How to Make Service Finder & B2B Website like UrbanClap, JustDial & IndiaMart with WordPress 2021

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hello friends i am nishik and in this real teach you how to make a b2b or business to business website or a service finder marketplace website like urbanclap and using wordpress now service private marketplace is basically a website wherein different businesses and service providers from different countries can register and create their profiles now customers can see these registered profiles and book their services online they can also leave a feedback on the services submitted on the website for example a customer can go to a cleaner or electrician's profile and book their services similarly customers can go to a dentist profile and book an appointment service providers profiles are full of useful and important features like profile management time slot management for booking unavailability settings staff management booking management invoice generation and payment system service areas and services feature providers etc we also have a job posting feature in which customers can create and publish jobs with their requirements customers can also invite service providers for jobs or these service providers can search for specific jobs and apply for a particular job customers can even hire service provider for any specific job so basically what is happening over here is there is a service provider and there is a person who needs some service so we are connecting both these people through this website now great thing about this website is that here everything happens on the front end the service provider doesn't have to go to the backend to access the dashboard instead we'll see how to create a dashboard for providers and customers on the front end itself now there are many more features like wallet system commission for providers offers and promotions quotations etc in this website but we'll see these features later on in this video first let me show you a very quick demo of the website that will be creating in this video now as you can see this is our home page at top we have our top bar wherein you can display your email address and phone number for customer supports and so on and at the right hand side in the top bar we have a login button and a sign up button so a person wants to sign up they can click on the sign up button they will see this pop-up they can sign up as a provider if they want they can also sign up as a customer or if they want to login if they already have an account and if they want to login they can click on this login button again they will see this popup and they can enter their details then you will see your logo is given at the left hand side at the right hand side we have this menu when you scroll down you have this option you have this first section now in this section you can have this simple slider if you want you can have a simple banner we'll see both the options then when you scroll down a very important option we have a search bar obviously whenever someone is coming to your website they are looking for any particular service provider so they so they can enter the keyword like they are looking for an electrician they can type in electrician they can type in the address for example in mumbai they can select the category they can select the country city and after that they can click on search now now when they click on this search now button they will see this page this is your search page so at top you will see this map wherein you will see all the different services wherever they are located right now on this website google map api is not enabled that is why it is looking like this but we'll see how to enable that thing so that we don't get any error or and we can see the map properly now when you see this search page when you scroll down you can see all the different services that you have that you're searching for if you want to open any particular service you can simply click on that and you will see this service provider page we'll see that page later on first let me again come back to the home page let's first see the home page so when you scroll down you will see the different categories which is available in the services for example as you can see we have the cab service we have the cafe service all this different option then in the next section you can see how this website works so you can describe your task you can choose a tasker or you can choose a service provider and your transaction will be done and here we have some featured providers so we'll create two different packages which i'll show you very soon so that we can have this feature provider switcher we can display some providers on the home page then when you scroll down you have some different numbers over here for example we have 36 service providers on our website 12 customers two jobs 49 categories and so on then we also have the blog section so we'll see how to differ how to create different blogs and how to do blogging now doing blogs and creating blog posts on our website is really important because this will help you to generate some extra traffic through google search results then when you scroll down you have another section why choosers section then you can see some different post option so these post these jobs are posted by different customers and if you're a service provider if you want to apply for this job you can click on that job and you can apply for that job we'll see how that thing works first let me show you the home page then we have different packages that we have created so different pricing plans or packages so as you can see if you if a service provider wants to sign up on your website they will have to purchase any one of these packages so if they want they can start with the trial package if they want they can start with any other package and you can see all the different features that they will get so for example if this person chooses this gold plan they can see all these features they can enable booking they can enable they can upload their own cover image they can upload their own gallery images and so on let me explain you this thing if i open any particular service product let me open a service product page if i open this one in a new tab so as you can see this is how this thing looks like now let me go back to the plan space so that i can explain you this page so if a person selects this gold plan they can accept booking so a customer can come to this page and they can invite for a job or if they select suppose if they select the trial package you can disable this booking option so they can display their profile over here but no one will be able to invite them for a job we obviously want the customer or the service provider to purchase the higher package so that we can make some extra money similarly with the gold plan they can also upload their own cover image so if you see at the top this is the cover image okay if you see this background image at top so if this person purchases the gold plan they can have their own cover image and obviously again in the trial package if you want you can disable this package i've just enabled most of the option just for the demo purposes then similarly if this person wants they can upload gallery images so if you scroll down as you can see these are all the gallery images and if they purchase a lower plan you can disable these options over here they can apply for a job they can have they can get job alerts so whenever a customer post any job this service provider will get an alert that the customer has posted a job if you want you can apply for this job similarly we have some more options we'll see about all these options in detail later on in this video this is just a demo that i'm showing you right now then when you scroll down we have some testimonials section as well and finally we have our footer now let me open a single job so if i open this job for example looking for a home cleaner so if we open this job first of all it says that this listing has already expired so if your listing is expired it will show this option so let us do one thing let us open some other listing maybe let's open this one so here as you can see this is not yet expired this is the title hairstylist required in london you can see the job type you can see how much money you will get and how many how many hours you'll have to work to get this job now if a person is a service provider they can simply click on this button apply for job and they can apply for this job now let me do one thing let me go back to this website and let me do one thing let me login as a service provider and let me show you some more things so as you can see i'm already logged in as a service provider as you can see uh my name my username shows over here stuart bill so when you're not logged in it will say this login button and when you log in it will show your username now if i click on my username i'll go back i'll be redirected to my dashboard and this is the dashboard for service providers so as you can see they are not redirected to the backend they are seeing the dashboard right on the front end and from here they can change the profile settings they can do some changes on the my jobs and they can do some more changes over here so example if they want to upload their qualification if they want to update their qualification and experience they can update it from here they can change their business hours they can create different services from you as you can see this person has created this website development service and again let me do one thing open this website in a new tab so that i can explain you this thing in a much better style now if i open this service provider page this is the service provider page so at top it will display the title and after that it will display this page so this is about this service provider so you can type in about if you if you're a service provider you can type in something about your business or what all services you're providing if a customer wants they can click on this button request a quote they can enter all the details and they can request a quote from you now whenever customer fills in this form you will see this detail over here at the back end under quotation so if you click on quotation you will see that some customer is asking for a quotation you can click on that and you can give them your quotation then similarly if a customer wants they can click on this add to favorite and they can favorite your profile so that whenever someone whenever they come back to this website later on they can see the favorite service providers similarly when you scroll down you can see photo gallery of all the service providers again if you want to update this thing you will come back to your profile settings and you can upload all your photo galleries from here as you can see when i scroll down at the bottom this is all your photo galleries then when you scroll down you can have your contact details your google map location your business hours your address phone number everything is displayed over here then when you scroll down you can also you can also upload or you can also say that i'm fluent in these languages or i can accept i i can deal with a customer in these languages then you can type in or you can tell them about your experience about all these certificates that you own about your qualification amenities and features of your store you can also upload some videos so if you have some promotional videos or some videos related to your business you can upload it upload their mojo you can also upload your services some documentation if you want and this is the service if a customer wants they can come over here for example this person is offering this service website development so if a customer wants they can select this service they can click on next they can select which date and time or they want to book your service for then they can click on next in this page they can describe their tasks they can enter all this detail and after that they can click on next and they can make the payment so we can see we'll see how to integrate different payment gateways like paypal stripe you know debit card credit card net banking all these payment gateways now this customer can select this option they can enter the card details and they can make the payment once they make the payment you as a service provider will see this option under your job so you will see you have received a new job and you can now complete this job and this is how this whole transaction whole process works now obviously there are many many more features available in this website as you can see when a customer wants to post a job they can simply click on this link post a job let me show you this link over here if the if a customer clicks clicks on this button post a job they can post a new job right from the front end if they want to if you want you can keep this process free if you want you can charge some money whenever someone wants to post a job or if a service provider wants they can click on this jobs page and they can see all the jobs posted on this website and if they want they can apply for any posted jobs so as i said earlier there are many different features available in this website but i don't want to waste a lot of time in the demo section i hope now you have a better idea about the website that you will be creating in this video now if you like the demo website and if you want to create this exact website make sure you watch the complete tutorial now before you proceed further make sure you guys subscribe to the channel and click on the bell icon so you don't miss any future notifications now if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and obviously throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any sessions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below alright guys now let's start creating this website all right guys now to create any kind of website whether it's a service finder website an e-commerce website a simple blog a business website any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account a domain name is simply the name or the url of your website for example all these things are different domain names so we also have to register domain name on the internet so that whenever someone wants to visit your website they can simply type in your website domain name in the browser url bar and they can land on your website the second and the most important thing about your website is a hosting account a hosting is basically a computer wherein your entire website is saved so if you see this website from top to bottom all the different pages all the provider profiles all the customer profiles the database this entire website is saved in a computer and that computer is running 24 7 so that whenever someone wants to visit your website from any particular country at any given time they can always see your website live so your website is always up and running now hosting is the most important thing about your website because everything related to your website is directly or indirectly depending on your hosting so your website speed your website's performance the security of your website and even your website's ranking in google search results is totally dependent on your hosting so if you selected a good and reliable hosting your website speed and performance will be amazing your website will be 100 secure from any attack or any hackers and also you'll get better ranking on google search results now there are literally thousands of different hosting providers available in the market but unfortunately only handful of them are really good enough to consider most of the hosting provider provide really bad services but you don't have to worry about that you can simply open a new tab and type in fc fc stands for fast comment and this link is also given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page and here as you can see there are three different plans fast cloud fast cloud plus and fast cloud extra so this is basically a cloud hosting and you