Why Madara VS Whitebeard Isn’t Close

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modera the man who rivaled the strongest ninja of his time vs whitebeard the man who was rivals with the king of the pirates both are not only iconic antagonists but fighters who will literally one v 500 you just for the fun of it also i thought this match itself was pretty fitting since naruto and one piece are both showings that get compared a lot especially when it comes to the versus battle community and in today's video i'm joined by broken ronin who's going to help me talk about the naruto stuff while i'm here mainly talking about the one piece scaling go ahead and say what's up to the people ronan what up guys broken ronin here and obviously as tylon kind of said we're going to be talking about um moderate versus whitebeard two kind of titanic forces of their respective series and kind of going over who we think would win why and really how we think their power speed and hacks interact in a sort of versus battle conflict now for round one we are going to be having whitebeard versus moderate equal stats or i guess both of them being capped at planet level and faster than light which me and ronin are both going to be proving why they both are at those levels so basically round one is equal stats but technically not really this is just a way for me and ronan to get rid of the little debunks or the down play that is amongst these verses like mountain level naruto and island level one piece yeah we're not doing that here and for round two it's basically just gonna be whitebeard versus moderate normally objectively how would it go and with that out of the way ladies and gentlemen i hope you guys genuinely do enjoy this video and let's get right into it whitebeard has stated multiple times to have the power to destroy the world and this is in reference to the earth so you can't even try and say oh well it could be in reference to a civilization like a city or a society or some lame-ass his power is literally earthquakes bruh this man can probably just make a whole earthquake around the planet and crumple it that's probably how he can destroy the whole planet with his devil fruit maybe that's why they make the statement in the first place but regardless with his devil fruit whitebeard should be able to destroy the one-piece planet and we know the one-piece world in comparison to our planet is so much bigger so whitebeard based off this should be well into planetary bare minimum and as for speed well whitebeard is easily lightspeed based off him being able to intercept kizaru and marineford and even before this characters like luffy and zoro at saobody were reacting to kuma's lasers which is light based now there are calculations based off these feats and they range from 2 times to 18 times faster than the light and we already know whitebeard massively upscales from characters like zoro and luffy so yeah we don't even need to talk about that man's is literally known as the world's strongest pirate now before we move on there are two things i want to talk about and that is 3d2y and kizaru being lightspeed now people like to bring up this statement which is the fact that he can only kick at the speed of light but that's not what the statement is implying all he's asking is if he's ever been kicked at the speed of light we also know from the data books they say that he throws only light speed attacks and people like to say kizaru is made out of only light so he can only travel at light speed even though there are multiple lines of scaling that you can use for characters to beat ftl in this verse and i always see people just trying to make this kizaro only being lightspeed thing consistent but the only thing that isn't consistent is the fact that kizaru is attacking at only light speed if there are multiple feats of these characters being ftl and you are saying whoa kizaru is light speed then we would have to come to the conclusion that kizaru is moving faster than we thought and if anything this is just a baseline to his abilities like you seriously can't tell me that you're just gonna debunk all these ftl or light speed feats for one piece and just sit here and say kizaru's only light speed based off a statement mind you a statement that you can interpret differently it doesn't have to be interpreted as oh you can only attack at light speed this is just a baseline if anything and the second thing i want to address is 3d2i which i'm just going to say outright it's canon oda not only approved of this film but he also made characters for this film he literally saw the draft of this film seeing how this was basically adding more character to luffy for pre-time skip or adding on from the original story and oda's approving it like at this point it just comes down to if this movie contradicts something blatantly then we can use it as an inconsistency which surprisingly the movie doesn't but anyways there's a guy in there that can amp himself over a hundred times and in base he should already be above the cell body of straw hats and with his 100 times amp he was scrapping with gear 2 luffy who was able to overpower him with a red hawk now since we already said how sauboti and zorro by saobody were already well into lightspeed and this guy can amp himself over a hundred times and geared to luffy is beating this guy you already know whitebeard massively upscales from this and bare minimum he's already a hundred times faster than life and as for hacks well he's got all forms of hockey which basically means he's got precognition a form of fear hacks via conquerors hockey and can enhance his attacks with armament hockey along with being able to bypass durability due to his devil fruit just basically being vibrations so he just sends vibrations through your body and he was able to bypass things such as alkichi's ice with his double fruit and has an insane amount of stamina or i guess pain tolerance because stamina would technically mean how he was a marine forward which is basically getting weaker and weaker which in that case he has ass stamina but in terms of how much pain he can take oh my god this man is a beast not only did he get half of his face ripped off by a kainu plus being attacked by kizaru and alkiji he was not only pressing them back as he was getting hurt but he also suffered 267 sword wounds 152 bullet wounds and 46 cannon wounds before completely collapsing whitebeard is a chad and is definitely going to be giving moderate a hard time in this fight so for moderate scaling there's kind of a lot of ways you can get him to like the kind of the scales you need him to be able to face off against someone like whitebeard to start off with his