MAKEUP vs NO MAKEUP Under a Microscope w/ Gloom

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what's going on guys I'm here with new Edward do sorry we're doing that what does our skin look like with makeup without makeup under a microscope I think you'll be surprised this thing oh I already discussed it cuz I know I'm dirty dirty I know I'm hairy oh yeah I'm hairy and dirty for the first one I want you to try to guess what part of my face oh okay and I am wearing makeup so it's gonna be a makeup be disgusting I'm gonna put this in my face I can't extra see oh looks weird but you can't see this in a real life guys like oh they can see it - the orange the yellow specs on this foundation uh-huh so this is this must be your cheap you think my cheek is that hairy I don't know when you're using your face only right yeah must is it actually why okay first of all what I've been talking about this yeah I've been told that makeup like gives you wrinkles well like look how it looks like the Sahara Desert out there is that are those wrinkles little tiny wrinkles that are forming I think it's just the way skin looks up close it's glamour guys in person without a microscope she looks flawless so this is like shocking to see it's actually like I had no idea I had such a mustache oh look at that was connecte when I check out my mustache no look at that hair that's gotta go we gotta pluck that can you see a mustache I mean really no I swear okay and I'm looking hard no I'm like I didn't know you're like girl I cannot see one okay look we're gonna look at Aziz my sash and then of hair I'm gonna take off my makeup and you guys gonna see makeup versus no makeup well I had a big break out this weekend and so I'm wearing a lot of foundation why do you have glitter why are you okay so why is a Z a hairless glittery goddess am i you know there's I'm not the hair the dirt is that an ingrown hair why is the hair green Ingram it looks like it like it looks like it wants to come through oh my god I don't see okay I don't see anything I see so much glitter I'm a unicorn maybe I just put the litter on my brush everyday on my yeah okay what is that wait wait take it off I want to see what that is you see any hairs no no not at all you and she's very brutally honest so everyone needs a brutally honest friend in their life cuz then if you're like this is a good you need someone to be like a girl though the senpai t-shirt Ozzy come on notice okay should I take up my makeup now yes okay before we take up I'm gonna do highlights and I'm gonna actually put more on so that it can be as leaky as possible everyone likes the highlight glow but what does it look like under the microscope Oh what happened face like bad no no one is like hey it looks like holographic oh my oh that's a lot prettier than I thought it'd be oh my god can I wear this around my neck and in diamonds but is this wrinkles dude like those cracks look my skin is dry yeah it looks dehydrated right but like you saw my mustache so let's uh I think that looks dehydration should I dress on water I think you should water that's so pretty though it's so pretty I can look at it all day wait is it a kaleidoscope of my turn it we swear we're sober it's still shiny uh yeah with sweat you can see my sweat glands okay so why do you have no hair on your face whatsoever and look at me wait but I think they're like microscopic hairs like they don't count okay they're like it's like peach fuzz I say we're gonna do something that actually lets look at the highlight with a little hair - what's good over the hair it's a dime okay there's a big one okay so I wasn't gonna do this it's embarrassing but like I want you to see my sideburns oh wait I got sideburns - OH oh my god they're massive as he don't but like in a good way in a good way because you want long hair don't everyone wants a long luscious beautiful hair oh oh my god that was here I don't know but it looked like it was moving oh my caffeine they're even bigger than you it's like a bug trying to dig itself in don't say that that must be about your head really what is things confusing cuz it's like opposite right and it moves left and I'm like how do I go back your hair really up close it's like blonde why it's so dark and I out and then it's blonde it's kind of glittery like the glitter makes this very nice oh this is not safe can you like look at where my mole isn't oh yes yeah oh oh you're gonna go back okay so in person that ball is tiny tiny it's like a little like a like a little dock I got a disgusting mole and on my on my eye but I okay so you can see like foundation like take it all over it's disgusting and what are those black things trying to get out should we be checking our moles with microscope to see if it change moist I know moistness you my eyelashes are stuck together a gluten okay I'm gonna go blind oh I was I didn't need