I Spent 3000 RESIN To SAVE My Keqing | Genshin Impact

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vayne isn't it about time you level up your level for Mika or maybe you're Layla or even your Yayo yeah probably and in pre-farm all of their materials and local Specialties spending several weeks and thousands of resin yep I did that so why are you making a kitchen video well I just want to kind of play kaching but okay let me know in the comments if you want videos about the other three still but for now kaching needs me and I need to fix my kitchen welcome back bullies today we're spending over 3 000 resin to fix my kitchen and finally bring her from the stone ages of kitchen builds and fast forward her all the way to 2023 I'll be switching her weapon leveling her talents and spending a bunch of resin on her artifacts this way we can show off just how great she is with the release of dendro and all these new units real quick bullies I stream three times a week on Twitch currently so make sure to follow me there if you want to catch me in live and if you've been watching the channel for a while now you should already know them Morgan and Morgan has decided to sponsor another video Morgan and Morgan is America's largest injury law firm with over 800 lawyers in 49 states injured and don't know where to start with Morgan and Morgan it's so easy you can submit your case details assign contracts upload documents and medical records all from your cell phone with Morgan and Morgan you can submit a claim without ever having to leave your couch and you can text your attorney and legal team throughout the entire duration of your case in eight clicks or less you you can submit a claim to Morgan and Morgan so if you're ever in an accident you can check out Morgan and Morgan you can submit a claim in eight clicks or less without having to leave your couch and for more information go to forthepeople.com or dial pound law that's pound to 529 from your cell phone thank you again Morgan and Morgan for continuing to sponsor the channel welcome back Belize I know this is not what we're expecting a kaching video out of nowhere but you know what I've been waiting to make this for a while and it finally felt like the right time with a little bit of a contact drought with 3.5 as well as a me not exactly being the biggest fan of Mika Layla or Yaya so unfortunately um actually I take that back yo-yo is amazing but unfortunately I don't feel like building them currently at the moment so what I'm gonna do today is trying to fix my kaching I've already got all the parts assembled this video unlike most we don't actually need to level kitchen which is nice because I'm running out of these freaking purple gems instead what we have to level we've got different weapon options this is currently what she's using we've got I don't know what this is this is just an Abomination uh constellations he is a C1 the C1 actually is pretty good we'll go into the constellations a little bit later in terms of talents she's currently eight six seven and that's about it for my kitchen friendship 10 though always gotta have the Border alright so before we do this I need to turn on my full kitchen main simpidge we're gonna find the profile picture and we're gonna go change our name oh God which one is kitchens oh God which one's kachings wait if only he could read they literally say kitchen at the bottom they have the name of the characters there it is number one way to becoming a kitchen man is you get a cosplay as a kaching main so that step's done learns to have a look and what I've already pre-formed so in terms of the weapon I really did want the Miss splitter and to be honest there is a little part of me that wants to just ball out and do 20 pulls right now but unfortunately we've done three weapon banners over three different patches that have the Miss splitter each time I failed I think it's a sign for me to just stop you know what they do is right around the corner I need to be responsible so we're gonna stop with that instead we've got the next best option which is actually really really good storm for her and that is our haitham signature which is currently on a ayaka right now but the thing with this one is that it increases your normal attack after your normal attack does Elemental damage then you get this infusion which gives you extra damage based on your em and the good thing is with kaching and the release of dendro she's now actually really really good aggravate is a really put in team comp and does a lot of damage and that means we can afford to build some Elemental Mastery on her and this is not wasted that and the stats are pretty fat so can't go wrong with that the only thing is I wish this was purple but it looks fine right it's the Shrek sword the Shrek sword anyways artifacts is probably where we're gonna need a lot of love same with the talents I used to play her physical kaching to be the early levels of Abyss don't it was it was a it was a rough time okay we don't have to go back there but I would like to level these up at least get these to level 8 each and maybe getting the auto attack up to 9. in terms of the constellation C1 is one of her better ones it makes her E when you recast it to an AOE attack which is pretty cool C2 I don't have it but let's be honest when you do an attack and they are hit with Electro there's 50 chance to get a elemental particle every five seconds so some character C2 you get Ryden who just does 70 more damage with her burst and then you get kajing who gives you half an energy particle essentially every five seconds so um not all characters are built the same as fortunately even when they're five star but that is what it is we can't really change that what we can change though are the artifacts let's have a look at what I've been farming so I've been doing some farming on stream quick plug to my twitch by the way uh twitch.tv slash in vanyt if you want to catch me live where we actually bombed