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hello everyone welcome to my youtube channel happy 2022. i know it's been three weeks episode and praise god everyone is recovered so we are starting the year living grateful for life and don't forget and get your booster shots in this 2022 is a rising star who will inspire you here's why you will fall in love with donnie pangelina oh my god hello okay i know this is your favorite this is salmon sashimi oh my goodness oh my gosh happy new year happy new year everyone thank you how long have you lived here um half a year and i think or a year five months maybe i'm not so sure okay all right you don't need to take it but that is the first time like actual house okay we kind of have to get rid of the pita thing it's kind of over there so what do you want me to say i'm so used to it i've known tita karen since i was oh yeah i think that's you know elegant okay wait all right so you moved here you decorated it uh there was some stuff here already where did you get your furniture different places ikea online and this is obviously you're a fan of steph curry so steph curry it was actually an auction my dad and i just bid all the way through are you serious because the proceeds were going to go to a foundation so you're like might as well develop we'll help them okay i can see you have some awards here yeah i displayed a few of them there uh not a lot of them fit though but you know it's just random stuff okay this is don bell he's into her breakthrough artist of the year yeah i just want to say thank you so much to all the fans because they grab it the way they vote they don't sleep now oh and here's another one i like this favorite news yeah this is 2018. oh my gosh my god most promising male star for the movies i know it's flattering pressure then i guess there's pressure then but it's more of a motivation i guess to just keep working hard but you know there's so many awards but this one i'm a big fan of star wars that's why this is here i i built this actually with lego yeah i like building something when did you build this uh when i moved here like as an adult why you could still be an adult and love legos and then this one i always see this this is um it's a bear brick there are a couple of scattered collectibles yeah oh it's the ultimate breakthrough stars and wait did you read these books driven life but i listen to rick warden okay so now thank you dear okay so have you read the alchemist no these are the books i'm gonna read yes oh these are nice books i've started purpose now though oh my god purpose driven like wait apple let me fix it again tita you have this thing about youtube play button yeah gosh so i i actually watched your youtube and in your youtube you renovated a place yeah so this is not that place no no no that's and then you have a condo really yeah in makati but you chose to live here in a house because when the pandemic started i didn't really want to spend most of my time like in an enclosed area four walls yeah you really like it gets hard so i was like mom i think it's time for me to like go to a bigger space [Music] all right oh can we can you show this yeah this is a tagline yeah it is how do you know that oh it says that's it uh this is actually supposed to be for the house i'm building some i know it's a beach oh okay my goodness yeah yeah it's nice but okay um the real reason is a lot of my supporters and fans they give me gifts really so this is one of the recent ones from the fans yeah so i was like you know what i'm cute oh luca yo your teddy bear is it's here i really use them you think you would be this kind of a star um you can only hope but you'll never really know it until you're there you learn you never really think it's really possible yeah until it actually happens you know the projects and stuff i'm just very grateful tita and super blessed to be in this position especially now you know a lot of people it's hard to find work and they're stuck at home and for me to just have still an opportunity to be able to do what i love despite everyone's situation it's it's a blessing did you ever want to be a star growing up i was so quiet i guess it always amazed me when i'd go to the set with my mom or her friends or when i used to do commercials you know as a kid i never thought that was possible that this could be my career telegram my mom didn't want me to enter at all she knows what it's like showbiz is not easy and it's not for everyone i remember saturdays 5am i drive to workshops abs while i was still in school wow cause my mom was like i'm not gonna call anyone i'm not gonna use any connections if you want to be there you show me you want to be there because i don't i don't know if you really know what you're getting into pero nakaranas kanabanang when i first started it was hard because when you start you listen to everyone even the bashing the ones who are like connection but you know we just have to keep going keep pushing i believe that i'm exactly where i am for a reason and as long as you're there na na alamuna and for this reason you shouldn't really let other people say otherwise yeah they call manage me along with star magic don't fight a lot it's not easy sometimes you have to find that bridge between being parents managers me being the son but also being a talent oh oh so sometimes you might conversage just be mix which is hard but then now that i've had some experience now a bit uh they trust me a lot too so we talk about you know the stuff we're gonna do yes there are times we really have you know fights miscommunications but we resolve it because at the end of the day i know they won't do anything that would hurt me yeah because they're my parents and they still love me so even if sometimes i might disagree with them oh i'm saying it's not daddy mama i have to like you know take a step back and think about what they're saying yeah because they're still more experienced than me but they learn from me a lot too it's two different generations yeah and no and non-negotiables a family more when you became famous whatever at home they don't treat me like artista we can't do that when i get home that's the so that's the one of one of the best things i like about going home is that it's just normal being with my four other siblings your dad said that non-negotiable you have to go to sunday service i do i do go to church every sunday as much as possible there are times now sundays if ass up with guestings and stuff my heat up i have to catch up later in the week but i really try my best to make it every