Cactus Flower (ft. Ingrid Bergman) | Full Movie | CineClips

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the day for love is any time no matter what the season or the year the day for love is any any day there's just no telling when it will appear but when your heart is ready you will find that spring is really just a state of mind some flowers Blossom late but they're the kind that lasts the longest someday someone will walk into room and in no time at all you be in blue and that's the ESS wonder of the time [Music] for [Music] pap [Music] oh [Music] need I need to be be with I got to tell you I need to be be with keep talking about all the places that you want to go you can't sh me if you walking out the door baby I need yeah needs to be with I got to tell you I need to be with when I'm done my best now baby I need to be with when I'm getting my ass I needs to be be with I'm back in my S baby needs to be [Music] be to [Music] be hey in there something wrong hey I smell gas [Music] [Music] [Music] jul jul I'm not Julian wake up Julian kiss me sorry Julian whoever you are who are you what are you doing aftermath resuscitation you were kissing me I lost my head well how did you get in here I don't know you left your gas on gas oh I'm alive I blew it I blew it oh boy I really blew it take it easy well you're lucky I broke in why did you I thought you were dying well that was the whole idea now why don't you go back and mind your own business like everybody else in New York City okay lady that's the last time you catch me saving your life damn it you made me blow it well it happens you were going about it all wrong I believe you're supposed to put your head in the stove well it's a secondhand stove there were no directions why did you do it because of Julian how do you know about Julian you called me that while you were kissing me I wasn't kissing you you were kissing me and by the way is that all you did that wasn't much time well I'm sorry I guess I should be grateful what's your name eigor eigor Sullivan eigor Sullivan that's wild I made it up how come you picked eigor eigor is my own I made up the Sullivan oh it's a good name for a writer you're a writer you're the writer the one that keeps pounding on his typewriter all night you drive me crazy why didn't you complain so I could have met you earlier you haven't told me your name Tony Simmons look Tony what did this Julian do to you nothing well he must have done something what he cheat on you beat you said drunk crook worse oh he's married for Life he's got three kids I don't know why I'm telling you all this like you were Dear Abby is that that dirty rat Julian oh he's not a dirty rat he's a dentist fine dentist Fifth Avenue with a wife and three kids well that's one of the things that attracted me to him you go for married men huh I like honesty all my life people have lied to me and I can't stand it Julian at least had the decency to warn me he had a wife and a family I was in love with them so I accepted it first I thought it was going to be a gay Carefree fling whoop be then came all those nights when he couldn't make it when he called night and cancel was their anniversary anniversary of what Julian and I met one year ago at stereo Heaven that's the record shop where we stereo Heaven I've been there I never noticed you but Julian did and I noticed him he was Charming goodlooking sophisticated no sweatshirts sorry didn't know this suicide was Black Tie you know sitting here alone tonight it suddenly came over me I have wasted away my whole life do you realize I'm 21 it's a lucky thing I smoke too much I was on my way down to the corner to get a pack of cigarettes the corner oh my God what's the matter I wrote Julian telling him what I was going to do why what would be the sense of killing myself if he didn't know about it where are you going I've got to get that letter back wait a minute hey how do you plan to do that with a piece of string and some chewing G look you already broke the law when you attempted suicide I start monkeying around with the federal government I guess you're right what time is it it's almost 3: 3:00 I've got to get out and go to work in the morning go away have to sleep well hell with it I'll take the day off yeah why kill yourself well you must be a pretty corny writer what sort of things do you write plays what kind of plays very Advanced all the actors keep their clothes on Public's not quite ready for that yet how do you live I get an allowance from my father oh boy now he's beginning to feel sorry for you everybody can't be poor look if if you need anything just pum on the wall I'll come right away thanks eigor good night Tony Igor eer I want you to call Julian for me in the morning before he gets that letter why don't you call him yourself in the first place I'll be sleeping and second place I don't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry why not throw a scare into him he deserves it oh he's liable to call the cops or something will you do it yeah all right he's in the book Julian Winston DDS fth Avenue Julian Winston DDS fth what did I say to him just tell him I'm alive you're alive and I never want to see him again as long as I live Dr Winston's office who eagor Sullivan is it about an appointment oh I'm sorry Mr Sullivan but the doctor's with a patient right now if you'll just give me the message but if you insist on speaking to him then you have to call back later a caramel one lousy caramel and the whole damn filling came out Mrs Durant it was only a temporary filling and you were warned to be careful caramels good Heavens I've given up everything else is the doctor ready for me he was 20 minutes ago but since you were late you gave your time to another patient or mck thank you how would you please tell a doctor I'm in a hurry Charles is expecting me in half an hour Charles Mr Charles the hairdresser today he's taking care of me personally I can't keep him waiting really Mrs Durant your teeth are more important than your hair you really believe that don't you sad Dr Winston's office good morning Mrs Andrews well the doctor's booked solid today what let me check with him excuse me doctor Mrs Andrews is on the phone her bridge is wobbling I tell her to come in at 8:00 tomorrow morning yes doctor Mrs Durant is here and when you get a minute I'd like to speak to you Mr Greenfield please don't hand the instruments say I was reading the other day that there's a dentist in New Jersey who has tapless nurses I didn't know you were interested in Reading she really turns me off I told all Swedish things were sexy I mean I've seen some of those movies but this one's like an iceberg she's very efficient have you ever seen her out of her uniform I mean in street clothes I bet she wears corrective hats Javy what you don't like about Miss Dickinson is exactly what I do like like about her she's like a wife Good Wife devoted competent takes care of everything for me during the day and at night she goes home to her home and I with no problems and no cares go to my girl my life has arranged the way I like it your girl one girl singular didn't I tell you it's been a year now oh that's not the old Julian Winston I knew in the old days the dancing dentist at the cope every night with a new girl Tony has changed all that I don't want want anyone else you mean you're in love with her I try to fight it take last night I deliberately broke a date with Tony to go out with another girl Airline stus tall built spectacular looking Australian girl we went up to her place had a few drinks open bite stay that way hey you can't leave me hanging like this you want to see me about something yes doctor I've been meaning to speak to you about Mr Greenfield's bill Dickson you know he's an old friend of mine well I think he's taking advantage of you m Dickson there are some things a man just can't do I won't push Harvey Greenfield for money I've known him too long you do it well I'll be happy to what's this I ordered you some new shirts the ones you're wearing I getting frailed or under color you really should change laundries they're using too much starch please stop mothering me here's a letter for Mr Greenfield rinse please so he went up to her place H you went up to her place you had a few drinks oh oh yes the stewardess yes beautiful girl beautiful well then what happened well nothing Tony stopped me Tony she showed up in my mind suddenly I saw her face before me and I couldn't go through it I left walked out you wasted a whole stewardess open you going to get married married who said anything about getting married well if you feel that way about your girl I feel that way about my girl because she is my girl you never catch me feeling that way about a wife