can see the pricing and everything is very affordable very reasonable and even the renewable pricing are really reasonable over here and if you want to see all the different features you can scroll down you can see this option you can hover over this option all important features here as you can see this includes cpanel and softaculous app installer that will be using to install different softwares on our website you will get daily free daily backups for your website you'll get free cdn free let's encrypt ssl that will make your website secure and to make your website more secure we have bit ninja server security you also have free website transfer so if you already have a website hosted on some other hosting and if you want to move that website to this new fast comment hosting you can simply raise a ticket with the fast comment and they will do this thing for free then when you scroll down you can see some advanced features as well so here we are getting two times more cpu and ram than the basic plan then the first uh cloud plan then after that you keep with this plan with this uh fast cloud plus plan you can transfer or you can you know migrate three websites from different hosting to your website for free you can also have some more features that you can see over here now when you scroll down you'll see that here you're getting with this plan you're getting 25 gb of ssd space now because they are using ssd space your website speed and performance will be really good really fast most of the hosting providers use the hdd space which is very slow very laggy but here they are using ssd space and if you scroll down if you hover over this option ssd storage here you can read and you can see that they are using rate 10 configuration so with the rate 10 configuration your website speed and performance is really great and with that your your website data is also very much secure then again you can just scroll down and you can see and you can read about more features like how many cpu cores and how much ram availability you're getting with these plans so you can just scroll down and read about all these features now for most of you guys i would recommend you to start with this middle plan the fast cloud plus plan so basically not the regular plans start with the plus plan because the pricing difference is very very very small and with that you're getting more resources than the basic plan so i would recommend you to start with this plan the middle plan you can simply select this option and click on this get started button now in the second step you have to now register a new domain name so if you have not already registered a domain name you can do it from here simply type in the domain name that you want to register then after that you can select the domain name extension so if you're on dot in all these different domain name extensions are given to you some you know unique domain name extensions like all these options are also given to you so whatever domain name you want to register type in that domain name select the domain name extension and click on use this domain now one more great thing i have seen over here i've noticed over here is that they are charging only 10 dollars for domain registration most of the hosting providers they charge around 16 17 for that so you also you're saving around 70 80 of money now simply type in that domain name that you want to register and click on use this domain or if you already have a domain name for example if you have already registered a domain name on some other website maybe on some other hosting account or maybe on godaddy or namecheap type of domain registration registrar you can select this option i already have a domain name and here you can type in that domain name which you have already registered outside fast comment maybe suppose on godaddy or name cheap so type in that domain name over here so suppose i have registered this domain on godaddy so i can type in that domain name and i can connect this domain with fast comment so you can select this option and you can click on this button use this domain i'll select this option register a new domain name and click on use this domain now you will be redirected to the third step and here you have to just enter your basic information like your first name last name or your address phone number all these basic information just make sure to remember one thing whatever email address and master password you set over here make sure to remember this thing because this will be very useful throughout the video and throughout your website so whenever you want to do something whenever for example whenever you want to go to your cpanel you will be asked this email address and password so make sure whatever email address and master password you enter here you remember it then when you scroll down you have your product information now i would not recommend you to change anything from here but you can see under plan we have selected the plus plan under data center location or your need you know whatever data center location is nearest to you that will be automatically selected for you so as you can see because i am from mumbai there is a data center location in in mumbai which is selected for me if you're from australia for you sydney data center location will be selected if you're from europe or some other country some other data center location will be selected for you then under period if you want you can uh change from 12 months you can go to 24 or 20 or 36 months because one more great thing over here is that with the 24 and 36 months as well you're getting 66 or sometimes 60 or sometimes 70 percent of discount so whatever option you want to select simply select that option i am selecting 12 months then when you scroll down we if you want you can have domain privacy or if you want you can untick this thing this will save you around another four dollars obviously it all depends on you if you want it you can have it if you don't want it you can just untick that thing now scroll down you have to enter your payment information so if you want to make payment through credit card debit card your atm card you can enter your card details over here just make sure you have visa or a mastercard okay if you're from india and if you have a rupee card that is not accepted over here obviously because that is a domestic card so make sure you have a visa mastercard american express or a discover card or if you want you can also make payment through paypal you can select paypal and click on complete order and make payment through paypal as well now just go at the bottom and tick mark these two things and here as you can see the total amount that you have to pay will be just around 70 80 nothing more than that now once you select all these options simply click on complete order now once you click on that complete order button you have to open a new tab and type in you will be redirected to this page and here you have to enter that email address and password that you have set in your previous step so in your previous type whatever email address and master password you have selected type in the same email address and master password over here and click on login now this is your client area for fast comment when you scroll down you'll see your website whatever website you have registered and you'll see all the different details you have to click on this button which says access cpanel which is the cp button click on this button and this will ask you your master password enter that and click on proceed now this is your c panel your first comment cpanel now there are two basic things that we have to do in our cpanel first of all we have to make sure that there is ssl certificate installed on our domain name so if you see at the right hand side you will see primary domain name and if it says dv certificate for you it simply means that ssl is already installed and activated on your website or on your domain name so you don't have to do this step or if you don't see dv certificate over here you can manually do that like this so if you want to install ssl certificate on your domain name click on this search bar and search for let's encrypt ssl you will see this option click on let's encrypt ssl scroll down whatever domain name you want to select for example if you want to install ssl on this domain name fam dot in you can select this domain name and click on issue then after that make sure http 01 is selected and click on issue again and after that ssl will be successfully installed on your domain name now what is an ssl certificate first of all uh if you see my demo website which is this sf dot fam dot in you will see this lock pad over here which says when you click on that it says connection is secure so you must have an ssl certificate so that you can accept online payments so that you can have different forms if you don't have an ssl certificate installed on your website you cannot accept online payments from your website and also you cannot have any contact forms or any kind of forms on your website for example if you see this website this another demo website here ssl is not installed so when you click on that it says your connection to this site is not secure but don't worry because we are going to do this thing your website will show like this you will see this lock pad on your website now once you have installed ssl certificate on your domain name now you can go ahead and install wordpress on that domain so for that again click on the search option and search for subtaculous app installer you'll see this options of tagless app installer click on that and we have to install wordpress there many different apps as you can see prestashop joomla all these different apps we want to use wordpress so select this option click on wordpress now click on install now and from here make sure under this version make sure you have selected the latest version of wordpress then after that you'll see choose installation url now under this option under choose protocol make sure https is selected so that you have this ssl certificate you have this lockpad over here then after that choose the domain name on which you want to install wordpress so i'm selecting this domain name or then you will see this option in directory option now if you see wp already typed in under in directory make sure you just delete this thing okay make sure you delete this wp and make sure that in directory box is empty nothing is typed in over here then when you scroll down you'll see your site name and site description now you simply have to change you in under site name you just have to enter your website name or your business name or your company's name and under site description you just have to describe your website in few words if you don't want to change these things for now you can just leave it as it is because you can change these things later on as well i'll show you how that is done then when you scroll down you'll see your admin account and here you have to set a username and password for your domain name for your wordpress website and make sure you delete this admin make sure your username is not admin delete this and type in some custom username over here and obviously similarly just delete this password and type in some custom password now once you do that you will see admin email make sure to also delete this email address and enter your own personal email address over here once this is done just go ahead at the bottom and click on this install button once you do that wordpress has started installing on your domain name this is a pretty small process hardly takes around 2-4 seconds as you can see it is already done now once wordpress is installed on your domain name you will get two different links first link is your website links so let's open that in a new tab and second link is your dashboard link so let's open that in a new tab as well and let me cut all these options all right and this is your dashboard and this is your website now before we see dashboard and website let me tell you one thing so if you already have a website on some other hosting and if you want to move to fast comment you can come to this page and you can click on support tickets uh this is your client area by the way and here you can click on submit ticket now here as you can see there are some common options so if your website is down you can click on this if you want to transfer domain or anything for example if you have registered your domain name on godaddy and if you want to use that domain name with this fast comment you can click on this option domain dns support and you can enter all your details and click on this submit button similarly if you want to transfer your website from one hosting to fast comment you can select this option website transfer enter all your details and click on submit they will help you to you know transfer your website from your you know current hosting to fast comment now let me cut this page all right so the two links that we have opened the first link is obviously your website link and this is how your website is looking right now and the second link that we have opened is our dashboard link now this page this dashboard page is the most important page of your website because obviously from this page you will be controlling your website so whenever you want to do some changes on your website for example if you want to change the style and appearance of your website if you want to add any features or functionalities on your website if you want to manage payment manage commissions all these options will be done from here and whenever you want to come to this page you can simply type in your website name after that put a forward slash wp hyphen admin you will land on this page now whenever you install wordpress on a new domain name there are few basic things that we have to understand and there are few basic settings that we have to do so let's first do them so first of all from the left hand side you will see there are several options available first option is obviously your dashboard option and this is your dashboard second option is your page post option that will be used to create different blog posts so that you can do blogging on your website third option is your media option which obviously will be used to manage different media files so if you see your website if you see the website that i've created all these media files all the images all these icons all the different videos that i have uploaded on my website i can see all of those over here under media and i can manage them from here then we have the pages option which obviously will be used to create different pages then you have the comment option so whenever someone posts any comment on your website on any post or on any you know service finder profile page or any other page you will see those comments over here and now if you want to reply them you can reply them if you want to mark that comment as spam you can do that as well if you want to simply delete this comment you can do that as well then after that we have the appearance options if you click on appearance you'll see that by default there are few themes already installed for you and one theme is already activated so this 2020 theme is already activated for you and this design this design of your website is because of this theme now let me do one thing instead of doing anything else if i just go ahead and activate some other theme for example let me activate this 2017 theme if i click on this activate button come back to this page and if i refresh it now as you can see my website design is completely changed so this is basically what a theme does a theme changes this style this appearance of your website now you must remember one thing you should always have only one theme installed and activated always so make sure you delete all these extra themes so click on them and at the bottom right corner you'll see this delete button click on that and make sure you delete this theme obviously later on in this video we'll be using some other theme this is not a very good looking theme so later on in this video