How to Build a Website like Freelancer, Fiverr or Upwork [ MAKE MONEY ONLINE ] 2021

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website [Music] [Music] website [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] are you ready perfect [Music] as you can see we don't have any plugins installed and we only have the 2020 the default thing installed as well so let's have a quick look at what our website looks like at the minute so again this is the default 2015 that comes with wordpress so nothing outstanding here obviously so what we're going to do now we're going to install our theme and all the extensions required for this project and for this we're going to use press so as you can see this is their website here and the specialized marketplaces directories and classifieds so i will leave a link in the description below as always and they have beautiful themes and extensions so as you can see available on their website you can create a listing hive which is a property listing website like real estate we have textbook type and task type which are the ones that we can use for our project here so these are to create marketplaces like freelancer fork and driver the only difference between those two is basically the layout the design and then we have the job hive as well if you wanted to create a job board website as well now let's go back to our two themes here for export height and task high now again like mentioned both of those themes share the exact same features the only difference is basically how they look like their appearance the design so let me open both of them and let me show you very quickly starting with expert hype so as you can see we have a nice hero section here a call production our menu and the start box right here very easy to locate and then if you scroll down we have all the main categories right there with our top exports followed by hardware testimonials recent post and then finally you can decide whether you want a job done or if you are an expert and you want to provide your services now let's go to tab type this is basically the same layout a different design different appearance so as you can see with our menu section on top with the call to action the search box here as well in our heroes section and then if we scroll down again with the exact same sections we have categories we have featured services customer reviews or testimonials with our top freelancers and get started you can decide whether you want a test done or if you are freelancer providing services now let's go back to our website here so which one should you choose well basically they bought the same price seventy nine dollars you know it doesn't make much difference you can save either this one all this one is just a matter of preferences and taste okay so for the sake of our tutorial here i'm just going to go with the very first one here just because the first one is no preferences whatsoever so let's open this and let's discover what's included with the theme so basically if you scroll down here you can see all these premium extensions are also included so you get six premium extensions that are worth normally thirty nine dollars each so you get marketplace requests tags favorites messages and reviews and you can also add a few free extensions if you want to if you click on this as you can see normally marketplace is 39 requests 39 so all these you get six of them for free included in the package but all these ones as well paid listing player listing authentication and so on all these are free so there's a few features here that you can use for free an ad as well on your website so let's go back to our theme so if you want to go ahead with this basically all you have to do is to click buy now and as you can see the cost is only 79 us dollars which is an extremely good value considering that this provides you with a lifetime single site license so you won't have to renew it it is yours for forever for this okay and then you also get unlimited automatic updates so basically for as long as you have this theme installed on your website uh it will be updated automatically and all you have to do now is just to process this theme and just click buy now and go through the second process now that you've purchased and downloaded your theme you can go back to our wordpress dashboard and we can install it so we're going to appearance fields click on add new and then upload theme and from here we're going to take the file that we just purchased so click on this and go wherever it is on your hard drive where you downloaded it and you might have export type of zip or maybe task type so in our case it is export height select this and click open and then install now and there you go now it is installed now we need to activate the theme so let's go activate and just like that our theme has been installed and activated so as you can see here is our theme right there now we have a warning message here is that this team recommends the foreign plugin so we have to install a few plugins for this theme to work so let's click on begin installing plugins and as you can see these are all the plugins required for this project and for this we're going to work select all of them so just click this box here and then in the actual select install and click apply and now you can start installing all these seven plugins for us so there you go already done all installations have been completed and now we need to activate them all so let's return back to the plugin installer and let's bulk select them all once more and the action select activate and now click let's apply and that's it all done already now for all our plugins and updates to take place we have to refresh our dashboard so as you can see this is our menu of the moment and if we go back to dashboard now we have a few more tabs added to it so we have high press listing vendors testimonials and requests and all these are part of our theme and necessary for us to configure our website so let's go ahead with this now okay so first let's have a look at our website so this is what our website used to look like with the default theme so let's refresh and see what it looks like now there you go now you can see we have a new layout a new theme applied to our website but there is no content yet so it's a bear shell at the moment okay so what we are going to do now is to import the demo content on our website