How Rosmar Started Making 200,000 To 13 Million A Day | Toni Talks

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How is your pregnancy now? I'm doing well. I've been taking a break, but I still need to do live selling and work hard. You're still doing live selling? Yes. What are your pregnancy cravings? My husband. Just kidding. Oh really? What's the gender of the baby? My babies are both girls. Ahh. You're still doing live selling while pregnant. Pregnant women are emotional, right? Yes, but I need to keep going because I'm afraid my brand will suffer if I don't. When you're live, people are constantly commenting on you, and you're not spared to bashing. Yes. Do you read them? Yes, I read them but- - It doesn't affect you? - I'm not affected as much as I used to be. I'm not affected as much as I used to be. Because I realized they don't have a contribution to my life, so why should I be affected by them? Even when you're pregnant? - Yes. - Oh that's great. It made you brave. Yes. But do you sometimes wonder, "Why is it that with my every move, they say these things to me?" For me, as long as I don't do any crime, as long as I don't take advantage of other people I don't do anything bad... I just ignore them because I chose this life. - To be a public figure. - So, an open book. Because everything happened so quickly for you. Yes. It all happened just last year. It's gonna be two years in February. Oh, you see? It's just turning two years. That is amazing. I really told myself, "I have a feeling that skincare will make me wealthy. I just don't know how." - Oh, you had that feeling already? - Yes. I discovered that you were a strategist even at a young age. I first took notice of that when I was in elementary. Because that time, our teacher made us plant cabbage and then sell it. Whoever sells the most gets the highest grade. So, what I did is I sell the vegetables to our eatery. Oh, you knew how to make a living at such a young age. Yes. But you weren't poor, were you? No, we were not. What course did you take in college? I graduated BS Medical Technology at Far Eastern Universtity. My interest in skincare products and soap began during my Medtech studies. Someone obliged me to adopt a bulldog with a skin problem at the time. Who had a skin problem, the bulldog or that person? The bulldog. Ah, okay. So you started with the bulldog first. - What happened to the bulldog. - Because I am a pet lover I adopt stray dogs and cats on the streets, in the trash. That bulldog was now recommended for a mercy killing because it was a lost case. So, that doctor- He's a doctor that treats people. - told me to adopt the dog instead. He told me, "Try the leaf of Madre Cacao." Where can you find that? On the streets. Oh, really? I immediately called my father and said, "Papa, pick a lot of Madre Cacao leaves for me to sell." Aside from taking care of the dog, my mindset was for him to gather a lot of leaves so I can sell those. But when I posted it on Facebook, I received a lot of bashing. Why did they bash you? Because I posted, "One handful of Madre Cacao leaves for 100" 100 pesos? Yes. I put a price on it. So, I told myself, "People are laughing at me, I should make it something different." What I did was I bought a blender. then blended the leaves with water. And I put them in bottles. Then I charged 350 pesos per bottle of Madre Cacao extract. Until people start buying it. But was it really effective? Did the skin problem go away? Yes. There are a lot of feedback. So, the skincare started with bulldog. Yes. With dogs. Yes. Okay. Because it comes with determination and hard work because I called that product the Mysterious Madre Cacao. - Wow. - Amazing, right? Mysterious- So that's the packaging. The Mysterious Madre Cacao. That's it. Is that it? - Wow. - Yes. I was sharing that in 200 Facebook groups a day. My fingers are getting numb. Does it sell? Yes, it was selling well. Until one day, I said, "One bottle spray is not enough." I made a gallon. I said, "One gallon of Madre Cacao for 1,000 pesos." - In one day, I sold - That is it? I sold 40 gallons. Okay, if you sell that for 1,000 pesos, how much was your capital? Maybe not more than 50 pesos. Not more than 50 pesos and you sold it for 1000 pesos? Yes. Because if you think about it, I just blended the leaves - with water. - They are paying for your effort. Yes, for my effort. That was the time that my parents were amazed by me. "Wow, you're really earning." How much is your highest earning that time? 40,000 pesos in one day. There, you're already earning. You felt that, you might have a gift in selling. Yes. The next thing you did was? I opened a pet shop. How was your pet shop business? When it was just a pet shop, it was doing well. But when my business began to expand, that is when I had stores that do well and others don't. At first, I was doing it