to see that let's take off my makeup now oh it's nasty my lashes they look how fighters cute Owens got claws yeah it's gonna but as you better watch out at night from that eyelash wow these are my real natural eyelash this is why you could like featuring clump this is how you could knowif like mascara has good quality like if it really clumps or doesn't yeah like check it under the microscope so this is real lashes versus fake lashes right now yeah maybe she's born with it maybe it's microscopic okay now we're going to take off my makeup yes we're taking some makeup remover put it on the pad I'm scratching more makeup into my face I want to wash my makeup off right now I have so much on right now because the breakout girl with the braids girl we're very go okay I'm good at I'm good at makeup okay your skin looks exactly the same without makeup but I forgot another layers hair off okay hold up before you say that don't talk don't jump your horse this is not a saying yeah hold your horses don't Jeff your horses today it's your well trained horses out of here got all my makeup up so make sure you should be no makeup oh because then it's the same skin so we can really okay so let's see like that about you makeup beauty and no makeup oh oh my god no oh my god I'm so hairy but you know what it like it looks like you know what I'm not all of it came off low that's a bit scary usually I trust make a movie I still see Foundation I usually trust makeup remover eyes are those of my cells the circles are those hair cuticles I think their pores so see Foundation as you take it off more okay I take it off Laura okay okay I took it off my nose you want to see a lot of pores yeah this is skin without makeup is looking without makeup it looks like a symmetrical like it looks like a snowflake yeah it does look like yeah it's beautiful what's this highlight highlight girl what's this OH oh my god that is a forest of terror it's uh oh my god eyebrows are so gross oh my god okay I know I hate eyebrows i I now have a new phobia of eyebrows I hate eyebrows no no no listen okay so it's not just an eyebrow there's like there's like powder on it like I'm wearing makeup on my brows oh it's disgusting why do I have you on hairs black hairs brown hairs I'm actually like kind of hyperventilating right now I got this I'm gonna like you're gonna go shower yes I need out I need out powder lips why is it well there's dog yeah what like I had those two what are those oh my spit oh let me see let me see the tooth up close Wow you you really flossed huh it's not a single piece of anything in there I didn't some ratchet it's really proud of my team okay dark brown eye shadow like that you used to like line your eyebrows it looks like dirt it doesn't hinder it's like a powder I think that's why yeah you're like you're like going like really hard it's like okay we don't miss smile lines they just look a bit drag I think that's what wrinkles look like maybe wrinkles are just dry skin there's misunderstood I just need some water maybe they do and maybe less makeup too I'm gonna take up for sure now that I see how it doesn't come off that girls when you put makeup on that stays on for your life that's there forever right I'm here if I know I've got a piercing scar oh my god is it infected no it's just a bit of foundation in it oh that's foundation I thought that was like pus I got so scared for you okay I'm gonna try to clean it out because oh my god it just looks like an open wound like that hasn't healed right Oh piercing scarf without foundation it looks like it's like not healed oh it is I want to see it Vaseline looks like under my mic this boom okay because it would be like shiny right yeah maybe it'll make it look more can you put some on my arm yeah as we saw with the arm looked like was this gonna be like a PSA like moisturize your skin look at where you can't even see like remember like the symmetrical snowflake they're gone oh my god it's so happy it looks like highlight here put it on put on your lips it's so moisturize I couldn't even like tell oh wow I like it we should do this with like expensive products and let's see what makes you more moist anyways anyways on that note okay but next up we're doing the rest of our body on her channel so she's gonna have to guess what part of my body she's looking at I'm just afraid cuz I haven't showered today I'm just being honest I haven't showered today so let's end this video guys I hope you guys enjoyed it we love you all so much stay awesome Stacey and don't forget to be nice other [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 11,878,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, makeup, vs, no makeup, under, microscope, versus, microscope challenge, makeup challenge
Id: YZgIl-Wb-zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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