Dr. Khalid Muhammad - On The Murder of Malcolm X (1995)

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yes I'd like to apologize to this because but I think it's an important question we have a brother here who was invited special invited guests just the kind of speak but I think that there is an important question I want to ask and I believe that he would answer it you know that brother Colley had an attack on his life recently and I'd like to know in the context of what we're trying to do here does that have any significance or relevancy to this whole forum and what we're trying to talk about brother Glee would you address that question in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful all praise is due to Allah the Lord of all the worlds bear witness that there is but one God came in the person here to the hills of North America in the person of master farad Muhammad to whom praise is due for ever we've ever thanked him for raising up his messenger and his Messiah the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and we thank the two of them for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan I agree to my brothers and sisters with the greeting words of peace assalamu alaikum upon being invited of course in my absence from the city and speaking to one who spoke to those who had extended the invitation i said that i would not speak here tonight because i did not feel it appropriate and that is still my feeling for you'll be patient you'll get the while you see them it has been now one year since my suspension from national spokesman Minister Malcolm was the first great national spokesman of the Nation of Islam the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was the second and chose me to be the third in that line it has been a year since my suspension from national assistant spokesman our representative and from the Ministry and during that year now over a year which has become an indefinite suspension I have made attempts to reach my spiritual father the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and I have not really been able to set up a meeting successfully with him certainly there will not you be quiet for a minute let me answer the questions [Music] that's difficult as it was and I didn't mean any disrespect what I was answering your disrespect as difficult as it is to even stand up here don't prompt me don't push me you push me to say something that maybe I shouldn't say or wouldn't have said as Malekith was probably prompted and pushed too much thirty years ago this has happened almost thirty years to the day in many ways I didn't set it that way and I didn't plan it that way started in November 30 years ago started again in November 30 years later at Keene college many other parallels that are not necessary to go into now but one in particular Malcolm it is true made attempts to reach the Honorable Elijah Muhammad we don't know if his calls were being intercepted we don't know if his mail was being intercepted we don't know what government operatives worked between Malcolm and his spiritual father I have for the most part not spoken on this subject because I am still waiting for my meeting with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and until I have that meeting with him there are things that I would like to hear from him and there are things as the son would say that I would like to say to him and I don't think I should say them to you before I say them to him and some of you might not agree with that I believe I understand brother Malcolm more today than I have ever understood him before I was not in the Nation of Islam 30 years ago I was in my mid-teens at that time down in Houston Texas and had not yet moved on to the University where I would meet the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a young student leader there in New Orleans so there are many things on my heart but I think if you will permit me to be just a little wise today it would be better and I'm sure if you were weigh-in you would agree with me I don't know how long it will take it's been over a year but during that year I have not said as little as a word nor as much as a sentence against my spiritual father the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and no matter what I have on my heart again I think it should be said between father and son behind closed doors and some resolution made behind closed doors before I come back to the broader community and the broader family I have many questions asked Kien college was not a speech where I stood up to condemn my teacher King College was not a speech where I was going into his domestic life King College was a speech as all of my speeches where I was given the white man and I will continue to do that and I make no apologies for that and so I am still tender about that Center Jews so-called Jews outside of that auditorium calling for his death I was in a war spirit and a war posture and I felt that I did what was right felt that I should have even done more it should have gone beyond the rostrum and should have been taken outside as we did in Los Angeles when we drove them away from the Convention Center and drove them running down the streets I wonder what would have been done then so for the president to come out bill will it Slick Willy the vice president the United States Senate to vote unanimously against me for the first time the House of Representatives and the full Congress and all of the mayors and governors and City Council's and state assemblies and Negro organizations and Negro preachers Ben Chavis Reverend behind Reverend butts some of the other Negroes who came out against me Jesse Lewis Jackson who called the white folks they didn't have to call him he called them Ben Chavis bragged in this city on TV how he was the first to call Minister Farrakhan to say something needed to be done about coming all of that and my last word what's on my heart I'll have to hold as the old folks say I'm just gonna tear your wife and I'm gonna wait until my change comes I don't believe that no matter how long it takes I will continue the liberation struggle for our people but no matter how long it takes I don't believe you will be finding common coming out against Louis Farrakhan whatever happened 30 years ago between the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan today Malcolm with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad thirty years ago and Minister Farrakhan would call it today hopefully prayerfully Farrakhan and Khalid can put a positive period behind the history of a lion umbrellas the hours late we're gonna have to cut the questions we want to thank weather Khalid Mohammed that I wasn't wanted at this point I'm sorry we just you know we just what is right to the speaker the Nostrum sister Joan Gibbs was with an alchemist commemoration committee I will do many as my dad was called a center for law and justice system Jolin garrison thank you both ancestors I'm gonna be brief because I do know how to be brief and I want to thank all of you on behalf of the committee for coming out tonight and we invite you to join us in Maine because as this marks the 30th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm is also marks the 70th anniversary of his birth and in that spirit of may we would have a week-long series of events I also want to point out to you because a question has been raised repeatedly about how events like this is divisive when Malcolm X Committee worked not only to serve Malcolm's legacy we don't do it as an abstraction but we do it because we think that Malcolm's teachings are important to be building and he has to rebuild another black liberation movement and that's why principally we work there keeps mouths we don't do it we work the service legacy they don't do it because he's an icon or he's a guy anything like that big brother taught us some things that are vital to our movement the second thing we in examining the assassination people talk tonight about the role of the US government and we think that's supported by people to understand the US government and understand our relationship to that government and our people have been at war with that government ever since we got here and we need you to continue that war until we win it and the bring ourselves up to people if we understand the nature of the beast that we buy them and you know we said earlier tonight I think we need to remember that the FBI team among all of the agencies of the United States government only exceeded by the CIA is one of our principal enemies and we need to keep the power about this finally I want to say because I think it's also important this these events are just not to eat you out listen if you want to urge you to do something and what I always try to urge people to do it's really get behind your struggle for political prisoners I talked this morning to one of the longest honking prisons in the United States my brother suddenly send me out he asked me to encourage you to do that also the right to have and the other political prisoners Sundiata was recently given another 20 years denied too long and he needs our support because we know the brother is there and part because they don't have that sister Assad and we need to help to get suddenly out out thank you get home safely and please pick up the literature about Lumiere and the back and pick up some information sign the petitions from Emir that's join us in man thank you
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 1,347,866
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Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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