because it's always easier to work on an existing platform something that's existing and tweak it around and customize it to fit our own requirements rather than start everything from scratch we save a lot of time by doing so and for this we go back to our dashboard and we are going to install an additional plugin so we're going to plugins add new and right here in the search box look for one click demo import so this is the very first one here from ocdi and click install now this is just going to take a few seconds to install there you go and then activate it and now that our plugin is installed we can go into appearance and click on import demo data so click on this and as you can see this is all the demo content from export hype website so you can see it will import everything for posts pages images and themes settings et cetera which is the quickest and easiest way to set up your new theme so for this you're just going to click on import demo data click on that and you offered a few options here uh we don't really need them so click on continue and import so there you go it is installed as you can see we have a message that says import complete so at this page you can have a look at our website again so this is what our website used to look like so if you refresh very quickly as you can see now we have the full demo recreated on our own platform here as you can see this is the exact same website as the demo which is going to make our lives much easier to trade this around and make it our own okay so let me show you how to configure and customize your website so for this we go back to our wordpress dashboard and as you can see we have one two three four five different types here so we have five press we have listings vendors testimonials and requests so on the high quest basically these are all the settings for our theme so basically as you can see here you can define how many listings you want to this paper page how many featured listings you want to display per page how many related listings you want to display per page etc etc and this will apply offer for reviews members users messages requests and offers so this all together are our main settings and then we have all that related to content basically web listing vendors testimonials and requests so if you go into listings as you can see these are all our listings that will be displayed on our website and then we have all the features and options that will allow us to filter the content by categories types and attributes so let me show you from the content very quickly since we're going to services this is basically the content of our listing and as you can see with all categories here which is basically the same as here so if you click on categories these are all the categories we created and it's the same here in the front end and you can narrow down your searches by clicking on any of those boxes and then we have tags as well and with attributes as you can see the warranty availability and hourly rate and is the same here for visiting of types hourly rate availability and warranty and this is an amazing feature because basically you can create any type of attribute you want any tags in any categories and have it represented directly here in the content and allowing your customers to filter and narrow down their searches based on those criteria now as you can see this is very handy indeed and very simple to use as well now if you go back here you can do the same with your vendors as well so if you go click on vendors you have all the list of your vendors here and you also have attributes so let me click on this you can see experience availability and hourly rate if you go into the front end and click on exports this will allow your visitors to filter the content as well based on those attributes as you can see hourly rate availability and experience right here exactly the same as we have here so you can create as many activities custom attributes as you wish and have them right here in the content helping your customers to filter the content based on their own requirements so this system amazing feature as you can see and the exact same principle applies to requests as you can see we can create our own custom attributes here for the monitor time range budget and due date so let's go into the content let's click on request and as you can see we can filter down every of the content all our content here based on budget due date and time range which are exactly what we have here so you can create as many custom attributes as you want for those sections and have a personalized customized website based on your own personal requirements okay so let's get started let's go back to our home page and the first thing we can do is to take care of our different categories here as you can see of home demand gardening renovation cleaning etc so based on the type of project you are looking to build here you might want to change this around and give them different descriptions etc etc so for this this is our first step we go back here to our back end click on listing and we go into categories so these are all the categories as you can see with handyman here photography and dropping some handyman gardening and photography for the all here with eight sections here and from here you have the choice among three different options you can either edit you can delete or you can create a new one so depending on your own personal requirement feel free to use any of those methods i'm just going to show you here how to change one first so click on the title it says so if you want to change this category and change the name you can edit this basically put anything you want so for instance web design and you do the same with the slug so what's the slot so let me show you in the front end if you click on babysitting and go into this category it says you will see at the end of the address it will say babysitting so this is basically what it is it will help your visitors and transfer for seo purposes so maybe you could put a web design just like this and you can also add a description so let's replace this with something else maybe you could say something like web design and web development projects including coding and programming jobs and as you can see we have an icon you can select an icon the custom icon you know so let's say maybe let's say code there you go maybe coding here just like this