sunday that i got because with everything going on you still have to keep your spiritual area in your life you know you can't just be good mentally and physically even emotionally that's not enough it'll never be enough among all your siblings i'm close to everyone in a different way okay like solana is my playmate hannah is like my twin we're only one year apart yeah oh legit twinko bottom girl version she bench the man only guy yes so i shared a room with him for a while yeah ella my first ever kapatid yes so it's different you know our dynamics are different and you don't i've seen you through the years how close you all are but you don't really fight we do you do we do we really die yeah of course we're like any other family who fight a lot but then not as much as i guess now the fights would just be like misunderstandings yeah but not really like like are you like like me younger sister and brother ikobayon um that's why i think ben was so happy when solano came because after 10 years he now has someone have to show you this ella painted this okay wow no kidding i actually thought it was one of those abstract artists yeah so ella did this actually this is a three three part painting so ella did this it's a christmas gift to me this is beautiful actually you know what i'll just show you the two others they're here like the stairs we won't go up now okay just to show you how talented ella is i'll come back here yes again here follow all right here long title you're displayed yeah so that's the other one in here yeah i don't know if they displayed it the right way but it's same color how did your life change when you became popular when you became famous a lot a lot of things changed growing up naman yes we were in a family full of like showbiz royalties but it wasn't that intense we could still go around and go to the mall [Music] but sometimes i forget now i'm in this position till again there are pros and cons for sure and one of the things i miss is my privacy talent yeah i miss just you know doing what i want to do without so much happening in between who was the biggest influence in your life other than your parents in your clan oh and my clan tito gary of course because growing up who wouldn't want to be like him we watched every concert of his every concert memorized every song and we were just amazed you know seeing the way he performs i don't know if he knows this but he's such a big inspiration to me did you ever go through depression or mental health challenges uh thankfully i don't think tita reached depression but of course there are times you really have a bat with yourself mentally especially nowadays you know when i'm in lock in i'm there for like a month straight and you're just engrossed in your character sometimes it gets like to a point where oh my gosh is this still me and then you're just there you can't leave now with kovit you're like stuck at home you have to quarantine hey i love going out there i have to be spontaneous i love traveling going out of town but when that was all taken away from all of us it was really hard for me who handles your money a lot of my finances i do have access to it but my mom's the one who like she just keeps it she gives me like bound from time to time because she knows that if i have it all considered to myself sometimes i might get too excited oh of course you're young i was very excited for like the first few years not years maybe first year or two i started earning money i said it's so cool you get to provide for yourself without the help of your parents of course i appreciate your help but i'm just saying you know how hard you worked for it so my mom had to tell me a few times with me maybe this is a good place to put your money right now i've invested in a couple of stuff uh properties so i was so impressed you time yeah of course it's like it doesn't even go through me and i just go straight every time money is with me that's already subtracted with everything it's something we've done it ever since why do you believe in tithing maybe you have to go to that mindset get to that mindset nothing is ours anyway but this all just lent to us and at the end of the day when we die the day will come none of this will matter what's 10 percent what's 10 to give back to god well again i'm not perfect i try my best to uh just stay in line with my family with god there are times it's really hard because there's so much is going on right especially in the showbiz industry i think the most important thing is to have a circle of friends or a group of people that you trust and that will motivate you towards your goal anthony and marisel that you still carry today the number one thing is always give glory back to god deeply never number two keep your feet on the ground of course yeah don't forget how you started don't forget why you started and understand that you're where you are because you have a purpose and for me when i get to inspire people when i get messages of saying donnie grab it like i was going through anxiety or whatever but because somehow of something i did that's just everything becomes worth it always keep in mind that there's always a place in your heart that i'm in and there's always a place in my heart that you're in guys i love you so much thank you wait so this is the second floor yes i love the design it's a lot mm-hmm i know what's upstairs right now a lot of storage because again i have a lot of stuff that i'm still sorting out but you can go up it's there's a lot of space there that's i know this is your room my shoe room your shoe room that's what i want to see it's so messy though because there's a lot of gifts also i don't believe it's really messy people i'm serious oh my god it's not me okay so i'm still sorting it out all over it it's full of shoes guys oh i am just i think it's really full of it's literally my shoe room so it's all here [Music] it's just six months so you're still fixing yeah you're gonna put cabinets of course of course for sure okay so if you look at here it's all number one you endorse adidas correct yeah they're my family they've been with me for so long yeah and it shows all of the shoes here are adidas none of these have been opened yet actually oh my god none of these have been opened my god guys i'm not kidding here like if you go walk there can we show this this is so cute look it has your name on it it's actually an nba donovan mitchell but because because it says don that's also what i was gonna say okay so that's cute this one too i like this shoe container huh oh what is this this is