Naruto vs Hashirama - The Real Winner?

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both are incarnates of ashura both would become hokage during their lifetime both with an insane healing factor and both known as insanely powerful with the ability to control or tame bijou we're talking about hashrama vs naruto narratively this battle has very little weight these are both protagonists in the story and they have no real need to fight each other but that does not stop them from being compared to one another some people think hashirama isn't strong enough to take on kcm2 naruto and some people think hashiram and modera would have done better against jigen or ishiki than naruto and sasuke did whichever side of the debate you're on i think we can all agree there is some point in the series that this becomes an interesting or contentious fight despite mentioning that both of them became hokage at the start of the video i'm not going to be covering hokage naruto versus hashiram in this video i think there's an abundance of videos that make it crystal clear who would win that fight most people obviously favoring naruto this video is going to focus on kcm 2 naruto both before and after he learns to use sage mode along with the form and hashirama in sage mode and base form in his alive body since naruto has no known ceiling jutsu it'd be pretty unfair for me to put him up against inedo tensei if you enjoy this type of content you should leave a like on the video to subscribe to the channel i have a ton of other versus battles on my channel you can check out after this one but let's start off with the first okay hashiram for starters hashram is outright stated to be the strongest shinobi of his era and possibly of all time up until the war arc with multiple guides saying as much the anniversary guide for example states that base hashirama's body was considered the strongest weapon in the history of konoha and a lot of feats actually backed this up as most people know hashiramu was rivalling mata while they were alive and later on when they were both arrived using edotente however a lot of people don't pay much attention to the specifics of how they compared to each other while they were close overall hashirama was the winner between the two and mater even acknowledged him as the only shinobi capable of defeating him hashirama in base was physically fast and strong enough to keep up with ems moderate during their fight in the final valley and later on when hashem was revived as an edo tensei close in strength when he was alive as stated by toby rama he was still capable of clashing with and dodging at omada on multiple occasions hashirama's physical showings don't stop there in terms of speed hashirama in base was also capable of dodging attacks from moderate's majestic guitar susano and keeping up with toby rama and taijutsu and travel speed during their fight with harrison as severely nerfed eddos in part one and matara implies he may think toby rama have been the fastest shinobi of their era so that just goes to show how while it might not be too obvious upon first glance hashirama is one of the physically strongest characters during the war arc it also should be noted hashiram is portrayed to be superior to toby rama in virtually every other area especially power you see this on full display in the war arc whenever toby rama threatened sasuke and the rest of team heavy and hashirama is able to make toby rama cuck down to him with nothing but a glance hashirama wasn't just considered the strongest shinobi because of his physical power the anniversary guide and fourth data book also attribute part of his reputation to his kk wood style with wood style hashirama can use a wide variety of techniques that range from simple uses like spawning trees and barriers making clones or even more advanced uses like his wood constructs one style also gives hashirama a big advantage against naruto here due to his natural ability to suppress and absorb chakra including from tail beast some of these include deep forced emergence which hasherama can use to create a large forest in an instant and he can even restrain enemies while doing so or use the forest to deflect and guide attacks this is something he even implied he could do to a tail beast bomb from the tin tails during the war arc while using a wood clone hashirama can use wood style to spam clones to assist him in battle like naruto and when used by modder they were even strong enough to use powerful techniques like his susano hashirama like moderator is also skilled enough with this ability to make flowers with deep force bloom which can secrete pollen capable of knocking an enemy unconscious when inhaled hashirama can also use wood style defensively with his five hand technique to create giant hands that are so strong they could even stop slashes from moderate majestic guitar susano like i said before wood style can also be used to create animated constructs like hashrama's wood dragons and wood golem with his wood dragons hashrama can buy and restrain opponents and even hurt them in the process like he did to karama when used by edo edomatora just one wood dragon was enough to deal with kcm2 naruto and his quran avatar even sucking away most of his chakra hashirama can also use multiple wood dragons so he can potentially use this ability on an even higher scale than modera the wood golem is also incredibly strong being able to keep up with full korama and matara's armored susano at the same time and when hashirama used this technique in sage mode he was capable of taking edomar's perfect susano hashiroma also has the ability to use sage mode which drastically increases his strength in those of his techniques like which is stated in the data book numerous