this would be fine and just type it up now we can go back to our categories and as you can see we now have web design as part of our services so if we go back to our home page and refresh quickly as you can see if we scroll down we now have web design as part of our different categories now let's go back to our categories here again as i said you can edit so this is what we did but you can also delete so if you don't want one of those categories just click delete and you will delete it automatically or you can add a new one as well and for this to create a new technology just insert the name let's say video editing you can add a third if you don't you will create it automatically using those two words so this will be done automatically if you want to personalize one you can just type it there so you have a parent category so at the moment these are main categories as you can see with web design innovation photography etc maybe you want this to be a third category term for main category so this is really up to you so we're gonna put our description here so this could be anything really you know and let's look for an icon so maybe let's look for video and select the price maybe this one will be just about perfect and then click add category so as you can see we now have a new category added to our list here which is video editing which is right there so let's go back to our home page let's refresh and as you can see it is now displaying on our home and this is basically how you can manage your categories not this is the basic foundation of your website you have to start with categories obviously you know and then we have our tags for what are tags guides are small keywords that people can look for related to different subjects and different types of content so it might be looking for let's say babysitting greeting care cleaning etc so these are keywords that you might want to implement on your website to help your visitors narrow down their searches so it's the same principle here you can either edit and change the content or you can create a new one by typing the name here and click add or you can delete if you don't need them so let me show you exactly what it does you know so let's say we go back to categories and we have web designs for web design this is the main category so this is a general term that encompasses everything but in times you can narrow this down by section maybe html php hosting programming coding now basically this could allow your visitors to narrow down their searches not only by categories but also by subjects and then we have our attributes so as you can see at the moment we have warranty availability hourly rate so if we go back to our front end here if we click on the category itself as you can see by the side we have all these attributes here so hourly rate availability warranty so this will help us to narrow down the starters as well so how can you change this or add some very simply you can either click on one of them and edit so let's get our hourly rate for instance now let's edit this and from here we can configure everything about this attribute so basically as you can see here do you want it to be editable in the front end yes or no and which is the case just this and you want it to make it mandatory is this required if this is the case thickness as well so as you can see you can enter the type of field that you want so this is a number because obvious hourly array is a monetary value so it has to be a number but you can select among different options as you can see you have radio buttons select text text area url you can even attach a file if you wanted to upload a file you have checkbox date email and embed so a large selection of different options here obviously and also very customizable as well and the most important part here is the start feature here right here and we want this icon to be searchable and if this is the case you can select if you want it to be filtered and it's portable as well so i can reorganize them yes or no and you want them to be flexible yes or no if this is the case just put these options and you also have the field type at the moment it's a number range as you can see it goes from a certain amount to another amount and you have the slider here that will help you to go from one to the other as you can see you can narrow this down maybe from 30 right up to maybe a maximum of 25 so very easy to use and then when you're done with your settings don't forget to click update and that's it all done already now let's go back to our attributes and let's create a new one now and for this we're going to click on add new and let's create a new field so let's say maybe location so let's say this field will give your visitors the option to select maybe on site and maybe online so maybe it's a job that you can provide online so remotely or maybe you have to drive and actually go there physically to provide the work and do the job so let's go ahead with this one let's say this is location and now we have to assign what type of field it is for both editing and searching so let's allow sometimes editing i'm going to select the field so we're going to give the option only the choice between two options so it's either online or on site so you can select check boxes for check boxes you can set more than one option so what we need basically is radio buttons so we're going to click on this if you click select a radio button basically it's either a or b or you can select a and b it's just one of them so radio buttons this is the one we need we're going to make it over exportable as well i'm going to select the radio button right here again just like this so before you can create any options you have to publish first off let's click publish there you go and as you can see now we have an additional button here that says edit options and now we are going to add our options so click on this and now we can create our two options from here so we're going to put online ad and then on site add option just like this now these are the two options we want to make available so either online or on-site now we can go back to our attribute now edit and let's go back to our options here and now just to finalize this we can maybe add a small icon so let's maybe for something related to a map maybe a map marker like this just to see what your location should be and now we can update our attributes now