The Archons vs The Heavenly Principles [Genshin Impact Lore and Theory]

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the tale of the gnosis is a song sung so many times in the lore it's a mysterious artifact that allows the archons to become in tune with a higher level of celestial power as well as connect them to the island in the sky simply put it's a powerful artifact that does have the ability to reach Beyond we know that the Sarita is collecting them in her Crusade against the foundational principles but the fascinating question in the lore is why are some of the archons so quick to collaborate with her so today I want to pose a conspiracy theory and that's the icons are all conspiring to fight Celestia from the Shadows not just the fatoui harbingers and the zariza so let's begin this video with an important disclaimer this is all just a theory nothing here is indicative of the final product okay okay now the question is why would the archons fight Celestia well I don't think they'll directly fight them but their distaste or fear is very palpable no my theory is that their sentiments of the Sarita fighting the Heavenly principles are overall supportive and that they aren't a posted idea of burning away this world for the sake of a new one some either believing that it's for the best and some just genuinely curious and I want to use the gnosis as my anchor to this Theory but honestly there's a lot more variables to all of this that I'll cover in future videos if you notice how gentian frames the story of the gnosis you'd see the suspicious lack of agency when it comes to the supposedly important artifacts but the Sarita has the intention of using it for whatever Mission she has in mind the archons are either willing to trade it away for a bargain or even just store it somewhere far far away which actually directly contradicts a supposed weight that comes with having a gnosis they're known as internal magical Foci that resonates directly with Celestia something that may or may not be a good thing the gnosis's power is beyond the average control of even an archon so to see it treated so lackadaisically is so weird especially considering that these gods have been relatively careful sentimental or even paranoid with other things xianglee says the gnosis has lost all meaning he says that she has no use for it so my guess is that the icons aren't aware of the Sarita's plan of rewriting the principles of the world with varying levels of both involvement and knowledge however but to better grasp this Theory let's break them down individually the first fascinating conspiracy is a question of bentious complacency when he lost the gnosis the cutscene that led up to him losing the supposedly important artifact was brutal harsh and showed a powerless event against the might of the eighth Harbinger with underlying subtexts of that exchange adds a level of mystery first is that venti already makes a hint that he knows that the two we are here for something deeper something that he tells D Luke during one of the heists to the stronghold he mentions that he doesn't think it of the two we are simply here for the power of either devolin or the animal archon to which dealer questions how he could possibly know that venti promptly laughs that away and moves on with the highest the second is just how suspicious this entire exchange was newly recovered or not venti is still an archon that has the abilities of his noses yes he might be devoured after years of sleeping but there's no direct proof that the gnosis would suddenly lose all their power by then after that encounter though we also see instances of venti's divine abilities begin to kick in and the last is just how suspicious the build-up of this entire encounter is and its resolution venti does make a struggle against Senora but most of his dialogue is just taunting her and that afterwards he never really talked about trying to get the gnosis back though we have to look at a direct contradiction to this Theory Fenty says that the sarisa cut off all ties with him and we also know that venti's Awakening is very recent considering he's not aware of the devil in situation so if I were to wager a guess venti's knowledge about the Sarita's plot was nothing short of guesswork when he realized that ifatoi were planning on taking something that had the animor Khan's power but he also guessed that the holy liar was just a diversion to lure him out going by this line of thinking he'd begin to consider that maybe the Sarita was going for the gnosis now would he have the full details to the Sarita's plan no I don't think so but I think he would have an understanding that her need for the noses has something to do with her strong emotions during the cataclysm 500 years ago and most likely that she would want something akin to Revenge but venti is smart and I honestly think that venti is considering the benefits of the cerisa's plan in creating a new world with the seven noses which would be an eye-opener for his character azarita's method to get what she wants is hardly altruistic and if it's what tartalia says it involves a lot of pain for the Seven Nations involved not exactly the kindest Mercy that I've seen in the game Wendy might not be the biggest fan of Celestia but to also give hypnosis willingly to a god that has been pretty questionable would be a massive test of morality if he really did give the noses away with the intention of both trusting the Sarita to know what's the best for devot and acknowledging that changes have to be made to civilization then that would add such a massive layer of depth to Venti as a character but what would venti gain in fighting against the Heavenly principles it's not really confirmed venti has any ulterior agenda against the Heavenly principles that would really warrant such a massive supportive action on his end but we do know venti as a character is empathetic free and nevertheless somewhat afraid and dismissive of Celestia while he's a Carefree