this combo never happened again i think there's a good reason why you know red meat good old red meat and chili chicken chili man who's eating that so what other combos have i not tried yet yeah chicken and pulled pork together that's not bad i think the chicken is the best ones i wouldn't be honest with you i don't know man um it is what it is this is kind of a little roller coaster ride that went on here because at first i was like this is too weird and then i was like you know what it's not weird i'm weird and now i'm like back to square one it's not completely uncommon to see pretty strange restaurants uh menus here in korea but not really like this you'd see you know a restaurant that pretty much sticks to a theme and then they'll have one or two off just random items on there well like i said pretty much sticking to a theme the other day i was walking past this mexican restaurant and they on the right in the front window they had you know in huge letters tacos burritos enchiladas quesadillas pasta but that gives me an idea mexican style pasta yo now that's the type of stuff that i like trying i can't see how it would not work i could also see how it'd be terrible somehow to think about if their menu was bigger and really had a random assortment of like 20 30 different things as well that wouldn't really surprise me either but i feel like on a small menu usually a lot of times they're carefully crafted so i really don't know about this one though i do stand by my word though for the price i want to say it was like seven eight bucks for the pulled pork and the crackers i think that's a good price for here solid price and i would get that again probably two three orders and just prepare my own sides this place will probably be a pass all right y'all i'm gonna i'm gonna escape i don't have any final thoughts so i'm out of here thanks for watching i'll catch you on this video peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 245,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, muckbang, eating show, asmr, food, weird, strange, meal, random
Id: 9C5zsah29kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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