Why Jenela Kept Her Real Job A Secret | Toni Talks

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- Hi, Ms. Toni. - Hi, Jenela in Japan. - Hello. - Konnichiwa. Good afternoon. Konnichiwa. I am wearing a cherry blossom outfit for you. - Because you came from Japan. - Thank you. But you are now based here, right? Yes. I was a nurse here in the Philippines before. - Ahh. - Yes. Now? Right now, no. I just recently came back from Japan. We arrived last November 8. Just last year. Are you here for good? Probably for good but we are still going back to Japan. So I can continue doing what I was known for. You are like the real-life Teddie. When I read your story. Yes. You are the real-life Teddie. What your family knows is that- I am a nurse in Japan. but in reality? I applied as a care worker. Did you have a breakdown scene just like Teddie? Yes. Really? I apologized. But I was the one who told the truth when I felt like I was able enough to support them. I admitted it to them when I was already known as Jenela in Japan. Okay, tell us how it happened. How did you admit it? And what was the scene like? I applied with Kevin as a care worker. As long as I can pursue going to my dream country. My family was against it since they want me to go to UK or USA because being a nurse there earns more. That's what they believed in. And then the pandemic happened. We were stuck here in the Philippines for two years while waiting for our application in Japan. I was so conflicted. I really wanted to help since that time my sibling is about to go to college. And since my big brother has his own family already I was assigned to pay for my sibling's tuition fee. But a part of me doesn't want to let go of my dream of going to Japan. And Kevin was already there. He was just my fiancé that time. I was pressured and that's when I started to do prayer and fasting. I asked for wisdom. I did a partial fasting. Daniel's fasting. You only eat vegetables. Yes. And all the things that satisfy me like food- Why did you fast? Are you a Christian? Yes, I'm a Born Again Christian. Since birth? Since high school. Is your family Christian, too? Yes. - Because Christians really do fasting, right? - Yes. I did prayer and fasting. That is when I proved that the Lord is really faithful to me. Because after my fasting- That time, Japan's borders were closed. So, after my prayer and fasting, the day after that, the news from Japan came in that their borders are open. That's amazing. So, right after that I was so suprised and I thought "This is the Lord's leading." But I was forced to lie to my family so that they will not worry about me. I worked in a facility for elderly. It's a home for the aged. I am close to old people because I was raised by my grandparents. I chose that work since it was in demand in Japan. And that time, I thought if I become a care worker, I'll just use it as a stepping stone to become a registered nurse in Japan. But when I got there, it was not easy. There are a lot of exams to take. I had to take some units in Universities. So, I was like, "It's impossible to happen." I said, "I'm fine here as long as I can provide for my family" So, when I left for Japan, of course, it's only normal for people going abroad to make a lot of promises. Like to my family. What did you promise them? Like I will help with their allowance. I will send my sibling to school. I'll provide the tuition and allowance. Wow. I'll help my mother with the bills. But when I got there in Japan, I didn't expect that the cost of living there is so expensive. Because what they thought that I have a high salary, I did not tell them the truth So whatever they say they need, I will provide. Until all that is left of me is ¥10,000. P4,000? P4,000 or more. How did you survive with P4,000? I make it last. When I cook... food, it will last for a few days. Ahh. - So you can send it to- - I'm sorry. You are really Teddie. But it's not like I've been struggling for a long time because there are people who helped me. My husband was there when my budget was short. When you become an OFW, you will truly see the reality of life. Yes. It's very difficult. How old were you when you became an OFW? I was 24 going 25. See? At 24 you realized, "Oh, this is what it's like." I want them to see in my vlogs that Japan is fun for traveling that is why it became my dream country. But when it's work, that is when- Japanese people don't have work-life balance. You can see how dedicated they are at work. So, you have to keep up with them. You were working so you can survive your daily needs. Yes. So you can live. Yes, like that. And we also had loans to pay. Especially me, I had loans for my application. Kevin and I were planning our wedding and I realized that saving money was difficult. Did you not tell that to your family? That you were having a hard time? I don't want them to pity me. Because my mother worries a lot. So you endured it all there? Yes. But I am thankful that it didn't last for years. It was just months. The time you were struggling? Yes, until this blessing came. I was recognized as Jenela in Japan. How did Jenela in Japan start? Since Japan was my dream country I make sure that every day off I have, I will use it to travel. And I prioritize the nearby places. What's beautiful about it is that the place where I live is near to a lot of tourist spots. So the places you go on your vlogs you just go there just to show them- Yes, then I'll go home. But you are not spending anything? Yes. I started vlogging on TikTok. Then my cousin told me, "Why not try uploading it on Facebook?" Because that's what she sees on other vloggers. I just tried uploading one video. That video was when I was going to work. I uploaded it at night. I was surprised to see it reached million views the following day. So, I said, "Where did these people come from?" It was a huge help that I was earning more from vlogging than- - Your day job? - Yes. Ahh. That's awesome. That was also the time that I admitted it to my family because I was confident that I can support them. How did it happen? The confrontation scene. It wasn't that dramatic. It was casual even with my dad. Since he was in Taiwan. I admitted to him that this is my real job. "But don't worry because I now have an extra income." Were you crying while admitting it? Yes, I cried that time. How about your mom? What was her reaction? She asked me, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Did you think of going home that time? - Actually- - Did you also think that- You prayed that, "Maybe this is not for me." "I can't take it-" I reached the point where I was doubting my interpretation of the Lord's leading. That is when I realized, "Ah, this