Aretha Franklin on The Hollywood Palace | hosted by Sammy Davis, Jr. (1968) | Colored On TV

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[Music] from the Hollywood the heart of the entertainment world Hollywood [Music] [Applause] [Music] a courageous denture wearer assisted by or Attucks denture adhesive our effects for selah conference you're going to look a little terrible tonight an album cream is going to be why frankly Alba lien is oil pure and simple because pure oil is the best way to clean your face without drying in abilene soaks the skin to help slow down wrinkles and keep your skin young looking you don't want to look a little older tomorrow use Alba lean cream and look a little terrible tonight and now ladies and gentlemen here is your host America's most versatile star [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hosting at the palace here in Hollywood by even Frank and leader Joey and Dean would be surprised to see me making the scene of Legends days wow my friends could see me traipsing around this million-dollar chicken coop I really dig this goofy glamorous biz I have got some dancing girls and then ylabel his of course the guy [Music] colors kid what a setup holy cow if my friends [Music] see samia's back [Music] [Applause] if you please and you will notice of course that it gives you enough freedom to have sort of a motif over here I must tell you that I got this when I was in London may I welcome you all first of all to the Hollywood Palace it's my first show being back from London where I was there for about five and a half months during Golden Boy and it's nice to be back home I really mean that see all my brothers and my sisters so it's also nice to come back home and know that you got a movie out that's doing good we got a movie Peter Lawford a nice salt and pepper if you haven't seen it we wish you would incidentally in the movie I play salt I just want to straighten that out now there will be nothing left behind you know tonight we have some kind of show for you I really mean it we have the rehearsal everybody's been grooving all day I think you'll groove at home and you folks here in the studio too and the first part of our show starts right now with one of the grooviest and one of the hottest groups in the USA here is Spanky and our gang Dave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and wonder if [Music] Oh [Music] the streets were all mine the plans like the first leaf being higher suppose you live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] and see the [Music] and me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] kids when it comes to flowers how they hurt you so kids Billy plots appeal marks as you well know kids are the reason we made glo-coat it puts down a shine so hard it shields against black heel marks just about anybody got kids get the shine that shields against black heel marks hard gloss glo-coat this dull kitchen makes me feel like jumping out the window don't Louise here's something new that'll brighten your kitchen new spray Jubilee kitchen wax it's so easy to use just spray and wipe some shine huh it cleans as it shines watch this spills beat up on the Jubilee side because the hard wax finish won't let them settle down use Jubilee kitchen wax regularly new spray or liquid from Johnson wax it's always a pleasure to appear on a show of this next marvelous comedian ladies and gentlemen my very good friend mr. Corbett Monica [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah that's nice to be back in sunny California home of the brave' in the land of the freeways and boy they got freeways here I was on one the other day bumper-to-bumper is a fella walking would you like a lift he's no thanks imanari that was a man that he passed me up while we were stuck there as a fellow next car looks over and says how you like this town huh this town murder fog smart traffic jams as if you don't like it why don't you move out he's I can I'm the mayor one not driving along when across a divider three different times back forth back finally hit an embankment rolled over down a cliff wheels up staggered out of the car the cop walked over and says what are you drunk he's of course I am what do you think I'm a stunt driver [Applause] the parking garden is worse I had a friend saw a parking space got so excited ran out and bought a car even the God would let me into the lot right here I said I gotta get in I'm doing the show with the palace he's I'm sorry I say gotta get in I got a park he says listen Sonny Boy you don't park in California you just drive around till it's time to trade it in but I must say though Sunset Strip is fascinating all their hippies in the hippies I saw this one hit me with a cigar box are you something cigars he's no man I'm moving one hippie wall Kelvin said you want to buy a love flower I said no so he hit me with his peace medal and everybody wears miniskirts I know miniskirts are popular but everybody in California wears miniskirts I saw a woman 72 years old chubby two years old a miniskirt I like that $1,000 to get the nose fix and other mouths not working that's right it used to be over here but anyway 72 years old a miniskirt I mean how does that look miniskirt Northup edik shoes thank heaven it went through you know and in San Francisco they got a school called the University of hair they have a baseball team doesn't wear spikes sandals they don't slide in a tiptoe and the old days the kids used to run run it out run it out today I'll sit it in sit it in hey everybody's getting crazy you'll notice that today the world's getting nuts I got an elevator the other day guys stand here buggy eyes weird head you know weird frankly looking fella a little frightening so I thought I'd better be friendly and I said to him going up or down he said neither Cuba I [Music] think things have tough all over the world except in Italy I don't want to sound prejudiced being Italian but if you go to itself beautiful people never get angry must be the grapes I mean if you don't tip I can't drive in it and he doesn't get mad he waves that there and for those that don't understand Italian that means good luck and Israel I love this beautiful I'm driving through a fella came on the radio is when you hear the tone will be two o'clock maybe a couple of minutes after legend has it that Nassau set to moistur Diane I'll be back a motion Diane said I'll keep an eye out for you really want for me that's the legend I love the one about the Arab tank that Hippias ready tank right in the back and Israeli soldier jumped out in yell whiplash whiplash [Music] great story about a text than Israel driving around and he's lost and he stopped an Israeli farmer for directions and during the course of conversation