artifacts and we gambled to uh re-roll some of these and we got some pretty Punk artifacts also just quickly with her sets I know gilded dreams is a decent option on her but her two best are thunder Soother and actually her best is thundering Fury so that's the one we've been farming for Santa's been hogging a lot of these good pieces we're probably going to be stealing it off him uh but I'll show you guys some of the other stuff that I've got so we might even reroll some in this video because I remember the flowers and feathers not being particularly good in terms of the Sands I think you can use either attack or em so we'll find one that works whichever has better substance I think gives more damage and then in terms of the Goblet so this is where I was struggling okay look at this I have this set with Electro goblets I have one I have two I have three and recently I've just gotten the four so we have four Electro goblets on set and how many of them are bad well we've got one that rolled a bunch into defense and HP we've got one that rolled into defense and then we have one that has no useful Subs so I was starting to feel like the game hated me a little bit which it probably does understandably so but today we got this it's not perfect it could have used an attack percent wrong or another crit roll but it's good and you know what good is better than one half decent crit damage roll and everything else going into defensive stats so that's where we start we have an onset Electro damage a thundering Fury goblet okay this makes building a lot easier and next up I want to show off this piece although we have a crap ton of crit damage already this piece I don't know if I can get better than this piece it has one defense percent role I know but then it has 16.3 crit rate that's no crit damage that's crit rate that's an easy four to five crit rate rolls plus two em rolls and an attack percent this artifact even if it makes the stats lopsided is absolutely cracked I'll see if I can find any other crit rate I know kitchen ascends with crit rate maybe it will be okay but I can already tell it's gonna be a little bit spicy with how the ratios are gonna work so if I just remove everything that she's got currently and the weapon she's starting off with 300 attack she's got oh I lied she scales on crit damage oh boy she's gonna have a lot of crit damage lovely okay we definitely need to try to fix that ratio and then that's about it in terms of the current stats let's give her the weapon again Drake Sword I know Shrek sword and then goblet we already decided there it is okay so let's start by leveling up the artifacts I know this is not usually how I do it but I want to do this first this artifact already starts with four lines really I want to see em and I want to see crits ER is okay but kaching doesn't really need any her bursts costs pretty much nothing and you're generating a crap ton of particles already so just show me some love show me em show me crits but okay well even ER would have been better than flat defense please don't make me eat my words okay I thought I finally got a half decent artifact okay Em's good em is probably one of the best things you can get here especially with aggravate kitchen so Ian again I'll create with you guys okay cred that's also very very good we need crit remember our ratio is very very lopsided okay em this is really good now we've got five damage rolls okay this is what we want to see if we can get six this will actually be a really really good artifact and I'm not even hitting the copy of this time okay not bad three crit rate rolls three em rolls the defense and this is it's not good let's just be honest it's pretty crap and that means we can try using our high crit damage Circle it and we can off piece on something else so I am completely lost this old man has lost it Rosaria hand that over I didn't know why you have that now for the Sans so what we're really looking for is em or attack percent so this one has a three attack who crit right not bad overall five damage rolls this one nope that's just bad what about oh if only this was attack on the top or em these attack ones that's got one crit damage roll this has got some em and er some em I mean it could be worth leveling some of these just to fall and then we can see if it gets any good Subs so let's do that now and I'll show you guys the result foreign defense okay these are these are not it so you know what for now we take cyanos we might make this the offset piece we'll figure that out having a look at my feathers I've got this one that has that's a lot of crit rate actually that's I think four rolls two crit damage so that's overall six damage rolls not bad can we do better though I would like something that has crit rate and EM that's my ideal the crit rate em ER maybe an attack percent I'm just gonna level all these to four and see if we have anything that might be good can we get some crit rollers oh God two attack two am and three crit to attack two em that's four three crit that's seven technically better technically more damage oh I don't like that feeling okay we might switch it out we'll see how that goes then here I think we run into the same problem you know we have some things that look like this potential but you know what maybe we maybe we talk to the crafting bench crafting bench share your wisdom with us please some flowers and feathers that are nice maybe a Sans would be cute too whoa that is a lot of goblets what I just leveled the other one and you give me an even better goblet okay maybe I I shouldn't I shouldn't explode you know what this is good okay um sure and a danger goblet and another em goblet I was just gonna show off the other one that I got I got double crit on it what is this I think I might have become addicted to gambling in the strong box everything else sucks though let's try this again number 13. flowers feathers Sands goblets again okay flowers oh sorry feathers I'm not trying