all myself, I have no staff. Then, I had one staff. It was all my effort because I thought I will not make money if all I'm earning goes to the salary of my employees. When I added a restaurant to my business Ah, you had a restaurant? Yes. I had a pet shop, restaurant, unlimited wings boodle fight. Because I used to live near FEU. In the University Belt. Was it like a kiosk? - Yes. - Like that? It's a real restaurant. It's a real restaurant? Yes. Ah, okay. And I was the one who managed it. It was pet-friendly that's why it has cages. The people are like the pets. And the people were amused. Yes, they were amused. After the pet shop, the restaurant came. After the restaurant, came the massage and hair salon. Because I was also into that. I also had a Samgyupsal (Korean Barbecue), thrift shop. And then my husband and I had a fish store. It was all operating at the same time. How did you manage all of that? They were all next to each other. Ah. Everytime I see a commercial space, I can't help myself "I have to rent this place. This is mine." And when the pandemic happened, everything went down at once. Ah because all closed down. All stopped. They were still open but there are no customers. But I was still paying rent. Even my expenses and employee's salary. I feel bad to let them go. I thought, "This is really the end of the world." But I didn't want to give it up because I worked hard for it since 2015. My parents told me to give it up. But I really didn't want to because I said "Pandemic will not be the downfall- Of you? Yes. - of the businesses that I worked hard for." Why does it make you cry when you remember it? Because when we computed it, they told me that "If you closed it sooner-" The computed rent and expenses amounts to 2 million. I should have saved a lot. Until now, some of those businesses are still open. And because I am already earning from my skincare business, I let my siblings manage my other businesses. So that they can have their own. How did the skincare start? I already had a detox tea before. Until the time comes when I had lipstick and cosmetics. I was receiving a lot of bashing that time. Why were they bashing you? Some CEOs and individuals have filed complaints against me to the FDA. They claimed that I lacked the necessary permits to sell my products. Was it true? My supplier told me that they were FDA- Approved. Yes. I was not informed that I needed to be FDA approved as well. I just put stickers on them. Before, I had zero knowledge. I was earning a lot that time, I was so happy. How much do you earn that time? I was earning like 200,000 per day. Oh. Yes, like 700- You were earning 200,000 a day? That was including the capital. My earnings dropped after it was posted in the FDA. Then I stopped it because I didn't know. I need to find the right person who will guide me. That's how it is in business. Yes. There's a trial and error, right? Until one time, an agent approached me with a manufacturer. That was the time when my husband and I were already married. And we only had 300,000 pesos from our wedding. I used that money to start my skincare business. But I heard that the reason you got famous was because you showed your groin? That happened just recently because I was promoting my skincare. So, this is your first time seeing a CEO that shows her groin. So, that's the before. It's so embarrassing. Look at the after. Can you imagine? It can still lighten. I'm the type of person that isn't revealing or what. I am the type that cannot do that to be honest. But for the brand, for my customers to believe that I am also use my products. How did you discover that lightening cream? I tell my manufactuerers what I want in my products. So, before I launch my products I try it for myself. It's easy to say that my groin is light but it's hard to prove. And with today's filter, right? Yes. You can't tell if it's really white - or just a filter. - They don't believe me. You can use filter, right? They don't believe me. "It's not yours, it's your maid's." They are telling me that. So, you showed them. I showed them it's my ring. It's my nails. My skincare took off when I was in labor with my first baby. Because of... How did your skincare take off while you were in labor? While I was in labor, although I feel the pain I said, "I'm already a mother, I need this. This is my chance." This was the time that my followers were waiting for me to give birth. What I did was during my labor, I did my skincare and kept on promoting. Even if my stomach hurts. Because they were waiting for it. I was using my soap. Until I got out of the hospital, it went viral. That's when I was, "Oh! I don't have enough stocks." We were so busy. - It really took off. - How did it become viral? Because? Because they were really hooked and wanted to see my first baby. I went home after my caesarian and continued to promote. They were telling me, "You might be overworked. And your stiches might open." Because I was doing TikTok already. I was doing my skincare promotion. That was when our sales peaked. Alex told me something. Yes. She said that you earn 5 Million a day. That's the time when it wasn't doing so well. 5 Million a day is not doing well? How much do you earn when it's doing well? During my peak season, sometimes it peaked at 13 Million. - M? - 10 to 13 Million. - In one day? - But including the capital already. 