look harvy I've got a perfect setup why spoil it by getting married oh it's a very healthy op look but what about her no problem all girls want to get married I know I've been subdivided three times not Tony Simmons she thinks I'm already married Julian you pulled that old stand on her huh minute I met her I knew this girl could make me do anything so just to protect myself in the clinches I told her that I had a wife and three children three children's a nice touch and I told it to her right away so that everything between us would be open and above board very good very good that's such a big dirty rotten filthy light it has class I'm going to put this back temporarily it should hold you till next week all right bite down hard that's it stay like that would you give Mr Greenfield another appointment yes doctor I know you won't have time to go out for lunch today so I I made you some of your favorite sandwiches chicken and egg salad yeah but you always like them if you say so oh Dr Winston I'm so terribly sorry I was late all right dear lady that is all right but I understand we've been very naughty well I don't know about you but all I have is one little caramel besides being bad for your teeth Mrs Durant think of how caramels can hurt those Splendid hips oh isn't he a marvelous dentist but with his talents he would have made an even better obstetrician in here Mr Sant see you next week H now wait a minute I listened to you about your girl let me tell you about mine H I'm running a little she's a beautiful girl with a figure like a Greek guy great big beautiful eyes yeah but her teeth they overlap a little and I promised you pulled this on me before doctor Mrs Durant is ready Julian no budy well all right send her around I'll see what I can do but don't you know any girls with straight teeth excuse me Sergeant Miss Dickinson Dr Winston asked me to make an appointment for a lady friend of mine how about a week from Tuesday at 7 a.m. you're kidding I'm asleep at 7:00 a.m. Oh I thought the appointment was for a lady that's right we're both asleep at 7:00 a.m. I'm sorry I hope I haven't shocked you no but it must be a terrible shock for her would you get me Mrs Durant's chart please yes doctor by the way Mr Greenfield who is paying for this treatment put it on my tab there is no more room on your tab Julian I feel insulted it isn't as I'm planning to stick you it isn't as if you're planning to pay me either look uh things are a little slow for actors this time of the year but as soon as a new television season Thursday at 5:30 in the afternoon or is that too early we'll set the alarm uh you prepare an anesthetic syringe pleas yes doct you said something about a letter yes oh and by the way your sailor called about your fitting and that is something I can't do for you any more than I can go to the bar before you which by the way you could also use oh my God what's wrong with why didn't you show me this before but I tried to doctor doctor are you leaving what about Mrs Durant and all the other patients you handle it no the doctor really now if your girlfriend start to come before your patient second shut up Dr Winston's office no he's not here now look Mrs salaman if it is that important you better tell me about it what Tony is alive who is Tony hello now hello I didn't know dentists made house calls I knew it I knew it I knew it knew what that you wouldn't do it a whole day full of appointments a dozen patients coming and you send a letter that you're going to kill yourself and then don't well I'm sorry to disappoint you well the whole thing was a fake wasn't it everything between is a fake Julian just because I broke one lousy little date last night it happens that I had a very important meeting with an Australian dentist we were comparing techniques don't try to spare my feelings Julian I know you were out with your wife well if you know you know I've made up my mind Julian we're through through what are you talking about we're so happy together we are well I'm happy together I've decided I want a man of my own exclusively no more going Happ fies so here I packed your pajamas and your toothbrush and your pick Hony this isn't like hi oh didn't know you had company it's only Julian this is eor solivan hello Dr Winston I just spoke to your nurse in the telephone something wrong with your teeth no I just called to tell you that Tony's alive and you didn't have to worry about her letter alive feeling all right Tony I'm fine thanks e okay well I just wanted to make sure you weren't playing any more tricks with the gas the gas the gas gas Tony I'm a bastard now Julian I'm no good bastard you really tried to kill yourself over me stupid wasn't it I'm a bastard biggest bastard in the whole world Julian please you're starting to make it sound like bragging it wasn't your fault I knew what I was getting into you've always told me the truth I should have kept my mouth shut you couldn't Julian you're a decent guy that's why I fell in love with you and now I'm returned to you your wife and your children I hope you'll be very happy no Tony everything's going to be all right I am going to make it up to you oh sure you'll take me away for another funfilled weekend at some Motel no more weekends and no more motels Tony I'm going to marry you how do you mean marry you know marry with the judge the blood test the license that kind of marry right away well what about your wife my wife I'll divorce what about the children I'll divorce them too Julian this isn't funny I should have done it a long time ago oh baby when I think that you were ready to die because of me Julian you really do love me did you ever doubt it jul you not now why not now E's right next door you can hear everything well IG has been right next door before yeah but I hadn't met him then look the sooner we move Mo you out of here the better now that you're going to be Mrs Julian Winston imagine that me a married man I mean me married to you Julian what what what's going to become of her your wife why do we keep talking about my wife well you're going to have to make some arrangements about it what do you figure on doing Simple H out oh is that what you say when you get tired of me H out no this is different darling I I love you my wife and I I never even knew her has the three children come United Parcel well at the beginning I was polite look would you stop worrying about my wife she'll be taken care of what if she refuses to give you a divorce she wouldn't dare let's forget her I can't I can't the thought of being a housebreaker sort of spoil oils things a home breaker a house breaker is a crook well I'm stealing you away from your wife you may not believe it but I have certain standards Tony I haven't wanted to go into this but what if I told you that it's my wife who wants the divorce oh God you mean she found out about us let's just say that she wants her Freedom too oh well in that case I'll be proud to marry you no hey hey where you what the hell are you doing there fixing Tony's window because if she waits till the janitor gets around to it it'll take forever thanks eigor tell him to get the hell out of here and come back later Julian don't be so impatient what the well look now that we're engaged don't you think we should do something to celebrate I know let's do something we've never done before what you can take me out in the daytime did you get an upside crry I want to me who your wife my wife I want to get things straightened out with her oh come on Tony that really isn't necessary well I wanted to tell me herself that she wants to leave you she does have I ever lie to you you'll arrange it won't you Julian arrange what for me to meet your wife it's very important that she doesn't think of me as some sort of House Wrecker home wrecker I don't want to have to hide every time I run into her somewhere believe me you'll never run into her she julan if I don't meet your wife I won't be happy and if I'm not happy then you won't be happy I'll bet this fell cheated and used a ruler when am I going to meet her and don't say who baby you can take my word for it Julian you've got to promise I'll do nothing of the kind now let's just drop the whole thing all right let's drop it do you know what this represents goodbye Julian goodbye it was very nice knowing you now just a minute Tony come back here wait a minute Tony Tony when you all right I promise you be hurt you be hurt you be hurt you be [Music] hurt oh seor Sanchez the doctor he is waiting I tried to call you at the UN but you had already left the doctor had to cancel all his appointments to today oh really well that's too bad oh but as long as you're here we might as well x-ray that tooth that's bothering you that I don't mind but you're