Customer Wanted It Cheap But Learned An EXPENSIVE Lesson - A Day In The Life Of A Gas Engineer 142

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what's happening everyone hope you're well hope youve had a good weekend hope you're enjoying the last day of the weekend back to work tomorrow now I know it's been a bit of a grim weekend hasn't it weatherwise I mean I'd like to say it's expected I mean it's expected because we're in the UK but it's also not expected because it's the end of April you know I expect a little bit of sunshine and little bit warm weather but it is what it is not here to listen to me talk about the weather you're here to see what I've been up to and what I'm getting myself into now this particular video as you saw by the thumbnail by the caption the customer learned a very expensive lesson why was that so I didn't do this boiler install I've been drafted in to help out my colleague who done the install because there was a major major up and that was that the customer wanted to do things as cheap as possible to the point where they went to supply the boiler as well now us as heating Engineers we know which boilers we would be recommending depending on what we used to fit in on what boilers we work on and things like that customers if you don't know what you're dealing with then leave it to the Professionals in this case obviously they W to do things as cheap as possible so they wanted to get all the materials and everything themselves as well including the boiler which boiler did they get Ariston now we all know what goes through our mind when we see an Ariston boiler so it's exactly what you think this boiler for whatever reason it's a system boiler it cannot be wired up to a wi plan system which is what was there existing because it doesn't have high voltage switch live terminals in the boiler it's only got low voltage switching terminals now my colleague who fitted the boiler he wasn't to know this let's be honest whenever we fit a boiler how often do we look at the Mis before fitting the boiler even if it's a brand new boiler even if it's a boiler that we've not fitted for I'll be honest I don't because you think okay look I'll pipe it up and then I will look at the M when it comes to the commissioning part of it in case there's any special sequence or anything like that you wouldn't necessarily think that I need to check the Miis to see if this boiler accepts high voltage switch lives or not like you you'd expect it to have the option for both or at least Main's voltage so he got into this situation where he sitt the boiler he's gone to commission it or he's gone to basically do the wiring side of things and he's called me he's sending me videos and pictures where I've done a video call with him and we've then he flicked through the m and I've picked up on something in bold writing and it says this boiler cannot be installed on a y plan system they've got y plan system there so he's he's not confident in converting from y plan to S plan and redoing the wiring and stuff like that so he drafted me in I went back sorted everything out it's I've explained it all in the video but I basically convert the system from a y plan to an S plan had to rewire it to an S plan and also I had to set it up so that we had low voltage switching going to the boiler rather than Main's voltage I'll explain it in the video I don't want to Ramble On too much it's fairly long video as it is so I hope find it useful hope you find it interesting if you do and you haven't subscribed yet please hit that subscribe button please hit that like button I know content is a little bit slow at the moment in terms of the stats so it's expected but I would really like to see you guys hitting those subscribe and like buttons I want to see my stats climbing again I know I haven't had I haven't gotten around to doing the 10K giveaway stuff yet I things have just gotten really busy all of a sudden I need to get I need to get on top of it I've got some of the prizes I need to speak to some of the manufacturers to find out to confirm exactly what are the prizes that they're going to be sending out because some are coming direct from the manufacturers some I've got that I'm going to be sending out so I just need to get a Roundup of exactly what's going to be sent out and then I can get this giveaway going but yeah don't forget to like And subscribe please please please it doesn't cost you anything but it makes a world of a difference to me enjoy the video and I'll catch you all on Wednesday thanks a lot welcome to today's job which is H quite an interesting one basically got to convert a system from a wi plan to an S plan and rewire it to work on low voltage switching rather than Main's voltage switching I'll explain a bit more on some up there but it's taken me about an hour to unload my van because we're un parked you let me grab my drink I racked up like 3,000 steps already oh man let's get this locked up [Music] so I'm parked here the property I'm working in is up there just behind that wall there but to get in got to go through there there's no lift walk up all the way along there up through there and then the job is up on the first floor as well so you can imagine I'm on my own because it's not a massive job so it's just long just unloading let's do the walk St [Music] I [Music] [Music] all right here we are so this is the job I'm here to do so got a wi plan system here a three port I need to remove that and put two two ports on and repipe it and rewire it as s plan system now the reason I'm having to do that let me give me a minute catch my breath so the reason I need to do this is because I'm been drafted in by a colleague of mine who fitted an Ariston system boiler here now that system boiler cannot be fitted to a y plan system for reasons unbeknown to me well the reason is because it doesn't have main voltage switching terminals inside the boiler it's only got low voltage switching so obviously on a y plan you can't get low voltage but you can do it on an S plan because I'll explain it as I'm doing it but all you got to do is normally you'd have the gray on your two ports wide into permanent life but all you need