let's go back to our homepage so as you can see this is what it used to look like so if we refresh we should normally see the location and as you can see right here on the side we have it so we have a choice between home site or online so if you were to take this you would only show online and if you attended this one it's only on-site jobs okay very good and now that we've taken care of our attribute types and categories let's have a look at our listing so these are all our listings as you can see here on screen quite a few of them now you can edit just simply click on it or you can create a new one so let's just edit one for now so as you can see we have our title we have our description here we can check the category in which it will display and then we have all the comments that were added to it we have the vendor that listing the product and you can mark this listing as verified and fix created as well if it is featured we can even add dates specific dates for start and expiry date right here so we can add an image to our listing and the hourly rate these are part of our attributes obviously you know so what's your hourly rate for let's say maybe 25 dollars per hour and then we have admission features here by the side so again we have the category in which we want it to display we have our tags so we can add as many tags as you want here something that basically keywords will help you to get found and then we have the new one that we just created here location so this would be maybe a service that you provide online only for take this one and then you have the availability as well so seven days notice one day's notice three days notice or stem date so maybe you have let's say three days notice let's say this one and do you provide warranty is the full warranty limited warranty and again we have our featured image right there and that's basically it for the listing once you have enough with what you have hit update and there you go that's our listing done very good so next let's take care of our vendors so let's click on this one as you can see there's a list of all the vendors registered on our website and let's start with the attributes so basically you have different ways of filtering the content it's not by experience availability and hourly rate so you can add again as many as you want as many custom attributes as you want so let's create one ourselves here maybe you want to know which language your vendors are speaking just to make the negotiation easier so let's add here a language and we're going to create a few settings here so we're going to allow content editing filterable and sortable as well and we're going to select here a few different options so we're gonna go into this type instead of radio button we're gonna get check boxes click on this one and the same here we're gonna select check boxes so in order to add some values we have to publish now and now we can create our options so let's click on this and now we can add let's make let's type maybe english let's say spanish let's see french portuguese let's not portuguese visit portuguese there you go and finally one more maybe italian okay so that's what we there you go we now have five languages added and we can go back to our attributes now and as you can see language is part of our attribute so we can go back to our website now and click on export and as you can see we have languages here right there by the side of our web page so you can click on any of them if you wanted to narrow it down to any of those languages now because you selected check boxes you can select multiple languages so maybe you speak multiple languages you said maybe you do speak spanish and italian maybe you can see a few of them so that's very handy isn't it so there you go this is for our attributes here now let's have a look at our vendors so as you can see they're all here listed one after the other or you can add a new one or you can edit an existing one so let's edit an existing one just for now so let's click on this now this is the name of your vendor this is the short description you scroll down you have a few different settings here you can mark it as a verified vendor as well and then we have the hourly rate so let's say this person changes 35 dollars per hour and then by the side we have all the different options here so this is the new one we just created so obviously it's not set up yet so we have to set the language so maybe that person speaks english and particularly there you go so what type of availability are they on maybe on demand full time or part time and then we have experience level two to five years one year ten plus of six tonight now you can change this around again uh as much as you want you know and uh customize them to make it your own and based on your own requirements and then we have the featured picture here so once you have enough again click update and that's basically it for the vendors and then next we have requests and testimonials so let's take care of our request first so as you can see if you can request your request here and you can set up different attributes as well so let's click on attributes and again this is to help you to filter the content and narrow down the start system we have time range the jet and due date so let's have a look in the front and what it looks like so if i click on requests basically here by this type these are our attributes over budget due dates and time range and again you can create as many custom attributes as you want the same way we did it for the listing and the vendors and finally our last sections are the testimonials so this is the list of our testimonials that are displayed on our home page so let me go back here and let's scroll down a little bit so this is where they are so right directions you can see you can scroll left right or right to left to display them and these are the testimonials that we have in the backend now this is sandra lockers and as you can see this is the one here and then the next one we have thomas hinton and this is the most hinted here so basically this this is the content we have at the back end that's displayed in the content and you can easily edit this don't click on this one and you can change the picture you can change the name you can change the content and whatever options we have here as well once you have enough further changes click update and it should reflect