not afraid of Dr Winston are you but it's funny because by Nature I am not a card as a matter of fact I'm known in my own country as El Bravo El Bravo how about that I have been through six bloody revolutions at United Nations I've sat in my seat and I listen to a 9 hours speech by the Bulgarian delegate yet when it comes to dentists well we all have our little weaknesses had several big ones no seor Sanchez I cannot help myself there is something so provocative about a nursing uniform no FRS no ganss just a basic woman now you hold that with your finger there we are hold still Senor Sanchez of the basic woman is liable to x-ray your nose B St there thank you there we are you know Miss Dickinson you are a most attractive woman yet you try to conceal it very successfully I'd say ah but we Latin have a great eye for hidden Beauty you know for centuries our women were all covered up with mantillas long dresses veils so we in selfdefense have had to develop an instinct for guessing what was underneath I'll give you another appointment you're very Charming my dear and so easy to talk to uh you are a woman worth knowing what about next Friday at 5: wonderful where shall we meet this is for you and Dr Winston but I would like for us to have dinner one of these nights candle light soft guitars will you bring along your wife my wife you would not like her nobody likes her let's make her for next Friday after my appointment Sor Sanchez I can't you're a married man this I cannot understand if I am a married man it is my problem what has he got to do with you I would not be Prejudice if you were married seor Sanchez how are you come come I can take you now well I cannot take you now oh miss Dickson I uh I'm sorry I ran out on you this morning I managed I knew you would oh you knew I would well I didn't know I would but I did rearranged all your appointments I told everyone you had to go to your dentist that made them happy I can always count on you in a jam if you don't need me anymore doctor I'm I'm going home oh I'll get that hello don't worry you'll meet her you'll meet her Miss Dickenson yes doctor is um are you in a hurry this evening I know doctor if there's anything I can do for you I thought maybe you'd like to come out and have a drink with me are you asking me to go out why is there somebody else in that closet I don't understand the most natural thing in the world for a doctor to take his nurse out yes but I've been working for you for almost 10 years and this is the first time that you have ever invited me oh better a little late and a little [Music] never and I suddenly realized that I have no idea of what your life is like outside the office tell me about Stephanie Dickinson civilian I don't know where to begin that's a good place well I I live in Jackson Heights that much I know Alone um yes no no I live with my sister Anna and her husband they're two boys and a bulldog named Max sounds cozy yes I like large families and um I help Anna with the cooking and after dinner I walk the dog or I read watch television if there's a good documentary and sometimes we play Monopoly Monopoly that's fun my my brother-in-law is very good at but it cheats I on Saturdays I take my two nephews to town we go to to the zoo or the park what are you do on your vacation oh that's when I become a different person independent and adventurous I settle up my little Volvo Volvo that's a good car yeah second hand well I break away from every everything and go tooling up to Cape Cod alone it's just me and my paint box and Max Max the dog oh for two weeks I I wear blue jeans and walk around Barefoot and paint up a stor what about your personal life I mean uh um you mean men yes at the moment there are no men in my life but they have been well doctor I am no sex goddess but uh I haven't spent my life life in a tree I was married when I was very young but it didn't work out married I had no idea neither did he and once I was very much in love it lasted for a long time but what well he couldn't leave his wife him too what do you mean him too well nothing I was thinking of a similar case in this job you don't meet anything with married men I suppose all the single ones have good teeth frankly I hadn't planned on being an old maid an old maid nonsense you've got a long way to go well I've been talking an awful lot and I'm afraid I'd be late for dinner sson I'm glad we had this little talk you're a very rare person sensitive and generous I guess I'm all right I have the feeling that if I found myself in trouble I could count on you for help well you know that's true doctor but sometimes a problem comes up that's so difficult that uh why don't you try me Dickson you could do me a great service you see I'm desperately in need of a wife oh doctor oh please don't misunderstand me I never expected well I need a wife temporarily 15 or 20 minutes 15 or 20 minutes I'm telling all this very badly Miss Dickinson I want someone to play the part of my wife someone like me if only you would it wouldn't involve any uh I mean all all you'd have to do is tell a certain person that you want a divorce you see I've suddenly decided to get married I guess I didn't tell you no no you didn't tell me well I have her name is Tony Simmons oh I'm supposed to give you a message she's alive well that's only part of it see my problem is she thinks I'm already married where could you have gotten such an idea well at the time I had my reasons but I'll straighten that out later at the moment I have to dig up a wife well right now stop digging and tell the girl the truth good night well I can't tell her anything now miss Dickson she's liable to well she's so young and she's had a lot of unfortunate experiences I'm the first decent man she's ever met are you quoting her or you Tony is a a wonderful girl she won't get married unless she meets my wife I mean she's very straightforward she doesn't want to be a housebreaker I mean a House Wrecker isn't that sweet just darling she works at stereo heaven in the village and if you would just go and meet her just I am sorry I hate lies no more than I do miss Dickinson no more than I but I don't know how to get out of this one my Happ happiness lies in your two hands for years these two hands have held nothing but your instruments and your appointment book you've managed to handle your happiness without any help from me and now you want to use me in this in this cont temptable way you just tricked me into talking about myself so that what you did wasn't very nice doctor not very nice at all you just can't get decent help these days I thought you were taking us to the zoo today this is much better than the zoo now here you go and byy yourself an ice cream huh I'll be over there in the record shop and I I'll meet you here H [Music] good don't you have this in mono uh it's been discontinued let me look in the stock room maybe we still have a copy can I help you no thanks just browsing when do you expect the recording of the Horwitz concert oh it should be in later this week thank you welcome looking for something in particular for that uh horowits album if I order it now will you mail it to me no certainly may I have your name please Mrs Julian Winston and do you have an accountant with us no but my husband has a lot of business here surely you remember my husband well I may have assisted him sometime well I wouldn't be surprised pardon maybe you didn't catch my name Mrs Julian Winston uh Mara would you hand this uh my customer I'll take care of this sure Mrs Winston I'm Tony Simmons I suppose you came here to see me Dr Winston my husband said that you were most anxious to meet me well here I am um did he uh did he tell you about our plans the divorce naturally well well what you don't mind well the doctor and I are in complete agreement about the divorce I can't tell you how good that makes me feel I really made your day well you see Mrs Winston call me Stephanie after all I won't be Mrs Winston much longer oh then you do mind of course not or things between the doctor and me have become impossible I can't tell you how good that makes me feel I'm glad may I ask you a question are you absolutely sure that you love juliia do I love him do you madly wildly desperately as long as you're fond of him I don't want him to end up bitter and un happy oh I understand especially after he had such a terrible marriage it was not so terrible our marriage after all lasted 10 years you're not wearing a ring well when something is over it's over well I just hope that you have better luck with Julian than I did oh I'm sure I will uh there's just one thing that's bothering me I'll be happy to play this for you if you'll just come in [Music] Mrs Winston who's going to tell the children