times but hashirama gets his own specific statement for this in data book 4 which could indicate his stage mode is a bigger boost than the others we've seen in the franchise but it's likely just the data book being redundant and telling us that he gets a stat buff like everyone else this gives hashirama the basic expanded sensory abilities we see in other stages as well as access to a few much stronger wood style techniques in sage mode hajj rama can use the deity gates which was so powerful they could restrain edo modera and the ten tails side note i know hasherama used to d the gates on edo moderate in base form but this just sort of implies he can wield shinjuku in just his base form which is extremely impressive and even backed up later on when moderate goes to steal hashirama sinjutsu after being revived by obito he takes sinjutsu from a base form hashirama and that's when we see the sage mode appear on the hashima face in his chest with the deity gates hashirama could potentially pin down naruto and win the fight pretty easily unless naruto evades the gates hashirama in sage mode is also capable of using true several thousand hands technique commonly referred to as the wood buddha this statue was so powerful it was able to clash with and overpower moderate majestic guitarists hisano and a volley of its tailed beast bombs the statue also has the ability to suppress chakra of the tail beast with a single touch and the data book even emphasizes that hashirama developed this technique to fight tailbeast with this jutsu sage hashirama could easily overpower kcm naruto or his quran avatar and potentially render karama unconscious as he's done in the past the dead book also mentions that this technique is so powerful it breaks its own hands when throwing punches hashirama isn't just renowned for his strength but also his unparalleled healing factor hashirama has a unique genetic ability that along with his naturally high chakra reserves allows him to heal almost any injury the data book and moderator even indicate that his healing factor is superior to people like tsunade and sakura's yinseal which can even regrow organs and limbs modera also implies that this tenacity could lead to one conclusion that hashirama was a superior shinobi to him and virtually everyone else around hashirama has also displayed impressive stamina being able to fight for days on end this means simply damaging or hurting hashirama will not be enough for naruto to defeat him in order to kill hashirama naruto will need to brutally overpower him hashirama also displays other notable skills with the data book indicating he was an expert in ninjutsu taijutsu and genjutsu along with wood style hashirama is capable of using all seven basic chakra natures he showcases some skill and swordsmanship wielding multiple giant blades against matara and he can even use some genjutsu like the bringer of darkness technique so overall hashirama is an absolute monster in the verse and up until jupiter shows up he remains uncontested as the top dog so with that out of the way let's get into how naruto compares to ashirama as i'm sure most of you would agree any naruto before the war arc would clearly and easily lose to hashirama while any version of naruto from after the war arc would clearly be able to beat hashirama so that leaves us the question of how does narso compare to hashirama during the war arc to answer that we'll start off with kcon1 naruto and work our way up to six paths naruto when naruto first unlocks karama chakra mode or kcm he's definitely not a pushover which is emphasized by the fact he carried the shinobi alliance during the early stages of the war while stronger than ever before however he's definitely nowhere near hashirama's level at this point kcm 1 naruto is only about as strong as ems sasuke with them keeping up with one another against the ten tails and unstable duputo with multiple characters like minotaur and toboramba noting what a great duo the pair make this would be enough to say naruto loses since modera who hoshirama can beat is stated to be much stronger than ems sasuke numerous times even while in edo tensei this is told to us by numerous characters like arochimaru and moderator himself as well as the fourth data book and some ninja storm 4 extras if you're into that stuff naruto also has no answer for hasherama's wood style at this point and probably wouldn't receive much help from karama at this stage so hashirova could easily just beat naruto up at this stage or drain up all of his chakras it doesn't really matter this fight becomes a lot closer when naruto bonds with quran and unlocks kcm 2 karama's full power which gives naruto access to almost as much chakra as sage hashirama while edo mataro was capable of keeping up with attacks from kcm2 naruto and it stated that naruto needed karama's full power just to fight him he still displays superiority in some areas with the data even calling kcm2 naruto and karama the strongest two-man cell in terms of travel speed kcn2 naruto was fast enough to enter sub obitor moderator's attacks from across the battlefield which for moderate susano are applied to be faster than his regular attacks this is also supported by the comparison made between casey and to naruto and minato by kakashi and guy who in terms of travel speeder body flicker is faster than hashirama and tobirama while mandara was an edo tensei in this fight naruto also wasn't at full capacity as evidenced by his wispy cloak and the fact that later on he was able to floor blind sage mata and his susano who was stated to be roughly around the same level as back when he had the ems however it should be noted that while naruto does showcase superiority to edo moderator in some instances he wasn't skilled enough