13 Million a day? How many sports cars do you have now? Now, I have Ferrari, Lamborghini, GT-R, Porsche. What else? I am not familiar with cars. She can't remember any of her sports cars because she has so many. So, when you buy them, you pay in cash? Yes. Yes. All of the properties and cars my husband and I bought were paid in cash. I have no loans. - Zero loan. - No loans? None. So, people were shocked when you pay them in cash. Yes. Cash. That's what I'm most proud of. - That you don't have loans. - Yes. If I can't afford it, I wouldn't buy it. I'll buy it if I can and still have money left. They always say that, "She's a content creator maybe she just borrowed it." "Maybe her properties were just rental." - For show? - Just for content. Yes, something like that. It's for show only. So, during the time we bought it and people saw that we always use it and it was never gone because some people are just for show, that's when they believed it. It's like building your image. I just want them to realize that the Rosmar brand is strong. But it comes off as bragging to other people. But it's not my - Intention. - Yes. You just want them to see that - because your brand is strong - Strong. It can buy those kind of... That you can buy these stuff. Yes. So that you will join me too. Aspirational? - As distributors. - You also give a lot, right? - Yes. - Ah. Because you give away iPhones and cash. So that I can entice more people to join the Rosmar brand so that their life can change too. You can also buy stuff like these. How many houses do you have? Maybe it's a total of 20 properties. Really? 20? Where are these located? The first one we bought when we got married was the one in Calauan, Laguna. It's one hectare. Because we were in Laguna that time, we also bought resorts. Two in Pansol. Also in Batangas. Then I enjoyed my stay in Tagaytay. You now live in Tagaytay. Yes. What do you think is the secret of success for you? For me, because I am the type of CEO that never gets complacent. Because once you get complacent, it can cause you your downfall. Because there are lots of brand owners like that now. CEOs that just because they were in demand, they forgot to keep on working hard. On this day of technology, with different platforms that people can go to, there are a lot of ways to make money. So what can you share to them, based on your experience, on how they can change their lives and become wealthy like you. For me, you have to risk it. Risk in life. Just like my husband and I. When we got married, my parents gave us 1 million pesos. And we earned about 400 Thousand from our principal sponsors. But after the wedding, we bought a car. The money that was left with us was P300,000 That's when the skincare started. What I did then was I ordered worth P700,000 of products. I don't have that amount of money, I only had P300,000. I just said, "I'll promote more." Where did you get the P400,000? From what I earn every delivery. Until I paid in full and ordered again and again. I just pushed myself that I cannot stop from promoting. That is why it took off. During the pandemic, someone commented on my post saying that their child is drinking coffee instead of milk. What I did was I helped her. Until the people asking for help kept on coming. I received a lot of comments, some say they don't have milk and will post pictures of their babies. So, the remaining money I saved during the pandemic was running out because it goes to the people I was helping. I was surprised to see my money down to P20,000. During the pandemic, I went house to house, giving away groceries that I repacked. That is one of the secrets of your success during the pandemic. You kept on giving because I truly believe that you get what you give. Yes. And if you give, it will come back to you. When you give without expecting something in return. I prayed that time, I said, "Lord, just make me rich just like... so I can help more people." I wasn't expecting it to be like this Now, I am able to help more. The more money I make, the more people I can help. I can give more.
Channel: Toni Gonzaga Studio
Views: 3,055,043
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Id: c6xyr2hq34Y
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Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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