the children oh it's going to be tough explaining such a horrible thing to three young children three we have to tell them three well I'll I'll tell them Julian is no good at that's of thing how will they take it oh they'll get used to it at least now I will be able to devote myself to them full time I've been so busy helping Julian with his work of course he does have a nurse oh I know I hear Miss Dickinson's marvelous she is one of those Sterling old maids probably madly in love with the boss did Julian tell you that well no not exactly but one night when he was working late I suddenly got jealous of Miss Dickinson when I told him about it he just like laughed and laughed have you ever been jealous of her not me any woman who marries Julian had better not be the possessive type oh I know Julian must have played around but after all when a man has a terrible marriage don't keep saying that now I must go har Mrs Winston you asked me a question and now I want to ask you one are you absolutely sure you don't love him anymore but of course I don't love him anymore but you can't leave a man after so many years without feeling a little pain a man with whom you have shared all normal everyday things worrying about his Barber his tailor making sandwiches for him or he's crazy about chicken and egg salad sandwiches buying his shirts his pajamas his handkerchiefs looking after him planning for him a man who's all yours at least almost all yours oh I don't know what has come over me I'm talking nonsense it must be that music you will see that I get that horowits album of course shall I charge it to Dr Winston no I better get used to paying for things myself you want it sent to your home address yes no uh send it to 975 Glenwood Jackson hid's apartment 3A you moved out yes I packed up everything including the children and moved in my sister I thought that was the best thing for everybody Mrs Winston what about your future what's going to become of you oh I'll just ride off into the sunset or something well it's just that I want to be sure you're all right well I I'll write you every day Mrs Winston I want you to know I think you're a very gracious charming and very brave woman oh thank you my dear [Music] feel on F Lord k [Music] I thought it was Tony and what if it had been I just wanted to get my electric razor out of her apartment why would it be in there cuz you can't slash your wrist with an electric razor I took all her blades away from her I wish you'd butt out of my fiance's life fiance now look dentist Doctor why don't you stop stringing the girl along you know you're not going to leave your wife for your information sir Tony and I are getting married she didn't tell me why should she tell you hey e that's a new tell hello Julian I I just heard the good news congratulations thanks eigor it'll take a while yet the first is a divorce oh we haven't gotten our divorce yet would you give tazan here his electric razor oh I'm sorry E I should have returned it so you haven't gotten the divorce yet I'd like to have you in my chair for 5 minutes thanks next time don't come calling in that outfit you want make it all dressed up to shave oh ho how come you're so late Julian I had a visitor at the shop this afternoon your wife she came she was magnificent handled herself beautifully she's a real lady well I don't marry just anybody then everything is all cleared up Julian you lied to me what never what did she tell you I deny it well you may not be aware of it yourself Julian but your wife still loves loves you H I'm telling you your wife still loves you now did she or did she not tell you that she agrees to a divorce but she's only doing it to make you happy she's crazy about you anybody can see that Tony let's stay calm tell me what the damn fool what my wife said well it's not what she said it's what she didn't say all right tell me what she didn't say word for word well it was the way she talked about you and your Barber and your shirts and your handkerchiefs I got all choked up and she mentioned those chicken and egg salad sandwiches you mean to say that she bragged about her damn sandwiches she didn't brag she just told me she made them it sounded as if they were made with love well they were made with mayonnaise and too much mayonnaise and the next time she gives me one I'm going to smack her right across the mouth with it Julian there's a very cruel streak in you this fine woman this fine woman suddenly you're my wife's lawyer Tony you wanted to see her I fixed it well that was a mistake steak great maybe if I never met her but I did meet her and I liked her especially after I saw her with the children the children she brought the children they were waiting for her across the street not the little girl just the two boys must be those damn nephews incidentally how old is Peter Peter Peter that's your older boy isn't it oh yeah yes that's uh Peter all right well let's see how old would he be now um You told me he was eight well that's what I told you well he looks more like 12 to me yes well no it's it's the younger boy who's eight Peter Peter is 12 that's very interesting considering you've only been married 10 years come on Julian the truth well all right truth is that Peter was a premature baby was born before we were married I'm glad that confirms everything how's that don't you see here's a woman who gave herself to you before you were married that proves it was true love oh for God's sake Tony and I feel guilty if I did anything to Tony I told you that she wants the divorce as much as I do and for a very good reason what good reason what good reason oh boy another guy your what another man I'd be very much surprised Tony this is the type of thing a man with a normal ego wouldn't lie about oh maybe you're right you know the fact that you've been cheated on that your wife did that to makes it all seem nicer somehow just as long as you are happy why shouldn't you have a boyfriend after all you have a mistress you nut Julian if we're going to dinner in a movie why don't we stay in tonight and scramble something I don't think we ought to do this anymore what well now that you're getting a divorce we ought to be more careful we wouldn't want this to get messy of course not but baby it's only for 6 weeks while your wife goes to Reno Reno hell I'm going to send her to Mexico for one of those Quicky divorces in out finish Bingo you think he'll marry her who your wife's boyfriend I don't know maybe who cares well I'm curious what's what's he like what does he do I hav the slightest idea I don't know wouldn't you like to meet him sort of look him over Tony you're getting that look in your eye again too please children this man may become your children's stepa maybe he'll Rob your wife exploit her beeter you have to arrange for us to meet him no all right I'll do it myself now that I know where I'll just call no no no you mustn't Julian if you won't do this one little thing for me no no no no no no no no no no but it's such a little thing all we have to do is find a man no and now if you'll excuse me I I have to develop some x-rays I'm afraid I threw this boyfriend thing at you too quickly I'll get rid of Mrs Durant and then I'll exp won't do you any good oh getting as prickly as your damn Cactus what's going on out there between you two oh nothing nothing nothing in particular don't try to fool me Doc I have a very good nose for sexual tension that's very funny Miss Durant very funny open a you'll ruin the X-ray now listen Miss Dickson before the next patient you listen to me you asked me to Poe as your wife it was Preposterous but I did it and I think I did it beautifully trouble is you did it too beautifully Tony thinks you're still in love with me me not you my wife how could you get a ridiculous notion like that from you nonsense I behave like a dignified civilized willing to be divorced wife naturally I couldn't take my situation lightly because there were children involved well why did you have to bring them along that's what really choked her up I always take my nephews out on Saturdays and if I can't spend my weekends since I see fit doctor me and my Cactus will be glad to resign Miss Dickinson you know I can't get along without you of course I do you must help me Miss Dickson not only as a friend but as a nurse it's your professional Duty profess yes my problems with Tony are beginning to affect my work do you know what happened to me just now and there I hurt Mrs Durant she felt pain it's the first time in my life I have ever heard a patient too bad it wasn't Harvey Greenfield M Dickson you played the part of my wife once and you enjoy enjoyed yourself admit it you did enjoy it yes it wasn't too bad all right now here's your chance to play a