Getting Jobs Done | Draining a big system and a drain repair

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foreign that is not a radiator take a radiator off they say that's in China going into your final vector of late this might be a challenge you want why can't anything ever be simple I'll have to find and see if there's some valves on it they need this they need this fan contractor out of the way because it's all got damp Behind These Walls um they said it was a radiator it's not a radiator is it where's the power isolate power isolate so I'll check for Dad all this thing does you've got flying return in and it goes through it's got a fan and it just blows the heat across the heat exchanger across the room they do work really well but obviously they are awkward when you want to come taken out we've got one Union there we've got no Union on the flow that's a pipe stat to stop it blowing cold you always put pipes down the return we'll see if I can do is get some valves on here see if I can get the heating fill back up um because it's a big system this as well that's obviously bleed Point we've got some obviously valves on the actual heater but there's no valves on the pipe work and they need this completely out of the way I'll have a look interesting drain off top as well that ain't it probably blocked up the paint it probably works because the old ones always used to be the best what I can do is find somewhere to isolate it I can't even get in the Boiler Room yeah find a key um disconnect that I might convert it back to Coffee you know a little bit naughty but it's been done in other areas I don't know I'll have a look it must reduce it oh yeah there's an interest to buy three quarter reducer in there it's inch there and then three quarter there let's see what we can do with it explodable for that dry enough actually works there's no valves on anything so just having to drain the lot it's a massive system this actually but I haven't actually lost that much water out of it it's a pressurized system but all the pipe shrines they go through the wall we can't actually see them on the other side and then they've won high level and then they run all the way around the building high level and I can't see any air Taps problem got a little bit when I open the when I cut into one of the pipes it might breathe in um so what I might do is put some male irons and some leave of house hello converted copper is not the best but it's been done in other places all right Phantom ear taps there's some Autos so we'll shut them off hopefully it should stop at drawing in but these are the ones that got checked by having sights in theory you can whip that off and the check valve should hold it sometimes they stick though so I wouldn't absolutely put my life savings that I'm holding so we'll just turn the Caps off and that might stop it drawing in I'll have a look if there's any more it keeps sucking in and letting a bit more water out obviously it's a big system you see how wet the floor is under air our fan convectors on the other side of that yeah do they reckon they've got Rising damp they reckon there's a river that runs close to air but the floor the vinyl was the only thing holding the floor together so let's take all the floor out all the joists were rotten um so yeah the actual toilet had dropped down about two inches so I don't know say our fan come back to zombies on the side of there the pipes come through the wall and there's a there's a big walk-in fridge in a commercial kitchen you can't get to the pipe work on it yes you won't miss in there in it head gauges are all down so it's definitely off this Boiler Room so obviously that's just a pressure gauge um I've isolated the microfill even isolated the power the water into it as well discharge has never piped up on that one but yeah that should be fine and so when we come to refill we can put the temporary fuel loop back on because obviously it'll take ages to feel through that micro they're all Air Taps they're just obviously on drops I think our pipes well that's our flow going that way so our pipes go all that way and then there's a load of pipes we go that way as well and then there's another boiler at the far end that's obviously the old boiler flu IDs fell down there isn't it yeah I thought that would stop but it keeps breathing in it's going to be a problem there these little jobs sometimes there's nothing I can do continue to speed it up here what I can do is get my diploma Airlines ready my bits ready just use locked out 55 as I say I'm probably going to get slaged for this but it's been done been done before you can end up with uh two just similar Metals making electrolysis but the brass bush in between normally stops in the problem is also they say the wall might come out a little bit further foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah they did only have blue levers which I can do while that's draining what has happened to that foreign so you keep stopping virtually stopping and then breathing in must be there must be an auto airvent on it somewhere I'll probably get that in there probably shouldn't that back a little bit more top one will be tight won't it foreign probably being big systems come with big risks and I don't know if a dare cuts into it yet she's going to flood the place if I do I've just gotta be patient what I'm going to try and do is cut it there see if I can get that piece out I don't want to disturb any of that pipe work through the other side of the wall I don't think it shouldn't turn because it's iron but again if