Why MADAME WEB Is the BEST MARVEL Movie of All Time and Saved the MCU!

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how would you know if you could climb a wall if you've never [Music] [Applause] tried hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan AR here to break down all the reasons why Madame Webb is not only great but also the start of Sony's incredible spiderverse franchise that is sure to eclipse the MCU more like the MC who now I know what you're all thinking didn't we cover this movie Enough we did two Easter egg breakdowns and endan explained a video on why Kang is behind Ezekiel Sims a podcast speculated on what's next and of course all of our Theory videos on how Madame Webb is going to interact with other fan favorites like morbius and vulture but today we just want to go through and point out all the truly amazing details in this film that make it stand apart from literally every other movie ever made I think back to the iconic moment when we were first introduced to Madame Webb the trailer he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died that Line's going to go down as one of the most important moments in cinema history so we decided to commemorate it for one week only at our merch store Crush merch.com so to get your he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died shirt while you still can visit our merch store with the link below because after a week they are all gone shop at our merch store is the best way for you to directly support our Channel thank you guys for watching I cannot wait to celebrate Madame web with you yes let's celebrate now the first image in the movie is a web to foreshadow how they will all be connected by her web at the end of the movie and get this the main character's name is also web Cassie web so when Ezekiel opens up his umbrella here notice how his accent changes in his first two lines do you think we're close and in the second line his lips don't even have to move I agreed to provide security for you because I thought you were close to finding the spider yeah this movie was made by grown-ups now remember this movie is about the Multiverse Madame Webb can see possible Futures which means that she can see different timelines so remember morbius ended with this epic post credit scene right I think a bunch of guys like us should team up that scene teased a villain team up or a Sinister 6 movie a Spider-Man movie without Spider-Man awesome exactly so when Sony finally assembles that incredible Sinister 6 movie that we're all so pumped about Madame web is going to be the key to holding it all together she can bring in all of these different spider people from other universes into one universe and then combine them into one team it is her web that holds this entire Sony verse together so don't forget that everyone the entire Sony spider verse hinges on Madam web so then the scientist in this scene Cassie's mom uses this opportunity to explain to him exactly why they are there dead specimens show that the peptides in the spider's venom they basically they supercharged their cellular structure now this is an interesting choice for the filmmakers you could assume that the two of them have actually been in the jungle together for a while so when she tells him this information a lot of people would think that he would already know this information well then why is she repeating this crucial information to him at this exact time and by the way why are they there well because Doug this is actually telling the audience that information yes this is a very old dramatic technique called Exposition it's when the characters explain something to one another so the audience can learn that information too so if you look closely throughout the film you're going to find a lot of hidden Exposition in this movie they used Exposition in Shakespeare now notice that when she says she's trying her best to keep me from working at this point we the audience are thinking oh no this lady hates her baby yeah that's what I was going to say it sounds like this lady hates her baby yeah exactly now we think this lady hates her unborn child not a nice lady at all so later when Cassie thinks that her mom cared more about spiders than her oh the spiders were worth it Mom we're going to look back and say yes cass's Mom sure did hate her unborn child and that's why she was frivolously wasting her time in the Amazon now all through the movie Maddie keeps talking about how she gets angry anybody else Starving in fact they even spoof the famous line from the Hulk you wouldn't like me when I'm angry you know when she says you will not like me when I'm angry and that is what's called an Easter egg oh very interesting it even becomes kind of a funny running gag and I told you guys that you wouldn't like you if you were hry and you know guys I can actually relate to Maddie here I don't get that hangry but I did use to snack like all the time when work would get really stressful on busy days I would constantly stress eat or pop these Menthol cough drops till I got a headache from it but now I replace that bad gross habit with a positive one by using fume they're the sponsor of this video is that a vape no buddy this is not a vape it is not electronic and it does not have pods filled with po potentially harmful chemicals instead it has these plant-based cores that are infused with natural flavors to create natural flavored air I recently started crisp mint and it freshens my breath smells very nice thanks you see fume uses plants and behavioral sence to help you trade out your negative habit for a positive one it's the perfect way to turn around a bad habit that you're just not happy with plus it has adjustable air flow and is designed with movable parts and magnets for fidgeting giv your finger something to do which for me is very helpful for calming my anxiety they also just launched the fume base now this is a Sleek magnetic stand to rest your fume on so you never lose track of it fume makes switching easy and even fun 