How Easy is it to move a boiler? We had to walk away from this one!

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so we've got a what the boiler we got to move it because the customers had an extension and yeah they built around they built around the boiler have a look at this so this is the extension I've had it's a bungal look that for view absolutely amazing so they've had a bedroom put where I am this is the on suite and this is where the boiler is now instead of finding the plumber what he's doing is carryed on the floor and all the pipe work is down inside there so yeah there's no climes below the boiler so now we got to move it from there we're going to put it there so obviously got the height and everything there it's perfect for the boiler so we just drained it all down got the trap out disconnected the flu yeah that border is ready to come off I'm going to take the Border off and get it going yeah I don't know where the Builder I just want to get somebody in to move the boiler he must have known when he was putting the floor in thinking and going and people going to get to that never mind we're here now we're going to get it sorted let's get the boiler off the wall and have a look how we're going to do the P welcome back to the channel everyone thanks for joining us again as you can see we're moving a boiler n DRS a Bailey it's one room to another to get a bit more access to the boiler saw that part work out but I was in two mons about to pause this video you'll see why as the video progresses but my head just went my head just completely went it's one of them jobs where the simplest of tasks just took me forever and I was just getting simple stuff wrong now I think plumbers have days like this or even weeks like this where everything goes wrong so I'm going to upload it anyway watch it see what you think and let me know in the comments if you've had a day like this where where your head just goes and you just can't concentrate as always look at subscribing if you find it interesting or if it helps you it's getting colder and colder winter time I'm going to have plenty of content coming up different things so yeah hit subscribe button put that notification Bell on so when I pass a video you know it's on there and yeah let me know in the comments what you think and say this is part one of day one part two I'll upload at later dat yeah let's get into it so boilet is out got it all disconnected uh so yeah just got get the jig off the wall and get down there saw that part work out now I was thinking maybe I can get the Bard power there get the Border P there no one's going to trade on it I might be able to get the part work from underneath that be should run all the way across but then it's have nothing to it's going of be there yeah I'm going get the floor next door and see if we can get to the bo work so we haven't got a template for this baller so what we going to do is flew all there all I'm going to do is measure from the bottom of there to the center of there then when I put the jig over there I can line it all up so not all disconnected gas is off all been tested so yeah we just get the impact driver in there now disconnect this and get it lined up over there right so this is how I figured out the height for the flow so I took the width of the wall split in half and that's the middle put a line on there 75 mil up that's where I'm going to put the C and that's where we're going to fix it too so I'm ready now now where we're going with the core got the core all set up shut this door get the over on next so this should be a nice big hole there ready for the flu well got the flu all through that was horrendous any so hard them bricks but we all through got the part workout lad of plastic as well brilliant yeah we have to get the board up get this insallation out the way and bring our pipes into here pick up the gas this has been expertly clipped brilliant this is what it looks like outside that's our all at the top there that's the one next to it it looks it looks like there's one there originally yeah then them bricks were um rock solid just took for to get through them took about 45 minutes to get through them now I don't know where it's my drill can't be the cor be it's brand new um yeah it just seems to take forever the bricks and Rock Solid around here though I have done a job down the road the same problem calling it out so yeah that's flew it I'm just going to have a quick cup of coffee and crack on with you so jig's on the wall that is ready to go we can get the P work down here then I've just got the line up going to cut a section out of here so get PW down down there and into that room there let's just cut that floor and see what we got got the chipboard up bit of a tip when you take a chipboard out put a screw in you can pull pull on the screw cuz obviously you trying to get your flat head or your hammer or whatever down the soid you can damage it put screw in lift it up this is what we look like underneath now that's the hot there so we can straighten with the hot and the cold is just there so we can do the same with that gas flow turn C get that way and let's have a look at the was so flexy great so we can't go into that waist we're going to have to I'm going have to call it out have to call it out to outside it's got laser level out that's a lasar laser level I think we showed that on the video before that is's that is quite good to be fair uh so yeah just L it up where the condensator is down in the wall just Mark the wall and call again cannot wait to call that again call the hole for the cond s I'm just going to loine the light level up now to get the in so I just got it on it stand so go across now I'm going put ra Clips there and ra Clips there about this level the uh base you can just twist it there look at that you can make F adjustments for left and right on that one so what we got to do just line it up now just going to move it you see it moving line up with that one that should be spot on there for that one that there we go so I've got the clips on the wall they all done now uh for the hot just sweated the in here put a board in so I put some clips on and that's it there I'm going to get my arm underneath and get a push the El onto there and that can connect onto there once I put my Clips in the gas I'll just put a a Bend going that way underneath just let see just there that can connect onto the gas in the mini I'll get there in the back of a that will pull up at moment there we go put a bit of pipe from there into there just going to do the cold what we're going to do is we got get through there to connect on to the speed fit which is that one there uh so where it comes across there just pull the 0 on here and where it crosses we can just Mark that off a cut that cut that and then te off to here now in there and we just put a little tea piece in down now