Why Martin Scorsese's Kundun is a Hidden Masterpiece.

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e e [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me again tell me your father had been very sick we thought he would die some of our animals had died cow yes a cow a horse a yak and chickens we had four years of bad crops all the farmers did yes then one night I knew you were coming and at dawn you were born tell me you didn't cry no cry no you didn't cry and that day your father got better he named you lamu the protector I know go to sleep now L go to sleep [Music] that's what's so sh [Music] mom me no me no this must stop me here now I'm the father you the child you sit there no me sit here no oh what's the har let him sit there he wants he'll grow up all wrong only you can serve him only you can touch his food F too clean everything just so so what's the home he thinks he King tell my story a not again again me all right L I'll tell you the story you were born at dawn it was so quiet outside I helped mama she asked for me when you were born you didn't cry at all you never cried and I was surprised then we gave it a sweet drink and you booped all over can you stop that remember child I'll right back with you to the monastery thank you Father there were crows I just remember there were crows when the morning lamu was born do you remember you were sick and I brought him to you you said we'll call him lamu and you went to pray I slept and later went outside and saw them a pair of crows had come to Nest on our roof as if they had come for Lama just as they did for the Dal Lama baby this must stop now baby [Music] [Music] B [Music] yes yes we are traveling to Lassa oh please come in it's so cold your servants will use the kitchen [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] mine I will give it to you if you know who I am [Music] llama mine [Music] no no no give it back I'm sorry he doesn't usually do such [Music] things CLA he always says he wants to go to CLA [Music] come thank you for joining us you say this is yours what else belongs to [Music] you [Music] [Music] two yes those are [Music] [Music] [Music] yours yes those are yours this is mine mine mine mine mine yes G this is mine mine I need this this is mine m l I'll get you a better one come on we have to leave now you must be a very high llama a great Tibetan monk so this is a good thing don't be scared you're not the first boy to be discovered like this and certainly not the last I will never let harm come to you you must be a great man I know who said you could sit here for recent rating your Excellency the the boy's Caravan is [Music] near [Music] he has grown from the baby you sent me to find Excellency it's very strong very inquisitive a little afraid he's waiting to meet the man who discovered him we are going to shave your head now don't be afraid Don't Be Afraid come here here we going to cut your hair come on where you going come here come here come here can you recite may I be the doctor and the medicine and may I be the nurse for all sick beings in the world until everyone is healed can you remember may I be the protector for those without one may I be a BRI a boat a ship for all who wish to cross the water centuries ago a boy was born in Tibet his name was G troop the night of his birth robbers came to his home and his family had to run to save their lives they hid the baby when they return the next day the baby was alive he was guarded by a pair of black crows he was the first he was ji we call him kundun J see [Music] can [Music] I saw you in a video Regent I am reading your Regent I found you it was difficult but you left me good signs I hope it was not too long await Gund you have chosen to come back to this life life once more you will stay as long as you can and then you will come again you will be born again and again as long as old life continues you are here to love all living things just love them care for them have compassion for them as long as any living thing draws breath wherever he shall be there in compassion shall the Buddha [Music] appear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] the Buddha of compassion the wish fulfilling Jewel the 14th Dal [Music] Lama [Music] FL [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] your Lo chamber will see you now your Holiness I am Pala your lord Chamberlain to serve you how ever I can fifth dalama seventh delama 13th Del and when you come of age you will hold the Great Seal oh very auspicious for oh should I tear it yeah just watch me your turn let's play power I'm on a big mountain hitting a men I am braver I have more men I have smarter men I have all the men today you lose tomorrow you may win than change is asking too much from us how much more land and money do we have to give him for finding the boy it comes from our pockets and then they are the gifts and the Estates to offer the dalama family look at father our purses are empty our army is depleted the region is asking for too high a reward for finding the Dal Lama he would have us pull the hairs on my noses surely you're not suggesting that the cost for finding the boy come from reading's own pocket he didn't ask for this position he'd rather be at his Hermitage in retreat with all his women the great 13th can we all see him in the face of this beautiful child he dared to be reborn right on the Chinese border is as if he took a scarf and threw it as far as he could so it landed nambo right smack in the face of China and he said this is Tibet