is the reason why I was brought here in Japan." Because He has better plans for me. I was known as Jenela in Japan. There are a lot of opportunities. I wasn't expecting them. Even this interview. I was just watching this before. My favorite episode was Ms. Rica's interview. Ahh. Yes. That episode is one of the reasons that lead me to seek God or Jesus. It's like the episode talked to you. Yes, that episode. And that time, I had a lot of problems that nothing can comfort me anymore. That's when I started going back to my devotion. - That's the reason why you fast? - Yes. That's also the point where I started to change. I didn't notice it. That's also when I felt the Lord's faithfulness. I remember that time when I had nothing. I was watching TikTok videos. All that's popping on my news feed are those in need. People who need help. That's when I realized that it's hard to help when you don't have money. I really wanted to help but my family needs it too. Of course, I will prioritize my family. Because they also need money. That time, my prayer was, "Bless me, Lord so that I can be a blessing to others, too." So, right after that, maybe a few days later, that's when my vlog started booming. Sometimes, when I look at my income I talk to the Lord, "I think you sent me the wrong blessings." Because the truth is, I don't deserve it. It turned out, I have something to use it for. That's when I remembered that "This was my prayer before." That I wanted to be blessed to be a blessing to other people. My dream is to have charity events. Like medical missions. - You were doing that? - Especially medical missions. That's my goal. I will go back to my family's story. 4 people died in my family. Because we don't have enough money, we can't afford to buy medicines for them. Now that I am able and can buy medicines for any of my family members that is why if anyone of them feels something, I want them to be checked immediately. As long as I'm earning, I don't want any of them to die because of getting sick. Before my grandfather died, he was in the ICU. But we had to take him home because we cannot afford his hospital bills anymore. So, we signed a DNR or Do Not Resuscitate Order. Since I am the nurse in the family, I was assigned to take out my grandfather's tracheostomy. So while doing that, I feel like I'm the- The one who's taking his life? Yes. I was the reason why he's gone. It became a trauma for me. It's a very traumatic experience. It was traumatic. That's when you realize the struggles in life. It's difficult if you don't have savings, you don't have money. It's difficult to be poor. Yes, that's true. Because no matter how much you want to fight - you can't because you don't have the means to. - Yes. You know, I feel like you were blessed because your heart wants to help your family. Thank you. What do you want people to feel while watching your vlogs and videos when you share your life? I want the people who are watching me to see that it's not that easy to become an OFW in Japan. Just like with my job as a care worker. It's really hard work. You have to carry a patient who weighs more than you. Everything. Cleaning up their feces. Yes. Have you done that? Yes, I did that. It was so different from how they see me on my videos. I want them to know that the Lord doesn't have favorites when it comes to who receives His grace. He looks at the heart, right? Yes. Because humans look at the physical, the outward appearance. - Right? - Yes. The outward. Yes. But only He knows the heart. Because while we are talking I keep on hearing "It's for your family" - Yes. - "For their needs" "For their needs" What about you? How about your needs? Have you done something for yourself and your husband? Yes. Maybe because I have experienced how difficult it was before when it comes to myself, I feel like I'm so stingy. - It's hard to spend on myself. - To spend on yourself, right? For me and my husband, we have already invested. What I do is, everytime I receive a blessing I invest it right away. I will buy a property. Until we were able to save money. Right now, we are currently building our dream house. Wow. You know, your husband is also God's gift to you. Yes. Because he is so understanding. Yes, so much. Maybe because he also witnessed how much we struggled. And he also wants me to make up for my family. Because you seldom see each other in Japan, right? - Yes. - Even if you were married. Yes, even if we already have money, we wanted to save it instead. We are fine with- You endure it? Yes. So, everytime we see each other, we make sure to have a quality time. And you know one thing I realized about breadwinners? They are happier when they spend their money on their family Yes. more than themselves. When they see their family happy. It's the reward. That's the happiest moment. Yes. It's more fun than buying shoes for yourself. When you bought stuff, shoes or anything for your family and you see them happy. Yes. That's it. That's happiness. Yes. That's when I realize, yes, I don't have a reward for myself but their smiles, not only my family but also the people I was able to help. That's when you find the true definition of happiness. That's real happiness. It's when you make someone happy. Exactly. That's it. What's next for Jenela in Japan? Is it going to be Jenela in the Philippines? I'm still Jenela in Japan. I keep saying this to them. I will still continue doing the things I was known and loved for. I will still do contents they want to see about Japan. Like that. And at the same time, my vision to conduct outreaches and medical missions. That's the reason I worked nonstop ever since coming home to the Philippines so that I can save money so I can give back to people. So, what advice would you give to the OFW who may be going through what you've been through? That their time will also come. They will be blessed too. Just make it an inspiration and go back to the reason why they are doing it. So, when you come back to Japan, it'll be different. Yes. The feeling is different. Yes. Before, you were smiling at the camera but you were hiding your hardships. - Yes. - Deep down. But now, when you go back to Japan and share your life, what do you want people to see in you? I want them to see that I also came from nothing. I also persevered. And I asked for the Lord's leading. That's why I made it here. I am nothing without the Lord's grace.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 1,178,507
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Id: s-i5ZoQPaa8
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Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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