that kept falling out so we don't want to put it in speed because it melt speed so put more copper cutter on there to hold it in place wall hold it can push it down and we can connect onto the speed it underneath here and I'll be teing then for the shower that's it all soldered now can you see and the solder's gone like that that's what happens when you don't wait for it to cool down and you try and wipe it yeah it's good job that show so now just pull cut out the way and that will push down there we go we put a clip in there as well have put it back out there P clipping yeah got clipping there look at doing my return obviously the cold going to put shut off valine long scer shock rest start return it's going to be filter going in that's coming long now so this is what it looks like in here this is where P pwork was if you remember down here so we have had to go in speed fit to connect onto a radiator over there hot and cold connected there that's feed to the boiler and we got the old flu o condensate do something with them Electrics we should have enough on there so maybe f it through to the boil we'll have a look in a minute yeah that's a part working here and it feeds under there you can't really see but it feeds under there to the boiler so I've got the boiler PS on there but I'm nor just one of them days where just get the F in call keep C in the p and stuff like that really some sick as old in there to be honest with you keep seeing everyone with um press F I think it'd be so much easier so much cleaner but got the return Hot Gas cold in doing got the FL doing the returns doing there Ed going on this show really just G it's 4 so I just can concate now I press one want to talk that long seriously can see the game one now really this job might TI me over theed so it is easier to make a stab up then hook it around and in so see if we can do about YouTube Oney so when you a filming you really good two ones there you go should be F get them up tce put our filter in there that is nearly done now nearly poped in sting out the condens and so we got sort that all out as well yeah I'll explain what's happened while that old so be in a minute so I'll put it all the way now but yeah this small M to cord older than me I think all that in there don't grip you no more so keeps coming loose and it was wobbling all over place up really bad so I'm going to need to get a new truck or more like say invest in a new one there cuzz I think he served his day situation like this I'm talking about holding look can't T that is press I could just press it in and not burning in the wood yeah I'm try to Sol that in there hopefully it all it all the Flames they lick off and catch the wood in the clip this is the Tope of that I'm having where I stay thinking just SED that Elin guess what I forgot what have I forgot on that pipe feeling loop I got put the bloody feeling Loop in you can get buil in Withers but she doesn't want that she wants next to all it's one of them days though mistake record forid yes got the ready to go so this is how we done the condensate Lads and wly as hell we did put a board down just in case when we C drilled anything fell on there so elbowed on down and lagged it lagged it all yeah there's no lagging on that before that's all in so we got to sort that all out and get the flu through now all in there filters in condensate gred 32 mil there so we got a big massive hole there bloody coold drill never mind um yeah so we'll sort that all out don't worry I'm just sorting out the condensator now so we got sleeved in condensate pipe I'm actually all in my face then we can uh Conn up to the prv and that is done get the new washes on there and we can hang the boiler better get that one off though now OB go replace the washes you can just get the complete pack from Worster all the washes you need that's the part number there if you need it and in there get every single was that you need for The Jig so we just going to put that one there and uh get this one this [Music] H so the flu is just the same left as the old one on the wall stairs comes the screw pop in there then we can put the T what the flu that bit there turet that will drop down then you just feed the flu through big flu through like that that's through so what you can do now just push that toet back into the flu see you don't need to there you just do it like that that should line up there get screw it down it lines up with the back let see so that lines up there that flat bit there do in the back yeah get that screwed down now we push that bit back up that's tra back in there fig the electrics now through here I don't to take it underneath then up through the wall not disordered yet but the old one is out so start Waring that back in yeah it's 6 now the now I'm up yet so I'm going to get it back on for tonight get the water back on test that just get some water in the system um ready for clean tomorrow so I'll get maget clean onto there um today just hasn't been a very good day to be honest with you really hasn't I don't know how well the footage has been that been videoing cuz Ed just day been in the game today it really hasn't I just add one of those days we all get him now so yeah I think I'm just going to get the water back on get the gas back on get some kind of heating for her it's cold at the moment um for her so let's get it all back on and start fresh tomorrow right day two we didn't get back last night to the about half 7 8:00 I just had a lot of problems I'll explain what it was let me show you that's where I'm going to end that one so you can see not the best of days for me it really wasn't so part two you'll see how I Rectify some of the mistakes I made like the hole for the condo S I need a new CAD drill now that one's wobbling all over the place so if you've got a good CAD drill let me know cuz I am on the hunt for one I could do some recommendations we still got to still take the P work got to do Magle clean that wasn't with 8 drers to be honest with you so yeah part two is going to be uploaded on Sunday don't forget to subscribe for that one hit the notification Bell as always thanks for your support again yeah catch you on the next one have a good in
Channel: Blue Bulldog Plumbing
Views: 95,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: move a boiler, moving a boiler to another room, moving a boiler downstairs, moving a boiler to anohter room, worcester bosch, plumber apprenticeship, plumber, plumbing work, salus controls, boiler move, boiler swap, boiler, boiler breakdown, boiler install, boiler service, boiler wiring, combi boiler, gas, gas engineer, gas safe, gas safety, pipework, plumbing, plumbing disaster, plumbing fail, radiator, worcester, plumber work, plumber tools, plumbing work in house
Id: cZhjHnWaA9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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