I will be born here right to the edge of our country and he says this is my Tibet your new home your servants everything is as your wish you're very fortunate thank you [Music] mama M I don't like it here this is an old dark place but you will like the Summer Palace better there are Gardens animals like deer and dogs little bears and birds picks elephants no but the river and a lake Fish Man fish who's that woman here she is p l it is her special duty to protect you and government optimate is she or tent she's real she's real [Music] come [Music] one one first wait big ones don't eat no no then the small one finish [Music] Holiness will you take the Hat of the table that's your place ah dama is not supposed to eat poke it's bad for your brain go study I get in trouble if you don't study the D Lama is not supposed to e eggs I'm sorry we have him at last Bumbo eggs look eggs eggs no eggs no that's not the way you talk to people but I'm in charge of whom can I save the Sheep outside so they don't die you're rich buy them will you buy them for me where will you keep them here you and me then I'll buy them for you you have beautiful horses now yes I do go now you want to [Music] go my in there what teeth my teeth I I remember open it open it [Music] oh my old deep they belongs to the 13 t More Than This the Oracle has told me that if I don't leave PLA and doot myself to prayer my life will be cut short please do it right away ready you agree I should resign yes Excellency I do the people are saying how can rein give the alama's vows if he has not kept them himself I am sorry rating Ru but is true I will resign but after the danger is over I will return to the position of regent we only wish to do what is best for us holiness I take refuge in the three jewels the Buddha the Dharma and the S until I attain Enlightenment takra we isting where getting today he has left us Holiness where did he go a retreat Holiness how long several years oh he has left your service another Regent will be chosen I don't understand it's not for your years solness why not for my years I take refuge in the Buddha the Dharma and the s I want you to be my new region that is an order I take refuge in the three Jews the Buddha the Dharma s until I attain the light [Music] [Music] come love on now go go [Music] oh no but they found them the gifts from the West these things the great [Music] 13th [Music] foreign [Music] spee [Music] the my heart [Music] consider the importance of the Four Noble Truths what are the four noble truths the four noble truths as taught by the Lord Buddha are the truth of suffering the truth of why we suffer the truth of the end you are exhibiting too much pride here low your head lingam which is your teacher you bow down before him what are the causes of sufferings pride pride causes suffering you recite think of what you know I need to squeeze this brain answer first one understands that he causes much of his own suffering needlessly second he looks for the reasons for this in his own life to look is to have confidence in one's own ability to end the suffering finally a wish arises to find a path to peace for all beings desire happiness all wish to find the purest selves it's time for you to leave him I don't want you to go we are old now you'll be fine I'll miss you you are good l i see a safe journey I see a safe [Music] return this is Britain where's Poland noou I don't know H is where's Paul Harbor do you know Pomo I do not this is Tibet and this is China how many soldiers do we have about 5,000 Holiness 5,000 so many that's a lot certainly we are safe in to bed we hope G [Music] Liars fools you learned you learned nothing five forms of degeneration the red ideology Danger from within and without devotion skill regret failure heed the warning of your predecessor or the war will end here careful careful [Music] [Music] Holiness we have our letter the 13th dalama wrote this letter the year before he died before you were born when I reached the age of 18 I was called upon to accept the responsibility of serving as spiritual and secular head of the country the responsibility was by no means small and it weighed heavily upon my mind and then the Chinese invaded there was really nothing much we could do other than pray our prayers were soon answered for the power of Truth is great and Karma infallible we routed the Chinese out it may happen that here in Tibet religion and government will be attacked the monasteries will be looted and destroyed and the mon monks and nuns killed or chased away we will become like slaves to our conquerors and made to wander helplessly like Beggars the days and nights will pass slowly and with great suffering and Terror where were you born drra and Caro and you paaa Holiness right here yes Holiness what can I do I'm only a boy you are the man who wrote this letter you are the man who has come back to lead us you will soon have great responsibilities you must know what to do but to a single b29 over the Japanese city of Hiroshima it was the beginning of a new era for [Music] civilization 8:15 in the morning found a 400lb bomb with a destructive force of 20,000 tons of TNT mushrooming up over the stunned enemy City to the frightened inhabitants the end of the world had come the almost horribly beautiful mushroom cloud ballooned up into the heavens the Luminous formation was to become the trademark for incredible death and destruction one scientist had sounded an ominous warning when he said an atom bomb explosion is the nearest thing to Doomsday