return engagement no actress quits after one performance oh so I lose a husband and gain a lover at least I don't feel completely abandoned good wonderful now all we have to do is to find someone to play the part of your boyfriend what about Senor Sanchez he keeps sniffing around me what about your brother-in-law the dirty Monopoly player doctor you want me to act the part and now you want me to furnish my own props I need a boyfriend you find me one not going to be easy thanks I mean we have to find someone I know I can trust am I late as a matter of fact Harvey you're just in time not him not him hey what's going on here boy does she hate me you're wrong about that Harvey how would you like to have your girl's teeth fixed for free [Music] I thought you'd never show up you mean you home waiter right this way Mr greenvi why did you choose this place it's a new in spot I never heard of it nobody has that's why it's so [Music] popular well what do you have to drink let's go all out and have champagne very good mam domestic now where are they they'll be here you know you look different when you're all dressed up in the office you sort of look like a large Band-Aid Mr Greenfield I couldn't care less what you think of me hey I'm supposed to be your lover remember that's the reason you're getting a divorce so uh let's act a little crazy about me shall we your hand what about my hand it's on my knee sorry I thought it was [Music] mine shall we dance I rather walk on hot Cals it's going to be a smashing evening oh I didn't know they made champagne in idah drink up it'll make me look better to you there isn't that much wine in the world to our love affair God forbid well there they [Music] are quick quick what act natural romantic flood with me you want me to act natural want FL with you at the same time a you really are a l a scotching water and a scotch and soda [Music] please Julian don't look now but it's your wife my wife nonsense no I'm sure that to over there with that man yes that's my wife all right and with a boyfriend well what do you know about that oh this is embarrassing well you insisted on seeing him I know but now I feel like a spy let's go okay well as long as we're here how do you know that's her boyfriend well who else could it be besides look at [Music] them they act very affectionate yes they do I thought she only played Monopoly hey go easy on that stuff I'm not sure I can pay for it don't worry Dr Winston gave me money to pay for the check thank [Music] you I don't think they've noticed us we better push things a bit Let's Dance yeah but when I asked you before [Music] dance she dances too everything about your wife seems to surprise you well it's been so long since we've really communicated come on I want to look at him closer your hand look I'm only human barely oh sorry oh hello Julia well talk about coincidence good evening Mrs winon I want you to meet my hi honey I'm Harvey Greenfield the boyfriend and Harvey this is my husband well good to meet you old man I've heard a lot about you ask for a drink no I well I well after all we are civilized people unless of course you two would prefer to be alone hell no I mean we are a civilized people look why don't you come to our table this party's on me what do you think of him ask me later it's strange to see you in a nightclub I didn't realize you were such a swinger oh you never really knew me my dear can we have some more glasses over here Julian thinks of me as a home body because of all the years I was trapped by the children of course by the way Mr Greenfield yes how do you like children barbecued that's kind of a joke made by a man who was trying to hide his feelings deep down I know you really love children huh deep down oh yeah deep down yes yes especially yours I'm nuts about him Mr Greenfield uh what kind of work do you do oh I don't work for a living honey I'm an actor why don't you pour the wine an actor is that a very insecure profession only financially that's quite a girl you got there Julian I hear it's going to happen very soon between you two as soon as we can make it Julian I hardly think this is the moment oh come on now Tony we have nothing to hide from these people yeah it's all in a family Stephanie and I have nothing to hide from each other either please change the subject look at her blushing isn't she really har she acts kind of cold in public but when we're alone together oh boy I forgot you know her as well as I do she's ABS I all I'll have another drink yeah the party's dying oh there you are Harvey I saw him late honey hello everybody won't you sit down no she doesn't want to we have to talk now it's business what is this did we have a date tonight or didn't we please excuse us folks she's a daughter of my TV sponsor silly debutant I'll be right back what are you trying to pull quiet or you'll be stuck with your old teeth would you excuse me please I'll go powder my nose do you want me to go with you no dear I'm all right [Music] right well Julian what's wrong he's a bum well I wouldn't say that you didn't catch it but earlier I saw her slip some money to him under the table doesn't mean anything did you get a to that girl but I wasn't paying much attention when she been over it looked like she had her knees up inside her dress look I could give you a dozen explanations but you might as well know the the real one I'm a member of the CIA the CIA I thought you were a television actor that's my cover so if you ever see me in public with another girl you must pretend not to know me or it could put my life in great danger oh I wouldn't want to do that it doesn't matter what we think of him it's my wife who loves him loves him didn't you see how humiliated she was well Tony I what do you want me to do about it we have got to save her from that man Tony the man man probably had a little too much to drink why do you keep defending him I'm angry enough because you were so chummy with him juli and my respect for you was going down every minute ah is a party still going on but for you Mr Greenfield huh I don't like the way you treated my wife look at jok's a joke and I don't like the way you behave toward my girl either I want you to leave quietly and never see my wife again or my children now wait a minute Buster now if I hear that you've been bothering Stephanie again I'll knck all your teeth out you'll just have to put them back in again get [Music] out I guess that'll take care of him you know Julian I've never seen you being so physical before oh you're beautiful that was [Music] nothing what do you say we go over to your place where we can be alone I'd like that well I am a little tired so I think I'll go home with you excuse me you're going home alone without an escort oh well I'm used to that thank you good night good night Mrs Winston wait uh Julian can drop me off and then drive you home no no I couldn't do that oh he'd be glad to won't you dear it's all settled thank you Tony it's been so long since Julian and I have gone home together you're a great little fixer now I'll dump her in Jackson Heights and then come back to your place no Julia not tonight stay with her are you out of your mind what the hell am I going to do with her you're going to be very nice I wa a very nice to please me well doctor I know how anxious you are to dump me and get back to Tony I'm not going back there you're not going back now Tony thought you looked so sad and humiliated that she told me to stay with you stay with me now let us get our story straight As far as Tony's concerned are we supposed to have spent the night together no of course not I've thought the whole thing over and I've decided to tell the truth good for you buy a nice expensive present then I'll tell the truth and she and I can get married then everything is fine no it isn't CU When she finds out that I've been lying she's liable to do something desperate and it's all your fault you did everything you could to Lous me up Harvey was trying his best back there you didn't have to put on that big act about being so humiliated that was no act I was humiliated Dickinson you have this hang up about men that forces you to destroy any possible relationship that's really what caused you to hate Harvey no one needs to reason for hating har you completely defeminize yourself I've noticed it around the office and around me now doctor I was hired as a nurse receptionist not this aaya girl you're afraid Miss Dickson afraid of emotion afraid of intimacy afraid to live if you call that living the way you carry on doctor then you're right I'm only telling you this for your own good Funny how whenever people hurt your feelings they are always doing it for your own good turn right at the next Corner hi you good hi you