to do in this one is you keep the gray and the orange in two separate Terminals and then you have another two wires going from there straight to the switch live terminals on the boiler so that's what I'm going to do but haven't quite planned out exactly what I'm going to do but obviously we've got my primary flow coming up from there so from there I'm thinking maybe if I can get the two two ports here I might actually bring it a little bit further up so in the future for any maintenance or anything like that we got a bit more access need to bring it up here or wherever then the heating two Port just needs to split and then go down to here and then the hot water two Port just needs to go into here then I need to try and fit in a bypass but they've got this little weird Bend here might be able to cut in a bypass there I'm not sure if not then might have to cut one in by the boiler or if the boiler's got built bypass I'm not sure I do like to try and fit an external bypass um if I can but I'll see how much space I got cuz the return on there is looking quite tight so we'll see what we can do but first i'm just going to drain the pressure out the system the boilers danc say I'm just going to drain the pressure out from there so it should get rid of any water in the PIP work here so then I can then start just cutting away and then doing what I need to do got everything up here that I need for the job I hope probably will have to make another couple of trips down to i' probably forgotten something I'm sure but yeah this uh the Jo are working on your own let's get [Music] cracking so ripped out what I need to rip out so far and I'm managed to get a te in there but couldn't get my Cutters around it I had to cut the clip off with the mul cool cut the screw off so that's gone off and I had to cut the pipe with the multi tool as well so cut it filed it down managed to get a t into there I've not pressed it yet because I don't know exactly what angle I need to do it at but at least I know I can get my jaws around the top and bottom there to get that press I reckon I probably have to come in at an angle because I need to clear this bit of Bon or I'll probably put use this bton as Clips potentially because obviously when I put these Z valves normally I would put spaces on the clips when I'm doing Z valve so you got enough space behind it to get to the nuts or get behind the Z valve or anything like that so I'll probably clip on there this is this is going to get in the way a bit but yeah then I might just do both on valves here then so that I don't have to come up here I was thinking of putting them here but I might just do it all here see how much space I got but yeah so at least I've got that te cut in for the bypass so I can fit the bypass here now even though it's going to be very tight so now I've just got to figure out bring my flow up zone valve zone valve bypass put an a up here as well so at least that will get rid of any air in the system right let's start piping so I've had a bit of a change of plan how I'm going to fit the zone valves I was going to try and do like a manifold setup so I have the flow coming up there and then split into zone valve zone valve but I think it's going to be a bit tight to put B on valves there because there's not a lot of space so I think the easiest way especially for future maintenance obious I'm going to cut this back a little bit further but if I can put the Z valve directly on the hot water flow there that Z valve that's going straight to the heating flow then I've got more room here to just jig around with the PIP work and I can get the bypassing and everything as well so yeah I think that's going to be the most sensible option because I'm looking at it from a point of future maintenance as well and obviously getting access to the Z vales and obviously just ease of installation as well I think over here it's going to be way too tight so I think this is how I'm going to do it and then I can also get the bypass in there as well so now i' just got to figure out from my flow at the back bring it up best way to split off the t's and everything get these all connected then deal with this wiring center afterwards as well [Music] [Music] n right so finished piping up so yeah this is how I end up doing it which I think actually works out because now you got access to that two Port you got access to that bypass you got access to that two Port everything is accessible access to the aav if there ever needs changing so I've done it in a way where everything is accessible and it's workable so now I'm just going to fill up the system everything's been pressed everything's been nipped up and everything so I'm going to go downstairs fill up the system put some pressure into it leave it on test whilst I start working on the wiring side of things now on the wiring side like I said I need to rewire it obviously first to S plan I'm going to be using a new wo wiring center as well I'm not going to use this I might use I'll see why it's SL when I open up but more than likely I'm probably going to use the wo wiring center I need to get a two core cable down to the boiler in order for me to be able to wire it up with a low voltage switching now obviously see wiring center is here boiler is below that cupboard I would say the kitchen's down there now I'm going to see what kind of cable there is a fuse spur downstairs I'm going to see what kind of cable is coming from there if I can piggy back off of something on there and rewire it in here and use it as my switching cables or if I'm going to have to somehow run a cable from here to the downstairs which is going to look a bit ugly but yeah I can't do much else so I'm going to try and do the best that I can with what I've got and then we'll just have to go from the other thing I can't find is the programmer there is obviously this old timer up here but that's that's all been cut so I'm pretty sure that's not in use and I don't think that's I think that's just for emerging area so there's a stat here there's this here but I can't see where there's a programmer I haven't seen it downstairs so I'm not sure how it's been wired up if I need to then fit a