to be rude you did give me some amazing stuff but like can we just please round it out okay a lot of feathers a lot of flowers a lot of Sands oh they're not great they're not great that's not it okay you know what let's have a look I think we could start by taking this right that's not too bad one two three one two three so that's six you know six useful stance not horrible it's not it's not a tragedy it's it's kind of a tragedy actually but it's not it's not a full-blown tragedy I'm kind of tempted to make this the flex because although that's you know five useful Subs I feel like we could do better this one and no one's using it which is another good thing the final thing though just when I leveled my freaking goblet you give me a better goblet and you suck me back in so look at these goblets that I've gotten right so we've got this one which is arguably better than the one we just got we've got this EM1 which is absolutely cracked but then I got another even one that's also cracked but that was this either way this is like pretty much the perfect em goblet I've ever seen it's kind of crazy if only this was a sense if this was a Sans this piece would be chef's kiss but unfortunately not so you know what let's let's try to level this let's go okay that would have loved some you know crit rate maybe perhaps but it's not bad at least it's not flat it could be worse it's for one of these in you double nope might as well get the final stat out okay what are you going ah okay what is that one two three that's six rolls this is one two three four five six this is also six rolls except one has way more crit rate the other one has flat attack I think we go with this then for now so we've got a four piece thundering Fury which is solid 1.8k attack also very solid 150 em maybe on a little on the low side ratio actually not as bad as I thought 70 crit rate to 260 crit damage ER this really doesn't matter her burst is like 40 energy costs it's like one of the lowest in the game I don't think there's anyone lower than her so she should be sorted next up let's go fix up her talents and then we'll talk about team let's get everything to eight first what is this Prosperity God who uses prosperity and YULA I love gambling so please okay not bad not bad anything more than three I'm gonna be very happy I mean maybe I should have set expectations higher when I say anything more that didn't just mean one but you know at least it's not less so let's get these towns up awesome okay that should be talents done I think I just dropped what was that 1.5 million more lovely um that's all her again done let's talk about team comp so for those looking to play kaching aggravate is probably her best team comp right now generally the way you want to run it is one dendro two Electro and then a fill slot for the end so for example I would have these two and then yay Miko is the third or you could have something like official something that can process okay even in Mandarin official talks a lot okay but someone like Fishel would actually really really good here because they can proc the aggravate a lot and the only thing you need to proc aggravate with is you just need dendro from the heater one time and they can just keep rocking it so usually you run double Electro one dendro with Baidu coming out soon maybe you can replace nahida or put him as a flex because then you have healing on the team you can also put someone like cookie she will heal the team and also provide that if you want more damage with your final slots you've also got things like kazaha so can swallow Electro you can't smell dandroid but you can swallow the Electro and aggravate will do Electro damage so you actually get the damage amp out of it and provide some CC you can put in Mr John Lee okay it's only before people in the comments come at me but you can use him as well you'll provide Universal shred for your dendro and your Electro as well as just making you pretty much Invincible which is nice it's pretty hard those are most of your options there so for me today I'm thinking John Lee okay I'm gonna stop saying that ironically uh it's only you're off the team I'm gonna switch it with something like this I think so we've got a weird girl with her bird little baby a guy with no home and a girl trying to cosplay as a cat so pretty good team definitely definitely all normal people here I'm just gonna quickly check my team real quick so I think Castle is all good I'm just sure if my cousin 800 em 200 ER this is a little excessive you don't need this much but it is nice to have always having the burst up the heater I've got her on sack Rags four piece steep wood and she's not on in the EM build I think well what does she have some machine okay she is on the EM build but I actually have her as like a DPS she's got crit and danger damage because she's not the one doing the reactions in this comp so she's better off doing her best in terms of personal damage then we've got official who for some reason I think have stolen her weapon he's got a couple options here you can go for a more supportive one here you can also use like a fav and to generate more particles for the team but everyone's energy requirements are super low on this team so I probably would skip that if you're using this exact team you can go for something like a scout hub for personal damage or even a stringless which will give her more em and actually be pretty good for damage here too so I might use a stringless in terms of her artifacts to be glad two-piece thundering Fury would be pretty good but you can pretty much switch it around so what I might do because I have this extra piece I might as well use that and she's already got this which means we pretty much just switch whatever this is for some glad pieces or shimana ones let's use some glad because I don't want to steal my hotel pieces my brain is too small to remember to put them back so let's go him this one's not bad you know it's got some crit it's