got a with callice sure you know I haven't heard your typewriter the last few days I'm too depressed to work sometimes I wish my mother taking the pill what's your problem a girl no I've outgrown that stuff sex is for teenagers seem to need something else I don't know what I know exactly how you feel hey can I read your play sometime yeah it' be nice if somebody did well I like that very much want me to put it in the sack no listen to it here do you always stand up there like that when nobody around here looks most of our customers are classical what are you doing here it's my lunch hour and I brought you a present present isn't even my birthday or anything open it let's go in the back see I wonder what could be in here yes black leather slacks black leather slacks can't you think bigger than that well what could be bigger than black leather slacks okay I give up a mink stall a mink stall and a card too your next appointment is on as ever Julian how sweet aren't you going to try it on mink sto okay julan what are you trying to tell me what makes you think I'm trying to tell you anything you're not a stingy man Julian you're not the last of the big time Spenders either well as a matter of fact there was something that I I wanted to tell you it's um it's about me and my um your wife I get the message you do yeah last night you and she for Old Time sake well that's absurd Julian don't apologize after all it was I who told you to be nice to her of course it was up to you to decide how ice now look Tony it's nothing like that it's you see the fact is that Stephanie is yes Miss Simmons would you step in here for a moment please yes Mr Shirley may I ask what's going on here um this gentleman is looking for a stereo to match the color of his wife's mink when I think how many nuts are running around loose in this town carry on now go ahead you were saying Stephanie is yes you see Stephanie um oh come on Julian let's have it you know me I can forgive anything but a lie forget it well let me try to help you have a problem with Stephanie right never mind let's see she drinks no she's a kleptomaniac no uh she takes acid well there's only one other thing I know a man would really be ashamed to talk about Stephanie is no infomaniac I guessed it that's what you came came here to tell me wow well go ahead give me all the details what can I tell you except my wife Stephanie is a slave to her desires that's a very sweet way of describing a info you can imagine what my life has been like Julian you got to take the children away from her immediately why it's not catching well you you you got to fight it for custody you can you know come to think of it the children don't look much like you the whole thing is too painful to talk about oh you poor do darling when I think of that awful woman what am I saying she's not an awful woman she's marvelous I admire her courage well now that the whole ugly story is out we'll never mention her name again you know what I was doing when you arrived sending a present to Stephanie she likes Horowitz what's her address in Jackson Heights I why you just send it to the office Miss Dickinson will forwarded hi what do you mean by that I'll see you later this time I'm I was dressed what have you got there it's mink from Julia my aunt Bertha has one just like it yeah I know I want a black leather slacks poor Julian he thought this would please me it's a throwback to the days when when a hunter would give his wife the dead animal skins I wonder how many minks Julian has killed that's very unkind eore I think of all the women would do anything for this and here I am not really wanting it hey eigor this is my chance to do a good deed I was going to send his wife those records I'll send her this mink instead oh boy what's wrong she'll love it Mrs Winston will never accept a mink stole from you where's that card as ever Julian that should do it anyway it's just sort of a care package don't you're a cook what a nice cook oh seor Sanchez but your 10 minutes early imagine aruro Sanchez being early for the dentist it is a new man no so please and today I hurry to get here do you know why El Bravo R again yes the K Fe the dentist has been completely overcome by the great desire to see the lovely delicious M I'll tell Dr Winston that you are here wait wait wait wait do not call your yet tell me have you ever been to a diplomatic ball me it's little out on my line tonight there will be such a function at the waldolf it will be very boring unless you will do me the honors of accompanying me what about your wife must we take my wife everywhere besides she's spending a week at a fat Farm thank you senior Sanchez but I rarely go out on weekday and I don't have the kind of clothes for but I can buy you anything in a Swiss bank I have 20 million it's very nice of you to ask me but I'm afraid not but I must warn you that the and my family are very persistent you know for 200 years after Columbus we persisted in thinking that the world was flat package for Mrs Winston Mrs W yes I I'll take it I didn't know Dr Winston was was married well it's always a shock when it happens to someone you know M dickon we're running low on acrylic cement I wish you'd reorder it yes doctor I did that already yesterday the firing squad no no no no no no no blindfold doctor this package just arrived for Mrs Winston oh yes that um that's a present for you for me from whom one of your fans as ever Julian for me for me from Julian M Dickinson the patient x-rays please yes oh doctor I'm so overwhelmed that present I don't know how to thank you at oh don't thank me who else and that lovely card as ever Julian I got what oh yes of course I uh I wanted to get you something that I thought you'd like after all you've you put up with a lot for me lately I never dreamed I I oh I never expected anything like this well it's it's all right if you like Horowitz Horowitz must be the name of the fer oh Dickson these are Harvey greenfields oh I'm so sorry what is it doctor is there something wrong with my x-ray you know how nervous I am hello Anna listen I want you to run over to Lucille's dress shop there's an evening dress I was looking at I want you to buy it for me I need it tonight I'm going to a ball doctor you can tell me the truth ehh it is a an ESS the nerve is dead all my teeth have to go but doctor talk to me please what is she your dearest friend do you realize how much I PID for that mink oh boy you're never going to stop nagging me about it you're beginning to sound just like a husband a square husband hi said you wanted to read my BL thanksor hey what are you doing for dinner tonight it depends one have you got in your refrigerator we're going after din you want to come with us I'm sure igar would be very bored no not if you're paying for it I'll put on a tie why you having your beads restrung I thought we were going to have a quiet little dinner eagor is very depressed there's a lot of that going around [Music] now why'd we come back here there one place we won't bump into Dr Winston why don't you want to bump into Dr Winston let me put it to you this way shut [Music] up hello Harvey how are you how am I I'm I'm sore as hell that's how I am I don't blame you Harvey but listen the other night you treated me like I was dirting you were Mr Clean look Harvey I'm having a rough time as long as I was lying to her everything was fine but the minute I decided to do the right thing and marry her I've had nothing but troubles you wouldn't believe the complication tough it's like waling in wet cement I haven't even been able to spend one night alone with her I better get back harvi before she sees us together [Music] if you work for the CIA how come you hang around with dtis he's installing a miniature radio transmitter in my wisdom tooth what were you doing talking to that awful man I was getting lonesome for the sound of a human voice can I have another glass of beer not yours why did we have to come here tonight well after what happened last time it's the one place we're sure not to run and your wife this is very interesting what made you suggest this it's the one place we're sure not to run into my boss oh thank you the ball was marvelous oh no no no you were marvelous what shall we drink well let's have some of that crazy Idaho champagne hey look at that I can hardly believe that's Stephanie it is I recognize the mink uh that gown is absolute poetry everybody at the ball was staring at it it's a copy of a copy oh but a girl like you should have nothing but Originals in a Swiss bank I have 20 million well didn't take her long to find somebody else col will you let me in on this who is that woman Julian's wife not bad Julian matter of fact she's very attractive thank you say eor I didn't