one could possibly imagine I am sure that at the end of the world in the last millisec of the Earth's existence the last man will see what we saw today how is human life precious as a result of previous Karma you have obtained this human life oh ignorant one do not fall asleep now I can't see what is happening [Music] it's my friend leave him alone no what is happening reting reuch has been arrested reting Quon I'm sorry this is not for your eyes why not for my eyes summon the kashak n what happened to reing it is very complicated Holiness tell me raing rui thought he could return as Regent this was no longer possible Holiness there was an attempt on tak's life really reing was arrested the serks fought today on reading's behalf the monks have guns in this case yes Holiness I didn't know monks had guns no of course not H us where is rating room now he is in prison here at Thea Holiness there's a prison in the Bala there has always been a prison here Holiness I think there's some things we need to change here in Tibet we will have tea please Bumble will you H that I am fine G I am old and too tough to kill now tell me about China yes again a very complicated situation Holiness your Holiness the Chinese are once again trying to convince the world that Tibet belongs to them Tibet is Tibet for a long time Holiness we have agreed to disagree we knew and we knew knew that they knew now they are trying to rewrite history how unfortunate why don't we ask all the Chinese living here to leave if there are no Chinese in Tibet we cannot be a Chinese region very good gon it is time we remind the world we are independent would you say Holiness can India help us they know we are not a part of China India is a newly independent nation they are struggling they are in no position to help us Britain Britain chooses not to and America America America we shall see Holiness I shall write a letter to the president of America excellent Gund I will go see rating roomi now I must advise against that only I want wrting room which well cared for he is my teacher he found me it will be as you say oldness I need to know what you know now I'm no longer a child and so matong has called for all out War he will settle for nothing less than a red China will the Iron Curtain descend over Asia as it has over Russia and Eastern Europe it is conceived able that this declaration of war following 20 years of fighting May Mark the final moments of a free China Mong is now listen to this to Mr Truman the president of the United States of America I'm glad that you are enjoying best of health and doing good service to uplift the happiness and prosperity of the whole world here I'm well and doing my the best for the religion of Lord Buddha and Welfare of all beings this is all so farun Rin R has died in prison now do not be distracted as you enter into the coming of the awareness do not be distracted go to your father he is dead your mother would like you to perform last rights Holiness now do not be distracted [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you I [Music] you [Music] I [Music] the Communists have control of China Jer the Buddha of compassion should know [Music] this oong has presented to bed with three one Tibet must accept that it is part of China two tibet's defenses must be conducted by China three all political and trade matters concerning foreign countries must be conducted through China [Music] a what would you do Holiness if you agree to the first point that thebet is part of China and nothing else will matter we will buy them we will buy them what would you do drra I am only a bug I would reject all three points I would say we accept no conditions from the Chinese we should hear what the people have to say I will consult our protective deities Lord Buddha appears where he is needed as you [Applause] see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] spe enter suon the k your Holiness yes the Chinese have invaded [Music] come [Music] the Chinese have crossed the river in six locations around chamor has anyone died the radio operator said one man had been killed and then he set the Chinese soldiers they're coming and then the radio went [Music] silent this week began the peaceful liberation of Tibet members of The People's Liberation Army have entered this western region of China at the urging of the Tibetan minority long a stronghold of imperialists the Tibetan people have found themselves living in a feudal Kingdom Under the tyranny of the Dal Lama as the People's Army moves toward the capital of Lassa the local peasants gratefully welcome their liberators and happily join the Crusade what did the people say Noble they think it's time for you to rule them now I'm too young I have no experience of course you have experienced G who else would be here no boo yes all in is do you ever wonder if reting found the right boy no I want to be 18 when I'm in Throne all of the lamas were given until 18 his time has come Holiness November 17th 1950 has been selected as the most auspicious day for your enthronement yes we ask that you be prepared to leave Lassa immediately afterwards as a precaution as you [Music] say [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] Le [Music] [Music] tiet we'll call on the west for help I'm sending delegations to America and Great Britain as well as India in hope that these countries will recognize our independence lukanga and LSI I'm making you my prime ministers send a delegation to China we will begin to make plans for reforms and modernization