God he's still really careful and serious when dealing with topics about the island in the sky often times he's purposefully vague and tries to shift the focus or he happily insults them while only giving surface level information or he just doesn't speak about it at all of all the gods he is the only one that doesn't have the noses story which is such an outlier that hides his true intentions during the scene with the deeper context of Senora previously being a grieving child of monstat and venti having the awareness of the wind we don't know where this Theory could lead us but if I were to theorize on what purpose he could have for wanting to help the Sarita I believe it would be along the lines of empathy for the people of konria venti is by no means a cruel God so to say that he felt pensive about the idea that not only a God that he was once close to began to shift away as well as see the after effects of the disorder and the cataclysm wouldn't be that big of a stretch honestly 500 years is a very very long time to consider your next Ploy of actions furthermore I also theorized that he gave it away to give monstat an era of peace from the fatoui as I mentioned previously venti had the idea that the fatouli were here in monstad for something greater than the holy liar so it's possible that giving the gnosis would lead to the fatoui losing interest in monstad if benty was correct in his guesswork which is why I also don't think that the gnosis here is fake in the short run it would explain why venti wasn't too shocked or too afraid of letting it go but on the long run that storyline would have its own issues it would cause too much of a scene if the Sarita found out that the gnosis venti had was fake and while a vision would be easy to fake because benty is a master of Animo to replicate the Divine powers of the gnosis would extend beyond arkhan Hood which would be far too much of a feat plus the political Opera that would cause is antithetical Divinity as a character who while seemingly childish on the surface does just want silence and peace for his people but overall venti is such an enigmatic character that theorizing on his motivations is as probable as getting a C6 and 110 pool John Lee's resignation is what I find absolutely cryptic because there's a lot of missing pieces to the Lord that weren't properly covered in the story of Leo's arkhan Quest the full involvement of Senora was a mystery while child's releasing a facile became the main focus that was allegedly pivotal to their contract the actual contract though with the gnosis was only vaguely mentioned any attempt at asking jongli about his true purpose for even agreeing to such an exchange is met with silence here isn't what we know from the lore the contract to end all contracts was signed between himself and the Sarita in which he would assist in the transitioning of John Lee's authority of leeway from being the Divinity of its archon to the diligence of its people however the actual tangible thing that the Sarita gave Jon Lee is still unknown as strongly's own character story asks this question the true contract with the Sarita is intentionally vague and what he was given was never truly explained in the lore with the story going as far as I say there never really is anything that's worth as much as the gnosis John Lee even says that the bargaining chip that is Sarita used to balance the scales must be uncovered by the traveler in their future Journeys so the assistance with retirement is only a portion of the story the real question is what else could a Sarita have given well let's look at Zhang Lee's relationship with Celestia while John Lee's regard for Celestia is purely lawful he as a character doesn't have the most transparent of opinions when it comes to how he believes that eyelid in the sky should rule the land he knows that as the god of contracts he is bound to servitude and secrecy to the inner workings but how he actually feels for the rule as a person is entirely up in the air heck his retirement altogether could be a sign of his waning loyalty to the island and his little regard for the noses could be his inner sentiments finding loopholes contract as a god showing us the slightest signs of rebellion from his character but to even instigate a contract in the first place would mean one thing about Zhang Lee he agrees with the Sarita's plans whatever they may be while the other God's intentions are in the air jongli having an actual contract would mean that he has a good enough idea of what the Sarita is planning to do with the gnosis and has made a tangible agreement to it jangli read that you love it for a signing but the question is what katasarita have given in exchange for using the gnosis to further her goals well it would have also had to be in the best interest of Zhang Lee as a character one is the retirement which is an easy enough orchestration and evident enough from the grand scheme of leeway but another could be something much more sentimental to him that includes the Heavenly principles so let's give a bunch of theories my first theory is about something that regards the rulership of devat as a whole and the roles of the Heavenly principles as gods or moreover their jurisdiction if we use the Leo's message of humanity usurping Gods as a parallel it's possible that John only also believes that the Heavenly principles should absolve themselves of the authority and that the people should not have to hold themselves back serving under the gods or that the gods are the ultimate adjudicators of Justice because consider their judgment on the people of kanria a nation that while fell because of reind daughter's Creations was also punished indiscriminately the people suffered regardless of their intention or part in their initial cataclysm which is honestly such a dick move maybe the cataclysm 500 years ago planted the seeds of doubt and John Lee just as it did for the Sarita regarding the ultimatums that the gods put on their people