programmer or not as well we'll see let me go and fill up the system and then we'll go from there and have a look okay update on how I'm going to do the wiring firstly I pulled up this bit of trunking and I found the programmer is here okay so we have a program which is good if not I had one in the van anyway now how I'm going to do the wiring just bear with me I'm going to explain this you might have to rewind this a few times for it to make sense or you might get it in one go but I'm just trying to figure out because look there's no way for me to get a cable from here to downstairs but I think I found a way to use the P let me explain it so this twin and Earth cable or whatever it is four core cable that's coming from from the main fuse spur downstairs all right so that's our live neutral and Earth connections and then everything else is coming from the zom valve cylinder stat wireless receiver Etc that's fine what I'm going to do because I need power to the wiring center I'm going to take power from here so this is a obviously cable feeding the pump spare switch I'm going to kill the power come off of that probably put another fuse spur here as an isolation point for the wiring center here and then this cable here I'm going to terminate or sorry I'm going to remove the cables out of the fuse spur downstairs where it's currently bringing the power up and I'm going to use two of the cables that are coming from there as my low voltage switching cables so one of them is already there which is the black coming out of here I believe there was a black or yellow yeah that so that yellow there it's so they've used different cables as it's gone through so that yellow is one of the switch life cables because it's obviously coming off the orange there so I'll probably take that cable and the red there and wire them into the Grays and the oranges of the two two ports so that it will then work as low voltage switching and then downstairs let me show you downstairs so you can see there's no way boil is like down there somewhere so let's move this out the way so down here this is one of the switch live cables that's this is basically the yellow that you saw coming from upstairs this is one of the lives obviously we've got the gray which is the neutral and the Earth so I'm going to disconnect cuz they're currently in the load section of this fuse spur so that's sending power upstairs and there's also another brand there which is sending power to the boiler bear with me stay with me stay with me I'm going to disconnect the live ver neutral from here which is feeding the wi Center upstairs and I'm going to use obviously the yellow which is now the black down here and the red which is upstairs which is going to be our Brown down here as our two low voltage switching cables I'm going to run a new five core cable from here to the boiler so the boiler will still get its Live Earth neutral Supply from here but there will also be another two cores which I can use as my low Vol is switching which will come from upstairs down to here and from here into the boiler I hope that makes sense so basically what I'm doing is in a nutshell I'm getting rid of the power to the wiring center from this fuse per and I'm taking another source of power from upstairs put another fuse per that will be the power source for DOT wiring center and the boiler will have its own separate power source which is just that so I hope that makes sense I'm going to make a crack I'm going to what's the time yeah probably stop for a bit of lunch or take a few bits downstair cuz I haven't got to do any more pipe work now and then get my wiring stuff all ready cuz I'm going to have to bring wos and stuff upstairs I might actually use that wir I'll see I haven't decided yet exactly what I'm going to do but we'll see and um yeah let's see how it turns out okay I'm going to try and explain this as best as I can well I'm going to explain it how I've done it but it depends on how into wiring you are if it makes sense or not but I'll explain it as best as I can how it make sense to me and how I would be explaining it to anyone else doing this so let's start with programmer on the other side converted that from y plan to S plan this is the cable coming back into the wiring center here so what I've done is let just make sure the mic's not touching my neck otherwise all you're going to hear is you know what let me put the mic there in front of me so now you should be able to hear everything clearly so live neutral Earth terminals are now at the top there the number four terminal is heating on so that is then linked to a on the wireless receiver and then B from there comes back into terminal five which is then linked to the brown and the heating Zone valve which will power it give it power to motor open now that's the only part of the zone valve which is getting 240 volts to it the Grays I have not linked them to live because I need this to be volt-free or low voltage switching so once that gets a demand from B that will send 240 volts into Terminal 5 which will in turn send 240 volts onto the brown for the heating Z valve that will motor over when it does motor over all it will do it's going to make a connection between the gray and the orange there so all it's doing is gray and oranges are like that they'll be like that that's it no power on it or anything like that volt free it just make so make break make break that's all it's doing and that is what's going to give the boiler downstairs a low voltage or volt free signal for it to come on for heating a hot water whatever demand is there so the same goes for the cylinder stat so the cylinder stat is coming in from here and that's wired into number six so number six is hot water on that's wired into the common to the cylinder stat then when the cylinder stat comes on that will send power back down to number seven yep that's the gray wire there number seven which then sends power to the Brown the hot water Z valve which will then M or open and then it will make the connection again between the gray and the oranges and send a volt-free signal back down to the boiler to tell it that we've got a demand and we need to fire up now finally