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happy day i'm glad and i really think that peak comedy is things that you wonder why they're funny but they just kind of are either that or maybe our sense of humor is broken i don't know let's look at some examples [Music] here we have a flawless kidzoo i'll shut up listen to the sound when they zoom by [Music] i don't know why it's so good i don't know why this sound is so good it's not like any other real i've seen before even any other i've seen before it's just it's so intense it's so intense it's like it's like a pterodactyl i don't know i just think it's perfect i'm literally at work and i'm eating and one of my meatballs flew off of my plate and it rolled really far away look at it oh my gosh it was perfect it was perfect it was a perfect series of unfortunate events she's upset she was looking forward to these meatballs all day one rolled off her plate she was like i gotta film this this is the worst thing that's ever happened and the timing off of my plate and it rolled really far away look at it the time is perfect it's kind of funny right no okay let me try again can you recognize this song if i play it for just one second okay bedroom pop edition you're ready to comment what song you think it is and click that plus if you got it right feel free to click that plus too if you got it wrong if you just like music and children this guy's taking so long to get into the video this other guy's just dying who knows maybe you'll get the next one right all right you got your fingers and yours ready oh my god show us the second oh my god i just told you guys by pausing and when they showed the one second of music but like i guess your videos wouldn't be anything it was just like guess the one second then the tick tock's over so i guess he has to do this just show us the clip yes i don't know i don't know ah like i really thought i would get it i'm usually really good at this but i don't know with that one so that's really funny though it's a nice observation because that first one i saw i saw this video on its own and i was like oh look i actually skipped through it because it was taking so long but this guy made content out of it and that's very like that's very smart i really like that the mind of a content creator this guy i like that about him this next one is a little tick tock i'd like to call bread bread with something sharp mm-hmm cut that bread bread bread bread [Laughter] oh my god why this is one of like the best things about tick tock back in my day you know on reddit we just had threads like threads that were just like really funny ongoing joke but there's something about the visual aspect of it that makes it so much funnier to me it's a dog with a broccoli he looks so humid i think it doesn't help that like the lady filming this has contagious laughter no this is just hilarious i don't know i don't know i think personally i'm into this i love when you ask somebody what they're laughing at but then you start laughing because they're laughing so hard and like you want to laugh with them and like it's got to be funny it's i think that like the phenomenon of asking someone what they're laughing at and like laughing while you ask them i think is just the cutest most wholesome thing don't flirt with him i'm not going to [Music] [Laughter] i can't believe people were seriously stitching themselves guys were like stitching themselves like doing this whole like thing about it and i think that's what makes this so funny is just like this little kid oh that's so funny that kid's an icon who is that kid that kid is an icon oh so it's a little unconventional without moving your phone show what a hacker would be seeing [Music] yeah that's her no just casually casually chilling there with her her very natural curves i've never seen more natural curves in my life and why is she going like this i don't even know like maybe these aren't funny anymore and i'm just like in a laughing mood but i just love that hacker chan no no it's very convincing have you ever done something that you know is really weird and like you know that an elder really wouldn't approve of and you just do it right front of them because it's funny this is a girl putting ketchup on her pasta in front of her nana it's rigatoni don't don't but she's being so polite about it good good kid what is that ketchup whoa did you not have sauce oh my goodness she's being so nice about it i feel like my nana would be like are you stupid like what are you doing when she sees the ketchup she's like it's rigatoni that's a nice way of saying do not do that and then instead of that is way too much ketchup it's did you not have sauce do you want some do you want some no no no you don't no i'm okay you want it she can't even look oh my goodness so she seems very italian to me like she really does oh that's funny i feel like this is what most italian relatives are like like they're not like this they're not so gatekeepey they're not like that is not italian they're not like that really all the ones i met are very much like this like just if you want oh my goodness are you coming to the party or not [Laughter] the thing that makes me so mad like everybody's meaning on these guys because this guy cannot stop licking his lips he can't are you coming to the party okay so this guy cut off like the licks that just really got me good but that's a great stitch it really appreciates just very it's very out of left field we like an out of left field they're both licking their lips they can't stop i just don't get it my lips would get so chapped if all i did when i talked to girls every day is like i just oh my god where's your chanel wallet from it's from