he noticed his cabbages growing out of the ground and he says that he was Rayleigh what's that he's really said that's my farm Texan said you called that little piece of ground a farm Israeli said yes Texan said listen boy you want to see a farm you come to Texas I give my car nine o'clock in the morning I Drive and I Drive I don't get to the end of my farm nine o'clock that night he's ready said oh yes I once had a car like that [Applause] are you probably wondering with all the traveling I do what is my wife - well we have kids and of course she has hobbies that keep her busy right now gardening she's planting and growing and to help her along I bought her a book called how to ripen young tomatoes by Georgie Jessel who I thought that was a bigger joke than that we have orange trees cherry trees six-foot hedges which is strange cause we have a three room apartment yeah well anyway my timing [Music] so we decided by house back in Englewood New Jersey California buying a house here's a lot of fun because everything's on a hill and the salesman shows you two maps where the houses where it might slide down to look I mentioned my wife and I don't want you to get the idea that I'm one of those comedians who knock married life that's not my point of view quite the contrary I think that marriage is the most beautiful relationship that two people can enjoy and furthermore doctors have proven that married men live longer than single men absolutely foolproof a married man lives longer than a single man so you single fellas in the audience if you want a slow death [Music] [Applause] like we work together wherever it is Harrah's the sands whatever happens you great I'm glad to be back to there for more than one reason what well I got a problem you know in the nightclub back I need to finish and I thought maybe you could help out you sure what you have not you remember the dance used to do we get your sprinkle sand on the floor yeah I need you dance on it could you teach me that I'd love to how about this it just happened they have some sand in my pocket been carrying it around for four years hoping someone would say hey Sam teach me the sand dabs let me spit it up step back ah here we go this is very easy goes back to the old days welcome bubbles yeah oh yeah yeah my dad and we'll use disco here it is very simple women one ingredient Mitch better we didn't planners but would you give me just a little tea for two soft very soft [Music] [Applause] [Music] and on two guys here I said hold it that's more we just put in a new $900 floor thus and you're dancin on is gonna eat through the wax look at me the Jewish kid did it this happens to be Beverly Hills Sam now you know I ain't about to be able to afford no Beverly Hills Sam ain't that right the Italian kid did it I don't care who did it sweep it up Thank You governor Wallace I bought it for Humphreys I can always vote for Nixon we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] so many times just when you're having lots of fun a headache comes along and spoils that fun its pain grows and grows until your joy is a thing of the past that's the time to remember there works wonders Bayer Aspirin you see is 100% aspirin and aspirin is the strongest pain relieving ingredient you can buy remember that whenever you're in pain and [Music] there works wonders honest you know ladies and gentlemen one of the nice things about being in London doing golden boys that I had a chance let me do a show that I love was to work with some very talented people tremendous cast we had all of the American cast go over to London there's a courtesy that was extended which we greatly appreciated the cat who played my brother-in-law is standing right beside now his name is John Bassett I'd like for you to meet him in half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you gotta stop saving up food for the winter he is in the lead now you know do your thing [Music] it's a very special song for me I wrote this song about three years ago for my son so this is his son through me to you please listen to his song [Music] you see he's just a little more 6 plus he doesn't know that he hasn't been but he will the score we are hold him now gender they tried to keep him safe from all danger and all but he will find the outside world cold when he tries to find [Music] cause he's just a dick Brown ball six months he doesn't know cos he hasn't yet been told what he was [Music] with no thought of the walk tomorrow his eyes are bright and full of joy is precious always at the stars above life's winter wind blows lonely eyes my day [Music] told [Music] so in the dawn of his day I must ask you what's in store what waits for you [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I want you to meet one of the most adorable little guys in television also a Marvis little actor he's the gentleman who plays Jody on family affair would you meet him in great young master Johnny Whitaker would you [Applause] [Music] well you look at that punim we look at that face I'm sorry look at those freckles you must have two or three hundred freckles I have more than that mr. Davis I don't know how many yeah how many three thousand two hundred and fifty one I counted them I'm laughing about something else I just got the thinking if you put all them freckles together it became one big freckle you'd wind up looking like this I watched you on television your show and I would like to make a very small prediction that someday you're going to be a very important man in show business I hope so if I do well in show business maybe I can be the Governor of California you're too good an actor to be governor why don't you try for the top spot I never nobody hey you could you do you know what it says in the Constitution I sure do mr. Davis jr. mr. Davis jr. okay you go ahead and tell the people I want to hear your platform okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every boy can be present can be present and United States [Music] every boy can't be Washington George Washington Thomas Jefferson [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] down a cherry tree and then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Queen of Soul miss Aretha Franklin [Music] [Applause] the 60-second excitement it's everywhere do you have your Polaroid color pac-10 [Music] stay tuned for lots more on the Hollywood Palace [Music] this particular house features that circular design by the staircases the children will love it oh how far is the school it's very convenient only three blocks fine like a cigarette trolley filters I've never tried them best-tasting filter cigarette I pop now the kitchen's this way they do taste good they're certainly milder though you know I've always wondered about the coupon