got some em it's got some attack literally like a soup with everything in it you're not missing anything but it's nothing exceptional in one field or the other and here you probably want to go attack as well but you can do anything so this one not the best but it's not bad so we'll take this so what do hairstyles look like 200-ish em 1.9k attack decent crit ratio no ER but she doesn't really need it because you've got two Electro units with really low burst cards and their focus really isn't the best anyway and she's got that Electro damage coaching looking pretty similar except ratio is looking absolutely cracked and she's ready to go what I'm gonna do is I've already done my dailies but I haven't done my bounty so let's start with testing that as the Baseline oh her kneecaps okay she's fine and she's on fire whoops excuse me sir I need a bounty quick so she can stop being ignited please fast so the first thing Target is immune to Geo damage that's not a problem to us perfect as long as you're not immune to Electro damage we're eating good for most situations though in this team comp I would probably recommend not using kazaha or at least putting baiju or kuki this probably wouldn't use Dory just so you have some sort of healing because that's gonna suck if you don't have that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put out the bud we take a little picture we we swirl I probably should have put this down earlier that's a mistake and how much damage are we doing holy moly why I'm in this guy okay I saw 20K 10K that was more a skill issue on my part for getting to re-activate her Electro if you do manage to do it I'm sure you do a lot more damage but let's try it on something a little tankier where are these birds another good thing about kitchen guys [Music] all right so if we go to the old tried and true bass testing of the premature Vision one of the things I miss about playing kaching is just having her in the OverWatch sure there are a lot of characters like yalon who are better now but just being able to explore run around with um her e honestly was a lot of fun just being able to aim it and yes technically how high them can do this too now as well for a very similar skill but his cooldown is long especially when you're trying to get to higher places getting treasure chests and everything the Ching's a lot of fun and I think a lot of things that people forget about is that a lot more people will end up with things like kaching rather than a high them or these limited characters everyone's bound to get a kitchen eventually right so having these videos Out means when they do get it or for the people that get it from their first set of pools or they lose their 50 50 they still know how to build and they can still have a fun time all right so we're just gonna set up real quick uh do one of these I'm gonna take a picture do one of these and then now it's just time to go okay ow what if I burst okay it's not oh little baby's dying little baby's dying oh dear okay I need an adult help help I've changed my mind we're putting's only on the team not only will it make the rotation easier oh my God I take a lot of damage bro I it's a skillish on my pot you probably don't need to do this or you'll have a Healer so it doesn't matter but man clicking buttons kind of hard I'm gonna blame it on my 220 ping okay but what does my ex only have real quick I have no constellations that's fine middle okay still good let's go find something else let's go fight a big ass robot and this time we can take the shortcut because we have Nikita on the team also unfortunately I don't have the kaching skin I didn't buy it when I was on sale and I drove in 20 USD on a skin I and I don't know what this is let's not talk about this so rotation is probably quite similar except this time we start with only take a picture make a dollhouse okay [Music] let's put one of these in and then we're eating again so you can see like energy is really not a problem here at all you pretty much just always have up time to do whatever you want uh and it's quite fun to play being able to just instantly swap in and out in and out of your characters I I kind of miss a more active playstyle I feel like with some of the teams like hyperbloom once you set up and you just start mashing left click uh I kind of forget where I am what I'm doing and this just makes me feel like a little bit cooler even though I'm doing less damage even though technically probably could be more optimized but it feels nice just being able to cycle through everyone does a little bit of their thing if you have a lot of cool animations playing we've also got the mushroom chicken which I'm about to turn into a mushroom chicken soup this one already has dandruff line so if you were able to fight this you probably have an easier time doing aggravate than any other comps but yeah let's have a look so you double tap the E and you start left clicking okay I need to remember to actually press the buttons we can do a burst in here as well the damages all pretty up there not nothing in particular that's like whoa that's a thumbnail looking number like 200 300 000 but just GPS is good a lot of small hits that's what aggravate is about um which actually results in really really good DPS overall okay I mean we can even Chuck it against something like where is Verizon I've already forgotten where she is and um one last thing depending on what content you're facing if you're facing a lot of smaller enemies maybe we could slot a kazahar back in and if you're versing with bosses oops I miss sound like this right in here might be better to switch to is only and then you have more tankiness and single Target damage I guess oh we're good oh no I went back I forgot how to play this character the other good thing is you can see thundering Fury really pop off here I pretty much just have like the lowest e cooldown I've ever seen I'm just literally permanently mashing which is pretty crazy please