today I declare a general amnesty freedom the prisoners it's time to take this down you still won't come no less you must continue to study very hard and don't let them tangle you in politics remember you are a monk oh miss you we have had fun you and I yes we have and you have grown a very good and you have grown older and more stubborn but you've stayed good tonight K you see the world the gods will win the devil will lose I'll send it back to you it'll work goodbye good [Music] we will move the government to donga monastery near the Indian border we will wait there for the world's response to our [Music] crisis he goes for a short time will not leave Tibet he will return Please don't let him go don't let him [Music] [Music] go the precious man will not abandon you please precious man will not abandon you he will return he will not leave to bed please get up please let him go please he will return he will not leave to bed please pleas oh he will not leave to bed the precious one will not pleas it's quiet yes Holiness where are you from calm Holiness Warriors we at that Holiness my Army and the combas they fight with almost nothing no airplanes no trucks no weapons nothing no one can stop them not even me they fight for you Holiness are they wrong violence is never good every result be it good or bad it h a goes why have they C all in this what did we do that is bad non violence takes a long time do we have the time Holiness I have never known Holiness this has come for you and at the time of midnight the buddhis satwa saw clear light then he saw in a single instant the three states of existence the past the present and the future purified by the clear light then sitting at the tree of Enlightenment he conquered all the devils [Music] [Music] [Music] something no no wait yes yes wait wait please let's do away with some of the formalities it's enough now stop stop please Holiness you're nepes visitors it appears they've brought you an elephant an elephant yesun an elephant is it here now they have it with them how fortunate he is a modern man just like he was the last time today the surrender of Tibet is complete in P King representatives from Tibet and the People's Republic signed a 17-point agreement returning Tibet to the motherland the Dalai Lama's Representatives have signed the agreement in his name and with his best wishes for tibet's Speedy reunification with the mother point one the Tibetan people shall unite and drive out in imperialist aggresses from Tibet your Holiness may I present General Chang chin Wu chairman ma asked me to convey his respect I have been instructed to provide you with this copy of the 17-point agreement for your signature I am empowered to accept your radication I'm certain you wish to return to Lassa do you have plans to return soon we are discussing our plans and we can discuss our plans with you in Lassa when you return thank you let me know if we can be of any help on your return Journey I thought he would be some kind of monster even with horns growing out of his head but he's only a man just an ordinary human being like myself they are the worst of the worst they're worse than ghosts we were like you we were an isolated country then trade began for spices silks tea but there was nothing that we the Chinese wanted from the West so they gave us something to want opium we craved opium they tried to use it to destroy us the imperialists we are here to rescue you from imperialists or they'll do the same to you you cannot imagine sitting here what I came from the floods the famines was so bad China was fragmented Society was crumbling there was a day before the war when I came up a man with a dead baby he was going to cook it he shout it it died I did not kill it they died that is what it was like in China before chairman Mau we believe that the time has come for you to go to India India is our friend you'll be safe then the Americans will help us fullness youve read their letter that letter is unsigned it is not a real promise China is close America's Far Away many tiets could die and China would still be close if you stay in Tibet we cannot guarantee your safety Holiness if you flee Holiness you might never be able to return we've managed the Chinese for many years these are not the Chinese we know Holiness these are communists the fifth Al joined an alliance with the Chinese and a great spiritual Revolution began in the East a spiritual Revolution does it begin like this friends who is the fifth Alama now things change our own short lifetimes are not the only consideration my first and foremost duty is to protect my people I'm going back at first things were good the people's Liberation Army were kind and helpful but that was a long time ago they were with me all the time never left me alone prodding and insulting mother no women in the monry of the dog go on they have burned homes bullied people like they didn't me they think I they let me come they let me go because tell me the Chinese believe I've agreed to kill you kill me I am to convince the Dal Lama to agree to their rule and if I cannot convince you they believe I will kill you they think my own brother will kill me they believe that I hate meeting up here this place is a tribute to the past and another thing I want the song stopped songs what songs Street songs about General 10 there are singing about his gold watch he's right they're quite insulting we have no authority to ban singing in our country then ban the public meetings and we want 2,000 more tons of Bali this