Why Minato VS Kizaru Isn’t Close

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ah yeah I'm in the kitchen and you know I'm we've been on my sausage green beans and my chicken in oh my God the yellow Flash versus the yellow monkey Minato versus Keys oh my God who is texting me Minato versus kizaru is a match I technically did Cover in my Hokage versus Admirals video but I feel like since then I've evolved quite a bit and think this matchup deserves its own video as both characters do have some contentious factors about their individual scaling not even just talking about the matchup but just their individual scaling alone is contentious and there's a lot I'd like to talk about funny enough the most annoying thing to talk about when it comes to either of their scaling or just this matchup in general is speed and this matchup is literally speed versus speed so I already can sense the toxicity forming in the comments so let's just get right into it now we'll start off with kizaru since I feel like he's more controversial than minito when it comes to his scaling and the reason I say this is because a lot of people like to cap one piece at Lightspeed since kizaru is a top tier and apparently he can only move at the speed of light because he's only light meaning it's impossible for Luffy and the others until like wano to even reach light speed or that concept and rather they're just massively faster than lightning but I think this is disgusting downplay the reason I say this is because Kuma's lasers are from kizara's light based devil fruit and we've seen Luffy Blitz this along with evading Foxy's photons pre-cp 9 Arc and we've seen Zorro do backflips on Kuma's Lightspeed cannons while crippled to say that kizarro being only Lightspeed debunks all of this is silly and rather you can just say that he has Lightspeed attacks bare minimum since he's light and can just become stronger with his devil fruit which is literally something everyone has done in the series with a double fruit it's harder to prove that kizara is the only Lightspeed character rather than saying he's just moving faster than Kuma and Foxy who are also light speed now that I've already addressed that and regardless I'm going to have people in the comments saying it's impossible for a fictional character to move at light speed anyways I'm going to be now getting into his stats in terms of AP and durability we've seen him being able to damage one of the trees in sabaori which was calculated to be in the multi-continental range due to how ridiculous the one piece world is in size this is consistent too since kizaru is implied to be in the same league as alkiji and Akainu who fight a Whitebeard who is able to shift tectonic plates with a similar amount of force comfortably putting kizara's AP and durability in the multi-continental range obviously he can turn into light attack with a laser beam swords whatever he's feeling honestly and it's at least implied he has advanced armament so he has a form of duranig but it's still not confirmed the range of the explosions that kizaru causes with his light beams can range from like around your face to like the size of multiple ships and now let's finally cover how fast is kizaru even though I technically made a video on this already but whatever Zorro in pre-time skip while crippled can react to two of kumu's Lightspeed attacks whichever feat you want to go with really doesn't matter Luffy and Zorro by this point are relative of and then base Luffy would go on to surpass his Gear 2 self returning to sabodi making his base form already well into light speed Gear 2 increases your speed by 10 times and gear 4 does this by at least three times so it's 30 times base and Luffy would go on to Cliff his transformations in base more than once in the series meaning if Luffy was moving at let's say 30 times the speed of light in dressroso which is a massive low ball Luffy's base cliffing this twice would mean even while being unfair and downplaying Luffy he'd be moving at at least 900 times the speed of light in terms of combat and reaction speed by the time rooftop rolls around meaning kizaru without a doubt is reaching that mftl tier of speed now similar to kizaru Minato speed is something that does get a little smelly to talk about and it's all because of this one scan right here no ladies and gentlemen Minato does not actually have space-time movement thanks to his flying rygiene or is moving literally instantaneously this is like saying someone has infinite speed because of teleport station like Goku Instant Transmission oh wait I can't even bring that up people unironically make that argument but for those of you that need to be told this Minato does not have infinite or inaccessible or irrelevant speed any type of argument like that just get off the video get out please now with out of the way let's get to cooking minato's AP in my opinion at its best should be in that Continental range