in the front and the exact same way you've made those changes in the bucket and obviously if you wanted to add more than three testimonials just click add new and create a new one or you can also delete any of those testimonials hover on top and send it to crush so that's basically it for all the options in the back end how you can set up your website with listing vendors testimonials and requests so we've taken care of everything here now so let's take care of the appearance of our website and let's work on the content so basically what i'm going to show you now is how to change your logo here how to change the color scheme to pick your own thousand colors or you can change this hero section here how you can change the pictures and the heading here as well and how to reorganize basically any of those sections because you might want to move them up or down depending on your own preferences so let's go ahead with this okay so let's start with our logo and the color scheme of our website for this we go back to our wordpress dashboard we're going to appearance and then customize click on this and as you can see we have a small pencil next to our logo so click on this to edit the logo and as you can see this is the current logo that we have at the moment so to replace this one you can just remove it and then select the new logo so you can upload your own logo here now obviously for your logo for better results it is preferable to have a clear background so this is what we're going to do now we're going to stick to logo so i'm going to upload a new file select file select your logo as i said with a clear background if possible click open and then select you can skip cropping and there you go now it's been added to our website so i'm just going to publish after this and now that we've uploaded our logo we can also have the site icon so basically on the top here you can see there's a small logo next to your the title of your website a small globe we can replace this with our own logo so as you can see we have a nice k here that represents our logo so why not to use that so as you can see the either size should be 512 by 520 so let's select the site icon we're going to upload select file and you might want to ask your graphic designer to provide you with a specific file just for this so there you go 512 by 512 select file okay and now that we have those two uploaded let's go back to our website and let's refresh so let's go back to our home page and as you can see we now have our new logo and also our site icon display next to the title of our website now let's take care of our color scheme here so let's go back to our settings here customization and we will go into colors this time so click on this and as you can see we have your primary primary color which is our green here and then we have the background color which is that faded pink here so you might want to change in select a different color so maybe you prefer blue so let's select maybe a dark room there you go and select this one ctrl c and i'm going to paste it here as a secondary color as well so ctrl v now we have two shapes of blue and then we're going to change the background color so maybe you want the light blue so let's go to blue again and we're going to select the bright blue this time so maybe something above this shade maybe slightly brighter just like that would be just about perfect there you go this is how you can change your colors very easily once you have enough with your selection of colors click publish and let's go back to our content and let's refresh once more and now as you can see our new colors are showing up on our content okay very good so now let me show you how to change those three pictures right here so for this we go back to our wordpress dashboard and this time we're gonna go into pages and we're gonna locate the home page which is right here and as you can see if you hover on top you have a few options just edit quick edit trash and view and what we want to click on is edit we're going to edit this space and click on that and this is basically the content of our page as you can see we have a visual representation of our home page so basically to change those three pictures of those three pictures here what we need to do is to click on set featured energy so click on that and here we have filter media select upload it to this page and as you can see it is now displaying only three different pictures which are the exact same pictures that we have here in the content so now we can select them and delete them so select one delete okay to distance this one delete okay and again with the last one delete and okay and now we can select our price so we can upload our new picture so i went ahead and selected three two pictures online and now we have three new pictures so set featured image click update or you can have a quick preview to make sure before you save you can click preview and then preview in a new tab and this is basically what our page looks like now so absolutely fine this is perfect so you can go ahead and save some click update and that's it and then we can close this one here and refresh our actual page so this is what our website used to look like if you refresh there you go this is our website with the new pictures i'm going to change your heading and subheadings simply go back to your page here and then basically if you click on any of those items as you can see you can hover on top and you can start typing the new text that you want whatever it is you know and you do the same for the heading and stop heading and again don't forget to save once they happen click update and this is basically how you can edit and customize any of the items on your home page so as you can see this item here on top this is basically the listing type and it's set to five at the moment but you can see one two three four five but you can increase that or reduce the number so maybe you want to display seven all together so you can see now we have seven so if we click update go back to your home page refresh now we have seven tags being displayed so you can really tweak anything you want directly from this section here so this is basically good and broad which is the visual page editor that's built into wordpress and from here you can edit and change any of the sections and content on this page so let's keep scrolling down as you can see we know if you click