we'll be using some other theme then after that we have the plugins option so if you click on plugins you'll see there are few plugins which are automatically installed for you obviously we don't need them so we can simply click on delete and make sure you delete these plugins from here now first of all what is a plugin so a plugin is basically a software or an add-on that will add some extra features and functionalities to your wordpress website for example right now we don't have any of the service finder features and functionalities of our website for example right now no one can come to your website and they can post a job or they can create different service finder profiles or customer profiles they cannot do that so in order to add all these features and functionalities on our website we'll need some plugins that will be installing after some time then after that you have this option settings option click on settings and here as i said earlier you can change your site title and description later on so if you want to change your site title and description you can do it from here then when you scroll down you'll see your wordpress address and your site address now under this option if you see http for example if you see something like this http both at top and bottom make sure to make it https okay both at top and bottom make sure it is https so that your website is secure then after that if you see admin email address if you see some other email address make sure you delete that thing and enter your own personal email address so here then under membership make sure you tick mark this thing anyone can register so that anyone can come to your website they can click on the sign up button and they can register on your website if you don't take mark this thing no one will be able to do that now under time zone just select the time zone that you're following in your country and after that go ahead at the bottom and click on save changes now under settings you will see permalinks click on that now over here if you see day and name selected or any other option selected just make sure you select this option post name option from here okay make sure this option is selected and click on save changes now again just go ahead and go back to your dashboard now whenever you come back to your dashboard you will see all these widgets now these widgets are not really useful so you can do one thing you can click on screen options and you can untick all these widgets from here all right just like this all right so with this all the basic settings related to this website is now hundred percent completed okay so now let's do one thing let's first of all change the theme of the website because right now as you can see your website is not looking that great so let's convert this boring website into something amazing and useful like this one and with that we also need some plugins because right now we don't have any features any functionalities related to service finder website so let's add all these useful functionalities all the jobs and service finder functionalities so to do that thing come back to your dashboard we need a new theme so click on appearance now to get that theme open a new tab and type in sf now sf stands for service finder and this link is again given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now this is the theme that we need for this service finder theme so if you scroll down you can see all the different details about this theme now we need to do one thing we need to purchase this theme so you can click on this by license and here as you can see you'll have to pay 59 but don't worry about this thing because this 59 is one time payment so you just make this theme you just purchase this theme once and you can use this theme on for lifetime on your website so you don't have to purchase it or renew it every single year or every six months or anything like that you purchase this theme once and you can have it forever use it forever and whenever this theme is getting updated in future you can also get all those updates for free as well and with that you also get six months of support from the theme developer so if you have any problem with the theme you can contact the theme developer and they will help you till 6 months so simply go ahead click on this buy now button and make sure to purchase this theme once you do that you will see your username at the top right corner of your screen hover over that and click on downloads now over here you will see all the different themes and plugins that you have purchased so we want to use we have purchased this theme service finder theme select this theme click on this download button and click on this option all files and documentation now once you click on this button a new file will start downloading as you can see let me do one thing let me cancel this file because i already have this file and let me show you this file so this file will be something like this a zip file you have to do one thing you have to unzip this file so right click on this and click on extract files make sure you unzip this file now when you unzip this file you will get a new folder by the same name so the file name is service finder and you will see a new folder is created by the same name service finder if you open this thing here we have some more files now when you open this service finder folder inside this you'll see main download and inside this you'll see another zip file now this is the zip file that we need to upload on our website so let's see how we can do that again come back to your dashboard make sure you click on appearance now click on add new click on upload theme choose file and choose the file that i've just shown you so under this service finder main download and this service finder zip file select this click on open and click on install now now once this theme is successfully installed you can simply click on this link activate link and this theme will be activated for you now once you activate this theme as i said earlier you should always have only one theme installed and activated on your website so you can do one thing you can get rid of this extra theme as well so simply delete it now you can do one thing you can install with this theme you get all the different plugins that we need so to install these plugins simply click on this link begin installing plugins now you don't have to do it one by one you can simply do one thing tick mark this option this will select all these options from bottom under build action select install and click on this apply button so this will install all the plugins at once now as you can see all these plugins are successfully installed you can go ahead at the bottom and click on return to plugin return to required plugin installer click on this link and now here you have to activate all these plugins so again you can simply tick mark over here and under bulk action this time you have to select activate and click on apply all these plugins will be activated at once now as you can see it is done now again let's come back to our dashboard now when you come back to your dashboard you will see there are several notices so here this notice is pretty important okay this one which says wp job manager so we need to run the setup wizard for wp job manager so simply click on this button run setup wizard and here you have to click on start setup so this will basically create three different pages for you it will create post a job page job dashboard page and all jobs archive page or listing page for you these three pages will be automatically created for you you can select this option and click on create selected pages and now as you can see it is done now if you click on pages from the left hand side and here as you can see job dashboard jobs and post job these three pages are created for you again come back to your dashboard now for all the other notices you can simply dismiss them now because we have installed and activated all these themes and plugins again if you come back to your website if you refresh it now as you can see your website looks totally different right now you will get some error on your website for google because you don't have the google map api key but i'll show you how to fix this thing and if you scroll down you'll see your website looks something like this okay so it is looking different we already have most of the things that we need on our website so let's see how we can do some more things so again if you come back to your dashboard let me do one thing let's first create all the basic things so if you if i show you this thing if i try to open this website in a private window if i copy this link website link and if i open this in a new private window now here whenever someone wants to sign up on your website especially when a service provider wants to sign up on your website obviously they'll click on this sign up button they already have this form they'll have to enter the company name first name last name all these different things now with this they also have to enter the category and we have not yet created any category for example if they are plumber if they are electrician or carpenter or any other or website developer whatever services they are providing you have they have to select this category but these categories should be created by you so we have not yet created this category so before we see how a service provider can come to your website and they can sign up on your website let's see these things so let me cut this page come back to this page and come back to your dashboard now at the left hand side on your dashboard you will see this users option and when you hover over that you will see providers category click on that option and from here you can create different categories now if you open your website if you open your demo website here as you can see this is how your categories page will look like so this is automotive this is business this is cap service if you click on automative for example there can be one parent category and there can be some child categories or sub categories so if i again come back to the home page this category this automotive was the main category or the parent category and if i open this category there are three main or three or three child categories or subcategories like cab service car dealers car car and servicing so let's see how we can do this thing so you have to come back to this page your provider category page and you have to first create the parent category so i'll type in automotive under the name of the category now you also have to give these images for the category now i have given you a link in the video description below so if you see that if you click on that link which is given in the video description below you will be redirected to my website and on my website for every single tutorial i create these blog posts you will be redirected to a similar blog post you will see the video that you are watching right now and below that you will see some important links now the bottom link will say download free images and if you click on this download button a new zip file will be imported or downloaded for you and again when you unzip that file you will get this demo for the demo folder and here you'll see all the different images that i've used to create this demo website so you can use these demo images over here or if you want you can do one thing you can go to or this website or you can go to another website called now here in this case we are creating this automotive category so we can do one thing we can come back to unsplash and we can type in automotive industry or automotive now as you can see you will get so many different professional images for free and you can use these images for your website and if you want to suppose car dealership you can type in car dealership and now as you can see we have so many different images that you can use for your website and all these images are 100 free similarly if you go to if you do the same thing if you're typing car dealership or anything like that you will get all the images over here as well as you can see all these demo images can be used on your website so suppose if you want to use maybe let's see suppose if you want to use the top image this image or maybe this image so you can simply click on this image uh there are different options or there are different sizes i would recommend you to go with this small size don't go with the larger sizes because those five files are very huge for example if you go with this small size if i download this small size let's see this file now if i open this file let's see this file this is how this will look like and if i see file information here as you can see the size of this file is just 50 kb which is good if you download the full size option the original file if you just click on download free this is a very big file because this is very high quality image let me show you now as you can see here as well you can see this is 3.3 mbs so if you just download the file from from this website and uploading on your website your website will load very slow because these are very huge files if i again see the file image now as you can see the dimension is really huge we don't want this big image and the size is also 3.3 mb so make sure you download this option this small size or if you download the medium size for example if i download the medium size and let's see the file let's open the medium size let's see the file info so you can see the dimension is this and this is the size i would not recommend you to have a size uh at 300 kb so you can do anything if you want this dimension but if you want to reduce the size of this file you can go to a website called there are more there are many websites for this purpose but you can go to this website reduce images there is one more website which is if i open a new tab uh this website is called so if you want you can go to or if you want you can go to now let me use the file that you have just downloaded the uh the medium size file 300 kb one so this is the one if i click on this as you can see at the bottom you can see 300 kb you can simply drag and drop this file on this website and if you do some changes for example if you reduce the quality of this file to maybe 60 percentage you can see the size of this file is now reduced 63 percent smaller instead of 317 kb now it is 100 kb which is fine and you can see the quality difference between these two is not very much you know so the quality difference is not very uh very big or very noticeable so we can use this file so if you want to use the larger size but if you want to decrease the file size of that you can use this website and make sure your image size is anywhere between 100 kbs okay less than that or just few kbs more than that so for us it is 120 kb which is fine now you can click on this small download icon at the bottom right corner click on this and new file will be downloaded for you so now you can use this file so come back to this website and under category image upload that image as i said earlier i've already given you these images for free i was just showing you that if you don't want to use the images that have given you if you want to use the your own images you can go to unsplash and pixels download your own images and you can also optimize those images maybe i want to use this image i can simply select this thing click on open now as you can see when i upload this image this is also not optimized if you see the size of this images 485 kb around 500 kb which is very huge size you can see the size as well dimension as well so make sure you whenever you're whenever you download these images from the website or whenever you download these images from the link below make sure you also optimize these images i have not optimized them only after that use this on your website now once you upload your image and click on insert into post and click on add new providers category this category will be added now if you want to add sub categories or child categories so as you can see under automotive we have cap service car dealers all