these are basketball shoes yeah yeah i wore them so you still play basketball or no more not as much but you know i i miss playing so how many pairs of rubber shoes can a guy have apparently not too many okay look at okay so it took oh my god an open uh i don't know yet i'm still figuring that out [Music] what will you do with all your adidas let's try and open one right now okay this is really well this is so cool that is it's like a i like it it's a collab with um home alone okay who is that meaning there's the movie yeah the movie is just like my cool up with the movie it's such a classic oh it's so cool all right this one's this one's nice okay let's say this is made in manila really for the world it's a james harden but it's philippine edition okay tony paulina let's look at this made in manila made for the world okay i don't call this this particular style it's uh it's hardened but then oh my gosh they're manila see they're philippines oh my god this is sweet nice right cool i am have you worn these no i haven't yet i will can people buy this or they just give it to certain people i'm actually not quite sure if they can buy it i think they can but limited language it's really nice it's like the colors of the philippines it is it's really based on that yeah that's why they have three here oh my gosh oh my palagana mandir so he now needs a shoe cabinet i'm still fixing it though yeah [Music] my best friend [Music] love is colorblind congratulations but do you believe love is blind of course i believe love it's just something you can't explain so when it happens it happens have you ever been in love of course i've been in love i'm 23 now okay when what age did you first start to fall in love singing at i think high school okay yeah high school champion or showbiz no nonsense not sure we never got together i was a classmate okay so you've been in love you've been heartbroken i guess that can count as heartbroken it's a good one yeah friends don't know that oh how did you first meet belle i first met belle lex was 20 18. i'm not mistaken but that was once long one day long we didn't really do much together we played a bit of ml mobile legends do you play no but my son does so we played a bit of that and then talked a bit better i think we didn't really do a lot of stuff um perowin he's into her game shampre with the the go see the screen test and stuff like that that's where i really started to get to know her 2019. oh my god [Music] ben and i are in a happy place right now wow we're very grateful for our situation and blessed to be an inspiration to many people hopefully more than that you know we're blessed to be having these projects together oh but you're close of course how close we're very close very close like good morning good night not kind of close make it on your nail answer happy but is bill the kind of girl that you would have as a girlfriend galimbawa you were not in showbiz what i like about her is she's herself sometimes to a fault like she but like in a good way yeah like she just separates herself from and she just goes with what she thinks like her life she doesn't care about what other people say and i really admire that about her she doesn't let anyone affect her she's very focused and you defended her i mean just recently there were fans bashing belle and you were like the knight in shining armor who said she's so beautiful but let's talk about that people can be so cruel they can they can well you're in showbiz what can you expect there's gonna be voices again from everywhere but you know i always tell her we tell each other those voices don't matter who do you put your trust in or all your worries and is it them first of all we don't know them they don't know us belle is so talented she has so much ahead of her and i'm just happy that i get to witness this journey and how are you when you're with her i'm just myself really are you happier when you're with her yeah of course of course because sometimes when i'm with people that i'm not super close to it's hard for me to open up and hard for me to you know just move without thinking as much but with her it's super chill and we're super comfortable wait so you fell in love in the set is color blind we've got we've gotten closer for sure oh 100 we're together every day like from he center our last year straight and then love is colorblind you would want it the old-fashioned way getting researched i know old-fashioned way i'm just the type of guy who like likes writing letters you're kidding yeah maybe sends flowers or something that's not really digital that can't be seen online i said those are more i don't know what days those are more rare so it's nice when it happens would you want a family as big as your own you're a big family i've never thought about that yet i want kids of course i don't know how many maybe two or three i don't know yet [Music] 2022 what is your goal in showbiz or like out in your life i'm starting to build my first house now wow as a business as a business or to live in to live in this is the first house i'm building because i have property but it's it was made now 23 years old kind of like a rest place so ayun that's my focus sana this year tapastain but i can like when i'm not working i can go straight there now because again i'm a beach guy i'm a mountain guy yeah and you scuba dive i do a dive yes of course we're doing a couple of shows movies this year they've already been pitched to us so just for me personally it's just to keep growing again what is your favorite biblical verse there are a couple of verses but maybe because last week's church talked about this verse it's the one that's been on my mind and it has been the one before but now it's like more than ever you say these times really call for faith over fear so it's isaiah 41 verse 10. fear not for i am with you i know that be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right [Music] it's the value of family and the value of faith in the lord be patient with your dreams in the end is the ultimate guiding light that we have favorite nyan verse isaiah and here's one for all of you isaiah 60 22 when the time is right i the lord will make it happen i'll see you again next week and don't forget to watch like and subscribe see you [Music] you
Channel: Karen Davila
Views: 1,459,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karen Davila, Donny Pangilinan, Donbelle, Belle Mariano, He's Into Her, Love Is Color Blind
Id: d_6h7zJkkE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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