we all know the multi Continental calc but even without that we have statements of the Ninetales being able to turn the world to Ash putting the nine tails at multigon nettle if you think this is shaky well we know that he's definitely well into country levels since characters like Orochimaru and pain fall into that category which he massively upscales from however I feel like saying that minito is just country plus even for just bass minitso is kind of downplay because we even seen base Minato being capable of damaging the a-tails we also know that the fourth raikage has never surpassed Minato and the raikage said by Karen is comparable to a Bijou and the only Bijou she seen is the atos and then Warwick Minato literally has another half of the nine tails so by proxy he's multi-continental as for his hacks I mean the two abilities he uses are flying raiching and Rasengan flying raijin is basically going to allow him to bfr his opponent or just allow him to move around the map so it's going to be harder for kizara to hit him and also he has Sage Mode which does give you a form of precog but he doesn't really use Sage Mode ever so it's really not that relevant to talk about now that I think about it besides the space-time movement usually people talk about this speed fee right here which is Naruto dodging a light speed moving raikage dozens of times over funny enough base Minato performs this feat and KCM Naruto's movements are compared to the yellow flashes which is insane considering this is bass Minato and not any of the amps like sage mode or KCM which would increase his speed tens of times over this is because even forms such as the one-tailed cloak and curse mark stage 2 are 10 times amps and this form is obviously a bigger amp than that since he's using a full half of the nine tails so weirdly enough it's similar to zaru's case in a sense where Minto would have to be at least moving hundreds of times faster than light it sounds ridiculous but honestly it makes a lot more sense especially if you have characters like Haku Itachi and daryui all being stated to have light speed moving attacks then seeing Naruto get his glow up just for them to go nice bro you're finally made a toe tier like this man Minato is just him Timothy Emerson as I was saying before the recording failed for the fifth time I I don't know what's going on today I'm gonna lose my mind let me tell you in terms of AP and durability kizarro and Minato with their best scaling should actually be comparable to one another and in terms of hacks I feel like they sort of balance each other out with Minato having obviously the overpowered bfr but kizara makes up for that for his wider range of abilities that mean a total accent which means the one factor that decides this whole matchup is speed and what's funny is it's not even close with minato's best speed scaling he'd be reaching the low mftrange I wouldn't even say he's mftl plus however even if we were to Grant him that level of speed it would not even be nearly to the same degree that kizara would be in basically think of it like this the one feat that I'm talking about that's upscaling mitato is happening in one of the last arcs in Naruto the Feats that I brought up are literally the first few if not some of the last arcs in pre-time Skip One one piece and I didn't even bother to mention the likes of like sanji's brother shooting lasers or whatever because I feel like that's irrelevant since we already have light speed scaling so early on in the series you are literally going to have to reach for Naruto and be disingenuous towards one piece in order for Minato to actually get a wet off and if you truly think kizaru is the only Lightspeed character and Minato is Timothy Emerson like I said earlier in the video then you know what you do you but for those who want a genuine answer before Minato is even going to be thinking of turning on kcm2 actually you know what we'll just allow him to be automatically in kcm2 for the matchup before he even thinks about throwing his kunai or moving to kizar he's going to get a laser beam towards his toenails which to minato's surprise that explosion is going to engulf his whole body and turn him into Ash and I swear to God if I get called biased I'm going to lose it alright I like Minato actually no I am biased I'm a kizaru Enthusiast you're
Channel: Tylearned
Views: 82,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, one piece, manga, minato, kizaru, admirals, luffy, naruto shippuden, boruto, minato vs kizaru, kizaru vs minato, anime, naruto vs one piece, whitebeard, wano, madara, sasuke, kakashi, obito, minato vs obito, minato vs raikage, kizaru vs rayleigh, kizaru vs marco, marco, akainu, ace, zoro, usopp, kaido, shanks, yonko, flying raijin, one piece vs naruto, kurama, kcm minato, akatsuki, marineford, gear 5
Id: GUEjQR7c9bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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