these options you can now add a new option car dealers and now instead of just clicking on save you have to select this option parent provider category and under parent category select automotive so this category that we're creating car dealers will be under parent category of automotive and for this let's upload the image that we have just downloaded okay so let's go to download select this click on open and now as you can see the size of this is just 100 kb which is fine now click on insert into post again once you do this thing click on add new provider category this category will be added similarly you can just go ahead add hundreds of different categories on your website now after that we have to create some more things so again if you hover over users let's see here we have under users we have amenities so if you click on i mean it is so if you click on amenities let me show you how this thing will be useful so if i click on cab service and maybe let's click on car dealers if i click on car dealers and if i open this provider page service provider page or car dealer page now on this page when you scroll down you will see one section called amenities and features and on this section you can see so this dealership when you visit this dealership at that dealership they have all these features they accept credit card they will provide you free coffee they have coupons they have wi-fi internet connection they have wheelchair accessible option parking street all these options are available so you can create these kind of ammunities from here so for example let's create we accept credit and debit cards okay and if you want you can also upload an icon for that and for this if you want these icons you can go to a website called and here you can search for any particular icon so we are typing in so under amenities we have typed we accept credit cards so we'll come over here we'll type in card or credit card and click on search now here as you can see there are so many different icons for credit card so whatever or whichever you want to use you can use them i would recommend you to use some simple one like this one so if you want to use it simply click on this you if you want you can also change the color i would not recommend you to do that simply click on download and if you if you're not already creating an account you can simply click on register you can enter your email id set a password and click on register and you will automatically be registered i already have an account now this does not cost you anything they just require you to create an account before you download this thing and i would recommend you to download under 100 pixels and click on download now click on this option click on this button download for free and this icon will be downloaded for you now you can use this icon on your website so click on select or upload icon upload files and search for that icon which is over here select this click on open now click on insert into post click on add new amenity now similarly you can add wi-fi connection or whatever option you want you can add different icons for that click on add new amenity and you can just go ahead and create hundreds of different ammunities for your website now finally we also have to create one more thing again if you go back to this website and if you see we have different languages option and a user can select which all languages they are ready to cater to the audience in so to enable these languages option you have to again come back to your website you have you'll see this option at the bottom left corner service finder hover over that option and click on languages now here as you can see they have given hundreds of different languages but obviously you don't have to enable all these options now because suppose i'm creating this website for india so i can select all the indian languages so maybe you can see indian flag we have in india we have like 20 30 different languages in india so i can select all these languages and make sure to always select english tamil we have sindhi we have sanskrit punjabi all these languages are given over here and let me also select english now once you select and obviously gujarati select this option and click on save now whenever a service provider is creating an account they can select which all languages they are good at and they can cater or they can service the customer in these languages all right now let's also do one thing if you see the google map is not working properly if i again refresh this website you can see that this google map is not working properly so for this we need to do one thing we need to create a new google map api key let me show you how we can do that so just open a new tab or i'll do one thing i'll open a private window you can just open a regular window and type in and here you have to enter your gmail email address and password now here we have to do one thing we have to create a new project so to do that thing you will see this option over here at top select this option and click on new project okay here you'll see this screen whatever name you want to give to your project you can give it i'll type in service finder all right so i'll type in service finder and after that click on create now once you click on create as you can see you'll see this notification over here this project is getting created once it is created i'll show you what you have to do next now as you can see this is created now you'll see this option over here at top and this is your service finder that you have created click on that service finder make sure now at top it says service finder or whatever project you have created right now now we need to do one thing we need to enable all the api keys all the google map api keys for our website so to do that thing you will click on navigation menu this hamburger icon and you will go to api and services and you will click on library now under library you will see a category called maps so click on maps category and under maps category we have you know around 15 different apis and we have to enable all these apis and doing this is really simple click on the first one for example directions api key click on that one and you just have to click on this enable button click on enable and once it is enabled you have to let it first enable now once it is enabled uh you will automatically be redirected to some other page and you have to do the same you have to follow the same process you have to again click on this hamburger icon go to apis and services click on library and again select the second option click on maps select the second option uh distance matrix api key geo location api key click on that make sure you enable all these options like this now once you have enabled all those options you can now do one thing you can again click on this hamburger icon or three lines icon click on apis and services and under that select credentials now here we have to create a new credential so click on this option create credentials which is given at top select api key now this will create a new credential for you and here it is simply copy it from here come back to your website come back to your dashboard and you will see this option at the bottom left corner theme options hover over that and click on general settings now over here under general options there are many different options you have to click on general settings and you have to click on or you have to select this option map setting and paste in this api key in browser api key and also in server api key once you do that thing click on save changes now if you again come back to this website and if you refresh your website and now as you can see when i refresh this website now i don't see any such problems all right so this is how this thing works now let's again come back to our website click on dashboard or maybe let's not click on dashboard let's create different packages so if you again click on theme options under theme options you will see account option at the left hand side here it is accounts click on accounts and under accounts you will see packages which is so here click on packages now let's create different packages like you can see on your website in the demo website on the home page you can see we have created different packages trial package bronze package gold platinum package you can create different packages so that whenever a new user wants to sign up on your website a new service provider wants to sign up on your website they can purchase any one of these packages and they can see what all features they will be getting with any particular package all right so let's see how we can create these packages as i said earlier come back to your theme options accounts and under accounts click on packages now first of all if you want to enable trial package you can enable this option and for example if you don't want to enable trial package if you don't want this trial package option you can simply untick this option okay remove this tick mark maybe i want this trial package so i'll tick mark this thing and package name so this is the package name as you can see trial package so i'll type in trial under package name now this package expires after how many days so basically you should be entering some number like 30 days and what all capabilities do you want to give under trial package now most of the times it is not recommended to enable all these options because this is just a trial package so just enter just select some basic information like you can have bookings but you cannot uh but you cannot upload your cover image you cannot upload gallery images or maybe you can do these things but you cannot have bookings okay whatever you want i'm selecting all these options only because of tutorial purposes so that i can show you how this thing works okay but you don't have to do this now if you want to create some more packages with trial package for example here as you can see we have created this package as well bronze package so we can activate this option active package one give it any name our price for example the price of this package is 10 dollars for 90 days so we'll type in 10 this expires after 90 days now what all options are enabled as you can see again what all options are enabled or disabled in this option so maybe i want to enable booking gallery i want to enable they cannot apply for job okay they cannot have google calendar and rest all the options they can have okay then the third package okay let's create gold package and price let's see we have 100 dollars for 180 days so i'll type in hundred dollars 180 days and here i want to give all these options okay maybe i want to create only three packages trials or trial uh bronze and gold not the fourth package so i can select this option and now click on save changes and this is how easy it is to create different packages now we have some more options under account if you click on account which is so here and we will see these options or maybe let's see them now so booking payment goes to whom so a customer comes to your website they select any option for example let me select this website the demo website so on this demo website you can see whenever customer comes to your website they can now open any service providers page and if they want to book their services they can click on book now they will be redirected to services page so suppose a customer wants to book this service web development they can select this option and whatever the price is as you can see the booking price booking amount is one three five one thirty five dollars now once they make the payment this payment goes to whom do you want this payment to go directly to the service provider or do we want this payment to go to the admin i would recommend you to select admin so that whenever payment comes a payment comes to directly to the admin the admin can detect their commission and they can send rest of the money to the service provider now what all payment gateways do we want to enable so we want to enable paypal we want to enable stripe payment and maybe also wire transfer now what payment currency do you want to use us dollar indian rupee whatever currency you want to use you can type in that currency code over here now if you have selected wire transfer you have to enter your bank details so why transfer is basically bank transfer if someone wants to directly transfer money to your bank you have to give them your bank details so your bank name your ifsc code your swiss swift bic code your branch code all these details should be provided over here all right then after that if you have enabled paypal you can select this option use live environment and we need these three things username password and signature so to get this thing first go to login to your paypal account obviously now once you log into your paypal account do one thing type in this thing in your url bar so paypal dot com slash business manage slash credentials slash api access and a in access is capital as you can see on your screen type in this thing in your url bar and press enter now you will be redirected to this page scroll down and you will see this option nvp slash soap api integration and click on manage api credentials now you can see your api username password and signature simply copy your username come back to your website paste it under api username copy your password obviously i'll have to hide these things similarly just click on show copy your password come back to this website paste in your password similarly click on show copy your signature come back to your website paste it under signature all right so i've entered those information and obviously i'll have to hide this hide that thing now if you want to enable stripe make sure first of all this thing is tick mark for you and make sure you have selected live mode now for this option you have to go to this website and obviously before all these things you must have a paypal and stripe account now from the left hand side click on developers click on api keys copy your publishable api key paste it under live public key okay then after that copy your secret key and obviously paste it under live secret key now go at the bottom and again just click on save changes now with this all the payment gateways and 100 completed let me again go at top now after payment gateways you have payout settings so if you want to enable a paypal mass payout you can enable this thing i'll keep it off then we have already seen packages we have account moderation if you enable this thing you can moderate the account we have commission system so how much commission do you want to charge so i want to charge admin fee so make it yes on pay only admin fee if you want you can select this thing i'll not select this thing now under admin fee type i want to select percentage and i want to charge 10 percentage all right and i want to charge this admin fee from provider okay so whatever uh payment provider is getting i'll type i'll charge 10 on that amount and rest all the amount i'll transfer it to the provider and for label of the admin fee i'll type in website fee or website commission so that whenever the provider sees that a customer has made a booking of hundred dollars but i'm only seeing ninety dollars so they will it will show that ten dollars is detected as ten percent commission website commissions i'll type in 10 person website commission as label for admin fee now click on save changes okay so for now all the basic settings or main settings of this website are completed what i want to do right now is i want to now open this website in a new private window so that i can show you how a service provider can come to your website and they can sign up on your website how they can create an account on your website how they can configure all these settings how you how they can get a booking and how they will see all the payments and reports and all so let's see how this entire process works right so let's do one thing let's first open again let's open this website in a new incognito window so i'll copy the link open this in a new private window and now a user can simply