ap really just have to use the data book statement of half of karama being able to turn the world to ash right then you scale hashirama to that hashtag was able to bully all of the biju and then redistribute them out like candy to all of the other villages and then matara obviously was able to scale to that moderate and actually exhaust his chakra and force him to kind of exhaust his sage mode and regular chakra right if you want to be weird about it and say oh you know when it says turn the world to ash it's not literally talking about the planet that's fine we also have moderate being able to just have more chakra or keep down beings like the ten tails that are so powerful just the existence of its chakra no jutsu applied nothing like that just its sheer volume of chakra is that of a small planet obviously we know time and time again that sheer chakra is not even anywhere near like scale to the full power of ninjutsu with the application that ninja are able to apply to it right which is why you know you can take two approaches to saying that hashirama and you know therefore kurama and these other like high level bijou characters can scale to this planetary area and obviously as hasherama's rival moderate would scale as well right multiple ways you can get there whether or not you believe the data book is a reliable source of information or not you can still get hashirama and therefore madra to that planetary range along with that if you want to go into speed there's really a lot of ways you can get moderate to that level you can just say that naruto blitzing or out speeding the raikage who should at the bare minimum be light speed in the series and then obviously moderate scales to a stronger form of naruto scaling above even kcm2 and really scaling more towards hashirama in both of their edo forms edo obviously being a weaker version of their life so if you don't want to use that if you want to say oh the data book says reikage moves like light or moves near the speed of light there's another way you can get them you just simply say sasuke in the five kage summit scales below modera which i'm pretty sure most people would agree with but if you don't literally just look at any encounter they have in the war sasuke is able to react to and actually block with his susano um darwie's storm release laser circus which is literally stated to just be light that can be manipulated freely right and it's clear that in the 5k summit sasuke is able to react haku is able to move at light speed all of these really comparatively weak or slow characters do moderate are able to move at light speed it'd just be really strange to argue that moderate isn't able to get to these levels obviously you can get it much higher depending on the calculus you want to use naruto blitzing the reikage this can range from anywhere from like just a barely light speed all the way to dozens of times like 72 times faster than light so to say that moderate doesn't scale to light speed or faster than light would just be a little silly and we obviously have demonstrated that modder has that planetary and light speed scaling for moderate hacks there's a lot right to say that there'd be a lot would be a little bit of an understatement we have pre-cog we have genjutsu we have a lot of things that matara has um for his abilities obviously the sharing gone even in its base three tamoi state is able to pre-cog to the extent of like allowing characters that were once blitzing you to be their movements in the future they're able to perceive everything that they're able to do before they do it in the sasuke versus naruto part one fight naruto before this was completely blitzing and bullying sasuke but after activating just the third tomoe he's able to see naruto's movements just based off the smallest micro movements that he makes and really it's just precog simply put the mangekyo sharongan takes us to an even higher degree with this he's granted the susano which is higher ap higher durability which is always important in a fight and many other abilities that he has like the um uchiha fan which is able to reflect attacks as seen in the war arc in the event that mata is fatally injured um by whitebeard in this fight he has izanagi which in case you guys don't know is basically reality manipulation on a relatively small scale um as we see in the donzo versus sasuke fight it just basically allow him to rewrite reality to the extent of him not dying so if we were to say whitebeard does land a fatal blow on moderate in this first round we can just easily kind of cover that up and say oh yeah izanagi he uses up one of his sharingan and is able to revive himself okay now we'll start this versus battle off finally now that we're done viewing both characters and for round one aka the equal stats or the capat planetary and ftl me and ronan already talked about this fight before even recording and we both agreed that moderate for sure is definitely going to be smacking whitebeard in relative stats a lot of the kind of reason is moderate hacks at least from you know what we've discussed seems to be a little bit more advantageous in this fight than whitebeard's right obviously his analytical prowess and the precog should be something that i think we agree like even with observation hockey whitebeard shouldn't be able to match up with i mean if you if you want there's several occasions of just the base sharing on allowing you to perceive and actively guard against people that once blitzed you right we see like i don't know for example in the haku fight right haku was blitzing sasuke before but as soon as he develops his sharingan he's able to see perceive and react to haku which is just a microcosm of the many examples that we have of the analytical prowess of the shanghai it's pretty broken in that aspect or it's able to allow you to overcome like many blitz differences between the two so if they're at all relative moderate basically be seeing white beard in slow motion and along with other myriad of jutsu obviously you have this fire style you have all that stuff you have his ap being relative to white beard you have the susano which obviously is just insanely strong and if that wasn't enough i don't know how really durable or i guess how much stamina white beard has but moderate was able to fight like a character who basically is the most chakra in the verse outside of like characters like naruto once he fully masters karama's chakra right and he was able to fight him to basically a standstill right on top of just having the most chakra as a baseline he was able to fight sage ashirama even and fight him to the point where they were both basically out of chakra and hasherama could only