to capitalize on many of his advantages within the fight which led to an eventual stalemate with that being said it's fair to say kcm2 naruto could definitely keep up with and even outrun base hashirama hashirami can still weaken and overwhelm him with wood style like moderate did and he should still be superior to kcm to naruto to some degree when using sage mode however this changes once naruto starts using biju sage mode like hashirama naruto has also mastered sage mode and in bg sage mode or bsm for short and he also becomes much faster and stronger albeit on a much larger scale since for this form he converts karama's chakra to sage chakra while naruto was already approaching hashirama's level in kcm 2 he arguably exceeded it in big usage mode unlike hashiram and matara who immediately admitted inferiority to unstable jupiter biju sage monarch was able to begin to keep up with a full power jubito and presented a significant threat to him alongside sasuke who was amped up by the curse mark and naruto's own chakra while hashirama and madara were edo tensei when this was stated as i said before the edo nerf isn't significant so this wouldn't really change anything about how they compared to jubito especially since he wasn't at full power big saves monarcho while also being faster than kcm2 naruto also keeps up with casey and minato after he snaps out of his days and as i said before the base munito is already faster than hashirama to some degree so ultimately this would be the strongest form of naruto that hashirama could defeat after this hashirama gets power clipped terribly once naruto unlocks six pass sage mode he reaches a completely different level and completely eclipses hashiramba even in base six past naruto beat jubi matara badly and took him down with a lava style roster and shuriken arguably performing better than 8th gate guy the data book also tells us base 6 pass naruto had too much chakra to be affected by moderators truth seeker orbs so he honestly wouldn't even need his chakra cloak to beat up hashirama as a side note if naruto beating up a moderator who absorbed the tin tail doesn't make it clear he would beat hashirama then i don't know what would while naruto's arsenal isn't as wide as hashirama's and he'd be at a disadvantage against wood style he still has ways to win by kashirama naruto can spam shadow clones and his fighting style at each point in the series seems to rely on using them along with his racing gun and ross and shuriken which he can make stronger with his different forms the resin gun is naruto's signature jutsu and when used in kcm naruto has multiple different ones he can use in various situations this includes a massive racing gone which even used in base form with some help from karama were enough to stop the advance of edero moderate's deep forest emergence naruto can also spawn smaller rasengan around larger ones with his orbital racing gun or use his chakra arms to drag enemies into his rasengan naruto can also amplify the force and cutting power of his rasengan by imbuing them with win style this could also potentially help him repel many of hashirama's wood style jutsu naruto's much more advanced rosten shuriken can also be used at a long range and when thrown by kcm2 naruto was able to move along km1 li who blitzed at omadara though i do acknowledge that you can make some arguments that moderate just didn't care to get hit in this specific scenario naruto and kcm can also spawn chakra arms to create rotten shurikens even miniature ones with just his fingertips kurama's chakra also allows naruto to use a wide variety of different abilities while also bolstering his original wins alongside his speed and strength in kcm naruto uses so much chakra and runs so fast that it appears like he's always using body flicker naruto also possesses a healing factor and while it probably is not as busted as hashirama's he still has been shown to be capable of healing significant injuries with small amounts of chakra from kurama he can also fight for days on end due to his large chakra reserves like hashirama while the chakra is beneficial to naruto and hashirama can absorb it it may be disadvantageous to do so as yamato implies kurama's chakra acts like a poison due to his hatred and he isn't anywhere near as warm as naruto's enemies even after he softens up naruto and kcm2 also has the ability to use the kurama avatar or just parts of it and while he was losing to the wood dragon he did initially tear it up before getting his chakra absorbed naruto can also use tail beast bombs and high density chakra blasts capable of leveling large areas and vaporizing targets naruto being a perfect gen cherokee also is immune to genjutsu due to his partnership with karama so ultimately any genjutsu that hashi uses like bringer of darkness would be useless and naruto may be able to use his connection to wake up karama if hashirama puts him to sleep all in all this shapes up to be a pretty interesting matchup and it's a real shame we never got to see the two reincarnations of ashura interact more just to sum things up once again hashirama at the end of the day is one of the strongest shinobi ever and naruto had to spend a long time training hard and growing to reach his level and eventually surpass him we see a lot of this growth directly through his battles in the war arc where he goes from being far beneath hashirama to rivaling him to far exceeding him by the end of the war as always i hope you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to like and subscribe and have a nice day
Channel: Six
Views: 113,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BeFsKaAo7rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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