click on the sign up button and they can sign up as a provider or as a customer now before you do this thing let me actually do one more thing if i come back to this website let's create a new page so hover over pages click on add new because we have not yet created the dashboard page or the my account page uh you'll you'll understand and you'll see this option so first of all you can name it dashboard you can name it my account whatever you want i'll just name it dashboard i'll just give it a title of dashboard now when once you give this title you have to add a new shortcode so that this actually becomes your dashboard page or your my account page so for that you have to click on this plus button and you have to search for short code which is so here if you don't see this widget you can simply search for this widget so type in shortcode click on this widget and paste in this thing over here okay if you see whatever you see on your screen uh in square bracket service dash finder dash uh my dash account so whatever you see on your screen just type in that thing and click on publish and this will become your my account page now again let's come back to this private window let me first refresh this page and now let's try to sign up on this website as a service provider so click on sign up and enter all the details so maybe my company name is fam automotive my first name is i'll just enter some dummy name over here john doe and username maybe this username this email address then after that whatever your password is enter that password and enter the same password under confirm password enter your phone number then enter your basic address so because we have created this this option because we have created a google map api key whenever you type in any address you will get all this suggestion at the bottom so if i type in for example something like this now as you can see i'm getting all these options over here so i'll select this option then uh these things will be automatically filled in for you if it is not filled in for you automatically obviously you can just go ahead and do it now whatever category you want to select you can select that so i maybe want to select this automotive category then after that we have this option all right enter this simple captcha which you see over here and click on sign up now once you sign up on this website you will be automatically logged into your account so as you can see it says your account has been created and you can see your username over here john doe now if i click on my username i'll be redirected to my my account page or your dashboard page and from here we can configure this account so we can do the basic settings the basic the most basic settings related to service finder will be these will be to set up your cover image will be to set up your featured image will be to enter your basic details your description create all your services and all so let's see how that is done so i'll come back to the private window and here first let me upload my avatar so i can click on upload image and again just go ahead and upload some image maybe i want to upload let's see maybe let's select this image or maybe not this one let's select this image and click on open once you upload this image you can now crop whatever section you want you can zoom in zoom out you can do all these things now when you scroll down you have your username your you have your company name first name last name you can select your gender and after that you can also select your tagline so if you see this is your tagline okay so this is a title and this is your tagline so i'll simply copy it and obviously paste it over here then we have our description or your simple biography so basically what all you will be doing or what your services are you will be describing about your services or about your company so i'll copy this dummy text from here and i'll paste it over here obviously you just don't have to copy paste you can enter your own details or your own text over here you can use these options to create bulleted list to create blog posts blog codes all these options now scroll down you can enter your contact details so your phone number some alternate number if there is any you can enter that you can enter your skype id or you can enter your website name so let's type in and maybe skype id is this so i'll type in skype id and you have your map so you can now as you can see whatever i have entered under google that exact location is selected if you want you can change this marker so maybe let's see let's change this marker to this place all right so you can change this marker to your exact location now you can enter your apartment name or apartment number room number whatever it is you can enter that number over here now again scroll down all these details are automatically selected then after that we have to select radius for service area to so you have to select the radius in which you want to provide your service so i'm i'm selecting radius of 100 miles so i'll be providing service under 100 mile radius then you can select service will be performed at your location or customers location obviously this depends on the type of business or type of service that you're creating then you have to enter your facebook twitter all these links i'll simply enter my website link over here all right obviously you have to enter your you know all these social media links now if you want to update your password you can do it from here i want to keep google calendar off for now and now if you want to connect stripe i don't want to do that uh we'll scroll down you can change your categories if you want and you can select amenities so maybe my location my place has we do accept credit card so i'll select this thing and my place also has wi-fi connection so i'll select both these options and i know these languages maybe hindi maybe gujarati maybe marathi and and maybe punjabi these four languages all right now you can also upload your cover image which is this image at top so i'll just upload some image from here again click on upload image so maybe let's select this image so i'll select this click on open and now as you can see this image is also selected you can again go ahead do some changes on this image now you can also upload your gallery images which is which are these all five six different images and again i'm saying for these images these are the real images obviously whoever the service provider is they'll be uploading the real images i'm just uploading some dummy images for the tutorial purposes so i'll upload some images from here maybe let's select this two three four i know around six images let's select these six images and click on open right so as you can see all these six images are successfully uploaded now you can scroll down if you have any attachments any documents that you want to attach you can again do that as well so i have given you this document folder i'll simply select all these documents from here and click on open so these are some again some dummy documents but you know you get the idea if you want to update or if you want to attach any documents you can do that as well and now if you want to embed any videos you can go to youtube and search for any type of video so maybe let me search for sports uh sports car videos i'll copy link address from here so click on copy link address paste in this video click on add video then copy this link address paste it to here and let me upload one more video maybe let's select this one copy link address and paste it over here obviously this user will be uploading the image or uploading the video on youtube and they can now copy paste this link over here once this is done you can click on submit information and this information will be submitted and these changes will take place so here you can see you have you get this notice that your profile is updated successfully now under profile settings we have some more options first you have your earnings and use we have we haven't earned anything right now because we haven't received any orders and anything so we don't see anything over here we see all zero then we have the qualification option so if you have any qualifications you can upload about those things again if you see the demo website i have given all these options over here so if if a person if a customer clicks on qualification they can see that this person is qualified for example his btec and from this university this year and this is some description so i'll simply copy this and click on add qualification degree name institute name from which you so maybe let's see we'll select 2010 to maybe 2014 and you can type in sub description which will be displayed at bottom like this now click on save so your qualifications will be saved and obviously if you want to add more qualifications you can do that if you have any experience if this user of if this service provider has an experience they can add those experiences over here and again if you go back to your demo website you can see how that will look on your website if a customer clicks on experience they can see this is how it will look like so again i'll simply copy paste these options from here and we'll do some changes so maybe now let me select maybe 2015 june 7 to 20 20 maybe jan first all right and again you can just give some job description so i'll simply copy this text and paste it over here all right now if it is your current job you can tick mark this thing it will say that this is your current job now click on save then after that if you have any certificates that you want to upload on this website so that your customers can see uh these certificates over here under this option and as you can see this is how it will look like so maybe i want to do this thing i can click on this button add certificates uh if you want you can just leave these things you can uh just leave the title date and everything you can just upload that image so i'll go to media option and let's upload this demo certificate image now click on save and all these settings and all these things are successfully updated for you then after that we will see the articles option i i'm not covering this thing because these are simple blog posts we'll see how that is done from the back end then if you if this person gets any jobs they can see that option over here so if this service provider finds any jobs any bookings they can see it from here then after that booking setting now they can set up when they want to receive booking and how they want to receive it so first of all if they don't want to receive any bookings they they can simply turn it off or if they want to receive booking they can make it off and they can select slot interval of 15 minutes or 30 minutes and booking based on open region or post postal code so maybe if this person wants to select booking only from a particular region only from maybe a particular state or a particular town or a city they can do one thing they can click on regions let me open this link in a new tab now they can do one thing they can click on add region and they can add different regions now if a customer is only from these particular regions only then they can book the services or if they they want they can add some postal codes and now the person must be or the customer must be from this particular postal code or from the list of these postal codes only then they can book this service now just to keep these things simple i'll just make it or i'll just keep it at open now for booking mode you can make it free or if you want you can also make it paid and booking assignment you can make it automatically or you can set this manually i'll i'll recommend it to keep it at manually all right then after that you can enter your bank account details wherein whenever you get any bookings admin can send you the uh you can send you the payment so admin will deduct their 10 website commission and after that they can send you rest of the money on this bank details so simply enter your account name whatever it is ask to hear your iban swift code all your bank details your bank city branch everything and click on submit information now under booking settings we have some more option if you want to set unavailability you can set that option as well so if you want to go on if you're going on vacation for few days you can click on set new unavailability and you can set that date so for example from today till next week you can set unavailability so no one will be able to book your services then we have the payout setting so again whenever you have anything in your whenever you have any payment in your account if you want to receive those payments you can enter your paypal email id so that this admin can send you these payments on your a paypal account okay so let me do one thing let me just enter my paypal email address over here now click on submit information if you want to see your previous pay payout history you can click on this option payout history obviously because you have just created a new account we don't see anything over here now under quotation so whenever a customer clicks on this button whenever the customer wants any quotation they can click on request a quote they can fill in the information click on send information and you will receive those quotation options over here and you can now reply them similarly for business hours uh by default it is 8 am to 6 pm if you want to change it simply select this option and you can change it from here then you can have a postal code and branch list if you want now most important thing over here is the services option so click on my services and now you can create your own services now before we do that thing let me actually see how my page is looking how my uh profile page is looking so if i click on profile settings and if i open this option in new tab my profile option now as you can see this is how your profile page is looking now this design is a slightly different design than your demo website so this style as you can see is different from this style okay this looks more modern much better than the design that we have right now so if you want to change this design for example if you want to change this design you can do one thing you can go to your dashboard and first of all click on theme options now under theme options click on general settings and by default style 1 is selected you can select style 3 and click on save changes then after that we also want to change the provider page settings so you will see provider page option over here at the left hand side here it is provider settings click on that and by default if you just scroll down at the bottom this is style one that is present on our website i want to set this to style 2 so i can do one thing i can go at top click on style 2 click on save changes right now you might not see the changes yet on your website if you come over here scroll down or if you just refresh this page now as you can see this style is completely changed this is how your website is looking right now so this page style is completely changed now we have all the options we have the gallery we have contact information we have languages experience everything over here we just don't have the services which obviously is the most important thing so let's see how we can create our services or how a service provider can create different services so they can obviously click on my services first of all they can click on add a new service and maybe let's keep it very simple i'll type in web development okay now once you enter your title now depending on your service you can select the type of service cost so if you want to charge fixed cost per hour cost or item based costs you can select this thing so for this option fixed cost would be met much better for example for developing a normal website i can charge maybe thousand dollars all right offer and then i can go ahead create more services and if you if you select per r you can select padding time before and after as well then over here at the bottom you can describe what all you will be doing so i i can say like i can create a