it makes sense that's how I got this lighter come to Raleigh filters come to good taste and remember the famous Wally coupon also comes on like menthol Bellaire [Music] you get a special kind of lightness when you smoke Bel Air special because the menthols right yeah that's where it is stone Baptists baby boom now if you happen to be a black American ladies and gentlemen you were raised for this kind of music is it metal cliche about being born with it that doesn't really apply but the fact is they're from the time you're about this high if you're a black American you go into a Baptist Church and the good sisters playing the organ and you start to swing with it now to translate that into modern day they call it soul music goes by many names funky music down home music gutbucket to me when you speak of soul well it's being sung all over the world by millions of people of all races and all colors but there's one lady here at home we got it who stands it and shows above all the rest because very simply she doesn't sing soul she is so so it's my pleasure ladies and gentlemen to ask you to meet and greet the magnificent Aretha Franklin [Applause] are you [Music] [Music] now and one which [Music] we're now [Music] I run father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] miss Aretha Franklin but Arif that we've known each other for a few years and I never got a chance to ask you this and I can't think of a better time than asking right now here on the palace stage George would you help me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you mean like Ray Charles V earning burning inside of me but listen before it's too late why don't you Ella straight [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't stand this well or even I understand come and take me to the so let's say tell me what to say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sore throat pain is no fun and neither is garlic that's why 25 million men women and children used sucrets for minor sore throat pain unlike gargling sucrets medication gets all the way down your throat for temporary relief of minor sore throat pain sucrets antiseptic throat lozenges for children and adults recommended by many doctors blink adjust scratch come your Control Center tells you what to do like cough when you have a cold but it doesn't tell you how to keep from coughing unless it knows about new sucrets cough control formula the non-habit-forming lozenge that works at your control center when the urge says calm calm suppress it with new cough control formula from sucrets ladies and gentlemen ever since I first heard Richard Harris my friend Singh MacArthur Park I always wanted to record it thanks to Jim Webb I got a chance to do it in England like to do it for you tonight there will be another song for me for I will sing [Music] there will be another dream for me some [Music] I will drink the wine this one and never let you catch me looking at the Sun after all after all the loves of my life you'll still be low I will take my life into my hands and I will use I'm a window verse them and their eyes and I will lose it I will have the same and my passions flow like rivers to the sky and after all the loves of my after all the loves of my life I'll be thinking of you and wondering why you [Music] MacArthur Park is melting in the dark all a sweet green icing floating down someone left the cake out in the rain in love that I can make it cuz it took too long and I recipe again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that business alpha be [Applause] about six months ago when I was in London I got a call from Steve line Cindy gourmet and they said Sam we've got a song in our show golden rainbow that you must record I said okay I recorded it and I'm happy to say that it a lot of people are playing it and they liked the song and listening to the lyrics I think maybe the reason why is because I believe what the lyrics say we'd like to do it for you nice people tonight George would you please whether I find the place in this world I never belong I gotta be me I've gotta be me what else can I be I want to live not merely survive and I won't give up this dream of life that keeps me alive and I gotta be me I gotta be me the dream that I see makes me mad far away success is waiting for me if I need the call I won't settle down or settle for less as long as there's [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll go it alone that's how it must be I can't be right for somebody else if I'm not right for me I gotta be free delivery [Music] daring to tried [Music] it must be I can be right for somebody else if I'm not right for me I gotta be free just gotta be free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got a new baby what can he do crawl say mama very nice we've got an edition of Polaroid - the big swinger what can it do Thank You bigger pictures black and white in second only 2495 very nice can ours come over and play with yours [Music] ladies and gentlemen next week your host and the Hollywood palace will be one of televisions most engaging personalities and one of us nicest people mr. Mike Douglas a very old friend of mine by the name of bill medley just recorded a song that has real significance for the world today to me the song has everything in it lyrically that I think that all good Americans should stand for I'd like to sing it for you now [Music] please brother please peace brother peace oh my sister's all my brother's peace peace [Music] Lord I want you to tell him to lie everybody's gonna yeah my sister said all my brothers [Music] no more talk everything was Sam before don't you know it's time for feeling reaching down time for giving your hand to your brother times were changing the man that you are [Music] time to work at loving each other time for peace [Music] [Applause] you know something man we gotta get together I mean it and change our way of living instead of taking so much man from each other maybe we should start and really given through each other and Lord we got to stop the hatin see cuz ain't no time left the fryer not [Music] [Music] run away we [Music] hola God man like we got a half piece [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we should have peace a dick I mean black and white together man peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] with Palace Polly Bergen in Grand Island Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 the Sudbury dancers and to host Mike Douglas Aretha Franklin speaks provided by week city of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 585,728
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Id: S0t3JaJ4jw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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