the second one is connected to John Lee's erosion being imposed by the foundational principles this one is more selfish but the theoretical trade-off is that if the old world was burned away then erosion for the gods would slowly cease to be allegedly honestly this would be a pretty sound reason for defying the Heavenly principles if and only if John Lee's theory is correct erosion is more than just forgetting memories or fading away it's about losing control of your power because you forgot how to control it in the first place the reason that ashtaha became the way that he was is because he forgot the path that he was supposed to take as a guardian of leeway and the greater the power the greater the danger erosion might bring if we were to cut off the foundational principles that impose this erosion then don't you think that would be a kind of net positive on paper but honestly this is all we can really theorize about since we don't know much about their contract in the first place all we can do is hope that dong Lee made the right choice would a fight the Heavenly principles well that's a resounding no if it means harming the people of inezuma but I do think that she wouldn't be opposed to the idea of someone or something else fighting them on her behalf and to give us the proper context we need to look at her relationship with the fatoui The Vision Hunt decree is the strongest manifestation of several things that began to boil over first is Ace paranoia regarding inazuma's progress potentially leading to a cataclysmic event similar to what took away her sister second is the fatoui enabling A's potential paranoia and the third is the establishment of the black market in Inazuma by Fanning the Flames of War if you notice throughout the story of Inazuma the gnosis is hardly present and it's honestly an actor thought that yaimiko uses the bargain for the life of the traveler but in this Theory I want to focus on the relationship of the fatui and a something that was horrendously unexplored despite the seeds of complacency being placed in the dialogue we don't know the complete specifics but we know that it was already aware of the fatoui's goals and that they weren't impeding on her aspect of Eternity the fatou could have lied to her most definitely but with how open Senora was discussing her God's dreams being the noblest and purest thing in the world right in front of the Shogun and how the people of the Revolution were just building blocks to realizing eternity I don't doubt that there is a level of transparency between the patui and the Shogun which only makes me question this Arkin Quest even more because if it was talking about the selling of delusions I would actually hurl a rock at her because imagine taking away a vision but allowing the delusions to thrive especially since preserving the lack of progress was her motivation we're going to be giving a the benefit of the doubt here and say that she is not completely hypocritical we're just going to rightfully assume that she only knows about the fatou's implementation of the vision and decree and other background institutions of the black market okay okay so going with that I want to open the possibility of her deal with desiresa in the first place because while the noses could have been the fatoui's intention from the very beginning as we see this shot of Senora's aspiration to reach for the ride in Shogun the same way she reached ferventy the black market could have also been their primary memory goal and this could be something that a wasn't aware of and that's important because a situation that led up to division hunt decree is messy let's start with her deal with the fatoui it's currently unknown what they could have offered them that would have made the Shogun considered two things one is to treat the patui as diplomatic allies and two is to agree to shut off the entirety of inezuma from the outside but still allow the movement of snesnayan diplomats from within that's the key difference here from complete political blackout the fatoui are such powerful individuals that honestly both the Shogun and age should have realized that keeping them around would also disturb the Peace of Inazuma which it most certainly did so that begs the question of what made of a Tui special well my theory is that it has something to do with defying the Heavenly principles to preserve in Azuma because after all if the Sarita skull would end up allegedly stopping the Heavenly principles then what would Inazuma be lost to in the event that it Strode forward the same way that conoria did and the reason this theory is so hard to justify is because E's characterization and logic are so polarizing on one hand makato implies an in-story Quest Part 2 that the separation of Inazuma from the clutches of the Heavenly principles is a good thing and a says in her cutscene that kanriya lost everything to the Heavenly principles on the other hand she believes that eternity through stasis will bring in Azuma closer to the Heavenly principles and that such a thing would spare Inazuma from the overall despair of death so if I were to try to put these both together it's more of reluctant obedience she wants to be closer to the Heavenly principles because that would mean that Inazuma is spared from the Fate as Kanya but just because the cage is pretty doesn't make it less of a cage which is why the ultimate salvation would be to be freed from the Judgment of the Heavenly principles in the first place now for two we could have rationalized that ceiling in Azuma is a good idea and taking away the vision is because they're connected to the concept of ambition something that would be in line with A's thoughts of stasis but also they could barter allowing themselves to stay in Azuma so that they they could keep watch of the people following the sakoko decree and help the right then Shogun and a preserve the piece of Inazuma by combining the knowledge that they know from their Sarita that being potentially