is impossible you will bring famine down on the people of Tibet more food the best land for your soldiers to Camp the people's Liberation Army pays for all food and laric so far they do but the quantity does not exist you will have to re-evaluate your needs how much tea do you drink prime minister it depends on the quality and that it' be Indian I am instructed to tell you today that plans for the Tibetan Army to be absorbed into the people's Liberation Army have fin I not approve it then we will Begin by replacing the Tibetan flag with the flag of the motherland and we will begin with tearing it down [Applause] [Music] I'm am so sorry it must be done we can no longer meet with the Chinese they refuse us I accept your resignations have you chosen your new prime minister's holness there will be no new Prime Ministers they have taken away our silence Britain Nepal America India all of those governments have refused to meet with our representatives and the United Nations the United Nations voted not to hear our appeal so we must face China and am all alone I'm afraid so we have no choice but to negotiate the Chinese must come to Lassa times are desperate Pala we can go to [Music] Ping [Music] [Music] fore [Music] ch [Music] [Music] the news of the people's Liberation Army's March into Tibet was enthusiastically supported by all sections of the population in particular Tibetans in all parts of China jubilant celebrated the news and demanded their return to the motherland the mission of China is to bring progress to Tibet we welcome you Tibet back to the [Applause] motherland [Music] it is too early to implement all the Clauses of the 17 point [Music] agreement the pace of Reform must meet with the desires of the Tibetan people changes must be made slowly as you yourself judge necessary Tibet is a great land a wonderful history long ago you even conquered a part of China but now you have fallen behind and we want to help you in 20 years time you could be ahead of us and then it will be your turn to help China you know my mother was a Bo Buddhist I have a great respect for your lord Buddha he was anti- cast anti-corruption anti exploitation for some politics and religion can mix please have some sweet made in my home Province the kind my mother used to make I have great hopes for a mutual cooperation he has made important promises you know his family were Buddhists they were farming people I think socialism and Buddhism have some things in common she will be fine your Holiness the climate does not agree with her he has made important promises as you say I hope you will not feel badly about all the things of childhood you missed you lost so much I am sorry goodbye kundu goodbye goodbye no noou don't die no none of you don't die in passing a few words about our nation's minorities the people of the whole country are pleased that the minority nationalities and the Han people are united but we must combat Han chauvinism don't get the idea that it is the Han nationality that has been primarily helping the minority nationality the minorities have given the har people great help their every participation in the community of the ch Lama excuse me chairman M has sent for you T Lama thank you for coming so late I leave tomorrow yes I know how has your stay been very interesting your factories are very impressive and I enjoyed that you have a lot to learn how to draw out people's opinions and make decisions instruct your y Tibetans when I make contact with you I want to reach you through a Tibetan not a Chinese very good I agree with some of your ideas for years we have been reforming our monasteries and reorganizing your attitude is good you know I understand you well but you need to learn this religion is Poison Poison like a poison it weakens the race like a drug it retards the mind of people and Society the opiate of the people tiet has been poisoned by religion and your people are poisoned and you faor let me walk you to your [Music] car we cannot persuade you to stay in pikin I must return take care of your houseal ride me [Music] off [Music] [Music] welcome to your old home your holiness are you happy I'm very happy and prosperous under the Chinese Communist party and ch [Music] [Applause] I admire them so they face a modern equipped Army and still they fight I have always asked for just plain information the Chinese have bombed the monastery of leang it has been destroyed they throw rocks from aeroplanes nuns and monks are made to fornicate in the streets they put their guns in the hands of our comper children and forced the child to kill the parent I'll right tomor again he doesn't answer your letters kundun nonviolence means cooperation when it is possible and resistance when it is not you have tried cooperation your resistance must come from outside Tibet [Music] kundun [Music] [Music] we will be moving Chinese families into Tibet territory farmers 40,000 a Revolt has broken out in the East we have decided that the Tibetan Army must be used against the compa gorillas General tan our people would never you do not understand our people I will not approve that you have bombed on P peaceful people it is my job to deal with reactionaries no we are peaceloving people we are here to heal the people of Tibet you need reform we are here to liberate you no Buddha is our physician General tan he will heal us wisdom and compassion will set us free you cannot Li me General tan I can only liberate [Music] myself you are in great danger the Dal Lama cannot fall into Chinese hands our