website for you you will have your about page contact page all these pages will give you all these options that you want to work you will do basic seo settings for your website so under description you can describe your service after that click on create now this was a very basic website designing or development now let me click on add new service let's add um let's add one more service so this time i want to create e-commerce website development and for this i want to charge more so maybe i want to charge 2500 for this or if you want you can charge per r so per hour if someone is hiring you on per hour basis you can charge maybe hundred dollars fifty dollars whatever per hour again for sake of uh keeping it simple i'll just make it 2500 fixed price okay again you can just go ahead and describe this task and click on create so this is how you can create different services okay so now let's do one thing let's come back to our website and let's add now i'm coming back to my website as an admin now let's see how we can post a new job so we have already created this page poster job page and which is so here i'll open this page in a new tab uh you can click on this link view link now let's add a new job and once we added now the reason i'm adding a new job is just to show you how this process works so right now i'll add a job as an admin or as a customer and after that we'll see how this service provider account that we have created how this service provider can apply for that job or how these customers can select a service provider and they can invite him for a job so let's see how that works so i want to give job title as web development okay i'm looking someone i'm looking for someone to create a website for me you can type in location this is optional but i'll type in mumbai over here and job type full time full time uh part-time freelance you can select that job and what is your budget so my budget is maybe 800 or 900 dollars you can describe your job what all you want on your website anything like that or if it is per our job you can type in how many hours service you want you can enter if it is if it is a company you can enter your company name and logo and after that click on preview okay so we missed this description just type in your description now go ahead and click on preview now once you are satisfied with this listing you can just go ahead and click on submit listing and your job will be submitted on this website if you go to jobs page which is this page you will see all the jobs which are listed on your website now if you notice one thing we have submitted a job over here but on the jobs archive page we don't see that job and that is because whenever someone submits a job on your website is not automatically or directly published on your website now you as an admin of this website will have to go through that job and you have to now publish that thing so let's see how that is done so you'll come back to your dashboard you'll click on job listing and you can see that one job is listing and because the payment is not completed or payment was not made this is spending if you want to now just go ahead and approve this thing you can click on this option approve and this job will be approved now again if you come back to this website and refresh it you will see this job over here now right now if you have seen we have created a job and we did not have to pay any payment but later on in this video i'll show you how you can have different packages for jobs as well so if a person wants to post a job you you if you want you can charge some money for that thing as well now let me go back to that private window where we have this account this service account now i am logged in on this window on this browser i'm logged in as a service provider now i can go to that jobs page so i'll go to this website slash jobs and now i can see that there is a one job available i can click on that job and i can click on i can see all these options or maybe i can select this option apply for a job i'll give my quotation so this person's uh budget is 900 but i'm saying you know what i cannot do it for 900 i'll charge thousand dollars so maybe i can do it for just 800 and you can describe your job what all thing you will be doing or what all features this website will have and after that you can click on submit now once you apply for this job what happens is this person now will see this customer will see that someone has supplied for this job and they can now get in touch with this now there's one problem over here i'm an administrator so for me there is no front-end development of there is no front-end dashboard so let me actually do one thing let me open this website again in another browser so we are right now opening three different browsers in one browser i'm logged in as an administrator in another browser i'm logged in as a service provider and this browser will log in as a customer or will sign up as a customer so i'll type in service finder two dot and let me first sign up as a customer so i'll click on sign up and your instagram provider i'll select customer and i'll add my name so my name will be customer name okay this is first name last name you can set any username over here if you want so maybe i'll select customer1 as my username any email address then after that you can also set some password for your account obviously and finally you can enter this simple captcha and once you're done with this you can click on sign up now i have registered as a customer and now we can do one thing we can click on this login button i want to save this password click on login and customer one whatever your username and password was enter that and click on login and now as you can see this is the dashboard for that a customer will see this is the front-end dashboard for the customer i was not able to see this thing because i'm an administrator so i'll have to do a this thing again i'll have to post a new job just to show you so again i'll type in web development in mumbai and full time part-time you can select this thing whatever your budget is maybe thousand dollars description and uh yeah rest everything looks good just click on preview and let's submit this listing again because someone has submitted this listing first you as an administrator will have to accept this listing okay so i'll go back to my website click on jobs and i'll approve this listing now we'll see the same process again i'll go back to jobs page let's refresh it and now as you can see we have another job over here web dev job by another person so i can click on this job and if i'm interested in this job i can click on apply for job i can give my cost i can type in my description or whatever your message is and you can click on submit once you have submitted this thing now this customer will see this thing so let me open the customers account so this is the customers account i'll go to bookings all these options are given so maybe just go to my profile now when you come to my profile you can see we have two notifications over here so if i click on this notification now it says that the provider has supplied for this job so you can now click on this notification and you will see this option now you'll see this page or this customer will see this page and here they can see that one person has applied for this job so this is how this thing works if they select them then they will get this message that you are selected for this job and similarly of other way around if this person wants they can do one thing for example let me show you this thing if this customer wants let me this is the customer page they can now go to the home page or the services page let me actually go to the home page and they can find for any service provider so maybe let's click on search now to search for any service provider and they can see that there is one service provider over here now this time this customer can go ahead they can contact the service provider so they can if they want to request a code they can type in the customer name phone number email address all these things they can request a quote they can enter all the files if they have any images or anything that they want to upload they can type that thing or they can upload that thing and after that they can send this information and say this quote request will be sent or if they want to invite this person for a job they can click on this button invite for a job they can select which job so we have already this customer has already created this job so i want to invite this person this service provider for this job so i i select this job and click on send invitation so this invitation is sent now let's go back to the service providers page if i come over here if i go back to my dashboard again you can see i have two notifications so here i can click on this notification one says we have been invited for a job another one says new quotation has arrived from a customer name so i'll first click on quotations which is over here so click on quotation and you can see we have received this quotation if you want to see this thing you can click on view quotation you can see this all the messages if there is any in attachments email address all these options can be seen over here so you can let's go back to quotation again click on back now if you want you can send them some message so you can click on this option send quotation you can send your own quotation price maybe 1500 dollars you can enter some description and click on submit then after that if you click on my jobs now here you can see all the different jobs that you have applied for now because we have not yet enabled payment status payment settings and all some things are still missing but we'll fix that later on when we see the payment status when we see the uh different packages and all now before we proceed further let's see some settings related to job application so how a person can apply for a job and let's set some limits on that so let's see some customer settings and some job apply limits so come back to your admin account now first let's see the customer settings so from left hand side click on theme options and over here the left hand side you'll see customer settings which is so here click on customer settings now right now job posting is free you have also seen we have just created a new customer account when we were able to post a job for free if you want to make this process premium if you want to make this process paid so a person has to pay some money only then they can post a job you can select this option paid option and you can click on you can make this thing on increase job job post limit plans and you can create different plans for this and you can set whether this plan is monthly or weekly job post limit for one you can set this all these plans for example under plan one you can name this plan anything maybe let's name it bronze plan so under this plan you'll have to pay maybe ten dollars and you can post maybe five jobs similarly you can create a new plan you can enter all these details so if you want to make this process paid you can select that option as well now under job application filter you can filter jobs based on different option filteration option this is related to this jobs page so if you click come back to this job page as you can see you can filter job by all these options now let's see some job application settings so under provider settings you will see these options job application setting and job apply limit so first click on job application settings and here as you can see here also if you want you can set some limit how many jobs a person can apply for in a month or in a week you can select this option and if they select package 1 package 2 package 3 how many jobs they can apply for so we have created different packages for service providers if a service provider selects the package 1 they can apply for how many jobs if they select the package 2 which was the bronze package package 3 was the gold package so with these packages how many jobs they can apply for okay so you can set these options then under job apply limit plans if you want you can click on on and you can set these so if you want you can have a different plans or you can have different plans for job applications so you can create different plans so if a service provider wants to apply for a job they will have to purchase these different plans maybe a starter plan let's select this starter plan so with startup plan they can apply for 10 jobs okay so under limit you can type in 10 okay or if you want you can create plan 2 plan 3 and you can set all those numbers over here so this is how this thing works i'll keep it off just to keep things very simple now let's also see some other settings under provider settings so if you click on provider settings this is the default thing we have seen we have changed this style to two and we have seen what that does this changes this style then after that under provider settings we have provider menu so if you see the provider page we have created this provider page we have all these options at the left hand side so this is the provider menu we have given them all these options if you want to enable or disable any option from here you can off that thing so a provider cannot create regions if you make it off provider will not see this regions option under this menu so you can do this thing as well similarly for customer menu we have the bookings schedule invoice my favorite all these options if you see the customer option all these options are given if you want to hide any option you can just hide it from here then for captcha if you want captcha on any other page or any pages you can select that option then sign up restrictions so if you want to us people to sign up only from a particular country you can type in the name of that country and after that you can untick this thing right now anyone can sign up from in from any country or all countries but if you want to allow only certain countries you can type in the name of that country over here all right and rest then after that we have the gallery settings how many default images uh with with trial package you can set different i would not recommend you to do do these things okay don't do any changes under gallery settings then we have multiple categories settings so whether service provider can select different categories so i'm a service provider maybe i provide web development and also provide some other service some other category like app development so maybe this website has created two separate categories one web development one app development and i'm a service provider i provide both the categories so i can select multiple categories for my account so you can select this option as well how many multiple categories a service provider can select all rights now almost all the settings are completed with this website now the only thing left is to create the home page or to create different pages like your home page your contact page these pages so let's see how we can do that so i'll cut all these pages from here i'll go to my dashboard so let's click on this dashboard option now let's create a new page so click on pages and click on add new under title we'll just type in home because obviously this is a homepage just click on publish and to set this page as your official homepage again come back to your dashboard now under settings you will see reading click on reading under settings and select this option a static page now on the home page select the home page that you have just created and click on save changes now you can click on pages again and now as you can see besides this home page that we have created it says front page which means that this is now your official home page you can now click on edit and you can now edit this page now you can do one thing you can simply uh search for a option over here you can click on this add block option and you can search for the classic block so search for classic select this option now the file that you have downloaded in that you will see one more file you will see this folder shortcodes