on top of this this is called the listing categories and again you can change those settings right here you can define how many columns you want to display and how many is important you want to display it so let's say if you want to reduce this to three columns maybe now you only have three columns and maybe since you have three maybe you want to display nine in total so as you can see in our three rows of three items and then you can also define in which order you want to display them so you could have them by name or by item count so this is really up to you but let's say you want to just put them by name and as you can see they've been displayed alphabetically and then you can do the same with any of the sections on this page so the next section here is our top expert so if you click on this as you can see these are called numbers and you can define how many columns you want to display how many in total you want to display and in which order you want to display them so maybe by their register by name or randomly and again you can change any of those titles all you have to do is just click on it and then you can start editing so maybe our topic first and then here you can have the heading and start reading as well so as always don't forget to click update for each and every changes that you make so our next section here is the how it works section so if you click on this again you can change the content of this so this is basically made out of three different columns you have three items and if you click on this you can change the icon instead so as you can see it's a file medical maybe you want something else so let's try maybe something like five out i don't know what that is there you go maybe you want to change this one as well you can easily edit that and maybe change this or brush or something like this and then hover on top of this maybe instead of force to request or review offer or get it done you can edit the text again simply by clicking on it and then type in the content that you want now before we go to the next section let me show you very quickly so this is our section here if i click on this this is our main section and you can move this around as well so you can you have those six dots here and then you can see the small hand appearing if you hover on top this will allow us to drag and drop it somewhere else so let's say i wanted this after the testimonials i can just drag it and drop it right here just like that now as you can see we will have the testimonials followed by the how it works so it's really up to you you can move things around just like that very easily as you can see or you can bring it back again and maybe i want it to be before the testimonials now drag and drop it right here so this is how you can move things around as well so that's very handy and very convenient as you can see our next section are the testimonials so let's click on this and again here you have all the settings that apply to this section so how many columns do you want to display how many important and you want to display this as a slider so let's go back to the home page here and as you can see it is indeed a slider at the moment but if you were to disable this and let's have a quick preview i'm gonna see that in a new tab so if you install this it will simply display all the testimonials on top of each other like this so it's just a matter of preferences again it's really up to you but i think it looks very nice as a slider indeed so let's keep this as a slider for now let's click update okay so let's have a look at our next section so it is recent post so basically these are part of the blog so wordpress initially was designed as a blogging platform which is still for existence so you can update and upload any content that you want related to blog so let's go back to the wordpress desktop and as you can see this section here that's called posts so if you click on this as you can see you have a few posts here and if we go back to our page editor here you can see we have two posts being displayed so how to find and hire the best even planner and if we go to our post as you can see this is the last one right here how to find and hire the best given planner so basically if you're going to create any post here they will automatically display on your home page right here and with the date when you was published to as you can see this one was published on the 23rd of february this one on the 18th and so on so basically back to our post here you can create a new one by simply clicking on add new or let me show you very quickly what it looks like i'm just going to edit this one it's very simple all you need basically is to type in the title here type in the content click right there and if you're going to post you can also have your featured image so the featured image basically is what's going to display right there so it's very important to have it of course and then once you have enough click updates and that's positive so this is how you can add your posts and then we have our final section here which gives us the option between being a freelancer or a customer on your website so you can tweak this around again as the moment it says i need a job done i am an expert maybe you want to tweak this drone and replace that differently and to do so all you have to do on the line basically you want to edit and then change the text here to fit your own requirements and then we have our two action buttons here so we have post a request to release a service so let me show you from the front end if you click on either of those it will bring you immediately to the actual page request for this so if you click on post a request you will go straight to submit request with the form excel which is super handy and the same for list of services if you click on the list of service it will bring you to the different categories you set your category and then you can post in that category so very easy to follow now you can change the content of the button but you shouldn't change the link obviously you know because this is crucially important so if you click on this as you can see this is the link attached to it so submit request form you did the same but now you can edit the text here if you want to so you can change this and change and make it your own basically but make sure not to edit the link itself just leave the link intact and just over