know you went for the older ones look who's talking oh there is Dr Winston where oh dear it seems I just can't get away from that man would you like to leave no no no Let's ignore him after all my evenings on my own what about your weekends they belong to my nephews oh I see well Bravo you are not going to give up that easily are you of course not did I ever tell you the time I played the whole game AP polo with a broken leg no tell me about it hey isn't that the woman from the other night yeah I do believe you're right who is she that's a dentist a wife well who that with a dentist this his fiance he has a wife and a fiance oh was better than having two wives then who's the man with Mrs Winston the new boyfriend who's the guy with Dr Winston and his girl well that must be her boyfriend I think the whole thing is [Music] shocking shall [Music] we [Music] look at them dancing you aren't jealous are you she shouldn't leave her mink lying around like that someone might take it it's her mink now come on let's [Music] dance ni here we are again good evening doctor good evening patient well you're certainly blossoming up doctor you once compared me to my Cactus B well ever so often that prickly little thing puts out a flower that some people think Miss Dickson I strongly disapprove of you making dates with patients really then how come you fixed me up with [Music] Harvey look at them acting so damn poite they're all rotten rot what do you want them to do start kicking each other rotten rot no Julian like this that looks like fun let us try [Music] it is [Music] sty I found it hi Sergeant hi [Music] har oh you're terrific they lost me you go dance with her cheer up one of these days the fox Tru may come [Music] back hi eigor introduce us Mrs Winston this is eigor Sullivan that's not his real name of course of [Music] course now what is that yep [Music] tight and what is this [Music] boal what's that [Music] the new Step what's it called the [Music] dentist are you sulking again I got bored dancing with seor Sanchez oh thank you Igor [Music] I should have brought my [Music] wife you must feel as if you were dancing with your mother quiet I'm enjoying this so am I relax let's not getting neotic about age you're a very sexy lady I know I'm sexy lady good let's run away and live on your Social Security I must say that ego of yours is a pretty vulgar dancer you mean Igor she's the one that's Plastering herself against him when I think of all I've done for [Applause] her hey did you see that he just kissed her on the neck she sure likes a lot of action yeah she does doesn't she right now she's surrounded by her husband her ex-boyfriend her current boyfriend and maybe her future boyfriend if somebody doesn't stop that guy he's going to make love to her right in the middle of the [Music] floor we got our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] song [Music] [Music] a [Music] come on let's get out of here well maybe I shouldn't leave her alone when she's like this leave her alone that's some talk for a man who's planning a divorce make sure that gets home all right rot rotten rot rotten rotten everything you told me about your wife certainly was true she's not a lady she's a barracuda I don't care to discuss it anymore hey look at that some poor Nook is getting his car towed away Julian hey wait a minute that's my car hey come back here hey hey hey yeah oh good morning doctor that's how you're coming to work well I didn't have time to go home where were you all night it's all a blur a beautiful blurry blur I know when you left the club you were already doing fairly well I mean blurry wise we didn't really get started until after you left I'm sure that must have helped everybody got to know everybody and and about 3:00 we were invited to this big bash bash a party in this pad on a Waverly [Music] Place did you ever have did you ever have gin and tonic made with with Tequila No thank you tequila and T no no no you substitute the Tequila No you substitute the tonic for the tequila the tequila for the tonic yes yes they call Jin and Tequila yes they call it the Mexican missile missile missile yes and um they tell me it prevents malaria you know what I've done I've created a monster that's what no Dr Frankenstein this is no creation of yours this is me me experiencing new things things that I've never done before I'm having a h of a good time so you say there all night fighting malaria no we went to the the beach the beach yes we wanted some fresh air so we drove out to Coney Island it's lovely there at dawn nobody around and we sat there and watched the sun come up you sat on the beach in your new mink stole oh a little sand won't hurt it I had to lie on something wait a minute you said you were sitting were you sitting or lying a little of this and a little of that you should have come with us there wouldn't have been room for all of us on the mink anyway I'm sure you prefer to be with Tony Tony I forgot all about her what's the matter I uh I left her standing outside the discotek I hope she had sense enough to go home it's just not practical to keep one in the city a girl no a car Tony I I didn't wake you did I oh I just wanted to make sure you got home all right no I didn't get it well first first I I went to the police station and they uh told me to try this garage on the east side when I got there they told me to try the garage on the west side and when I got there it was closed couldn't find a cab so I had to walk home I should have listened to my mother and become an MD then they let you park anywhere yeah okay you go back to bed I'll see you tonight all right did you get home all right yes which is more than I can say for you my Cactus it's blooming never mind that what about your KN of debauchery with seor Sanchez seor Sanchez but whoever said anything about him we lost him early in the evening we who's we Eiger and I you mean you spent the night with that hippie but you're wrong about eigor he's sensitive and sincere and very poetic poetic I saw him kiss you on the neck he's also very friendly there's no such thing as a friendly kiss on the neck I must say it's grotesque a woman your age throwing yourself at a kid like that what about that father and daughter thing of yours if you don't think that looks ridiculous different with a man when a man is with a younger woman it looks entirely appropriate but when it's the other way around it's you go to your church and I'll go to mine it wasn't easy for me to do what I did last night but every time I felt shaky I thought about you oh yes it was obvious you were thinking me I was thinking about all those terrible things that you've said to me and I was determined to make up for the time I'd lost and I intend to keep on doing it and now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take an ala I don't mind saying I'm disappointed in you miss Dickson but very disappointed doctor you were the one who said that I was discouraging men stifling my femininity but the first time an attractive young man pay a little attention to me you go to Pieces well if I didn't know you so well I'd almost swear you're jealous jealous of you come down Miss Dickson this just I think it's in very bad taste when under my eyes and the eyes of my fiance My Wife puts on an indecent immoral exhibition with someone young enough to be her son all right look so you had a little fling last night nobody's knocking it after all there was no harm done was there why don't you come right out and ask me if I went to bed with him all right did you go to bed with him it's none of your business what happened out there on my mink stole I mean the beach I want to know by what right a husband's right let me remind you that you are still my wife no more I'm want a divorce after all the years of misery that I had to do years of misery yes all those mornings when I come in and found the hair pins on the cow lipstick on mouth wash glasses you've been spying on me all right you want to play rough I'll tell the whole world about your drunkenness your wild parties your orgies on the beach you want a divorce it's I who wants a divorce I'll call the register and have him send you another nurse here give this to your child concubine Stephanie if you walk out now don't bother to come back don't worry Dr Winston you won't see me again and that goes for the children too how late were you out with her I thought you came here to talk about my play well I'll wait till they make it into a movie I have a right to know it went on she's my fiance's wife Tony I'd rather not discuss the lady well I happen to know this particular lady Swings with anybody then I guess I'm not anybody you mean nothing she didn't want to huh maybe I didn't want to I doubt