only hope is to fight we cannot if they kill you they kill tiet you must flee [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] General tanan son wishes to invite the Dalai Lama to a dance recital at the newly erected Great Hall Of The Liberation Army a dance yes and because of the climate in Lassa General tan requests that the Dal Lama come without his bodyguards one attendant is fine it says they would like to provide him as I'm sure they would it's no time to anger the Chinese Pala there are tanks in the streets airplanes wait outside Lassa I think we can safely say the Chinese are already angry holiness what would you do my friend I only a bug Holiness Holiness I would think about what survival for Tibet really means in the years to come I would consider my duty to protect my people and so I would leave now for India but I won't do that so write them say I'm sorry to Mr dance another time maybe tell them to write me often I know it's a lie but times are bad as you say you know kundun I would never have let you go alone don't ask me to leave to bed P I won't ask you today holiness please don't go please don't go please I you to leave pleas your is Moree please you must go your holiness foreign [Music] [Music] speeech foreign speech [Music] where there is no crossing a big river no fors no [Music] shallows but the only hope is a boat and there is no boat I will put a boat good the wish fulfilling Jewel Will Shine from the [Music] West oh we have a letter may I please if the Dal l and a few trusted officers can stay within the inner wall and inform General tan exactly which building you will occupy we certainly intend that this building not be damaged they're going to bomb us apparently when help you want no mistakes he acts as a postcript the Chinese have taken the strictest measure to prevent your Escape tell them I will be here with my people right [Music] here how is it outside today it's a sea of faces there is a rumor that his Holiness is gone the supply trucks coming from the Bala could we fill them with guns yes we could Gua I want you to call the tayor in have him make you a soldier's uniform make it look old and worn do it quickly please [Music] [Music] go tonight go Holiness the Oracle route takes us right past the Chinese encampment we cannot possibly I'll fight them I'll get a gun and fight them I'm so confused go I'm told we have to make a journey but no one tells me when or where how will go if you are going just go ahead the saddest thing is we were about to change we are going to do it alone we were just about to do it alone I'll go to war theama does not believe in [Music] war [Music] [Music] dim the [Music] lights we have a long journey to make pumo we do not know how it will end and it is very sad but I would not consider going without you Holiness the Chinese have moved their Camp the Oracle route is safe for us now we must go yes Sanctuary has been arranged in India they're expecting you thank [Music] [Music] you [Music] I see a safe journey I see a safe return now I am ready I rejoice in The Awakening of the Buddhas and also in the spiritual levels of their [Music] sons with folded hands I beseech the Buddhas of all directions to shine the lamp of Dharma for all bewildered in the Gloom of misery ins move move move aside move aside tour of inspection move aside move aside move aside let us through move aside let us through we have time we have time move aside let us through move move [Music] [Music] aside with folded hands I beseech all the Buddhas who wish to pass away to please remain for countless zons and not to leave the world in [Music] darkness [Music] the my Foos will become nothing my friends will become nothing I too will become nothing likewise all will become nothing [Music] right will win wrong will [Music] lose just like a dream experience whatever things I enjoy will become a memory whatever has passed will not be seen again [Music] [Music] [Music] I will liberate those not liberated I will release those not released I will relieve those unrelieved and set living beings in Nirvana we repudiate the 17 agreement we constitute a temporary government of Tibet the only legal Authority in the land the Buddhas neither wash ill Deeds away with water nor remove beings sufferings with their hands nor transfer their realizations to others beings are released through the teachings of the truth the final [Music] reality [Music] [Music] [Music] fore hurry Holiness the Chinese are close hurry gundan they are close [Music] spe [Music] [Music] gundan you must walk into India we have one [Music] [Music] on [Music] thus by The Virtue that has collected through all that I have done May the pain of every living creature be completely cleared away with all respect sir may I ask who are you what you see before you is a man a simple monk are you the Lord Buddha I think I am a reflection like the moon on water when you see me and I try to be a good man see [Music] yourself oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Cast of Few Productions
Views: 282,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dalai lama, tibet, who is the dalai lama, dalai lama teaching, the dalai lama, video dalai lama, tibetan, tibetan buddhism, tenzin gyatso dalai lama 14th dalai lama, martin scorsese, phillip glass, roger deakins, scorsese, scorcese movie, full movies free
Id: rovzRIHG0kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 10sec (8050 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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