don't transform I I want my nahi to you back please I made a mistake okay oh she's doing the thing maybe we can still hit her a little bit okay never mind never mind never mind she's angry I wonder if I can break it faster with nahida on the screen oh my god dude that just shreds her Shield okay who would win a god with a giant sword and four arms or hello baby my money's a little baby oh okay time for kitchen to shine then back to little baby okay we should probably shoot up okay and her Shield is fully depleted now I think now we just wait for her to to land I'm gonna try to get a little closer so I can make this dollhouse little picture she's gonna be weekends and then we just go no time for Zhong Lee so you can just e EQ and then e again which is like kind of insane and you look very cool doing it unfortunately my Abyss has reset so we can't fight the high level the wienon I'm gonna be saving that content for on stream on Twitch if you want to join me Saturday Australian eastern daylight saving time we're going to be beating the abyss for myself and several viewers you can find my schedule for the stream on my community Discord on my YouTube Community page and on Twitter but what we can do for now is fight the wienots younger weaker brother so let's go fight this also apparently I heard that peanut spelled w-e not is not pronounced wiener but I don't care because we know is funnier so we shall continue calling it we not okay even though he's weaker it doesn't mean he's any less annoying though unfortunately because he keeps teleporting around which sucks good thing kaching also has a Teleport so maybe if we put it on a bird here yes we can do a burst knock them down I uh whoops let's kill issue just ignore that there we go okay but that's pretty much it for the Showcase maybe we'll round it out with a little bit about my thoughts so I think overall she's not the best character but she's not bad she's a lot better than she was before when she only had two real options which was just a full Electro damage build or a physical build now aggravate pretty much just the best but you can still play the other ones as well and you can see here like just the amount of damage she does uh is absolutely absurd and you can even use this team in the Overworld I know it's really really good in single Target and AOE but just being able to run around you have nahida to pick stuff up there's only use pillar for overall navigation and kitchensy for navigation as well it's just a lot of fun to play and for me I think after playing genjin for so long a lot of the fun I derived now is no longer from biggest number equals best character and it's more so about okay I mean I could play hyperbloom or I could play xiangling National for like the 8 000th time or I'm gonna try something different so for me that's become a bigger priority now and coaching teams definitely kind of bring back that fun that I had in gention early on when I was first starting out the sense that even though my number isn't the biggest it's just nice looking cool and matching buttons and having fun like look at this I already have my e up again I can do this again this person's dead I got particles I'm gonna burst it's just it's just nice and it's a shame for her we have all these sick animations and just don't really get that much use out of it once again there are a lot of substitutes for this theme as well which gives to the flexibility and I think everyone probably has one Visual and one kitchen copy at this point for the dendro you can use dendro MC the heat is getting a rerun basil is coming out soon as well so you've got a lot of options there I'm sure things like Yaya can also work and for your Flex you can use zoom Lee you can use kazahar and all these other options as well so pretty much the team is really flexible her build options are really flexible as well Lion's raw is a great option if you do get it from pulling it as I lose my thought mashing the E button everyone's dead but yeah overall just a fun team to play damage is solid I really have any complaints about it this was probably what most kaching Mains had hoped for when she had first come out to be this level of strength with the release of dendro it's definitely solved a lot of the problems for Electro characters I think before people felt Electro definitively one of the worst elements even pretty close to jiho in terms of efficiency and only some characters like Ryden who are just good by themselves were good but now dendra actually has made Electro really really powerful and potent and I think it's something that makes a lot of these older characters like razor Like A ching really viable and really really good so a very welcome change so if you're ever experiencing a Content drowned or wanted to try a different kind of comp look no further than running aggravate kitchen it's probably something that's available to you and it's just a ton of fun to play thank you again bullies for making it all the way till the end of the video make sure to like sub and hit the Bell if you haven't already really appreciate it and it's the easiest way and a free way to support me you can find me streaming several times a week on Twitch like I mentioned and you can stay up to date by joining our community Discord following me on Twitter or checking the YouTube Community tab I have all my socials linked below for you to check out love you all boys thank you so much for watching again and until next time [Music]
Channel: InVain
Views: 81,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin pulls, genshin pulls reaction, genshin impact game, genshin impact good, sumeru, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact 3.2, lisa genshin impact, kaeya genshin impact, Amber genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, keqing aggravate, keqing build, keqing dendro, keqing
Id: TQ4zLG3jwCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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