that I saw the way you kissed your neck like Dracula all we did was dance a lot drink a lot talk a lot about what about my work about myself it isn't often I find a woman I I enjoy talking to are you implying you can't talk to me come to think of it I cannot you're always doing the talking and it's always about your troubles with that tooth jockey Julian is a fine man and much too good for his wife you ought to know what I know well I know what I know she's a hell of a Dame she good-looking smart warm very appealing aha then you did want to oh for God's sake Tony why don't you act your age or rather don't act your age hey Dracula it's for you Tony I want to talk to you hi how's your head today which one e do you do you mind if I talk to oh of course not wait a minute I live here you can wait in my place and I used to worry about you that's what caused all the trouble boy you and Igor that child I didn't come here to talk about eigor I want to talk about Julian and me all right what about Julian are you keeping him or can you spare him I want to know there's something else that you have to know and I'm going to come straight to the point I have no patience of people that shil sh W these things Julian and I Julian and oh my God it it isn't as easy as I thought I think I can guess you're pregnant pregnant whatever get you that idea that night Julian took you home why not you're still Mrs Winston I am not Mrs Winston I miss Dickinson Miss Dickinson what you the old maid that's ridiculous that's what I think oh I hate to be the one no wait a minute now let's not get excited you're Miss Dickens and Julian's nurse right right well then who's Mrs Winston but there is no Mrs Winston Julian isn't married never has been this is a trick isn't it you're trying to confuse me so I'll do something you'll get to keep them all for yourself along with Harvey and eigor in that South America he lied to me I'm sorry Tony I know this is a a shock for anyone and even greater for someone with your Youth and idealism and that dirty son of a that's one way of looking at it Tony wait Tony Julian loves you then why did he lie like that he isn't a bad man he's just a little weak a weak man but a strong liar when I think of all those thousands of details of the little things he told me about his married life and his children why don't do what are we playing OD man out Dar and I've been swindled Tony Julian is marrying you a lot of girls will leap at such a Swindle well I know you are expecting Julian and I don't want to run into now how come you suddenly decided to unmess this mess well let us say Miss Dickinson is a very conscientious nurse and likes to tidy up before she goes sooner or later Julian is going to break down and tell you the truth on his own please help him accept him a man who lies cannot love that sounds like something out of a fortune cookie dirty married Bachelor Tony what' you want what's this all about never mind kiss me again okay but after this one I want a complete explanation is that Julian what if it is Tony I don't know what your game is but you're not going to use me I'm getting out of here Tony oh he's right outside the door easy Tony I thought you'd never answer what were you doing getting rid of my lover oh come on Tony please not tonight tonight I I need all your help and understanding what do you mean well I have something to tell you and it's tough you've come to tell me the truth well don't worry darling if you've come to tell me the truth you are going to tell me the truth well go ahead sweetheart I promise everything will be all right thanks my love you're just marvelous well this isn't going to be easy but here it is my wife Stephanie has changed her mind about the divorce try try to remain calm mom dear it was a blow to me too oh you poor man well now let's see if I can get this straight your wife suddenly refuses to give you a divorce it's hard to believe isn't it very why don't you tell you this this morning I fought like a tiger I pleaded with her I offered her everything the house money the car more money but she and her lawyer say no well you can divorce her you have grounds all those lovers I can't because of the children and she knows it so she's got us over a barrel I'm absolutely sick about it well what happens to me now well we'll go right on seeing each other as before good we'll manage to snatch a few scraps of Happiness from life it's a compromise I know but well dear if that's the way it has to be oh baby how wonderfully well you're taking this oh you'll see we'll be even happier than before oh well it's not such a bad Arrangement and it it's fair you'll still have your wife and me and I'll still have you and eor eigor eigor but you said you were just friends what you you were lying to me I'm ashamed to admit it I know how you hate the thought of a lie oh come on Tony you're just putting me on aren't you what's that for that's our signal that the coast is clear and he can come over if I thought for one moment that you and he you realize that if he walks through that door it's all finish between us I realize that you call me what are you doing coming through the window like that can't expect me to come through the hall like that Julian don't feel too bad about this you'll get I'll be fine Tony you broke up my home you took me away from my wife you a alienated me for my children but thank God I still have one thing left my Integrity now would you mind letting me in on this EO why don't you have dinner with me tonight okay I'll put some clothes on oh you don't have to go to all that trouble just for me yeah thought you quit I came to pick up my Cactus what are you doing in the office on a Saturday well last night I had 12 Mexican missiles and this is where I splashed down is everything all right between you and Tony oh yes things are all straightened out and I might add without your help and interference I'm so happy for you well I'm not very happy for me Tony and I have split up what I went to see her and I told her that you wouldn't agree to a divorce very clever what's so funny nothing except that I went to Tony and told her that we weren't married well why' you do that well I thought I'd fix things at least somebody would get what he wanted you just can't stop making chicken and egg sandwiches why did you have to go there and lie because it was the only way I could get out of marrying her don't you want to marry her no it's always been a mistake and when I finally caught her with eager I knew it but she thinks eager is a child I know I saw him come through the window with a diaper on he made me feel like an idiot and I got out as fast as I could now I understand why you went out and got drunk no no no you don't understand you see when I left there I was angry absolutely Furious homicidal so you killed the court of tequila please stop interrupting I was sore as hell at Tony and then suddenly it was like magic my anger disappeared and I suddenly felt a delicious sense of relief I said to myself Julian thank God at last you're out of it now you can go home to your wife I bounced down the stairs singing to myself and I suddenly remembered I had no wife when I got home there'd be nobody and when I got back to the office you wouldn't be here either so you hung one on it's marvelous but that's very nice Doctor Stephanie doctor I think I'm going to kiss you when will you know for sure I plan to do this often I'll make a note to remind you you know it's funny I feel as though you've always been my wife we don't even have to bother getting married well just as a matter of form Dr Winston's office no he has sent in on Saturdays can I take a message oh well just a minute I'll uh it's a young lady she's a stes with Australian Airlines she says she's free this evening tell her I've been grounded Sorry Miss but Dr Winston doesn't do that sort of work [Music] anymore [Music] the t is any no matter what the season or the year the day for Love Is any any day there's just no telling when it will [Music] appear but when your heart is ready you will find that spring is really just a state of mind some flowers Blossom late but they're the kind that lasts the longest someday someone will walk into room and in no time at all you'll be in bloom and that's the ESS wonder of the time for [Music] love [Music] sh
Channel: CineClips
Views: 182,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cineclips, cine, clips, cinema, films, movies, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, 2019, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, fandango
Id: 2hYCFctd1U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 5sec (6245 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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