Divine knowledge that they possess as characters sky is fake and all that good stuff if you theorize it like this it would help solidify the bargain between a and the fatoubi that the arkhan quest unfortunately left very vague because again there wasn't really any concrete positive reason for the fatoui to be Meandering in Inazuma in the first place does this mean that a would be willing to directly oppose the Heavenly principles questionably yes if she sees them as strong enough of a threat to her piece her end goal has always been to keep in Azuma prosperous and if the Shogun was willing to fight her Creator to preserve her ideal of Eternity I think that a if push comes to shove would also have a feeling of Revolt now I want to tackle this Theory from another light if I theorize Adventist John Lee and a were already aware of the series's plans I believe that nahida's perspective on this is still loading up in the air we need to consider that while she has been awake for the duration of her concealment she's still relatively new to actually experiencing the world around her on a base level I would say that she's the only archon that would almost be accepted from this theory of conspiring against Celestia for the sole reason of her ignorance she was never directly contracted by the gods she has no direct relationship that we know of with the zariza in her current form she's seemed particularly hostile of the Thorin Scaramouche and she was unwilling to give the gnosis until the bartering so what is nahida's place on the entirety of the conversation my speculation is that her lack of current wisdom regarding the circumstances of devot plays a crucial role in her slowly realizing the weight of the Sarita's plans to fight the Heavenly principles and unlike how the other gods have a reluctant resignation to give the Sarita free reign Nikita's role as the god of wisdom is to uncover that realization as time progresses to actively weed the tragedy from 500 years or even thousands of years ago because if you notice she is also the one with the most naive way of handling topics about Celestia nahida is intelligent and her connection to the Urban song means she has a lot of book smarts but her insistence to tell the traveler everything she knows without filter is a direct contradiction to the other three who mostly operate on silence out of either fear or experience but nahida also holds an air of this taste for the laws of the world when Scaramouche brings up the gnosis nahida mentions that The Strife engraved upon the gnosis is because of the war and the peace that they have now wasn't easily won she further says that there's no point bringing it up because she believes that the losses during the war were meaningless and driven by the demands of the laws she was also willing to give the dendronosis for the sake of the truth of the world Vegeta's place in all of this is the ultimate outlier because she doesn't have that much experience as a character about what really happened the Heavenly principles to her are nothing short of a fairy tale she admits she wasn't in the arkhan war she's only recently under standing the sentiments behind the fall of the sovereigns and she is only really now just seeing the weight of the catechism now we go for the theoretical part of all of this and let's end with fossil or and what little we know about the God of Justice do I think that fossilore is working with the fatouli the same way a and John liar for me personally yes a part of me thinks that fontaine's current state actually lends well to being allies with the fatoui rather than direct enemies wrote sneznaya and Fontaine are technological powerhouses and there is enough lingering problems with both fontaine's legal system being morally questionable and its power supply being harmful to its environment that a fatoui could definitely capitalize on if the fertility were able to capitalize on A's fear I'm sure they're able to capitalize on phosphorous illusions of grandeur and bouts at the people of Fontaine have no sins but the contradiction lies in the fact that would fossil Thor be willing to part with the gnosis if she knew the true plans of the batui in fighting the divine the god of Justice knows not to make an enemy of the Divine and she believes that the people of her Nation bear no sins in the eyes of the law so would she really be so callous as to risk those ideals and sign her noses away for the possibility of fighting the very foundational principles her ideal of Justice holds so dearly that's the question for her character but that's it for me today an easy your video about the questions of the arkhan's role in motivations in the grand scheme of the plot because God knows they're all suspicious but anyway my name is Aston before I end this video I just want to announce that I'm going to Conquest running around as they use homies these characters yes yes if you want to say hi and play a game with me just find these three fascinating Gremlins on the assigned day I don't have a panel or anything because I also didn't want to sign up because I also did kind of want to run around but yeah that's about it bye but overall venti is such an enigmatic character that theorizing on his motivations is as probable as getting a C6 in one Temple I struggled to get that word out what the my God the tale of the gnosis is a song Some so many she sells seashells by the Seas well let's look at John Lee's relationship with Celestia
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 58,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin lore, genshin impact 3.6, genshin pulcinella, genshin fatui, genshin impact fatui, genshin, genshin impact lore, genshin theory, genshin impact fatui lore, genshin 3.7, genshin impact 3.7, genshin scaramouche, scaramouche, wanderer, genshin impact raiden, genshin impact wanderer, genshin impact ei
Id: 2TD53UbyLd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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