folder and in that you will see this complete home page open this file and this is how this file will look like it just has some simple short codes copy everything from here come back to this website under classic paste it now if you just update this page let's see what happens and if you open this page in a new tab now when you scroll down there are many more things happening but the design is a little bit off so to fix this thing you can do one thing you can again come back to your dashboard and click on this theme options now under theme options you will see this option import and export click on this option and now we need to import the basic styling so click on import from file now this time open your theme file so we have downloaded this service finder theme and we have extracted this zip file so when you did that thing you got this folder service finder folder in that you have main download open that and in that you have demo content open this thing and you have you will see reader style three you will see this file you can open it with uh you can open with it with notepad or sublime text any software you want now again just for most of the people i can open this with notepad let me show you that click on choose another app select simple notepad click on open and now this is how it will look like don't worry about this look just select everything click on copy come back to this page click on import from file paste in all these things and click on import now click on ok now as you can see it says settings imported so this has basically imported all these settings for you all the designing settings and all the other settings from here so if you again come back to this website and if you refresh it now as you can see most of the things are already or automatically done for you now few things are left that will see how it is done so if you go at top come back to this page and if you see this option is given to you short codes setting select this option all right now before you proceed further before we do all the shortcode settings right now i was editing the video and i've noticed that i've missed few things first of all i forgot to mention one very important thing about this import thing so you have just seen in the video how you can import a file and when you click on import now the entire style is changed so so the entire homepage style is changed now with this one more thing happens when you import that file one more thing happens this entire theme setting is reset so from general setting to short code to social thing to this entire setting this entire setting that you see on the screen this is reset and what it means is if you see this option if you click on accounts if you remember we completed this payment setting so if you click on payment settings if you remember we had completed this paypal and stripe settings but if you see over here if you scroll down you can see all those things are now gone so you have to do one thing again you have to go to copy and paste in your username password and signature and do the same thing for live secret key and public key with this stripe and similarly for google map api key as well if you go to general settings if you click on map settings as you can see both your browser api key and server api key is gone because of all this reset happening so make sure you again go to google map api key website and you paste in your google map api keys over here so this was the one thing that was very important that i forgot to mention that when you import that file this resets this entire setting or this resets this entire theme settings so whatever you have done in the beginning you have to do it again now the second thing that i wanted to show is how this entire process works we have seen how we can create a job how customer can create a job how a service provider can apply for that job but we did not see a very important thing and that was how a service will be booked so we have seen that we are taking 10 as admin commission and we have seen how a service provider can create services now let's see how a customer can come to your website they can book a service they can make the payment then after that how a service provider can provide that service can complete that service and at the end of the day what is the transaction so how we can take our 10 percent commission and how we can send the rest 90 commission to the service provider so let's see that so for that let me do one thing let me again go back to this service providers page which is this page and as you can see this is the service provider so we have seen request of code we have seen all these things now how this booking works so if i am a customer if i want to book this service of this particular service provider i can go at the bottom i'll see all these settings over here so if i want this service for example website development so i can select this service web development and after that i'll click on next now i can select the time and date when i want this service so i can suppose i want this time this date again i can click on next now i can enter my basic information over here your phone number then your alternate phone number your address and after that your apartment number your city all right your state and after that obviously your country now you can describe this customer can describe their task how they want their tasks to be completed and after that they can click on next and in this page they can use paypal or they can use credit card debit card payment to make this payment and they have to pay whatever the payment or the booking amount is for now i'll just skip the payment and i'll click on pay now now this is how this thing works this is how a customer can book a service on your website now let me open the page or let me open the browser wherein we have logged in as a service provider so in this private window as you can see i have logged in as a service provider and over here if i click on booking settings and if i click on booking under this if i click on bookings now as you can see we have this booking over here now this is incomplete because as you can see when you hover over this thousand dollars you can see the payment method is shown skip payment so payment is not yet made but we are we are supposing that the payment was made so this service provider can see the name of the person the email address phone number of this person when they want this service uh to be completed date time everything now this service provider can simply call this person they can now have a chat and they can see how they can complete this service and once this service is completed this service provider will do one thing they will click on this button they this will complete this will change the status of this service to complete it they can click on ok and now the status is changed to completed now as you can see it says paid now if this person goes first let me refresh this page and if the service provider now goes to the profile settings and under profile settings this has earnings and dues here as you can see now this person has due of thousand dollars now let me do one thing let me again come back to this website let's go to the dashboard now let's see as an admin so we are the administrator of this website now if i see this option service provider settings so under service provider if i see this option bookings which is so here if i click on bookings you can see this option over here there is there was there's one booking which was completed but there is one problem over here if you see this price as you can see under booking amount it says thousand dollars but admin fee is showing zero and that is again because of the file that we have imported it has reset this entire thing so let's see this thing very quickly if i open this theme settings in a new tab and now on the account if you click on accounts we have this commission system and if you remember we had already said this thing but it is again gone to off so let me switch switch this on again and let me charge ten percent commission and i'll type in admin commission or website commission we have already seen this thing now if i click on this save button save changes button and if i again go back to bookings and if i refresh it now it will still show zero admin commission because this transaction is already completed and this is completed based on earlier settings now we have changed the settings so let me again very quickly do the same thing if i come back to this page and if i book another service just to show you uh this time i'll select this service e-commerce website development click on next select the date and time and after that click on next enter my details now again i've entered all these details now i can describe my task however i want and after that i can click on next again if you want to make the payment this comes this customer can make payment through credit card and debit card but again i'll just skip this payment now again if i open this service providers page refresh it now if i go to booking settings and if i go to bookings which is so here now we have another booking over here now if i see this option you can see when i hover this the total amount is 20 to 50 instead of 2500 and you can see admin fees 250 dollars so this is working now again suppose i if i just complete this task again we come back to this page under booking settings and if i refresh it now as you can see when you hover over this amount now it says admin fee 250 and provider fee whatever the provider fee is now once this task is completed you can do one thing as you can see the task is completed but we still have to pay to the provider we have not yet paid the payment is still pending now you can do one thing you can select this option you can see view booking you can either see the booking if you click on this option view booking you can see whether the booking has successfully completed or not and if the booking is completed you can see that you have to pay around 250 dollars to this provider so you can go to this option provider option which is under service finders so hover over service finder and click on provider now on this page you can see this is the provider that has completed the booking and here you can click on action you can click on bank info you can see all the bank account details of this person and now we can send this 250 to this person or if you want you can click on manage profile you can manage the profile of this particular service provider you can go to payout setting for this provider you can see the paypal email address and now you can you know send this amount to paypal or if you want you can send this amount to their bank account detail all right so this was the another thing that was missing so we have seen both the things one very important thing about that file again i'm saying you when you import that file it will reset this entire theme settings and another thing that i forgot to show you was this thing that we that i've shown you right now all right now you can continue with this short codes settings now under this option uh we have let me do one thing let me also open the pages option okay so we have created this home page we have just added this simple short codes over here so this this line this simple shortcode show categories is for this section okay this category section then after that another shortcode how it works this is for this section obviously how it works section then featured provider section this category is for featured products so these are simple short codes if you want to bring any section top or bottom for example if you want to bring the how it works section at top you can cut it from here and paste it above show categories now if i click on update come back to this website and refresh it now as you can see the first section over here is how it works and after that you have your services service categories section so if you want to change the layout you can do that i'll again just follow the default layout all right bring it at top and click on update so this is just related to layout now to change the content let me first refresh this page you can come back to this theme page theme options click on shortcode setting now if you want to change anything under categories you can click on categories and this is the title as you can see if you see this is your title service finder categories if you want to change this option instead of service finder maybe let me type in fam finder categories you can click on save changes come over here refresh this page and let's see now as you can see it says fam finder categories if you want to also add some tagline let me just copy this tag line paste it over here click on save changes come back to this website again refresh it and sometimes if you refresh it and if you don't see the changes that is because of the default caching that is going on your website you can do one thing you can open this website in a new private window where caching is off and you will see those changes as you can see here you can see the tagline so sometimes you do some changes and you might not see those changes right right right now on your website but you can open that website in a private window and you will see those changes like we have just seen now here if you want to change the title color for example this is the white color if you want to change this thing if you want to change the tagline color if you want to change the top background color which is this black color so instead of this black color if you want some other color in the background you can have that option as well how many categories you want to display here we are displaying only two uh but we are typing six so when we have more categories it will display we also are displaying sub categories and these options so if you want to change any option you can do that then after that you have how it works so if you see this section this is the title how service finder works this is the subtitle now if you want you can change the title you can change the subtitle now title color text color divider color all things can be changed from here now for the content this is the content first option is describe your task this is your title describe your task this is a subtitle and we have this icon over here so as you can see this is your step number one okay and describe your tasks this is your content and this is the image or this is the link for the icon so again over here also if you want to change the title or anything you can just do it from here then we have the featured provider section now under feature providers no providers are displayed over here because we have not set any provider as a featured provider so if you come back to your dashboard and if you click on providers if you click on service finders and if you click on provider now let's set this provider this john doe provider as a feature provider you can simply tick mark this thing and now i want to set this product as a featured provider for one year so i can select this option again if i come back to this website and refresh it now you can see under feature provider this option will display now whenever a person creates a new account and new service finder account and if they select gold plan bronze plan any plan so they will automatically become featured provider okay so that is how it works but you can do that manually as well which i have shown you right now if you want to set manually anyone as featured you can simply tick mark this option then after that we have let's see what section we have next we have this numbers section so again we can come over here we can select the statistics this is the title this is the tagline you can see title tagline and after that you can change the color for this so this is the box color is this purple color okay as you can see this purple color if you want instead of this color instead of green color instead of this orange color you can change and you can have your own favorite colors now similarly you can just go ahead for blog for all these options it is pretty easy if you see this option as