I make two courts remind you I need enough to get my stilsons on can't do anything while there's water there though if you ever come to one of these and it's blowing cold it's normally because the pipe stats dropped off the return now this one's just fell off because they've been banging around you sat in a second but yeah what it does it won't let the heater blow until it returns up to temperature otherwise it'll blow cold some of the new ones can do um like cold recirculation as well it's all that's inside there is there there's a motor and it just blows the heat across the heat exchanger supposed to clean the filters out on as well pretty basic things but they are bomb proof I think that one I don't know if that's the serial number on it what is the serial number I don't know if that's the date 67. so whether that has been in since 1967 I'm not sure bomb proof though they always used to build them up on planets because obviously stop the uh girls getting kicked at the bottom yeah they're good they say just in a pain when you need to take them out this is slowing down obviously I'm draining a big system through a small drain off um we'll have to wait I can't take any risk on this job I'm going to Nick this pipe at the top about here I think it's probably a bad idea you're very bad idea it virtually stopped on the hose but it's always going to get a bit oh yeah let's get me towel down there I can take it up anyway I've only need the pipe let's say it virtually stop on there coming out of quite right now not panic Don't Panic Mr Manor stop filming a second because the buckets on the camera the best laid plans and all that it'll stop it's actually not a lot of water to be fair it's just obviously being iron if it's coffee you just obviously snatch your out then but it's not doing it man we're not making a mess well not much yeah it's just always awkward let's say once I get that cut off once that slows down a bit I'll cut a bit more and I'll see if we can get that one I might have to put some heat on that and then once I've got control of the system I'll be happy I say it's been running a couple of minutes only just it's only just tripping but yeah we'll wait for that stop of it and then we'll put a bit more I think it's slowing it's not gushing as much as it was I put some more towels down so the drain off's about stopped but jobs like this a lot of risk on your own sometimes you just need a hand somebody just to empty the bucket but yeah I'll give that another couple of minutes I've had it taped up yeah I've got I've got full control but it's just always nice your other hand to say it's not a lot of water but you can soon make a lot of mess y I'm gonna cut it a bit more yeah I think we're good this is when he breathes in again that was pretty bad thank you foreign Christ need some heat on that [Music] foreign I don't know when I don't know when the camera fell off but I got it a bit of heat on it shift anything we'll watch that I'll be right up then you hit him up always trying to hit you fitting like the pipe because you're trying to expand fit in it's a lot asbestos fingers don't pick that up any survey and then all I do is put my line in there but I'll get the bottom one first and then a lever valve and that gives me control I can get filled back up to say they'll have to box this in 10 10 a couple of hours to lose back up I don't know where them pipes are on the other side but I can't get to him I can't get to him I do the same on this one bottom one and we should be good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] disconnected [Music] I need to disconnect that flexor at the back but just for a minute well then pipes are leaking I'm just going to get some valves on there I'll put you on the boss Boy again I've got to stop doing that JetBlue on these guys adjust everything I've lost everything [Music] what's that [Music] [Music] um yeah I'll be fine perfect just gotta find the other one but you get the idea oh the other one's under the heater a little heat on it with the electrics on these you undo the wing lock things it makes it easier to get to the electrical connections so we should just be able to disconnect the flex out the back of there now to have a look at that and put some way goes on it I've isolated the power anyway but probably bake like that now the question is do a truss that drain off tap it's probably been in there where it's older than me but the old ones are normally better than the new ones I couldn't wind that put a screw drain off in but I think I'm going to leave it I think it I think it seems to shut off okay it's certainly opened okay enough it seems to be letting by there is still a little bit of water in the system so we'll give it a go worst case now I can just snatch it out anyway but yeah we'll get that filled up what I'm going to do is connect the manual filling Loop and fill it manually for a start get a little bit of pressure in because that pressurization unit autofill will just go to fault hopefully they've left me a braided hose refill this I've got some pressure gauges over there trying to Drifting one-handed as you say it would take ages to fill it through the microfill so we're just technically you shouldn't have a full loop on it because it's very cap four it should be an rpz valve protected but we will remove this and cap it off don't worry obviously the microphils compliant because there's an air gap inside there I can turn that one back on as well I would a wooden I am turn this on and we nipped too far and make sure we're okay this will take a while