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movies are basically part of the MCU but they're just over to the side has has to do with Spider-Man I think now in this moment we do get a crucial bit of villain backstory no one helped me when my family was starving my road was not as clear as yours wow it sounds like he has a really relatable backstory he sure does and this is the Hallmark of all great comic book movie villains killmonger Loki malakith you have to have a relatable backstory but the genius of Madame Webb is we never actually have to find out exactly what his backstory is we just get hints about it throughout the film I came from nothing less nothing and that is just as good as finding out information and all through this scene notice the umbrella is still in the background after murdering Cassie's mom Ezekiel fleas and he is such a badass that even though they are in the middle of the Jungle in the Amazon studying spiders he chooses to run away instead of taking any of these trucks or Jeeps then Cassie's mom is taken by the spider people she gives birth and the movie smash cuts to Cassie in modern day and that shares us that they are the same person that's right now Dakota Johnson is and I don't have to tell you this Hollywood royalty her parents are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith and in this film she draws from that ancestral power of act to make a bold dramatic Choice from this point on in the film she will never express any emotion except for boredom and disinterest Ben what are you even doing back there that was the best take of that line she was paid $5 million for this role and I don't think there's a single actor in Hollywood that could have given a performance like this one the average annual salary for a teacher is $49,000 a year now right here we see a Blockbuster Video hey those don't exist anymore well that's because this movie takes place in the past and notice how in this ambulance scene Cassie and Ben make sure to say each other's names out loud cassia lost the pul some starting compressions now Ben what are you even doing back there that's a thing that people do Ryan AR from screen crush it sure is Doug the manager but this is also telling the audience who these people are that's more of that clever Exposition that you were talking about you're catching on buddy Ben also uses exposition to tell us that he was in the military that he now lives in Queens you know last time I was in a vehicle driven like this I was being shot at I wouldn't want you to be homesick for the Army never thought I'd be this happy to be back in Queens now notice something here though even though the ambulance is in a hurry and there's somebody dying in the back they don't put the siren on until Maddie gives Cassie the finger who flips off an ambulance now this is foreshadowing later in the movie when Cassie will once again drive an ambulance but next time she's going to use a siren now at the hospital Sydney Sweeney's character gives Cassie an ordinary piece of paper but Cassie says can't even fold it it's like cardboard but look close guys that's actually just an ordinary piece of paper but Dakota Johnson was able to draw in the power of act to pretend that it was cardboard man Mountain Dew sounds good right now Mountain Dew is a Pepsi product Pepsi God I love Pepsi got to have it choice of a new generation for those who feel young am I right now Cassie's Fortune here is blank you will now this is another bit of clever foreshadowing because soon she's going to be able to see the future and then rewrite what's going to happen to her so this Fortune is actually way of showing us that soon she's going to be able to fill in the blanks of the future for herself because the fortune is blank and that means that she can see the future later in the movie you see the way she feeds the cat oh yeah that's nice that means that we like her us Strays need to stick together that was the best take of that line now in this scene she looks at the drawing the kid did of his family and this makes Cassie think of her family so she goes to this box of momentos of her mom and so this is reconnecting us with that clever prologue we already know that Cassie was born in a cave but here we learned that the Peruvian spider tribe also got her a birth certificate and packed up all of her mom's things including her plane ticket now notice that when Cassie has a near-death experience she sees the same threads of the web that we'll see a little later in the movie notice how this looks a little like the timelines we see in the MCU films because these threads are essentially possible universes Cassie Webb is a Nexus being someone who can affect the flow of time and split themselves into different universes wow that's right Sony has successfully set her up to be the Lynch pin of their own Multiverse Saga and I'm sure she'll be a crucial character in Epic team up films like Avengers hidden Wars and the Kang Dynasty now when she sees this thread she actually sees the possible futures from later in the movie The balloon popping at the party the bird hitting the window and part of the Pepsi sign yes Pepsi you know there's so much Pepsi in this movie it's getting to where I think a Pepsi and Madam web is having the same level of quality me too I deeply associate Pepsi with Madame Webb then we go to one of my favorite scenes where Ezekiel successfully seduces a woman from the National Security Agency at the Opera now his plan was to sit next to this woman charm her sleep with her and then use his powers to get her passcodes but what if she didn't find him attractive the Multiverse so when he sleeps with her we see visions of these three girls as Spider women in the future no way so that's going to happen heck yeah we will definitely see these spider women and Madame web to or Avengers classified Wars and then Ezekiel explains the stakes to this woman and the audience I'm going to be murdered one day now notice how in this scene ezekiel's audio dramatically changes every night the same vision it's the curse that