win by tricking moderate and using his last chocolate to make a wood clone right they were fighting for a long time right and we know characters that are relative to hashirama in chakra reserves like naruto are able to fight wars and give people dozens of time like give thousands of shinobi their chakra three times over it's like the level of chakra that that hashirama and honestly madras should have would just be completely insane and obviously in this case chakra is a direct link to your stamina and ability to keep fighting and with that round one goes to modera now we're going to be looking at whiteboard vs modera objectively or normally how the fight should go so i'm just gonna say it right now whitebeard is way faster than modera and clears him in speed and it doesn't matter if you think moderate is stronger physically whitebeard literally just sends vibrations through his body with one punch and in all honesty no matter what attack moderate throws at whitebeard whitebeardish is going to be negging him since he is capable of destroying the one-piece planet which has been calculated to be around dwarf star level in size meaning not only is he way faster with the 3d2y stuff but he's also physically way more powerful although it doesn't matter because dura neck yeah when we get a little bit more i guess not necessarily exaggerated but when we really give like full credit to both characters the gap in speed um starts to become a little bit more prominent we see that with naruto the speed scaling kind of gets to light speed it gets a little bit above that like fashion light and then it kind of just starts like not necessarily capping off because characters keep getting faster but it gets more and more unquantifiable for example right we see that kcm narrative like blitz is a recognition depending on your interpretation of a few things you could say that ranges anywhere from i mentioned this earlier like fairly light speed like 72 times faster than light and that's fine right kcm naruto is not like really a speed demon in the verse in comparison to someone like moderate right because he gets kcm2 acm 1.5 and then he like remasters it and all that stuff right the only problem is none of that is quantifiable by any means and what i mean by this is the difference in power between kcm1 and kcm2 is completely unknown you can only really speculate on how much faster and stronger and how much more chakra it gives them because in all honesty hishimoto doesn't necessarily illustrate oh this is a four times increase this is a ten times increase he just like he's faster and he's stronger now which is fine but in for scaling purposes that doesn't really do much all you can really say maybe just you you make a few assumptions like kcm2 naruto is like you know maybe a blitz difference factor which even then is a really big assumption then you say like moderator is able to react and move in tandem with that and you say maybe moderate slips into that mftl range like barely like 100 times faster than light but even that once again is stretching it and then on top of that that still wouldn't really scale to whitebeard in terms of speed obviously the sharingan can make up for a little bit of this we mentioned this earlier um me specifically talking about like how it allows for keeping up or maybe even out speed not necessarily out speeding but like going hand to hand with characters that are able to blitz you however i don't know if we have a direct comparison of like a 10 times speed difference right if you said like white beard is like a thousand times faster than light or something like that and i'm not i'm just not sure if modder is like sharing on even with the mangekyo would be able to keep up with that per se yeah the strong guy is not going to be able to clear that type of speed advantage and all in all i think whitebeard is just it's just really bad because moderate has the hacks and abilities to potentially put white beard down however whitebeard is just so much faster and stronger and the way how both fighters are it's just gonna be really bad for modera yeah so here's the way i look at it right here's my interpretation of it right if you plug in a controller into these characters and you make them fight the way you want to moderate can pull out a win even in round two if you just make him like charring on genjutsu instantly right like that's what that's what he does immediately right off the gate no hesitation no waiting right he just looks into white beard's eye in fact he doesn't have to do that with the mangekyo sharon gone he can just insert chakra into whitebeard's eyes just by looking at his friends like boom genji too done right or you could say oh he you know he gets killed he's an aggie while whitebeard's like off guard boom kill him right however the problem kind of arises when you look at how moderate fights and he doesn't really fight derby like that like not necessarily dirty but he doesn't fight like a character like say itachi right hitachi is very reliant on genjutsu modera really isn't because most characters he comes across in his own verse he just dog walks in every aspect right physical speed strength agility all this stuff he just completely obliterates but we don't really see moderate rely on things like genjutsu or trickery or anything like that the izanagi stride is still a viable one whitebeard could probably you know not probably if he hits him with duran egg modera will just like die or take some severe damage and if you think he decides to use izanagi he gives up an eye to do that and and take whitebeard off guard that's possible but it's definitely much more in favor of white beard this round considering his speed advantage and his ability to just bypass moderate durability echocardiogram white weirdest folding moderate like a pancake now go and check out broken ronin's channel as he just hit 25 000 subscribers on his channel and be sure to subscribe to my channel if you are new to the channel or coming from brook and ronan's channel since he's going to be shouting this video out hope you guys enjoyed and take care
Channel: Tylearned
Views: 131,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madara uchiha, one piece, edward newgate, madara, whitebeard, naruto, naruto shippuden, sasuke, uchiha, devil fruit, sharingan, madara vs whitebeard, power levels, powerscale, naruto vs one piece, anime, manga, gol d roger, hashirama, hokage, luffy, straw hats, marineford, akainu, whitebeard vs akainu, blackbeard, madara vs shinobi alliance, broken ronin, vs battles, naruto vs luffy, kurama, naruto uzumaki
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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