with the main power for this wiring center like I said I'm going to piggy back off of the feed that's going to the pump so I've taken my Live Earth and neutral three Co cable into there and then this other bit is basically this bit here so that's what's going to I'm going to in a moment turn the power off cut that cable piggy back off of that and that is then going to be our fuse spur for this wiring center then downstairs there's another fuse spur for the boiler I hope that makes sense any questions drop a comment below if there's anything you would have done differently drop a comment below I'm happy to take constructive criticism on how I've done this if there's a way of doing it if there's a better way of doing it by all means I'm all is this is just how I process it and how I do it and I hope you guys find that useful so now I'm going to basically tidy all this up close everything up and get this all connected up and then I still need to run a five core cable from the downstairs switch spur into the boiler which is going to give it its live neutral Earth that's the three cores and the other two cores are going to be our voltre switching cables which are going to be this red and blue which downstairs are going to be our Brown and gray cable if I remember correctly but we'll have a look at that when we get down so let me just close this up sort out all this power here and then we can go downstairs and have a look okay so sorted out the power so now we've got power coming into there fuse SP is back on well the consumer units back on so what I'm going to do now the boiler still off downstairs but I just want to test that the Zone vales and the program and everything is working fine so at the moment obviously back here no lights on the programmer which is what we want because the spur to the Wi Center is off so now if I turn that on I should get power to there to cylinder start I should be getting power here as well perfect okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm not sure if the wireless stat downstairs is actually calling at the moment that's fine what we'll do let's do heating so if we put on continuous right obviously that's off at the moment but if I press that that should now there you go look that starts Maring over wait for the click right that's clicked but obviously it's not going to do anything at the moment because I've disconnected the wise downstairs but we know that the programmer is wide correctly to the thermostat receiver so I'm out of break I've been running up and down now let's kill that and watch that turn off happy days now I don't know if the cylinder is already warm enough or not but let's now put the hot water side on that's clicked on let's see yeah look that's opening now so that's doing what it's supposed to do wait for that click click upy days a is hissing away because obviously that's open so we have a little bit of air in there is there now if I turn this down there we go Z valve shuts so wiring is spot on I'm going to kill the power from here and I'm going to sort out the wiring downstairs and then we're pretty much done right wiring is all done downstairs as well so let's power everything on and do some tests so we've got power there let make sure you know what let me just set the time and date I'll do that in a minute actually that's not quing at the moment which is fine which is what we want now let's check the boiler all right so that's now I was thinking what's going on there but it say the neon that's gone off on there all right I've never worked on Ariston well I have what very rarely so I me to just press that or is it doing something I'm not sure off okay so that's on now so right now it hasn't got any demand which is correct now I'm going to go go upstairs I'm going to well let's just put the heating Demand [Music] on okay heating demand continuous on there let's pop that one that's time to motor over let's go downstairs and see if that gets the borderer to fire up the moment with truth oh he's doing something sand like fired up we have flame what's the pressure that's same so the water pressure here is in great size struggling to get up to even one bar but that's fired up now let's go upstairs and check we got heat coming through the heating on well let's put some lights on that's better I'm work in the dark for there's a light switch for this room that's bit better okay so so that's on yeah I can already feel the heat coming through there and going down the heating Z valve fantastic and good we've got nothing coming through there nothing through the bypass at the moment which is good so now let's turn that off that shots now let's put the uh it doesn't really matter does it which way I do it let's put that to there 65 roughly let's put it on on here as well continuous yep that's opening feel the heat going through there just make sure the boiler recognize the demand for that as well okay so it's going to for heating but it's now coming on water done some pressure thing cuz the a is hissing away so just want to make sure there's not air right it's working job done so change the system from a y plan to an S plan rewire it to work on low voltage switching rather than main volage switching and everything works I'm I'm happy 5 to 4 not bad considering I didn't actually get started until probably 11:00 by the time I've got everything up here so now it's probably going to take me like another hour to party up back up and everything so I'm going to go ahead and do that and just let the system run and then we're done
Channel: CP Utility Solutions
Views: 4,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing, boiler install, boiler, boiler repair, boiler wiring, plumber, gas engineer, gas, vaillant, turbomax, eca, baxi, potterton, combi boiler, heating wiring, y-plan, y plan, powerflush, honeywell, honeywell evo home, diy, plumbing fail, plumbing disaster, s-plan, s plan, boiler service, boiler breakdown, gas safety, gas safe, ufh, underfloor heating, worcester bosch, worcester, ideal boiler, water leak, radiator, pipework, pipe bending
Id: gjRw6jkuGcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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