here and then you can do the same with this one here as well if you wanted to change that and then again once you have enough with the results don't forget to click update okay now let's have a look at how we can change the menu section here and also our footer section here at the bottom of our page so let's take care of this now and for this we go back to our workplace dashboard and from here we can go to appearance menus and make sure you select the menu so this is the one here select this click and there you go and as you can see with home services request exports and pages which is the exact same on our homepage as you can see home services requests exports and pages so maybe you want to get rid of this section here and the blog as well if you want to get rid of those two sections right there so how do we do this so very simply from here click on the verb select click it and now we can take all the pages we want to delete so we don't need this one define that one and take all the pages that you don't need that you want to get rid of some basic pictures like this and once you have enough click remove selected items click on this and there you go now we're left with just home services request next part which is basically all we need at the moment so click save menu there you go and now if we go back to our home page and we refresh as you can see that's where we are left with home searches we press next box and you can do this the other way out as well you can also add pages or you can select pages as you can see here you can view all so these are all the pages that are on your website you can even insert post customized or categories so this is very easy now if you go on top here you can see you have screen options and from here you can extend the listing and the options in the features that you can display so if you click on listing vendors requests tags and categories close this now as you can see those options have been added to our selections here and now you can feel free to add anything you want directly from this section here so let's just add a page now just to show you how to do this basically if i was to type services here type menu so there you go now you have your new page added to the list obviously it's already here but just to give you an example now you can move things around as well as you can see i can move them around and you can use this indentation if you drag it to the left to the right sorry it will be like a stop menu so you have menu and then start menu so if i was to save this now let me show you very quickly content if we refresh that page now as you can see with home services and then press sub menu services again so that's basically how you can add a page for any element to your menu section so let me remove this for now so let's just click on this and let's don't forget to save and that was done for the menu section now let's have a look at our footer section here at the bottom so we're going to change our logo and i'm going to show you how to create your own links right there and change your social media items here so basically we go back to our wordpress dashboard and from here we can click on widgets and from widgets you can see this is our list of widgets we're gonna select our footer so click on this to expand and as you can see these are the four elements that are part of our footer here as you can see we have a logo services blocked in software and this is exactly what we have here our logo services plug-in software so you can easily edit any of those sections by clicking on them so let's click on this and as you can see at the moment we have our logo this image that says export high so let's change this with our own logo so you can click on it click on the x to remove and now we can add a new media so we're going to select the logo we uploaded earlier so this one here is starting to pause so there you go and if you click on that update if we refresh right here as you can see we now have a logo in the photos option as well and you can change the text here obviously you can type maybe a little bit about yourself about that section now let's go and have a look at services blog and software okay so let's start by clicking our services section as you can see we have three different items handyman gardening and renovation which is exactly what we have here in the front end so how can you change this very simple click on this and as you can see this is a navigation menu that's called services so what we can do basically is go and open a new tab we're going to appearance menus and again we're going to edit this menu that's called services so make sure you select services click select and here are our three items of handyman gardening and renovation exactly like we have it in this content so if you wanted to add any item just like we did with the header uh the main menu header we can do the exact thing here so you can take any of those items here and add them to your menu section so let's say if you wanted to add the category web designing all you have to do basically is click on categories click web design click add to menu just like this and you can reorganize them as well if you want it to be first you can change the order as well and so on and then click save menu and then if you go back to our home page here and refresh you can see we now have web design as part of our services in the footer section now we have our blog section here so this is a different type of widget so if you go back to our page here and click on this as you can see this one is called categories and this is taken from the blog basically all our posts here that we have blog post will be used uh to populate this uh widget here so this is basically how this one works and then we have our source of links right here so if you click on this you will see this is again the navigation menu so as you can see this one is called social so if you go back to our menu section here we click on social hit select and here we have three custom links so basically this will link to external pages so instead of the hashtag i could replace this with my channel so this will link to my youtube channel so i'll just paste this here and if i click save now back to the home page and now refresh normally if i click on youtube which will bring us to my youtube channel there you go very easy now as you can see this is bringing us outside the website