to build back up so I isolated all the pumps and all the panel and everything um but yeah that'll be fine we'll go and have a look make sure there's nothing leaking makes you crack a valve oh it's already got water there to be fair draw some of the air out it's been around to how this system because it's all high points it's literally all high points everywhere and all the parts are boxing so you can't get to them foreign let's cut it through to this far end I'll go and check the pressure we did it's hard to tell how much water we lost the host was running a fair time but obviously it's only a small ball it's only a small ball drain off um so yeah we'll go and check the pressure and then see what happens I'll turn all the heating on we're already up to one bar or just over one bar aren't we so we'll turn that off turn that off is it gonna drop there may be some air auto air vents on it that I haven't seen as you say I can't get in every room obviously that's dropping we'll turn the panel back on this microfilm might go to fault so it should show you their incoming water pressure is 5.3 bar pressure correct we put it up to 1.2 so it hasn't gone to fault um I said I disconnect that for Loop in a second so yeah in theory we should be safe to turn the we'll put it I might override this put that on one put that on one it should make any difference um put the boilers back on auto and then we'll override it micro filler probably kick in because the pressure will drop and that should automatically it's up the pressure up to 1.2 bar 1.3 bar something like that there's probably tons of air in it all right these are actually working it's the far end that isn't so what I might do is turn this whole circuit off they're getting ready and the radiators are turn this whole socket off and try and push it to the far end all right let's just say I locked across the top on this circuit there's nothing coming through my pump so I know the light's probably quite poor but in a second that should that should cough and we should start to get some heat all that air in there so you have to wait a minute for it to come through because obviously it's on the drop start to get some water you can hear it all coming out there you go so that pipe's full now so it should start to circulate to the far end I love that sound when it starts to push the air around obviously this bit has been tagged on but this is the end of the run on this boiler I think there's two three boilers there but that is just starting to come through warm beautiful well it actually does this block as well um these are all getting hot though that's the flow that's the return you could just tell by the temperature old systems are normally the best it normally pushes it so it's all flat roof so you can't there's no air Taps it's obviously just been been laid to a fall or a rise so that's another fan convector yeah we're getting there on this one these heat cools are all getting hot as well you can hear a little bit of air in them but that will settle down as you say such a big system but yeah that should be all right this one's not working nine times out of ten it's just a pin [Music] you don't want to pull it because then you'll pull the pin out with these danfoss fans you can actually put new gland sets in live I've done them a couple of times you can whip that hex off there and then put a new pin in it is coming through I think my valve yeah it's coming through hot now you can probably hear the air but I've always got my grandkids just spent an hour until it fits the downfrost valves to do that one-handed but when you do a lot yeah it's coming through red hot now that should be fine I say that valve is probably probably nearly wore out but it should be all right now I've got the heating all done I'll have a look at this little problem they've given me all these sinks along here go into that you probably can't see it but there's a two inch drain and a cleaning eye and it's not actually connected to the drain it just pours out onto the floor at the minute there is a drain down there so hopefully it won't be too bad to connect up I'll just get myself a little bit of access but you just can't believe what people do can you it's never been connected because it's like four inches short you know we'll have a look so all this water from all these sinks has been going straight under the floor not putting that idea [Music] there's the drain there but it's not connected it's because the drain is coming through at a weird angle it's never been connected what I'll do is disconnect it on that elbow and see if we can re-jig that in to this point something better than what they've done sure foreign I think I've just about got the fins to do this on the van as well so I've got a four inch M and F which will go into that t under the ground a two inch uh a four inch by two inch reducer I just need to find a bit of two inch pipe and a couple of fittings and we should be good to get that done that'll just give me a little bit more space in that swept 90. that's all put back together I've just used a couple of 45s to break the angle and we're just putting a bit of water down it but that should be fine yeah a little bit more through Glenn yeah let Philip fill up the central Let It Go mate it was coming down before everything was wrong yeah should be all right now I don't think that leak
Channel: Plumb Like Tom
Views: 13,654
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Id: jZsiUJVwGik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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