happens because of Multiverse Multiverse at the cookout Cassie struggles to open a can of delicious Pepsi and offers some helpful advice on grilling yeah they're ruined now and at the party they play this fun game where everybody writes down a fond memory of their mom on one piece of paper but Cassie Cassie did something different who is this well my mother actually died uh in child birth well why didn't she just not play the game well this was to show us another blank piece of paper like the fortune cookie Pepsi also notice guys this is Mary Parker Peter Parker's Mom it is yes and she's actually pregnant with baby Peter Parker right now oh thank goodness he's a fetus and not already Spider-Man that'd be so boring Also earlier we talked about Ezekiel having a relatable backstory now his helper is played by zosa mammo a very good actor and the daughter of David mammo notice how that she seems reluctant to hunt down teenagers I didn't know we'd be targeting teenagers they're teenagers now now that never comes up again but she did briefly hesitate and murder children find them I pay you a fortune this gives her character Dimension after Cassie's strange premonition she goes to see a doctor or she goes to see an eye doctor actually according to the credits this is an OBGYN and not an eye doctor an OBGYN who has eye charts in her office after this visit Cassie is discouraged and she lets us know this by talking to the TV hate to break te Scrooge but you can't change anything now A Christmas Carol is famously a movie about a man learning to change his future just like Cassie it's an amazing coincidence that it happens to be on TV when it's not even Christmas time and then the girls all happen to converge on Grand Central Station while Ezekiel is also conveniently right outside because Multiverse Multiverse so now this sequence on the train is for my money the one down spot in this movie I thought the editing was a little jarring and did too good of a job placing me in Cassie's shoes and frankly seeing Ezekiel used spider powers just reminded me of Spider-Man and I don't need to see that in a movie Eric Spider-Man wake me up when it's morban time now when Cassie puts the kids in a cab I thought the way these teenage girls stayed with the stranger was totally organic and there's no way they would have broken the windows out of the cab or even just walked away everyone has such great chemistry that you immediately feel that they are all indeed connected to her web later Cassie leaves them in the woods and then uses her powers to get in and out of Manhattan and queens traffic inside of 3 hours 3 hours okay back at her house she reads to her cat because cats cannot read I used to work at a charity where I read to cats now back at the diner the girls decide to do a normal teenage girl activity dance sexy on a table in a public place but then this guy has a newspaper about the kidnapping and it's a special edition of The Daily Bugle that was apparently printed and distributed on the same day like it's in the 1930s da bugle like from Spider-Man the one and the same buddy Cassie raises toward the diner and cuts off this truck to turn now this gains her a crucial partial fraction of a second that she would have lost if she just turned from behind the truck and this next scene is where Cassie and the girls really start to bond you're a good teacher oh I see they like each other now that's right and a few seconds later Cassie leaves them to go to Peru and she's able to find the exact spot where her mom died using a handdrawn map and a photograph luckily this is a part of the Jungle where trees don't grow and this tree looks exactly the same as it does in the photograph from 30 years earlier when the Peruvian people teach Cassie her origin notice this is also the norn cave where Thor had his Visions in Avengers the dark Ultron proving once and for all that Madame Webb is in very much the same universe as near the MCU the moment where Cassie learns how to use her powers is truly triumphant the CGI spectacle is really it jug Doug I can't do I I'm sorry I can't and then with the girls in Peril Cassie triumphantly learns how to split her astral form teasing that she can exist in multiple realities at once and Ezekiel lets her do this before he is finally beaten by a delicious tasty sign of Pepsi and then the girls use the CPR to bring her back to life that was forhad and from earlier they did you're a good teacher that's right now when Ben says he likes being an uncle because of no responsibility Cassie says that's what he thinks because the parents are going to die hello hilarious afterwards we were treated to a little bit of foreshadowing in the future Madame web working with three spider women to protect the city now I'm really glad we got to see this entire movie of backstory instead of just another boring superhero movie with three spider women doing like superhero things like stopping crime and fighting in action and stuff like that so when they now make that Spiderwoman movie we'll really appreciate it even more because we know what these characters were like when they were teenagers as long as Spider-Man never appears in any of these movies I'll be watching excels here EX see well guys that's just why Madden web is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life if you have any thoughts or any questions let me know in the comments below or add me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 158,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madame web, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, madame web review, madame web trailer, madame web ending, madame web full movie, madame web pitch meeting, madame web trailer reaction, madame web scene, madame web spiderman, madame web honest trailer, madame web interview, madame web explained, madame web fight scene, madame web endig, madame web reveiw, madame web pich meeting, madame web full movei
Id: A0do_NXOlUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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