so we are leaving our website and displayed to youtube so what we want basically is maybe to link this into a new tab so i'm going to show you how to do this start basically with this method instead of leaving your website when you click on youtube it will open that in a new tab so basically for this we're going to click on three options here and we're going to click on link target so enable this now you can close that if you go back to youtube you can select here open link in a new tab so click this click save menu make sure you save go back to your home page let's refresh and normally now if i click on youtube it will open a new tab and as you can see it is opening a new tab for us and we are not leaving the website we can easily come back to it afterwards very handy indeed and then we left with those two links here at the bottom terms of use and privacy policy and again these are menu items so if we go back to your menu section you have footer here click select and as you can see these are the two pages linked to this menu section okay guys for now i am almost certain that you want to monetize this website you want to make money from it so this is our last step now for our project so for this we're going to go back to our wordpress dashboard we're going to plugins and we're going to add a new plugin so click on this and in the search box type in woocommerce just like this and we're going to install woocommerce now so this is the very first one here as you can see so click on this and start the installation so this only takes a few moments depending on how fast your internet connection is so there you go almost there and now we have to activate it so click activate and there we go and now we get to the screen where we have to set up our store so we can skip that all together for now just like this so no thanks and then we can close that window and now that woocommerce is installed we can go back to high press and it will have literally unlocked few settings or so if you go into settings we go to members you will see here we now have basically you can set up your commission rate here how much you're charging for sale okay so let's say you want to charge 7.5 throughout the whole website just type 7.5 click save and now you can also set specific commission rates for vendor if you're going to vendors now and open any of them edit any of those let's say a friend checkman here if you scroll down the page and this is where you can set up a personalized commission rate so basically frank is one of your best examples so maybe you want to give him 12.5 percent so just type the amount here and then when you're done click update to save now let's scroll down back a little bit again as you can see we even have statistics here so you will be prompted every day or yesterday the last seven days over the last 30 days even you can see the progress of frank's sales so then again you can go back to this page and then you can edit this again maybe you want to lower this maybe you want to increase that again then you can modify this and customize it based on the evolution of your sales records now by the side here we can see we have an additional type as well which is called payoff so from here you can set up your payout so basically when the email commissions and the request what method do you want to ask for so we can set this up as well so let's go ahead and click on method so from here we can add a few methods so let's start maybe with paypal which will be a common one and as you can see we have a minimum amount so how much is the minimum amount before you can transfer money so let's say maybe via profile is only a hundred dollars method we can add strike maybe as well as a method and maybe also a hundred and then we could have bank transfer so let's type here bank transfer there you go and maybe for bank transfer you require maybe a minimum of 350 worth of sales there are commissions before you can send money so let's type this and there you go and of course you can always edit and make changes to your methods afterwards so just hop on top and click on edit and maybe now you're required to at least five hundred dollars worth of commissions before you can make payments via bank transfer so you can change them out here and click update and then you can go back to your categories and that's it that's done for this okay so let me show you how this works if you click on my account you will end up your dashboard and you can see we have 870 dollars worth of commissions here so we can request an amount of 123.5 and then we enter our paypal email address technique to our paypal account and then we click submit request and there you go last request has been submitted now we can go back to our dashboard and go to the payouts and as you can see our payout now is pending so there you go very simple isn't it now we go back to the dashboard wordpress dashboard and from here we're going to go to payout and as you can see now it is showing up in our backend so we can edit this check all the details and once the payment is done click publish and once it is published it means it's been accepted and processed as you can see it's confirmed first published so let's go back to our website as a user now if we click on my account as you can see our payout now has been completed and processed now there are a few other methods that you can use to monetize your website and the content on your website at the moment what we installed what i just demonstrated you was the marketplace and this is how you can build permissions and payouts with your customers and vendors now you can also have bookings you can also have paid listings and even memberships so feel free to use any of those additional features to generate money for your website [Music] you
Channel: Mr Web Reviews
Views: 8,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Build a Website like Freelancer, how to build a website like fiverr, how to make a freelance website, how to create freelance website, how to make a website like fiverr, how to make a website like upwork, freelance marketplace, freelance website in wordpress, how to make a micro job website, freelancer clone, fiverr clone website, upwork, peopleperhour, How to build a freelance website, make a website, mrwebreviews, mr web reviews, make money online, make money online 2021
Id: PZO-c_igJQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.