chanel it's from chanel it's so funny because when the comments said where is your chanel wallet from i was like yeah where is it from of course it's from chanel i don't know i don't know this is just it's just good i think it's good probably isn't the funniest one we've looked at but i think it's pretty good a video that lives rent-free in my head i love this guy's life i think that maybe it was just like a really sunny bright day like you know how sometimes people's sensitive eyes are just kind of like this and they don't realize how crazy they look this is why everybody should wear sunglasses when it's sunny out because i feel like we all look like that guy behind sometimes this guy's laugh it just makes it so much funnier to me [Laughter] this was actually a really popular vine i showed it to my friend and he like showed me the original one and i was like dang like oh i should have used vine more apparently like the content there kind of popped this next one is like the epitome of what we're talking about here today what she's just i feel like it's so funny because like most cat moms would be like but this girl was just like whoa whoa whoa wait a w wait this is getting a little too serious for me that's a little too intimate for one day just relaxing the sun with my mom oh look at me swimming on his back he's just swimming on his back so at first i thought that this wasn't funny because i was worried that the duck is sick but apparently the person who made the video like sent this same duck and he's like doing fine so he's just being lazy it's kind of funny it's kind of cute tell me you're stupid without telling me you're stupid okay what are the three states of matter florida california new york florida california did she think that the question was what are the three states that matter florida california new york i mean as a canadian like those are the three that i hear the most about like when people are talking about like nebraska i'm like huh stitch this with the stupidest thing a man has ever mansplained to you i'll go first so i know it like probably wasn't very clear from that like what she was wanting so um what it is is like if you've ever had something happen to you or like it's clear that you have knowledge on the issue but a man comes in and says it tries to explain it to you in like a really condescending fashion this man woke up and shows violence today but it's it's really funny as if you have no idea what you're talking about um that's what that's what she wanted you to do i just it didn't seem like it was explained well enough so anyways that's what she wanted okay so this guy he has an intimate understanding of what mansplaining is like just by the fact that he said uh like it just didn't really sound like super like just in case you didn't understand by like her explanation like it wasn't very good so like just to make sure we're all clear like that is the epitome a situation that i've been in so many times that um yeah this guy knows what he's talking about he's like hashtag please don't cancel me i think he did a really good job i think that was very funny there's nothing wrong with a little bit of self-awareness this is what we do when we're bringing in groceries from outside we put our cats in here because guys i swear it's no animal abuse or nothing these must run out every second they get this trying to run out when he's in the basket bro i mean okay so it does look a little weird i just thought it was funny how like these little laundry containers are like running around the house i think if you don't have a cat maybe it like seems kind of weird to you but like if the cat like runs outside and it's not an outdoor cat or there's like coyotes in the area that's a pretty good way to you know keep him in the house maybe i don't know i'm a dog person so i wouldn't know but seems pretty smart from the outside babe i'm getting really wet really are you dumb this is more unexpected than randomly funny but hey babe i'm getting the hopeful look on his face okay okay you know what i'm feeling it i'm feeling it it took two watches but i'm feeling it now um oh my goodness and that is it you guys like these sauces oh no katie perfect baby kitty so that's the spicy deluxe meal with dr pepper for you today yes perfect your total will be 8.89 can the spider chill for a second please like the whole time the spider's just ah like he forgot how to use a web during this and this girl is just trying to keep her cool yep yeah root beer yeah uh yeah that'll be great thank you just tell me the price please i need to get out of here i was trying to order chick-fil-a and this guy popped out of nowhere oh my god that is like the biggest ugliest spider too like those legs usually i'm really scared of like spider videos but this one is just so good damn i had never seen him eat the entire ice cream cone in one bite man that guy's so crazy come on the commenter was like thanks for the input like that's really great this kind of reminds me those tick tocks where it's like how guys think girls will react like whoa that's crazy i can't but whoa that's he's so strong he's so fast those are just some cute little tick tocks that i thought were funny please check out the creators that were featured in this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,129,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, why is this funny, funny but weird, tiktok, tik tok compilation, funny tiktok compilation, weird tiktok compilation, not sure if this is funny, strange funny, awkward, tik tok, gloom tiktok, try not to laugh challenge
Id: IXosQ_9bULg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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