well packages option okay here it is as you can see basic things most of the things are automatically getting from this option under account we have created packages so these packages are displaying over here because of these options that we have created over here all right now because we have disabled google calendar and contact numbers here you will see google calendar and contact numbers are striked off okay because of this option and let's again come back to short codes then we have a okay if you see you have your testimonial section if you click on testimonials we see the title we say this subtitle but there is no testimonial displayed over here and that is because we have not yet created any testimonial so to create a new testimonial you can click on this testimonial option in your dashboard click on add testimonial and let's see a testimonial in a demo website so that we can just copy paste the content now when i scroll down you can see here it is so this is the title as you can see great job so i'll type in that title over here then after that this person says this thing about you so i'll again type in some demo text over here now the name and designation of this person so name and designation of this person may again i'll type in maybe just john doe and designation will be developer maybe all right then you can also set a featured image so maybe let me select this this image as my featured image and after that you can click on publish again if you come back to your website and if you refresh it you should see this testimonial over here all right so this is how you can do changes on your home page we have always seen how to change the layout if you want to bring any section at top or bottom you can do that and if you want to change the content you can do it from here now let's create our contact page so if you again come back to this page click on pages now click on add new to add a new page now let's give it a title of contact so i'll type in contact now from the right hand side you have different options under template you'll see we have contact version 2 version 3 version 4. i'll show you how these versions look like i'll just select the standard version contact us standard now click on publish now once this page is published if you open this page in a new tab this is how this page will look like we have most of things are already present over here uh the contact of contact form contact info the map is already present we have to do one thing we have to change our details so that those details display over here so for that again come back to theme options and here you will see at the left hand side you will see this contact page so click on contact page and this is how as you can see your layout 1 layout 2 layout 3 layout 4 will look like and if you want to hide the contact map you can do that if you want to add your phone number add your phone number over here and if you want to add your email address type in that thing if you want to add your address type in that thing and click on save changes again if you come back to your contact page refresh it here you will see all your details will be displayed now if you see this error over here google maps error if you remember we have already set up the google map api key but because if you remember we have imported the settings those changes are again changed so make sure you click on general settings you go to map setting and now as you can see we have entered these those api keys but that is gone so make sure you again enter your api keys over here so that this maps shows again all right so make sure you remember this thing and similarly if you see we have some problem with this google captcha automatic capture so if you want to fix this thing again come back to this page now for the google capture option you will see again your provider settings which you saw here under provider settings you will see capture option click on captcha and this link or this captcha is created delete this captcha because again because we imported those things this key was imported for you you can now do one thing first of all if you just click on save changes again if you come back to this website and refresh it that capture will disappear so if you don't want to use captcha altogether you can just delete it but if you want to use that google capture you can open this link in a new tab if you see this here this is a link open this in a new tab you will be redirected to this page and you can create a new captcha over here so to create a new captcha we have to add a new website so click on this plus button and enter your website link which is sf2.forhem.or whatever your link is and you can select this option recapture version 3 or if you want you can also select recapture version 2 wherein you have i'm not a robot capture um all this option you can also have an invisible recaptcha i'm just selecting the rig version recapture version 2. i'm not a robot check box now under domain name enter your domain name like this make sure you delete https and also delete this forward slash at the end okay just enter fam dot in just enter your basic in details now scroll down tick mark this thing and click on submit now this captcha will be created for you copy the site key come back to this page and paste in the site key and click on save changes now again if you refresh your contact page you will see that i'm not a robot capture is working so this is how you fix this problem i guess now only two things are left we have to create our menu all right as you can see over here we don't have anything over here in this demo website you can see we have our menu at top so we need to create a menu and we need to create our photo so to do this thing again come back to your dashboard now from the left hand side to create your menu first you have to hover your appearance and click on menus now you see that this thing is already created for your primary menu but i don't want this sample page in my menu so i can delete this thing and whatever you want i want maybe contact page dashboard page jobs page post a job page and all these pages so i can select this click on add to menu and make sure to always tick mark this thing primary menu so that this uh this option is selected as your primary menu after that if you click on save menu come back to this website and if you refresh it you will see your menu will start displaying then after that you have your footer so this is how your footer looks right now again you come back to your website under appearance you will click on widgets now under footer one if you select footer one these three options are selected let me delete all three from here and what i want is i want this simple option so i want or something i want to display my logo and after that i want to type in something about my company so some about section so you'll scroll down at the bottom you'll select this text select footer one and click on add widget so first i'll upload my logo so click on add media upload my logo from here so let me upload this logo click on open and click on insert into post and after that some dummy text about my company now click on save then after that for footer two maybe i want to display let's see we i want to display this site link if you want you can create a new menu and you can display that thing or if you want to do one thing you can just display your main menu that you have created so if you want to create a new menu you can do that if you want to create your if you just want to display your primary menu you can do that as well select this navigation menu select footer to click on add widget under title i'll type in maybe site links now select whatever menu you want to display so maybe i'll select this option then under footer three whatever you want to display categories if you wanna display maybe provider categories let's display this thing provider categories okay and this is this will be the title provider categories and click on save again if you come back to this page and if you refresh it now if you go at the bottom as you can see we have these three options okay so with this this entire website is 100 completed now let me go through the final settings the settings for example the copyright settings some designing things so final settings just to explain you if you want to do some changes on your website for example we have not seen how to change this uh option how to change this image so for these settings so for that you will click on this theme options and let's start from top so let's start with general settings so click on general settings and first option is this style setting we have already seen we have selected style 3 then we have header setting now because we have imported if you remember when i clicked on import option these options are already imported for you so you just have to do one thing if you want to change your logo instead of this logo if you want to upload some other logo click on remove upload your own logo from here all right then after that we have banner heading and subheading so if you want to change this thing so yeah as you can see it says we find services for you this is heading then this is subheading so if you want to change this heading and subheading you can do it from here all right then under this option we have the navigation setting under header we have one more option actually under header style right now it is banner image and this is the banner image okay this is the image which is given over here now if you don't want this image if you want some other image again you can go back to this option and this is a carpenter suppose so i can search for carpenter and as you can see you have hundreds of different images if you want to use any one of these images maybe let's select this image let's select some other image let's scroll down alright so whatever image you want maybe i'll just select this simple image this one i'll select this thing and i won't download the main file i'll download the medium file so i'll select download and as i've explained you earlier if you want to change the size uh you can reduce the size of this image as well now i'll upload this image so go back to my dashboard click on media and i'll upload this image on this and once this image is uploaded you can now get the url of that image so to do this thing you can simply click on this image and you will get this file url copy it from here come back to this website and instead of this url delete it click on remove click on upload and you can upload this image from here click on save changes again if you come back to your website if you refresh it now as you can see this image is 100 changed so if you want to change this image if you want to reduce the size and all you can obviously do that i would recommend you to crop this image a little bit so there is another website if you go to for example click on this button edit a photo upload your photo click on computer and upload your photo wherever you have downloaded it so i'll select this image that we have downloaded click on open and now as you can see you can do a lot of things i'll click on this option crop and maybe i want to crop this section i want only this much i can select this thing and after that i can click on apply so this section will be cropped you can do some more things you can click on resize you can change the size and all these options once it is done you can now click on this save option so you have this export option click on this export and just create a account very quickly you can click on continue with facebook create an account and this image will be downloaded for you so you can use this option as well to upload this image all right then after that under general option we have navigation setting which is your menu so as you can see this is your menu for top bar as you can see top bar background color is this purple color if you don't like this color if you want maybe red color you can select this click on save settings come back to this website refresh it and now again it is not happening if you uh sometimes as i said earlier i have explained you this thing multiple times so if you don't see these changes you can open this in a new private window you'll see those changes now we have also this setting so if your login and signup works in a pop-up manner okay then we have a sticky header which is fine we have enabled breadcrumbs all these options are fine and i'll have to skip a lot of options and basic styling and layout if you want instead of your primary color this purple color instead of your secondary color this green color if you want to change these you can obviously do that then we have my account settings so whenever you see the my account page this is the background color for most of the things all right so if you want to change this thing for footer setting as well you can do all these changes from here so instead of copyright 2020 i'll type in 2021 instead of a one theme i'll type in naya shake maybe all right so you can change your copyright text from here now click on save changes then after that we have inner pages banner so under inner pages if you want to add banner you can select that background images block settings all these settings can be controlled from here we have already seen map settings now search page how do you want your search page to be this is the style one this is style two under style one we have the map at top end results at bottom under style two map will be at the left hand side and results will be at the right hand side so if you click on search now this is the style one as you can see map at top and results at bottom if you select style two it will be map at left and right and results at right hand side so if you want you can select style two as well shortcode setting we have already seen then we have social settings now under this if you want to add some more social links you can do that now typography font family whatever font families used in this website for example this is a font family so if you want to change this style of this form font make it roberto or poppins or ariel any if you want to change the font family instead of railway to something else or instead of open sans you can change this thing i would not recommend you to do that we have seen contact page we have seen about account changes woocommerce because we are not using this plugin so nothing to do with this if you want you can also enable wallet system on your website so people can add money in their wallet and they can make payment through wallet you can select this on option and you can also have cash back system on your website but i don't want to do this thing so i'll just make it off and after that we have seen all the provider settings we have also seen all the customer settings all right guess so i think this is it for this video a rest everything is fine so once you do these changes just make sure to click on save changes and now with this your website is 100 completed okay so with this we have completed this tutorial and i hope you guys find this tutorial helpful if you find this video helpful make sure to give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use now if you want to watch more useful and educational videos like this one make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon and obviously throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any questions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below thank you so much for watching this video see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 44,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, make a website, create a website, wordpress, nayyar shaikh, how to make service finder website, how to make b2b website in wordpress, how to make website like urbanclap, urban clap, service finder wordpress theme, service finder website, wordpress services website, how to make website like justdial, how to make website like indiamart, urban company, how to make website like urbancompany
Id: e15CXp05doA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 14sec (7154 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.