How to make your new Lodge cast iron smooth as glass

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what's going on guys repairs and reviews here today I'm gonna do a little something different recently I've been cooking with cast iron and specifically a large cast iron skillet now what I have done I started with a the ten and a quarter cast iron and this is it this is the lodge I think it's ten and a quarter but I've recently got this probably a month or two ago and I've just been cooking everything in it and the shine that you see here is this stuff here and it's it's awesome it actually after you're done seasoning and everything it actually when you squeeze it in and it's hot or warm it goes to a nice liquid oil and you just wipe everything down and when it cools it kind of hardens a little bit and puts this protective coating on it but this isn't just your everyday average Lodge pan and I'll show you why it's nice smooth smooth around the handle smooth around here on the sides and on the bottom I've smooth that out quite a bit and the reason I did that I'll show you here I've been cooking with it so much that I can't fit enough stuff in it so I'm upgrading to the 12 inch and the reason like I said why I smoothed it out and I see a lot of people doing this let's take a look at that surface it's really it's really rough if you sit them side-by-side in comparison this is it's not perfect but it is ten times better than a new pan and I attempted to cook straight out you know it claims that it's pre-seasoned and I attempted to cook with it and I had no luck we use plenty of oil plenty of butter whatever I used to grease the pan did not really make a difference and stuff would just fill and burn into the pores and I was like man I got to do something with this so I want to show you how I smooth this pan out and I'm gonna do it the same to my 12 inch before I even bother using it because I know it's just gonna piss me off so how I did it you don't want to use a power drill cordless drill something like that this is an Avant a quick strip disc pad it goes straight into the drill just like that I got this at Home Depot's wasn't too bad they have men stocks I'm gonna want that that is like it says like the name says quick strip then what I did to really further it is I took a sander here and I have some I believe it's 320 grit sandpaper and really focused on the center and why I did that is because this this is really rough and if you if you stay in one spot or you're not moving it enough and you're not staying even it will just show a bunch of marks in it and it doesn't appear very smooth and then finally and I do this to the bottom the lip the side and even the edge kind of the rim around here also with quick strip and I sanded the bottom as much as possible and I come back and finally hit it with some scotch brite and this is just a half of a sheet you don't need that much I just like to get a handful but we're gonna get started so I don't hopefully have a very long video but you're going to want to do this in a well-ventilated ventilated area because this just kicks a ton of dust up and you really don't want to breathe this stuff in so if you have a mask great I might add I got it from Target I don't normally shop at Target but this was on sale I got the 12-inch for like seventeen dollars which I believe is like a dollar or two more than I paid on Amazon for my 10 inch so we're gonna get started here alright I'm just at the edge of my garage door and I actually have a fan right here kind of blowing out the door it's kind of dark out so I'm trying to do it inside getting dark early now so I'm gonna get started and what you want to do is you know don't go crazy with this because it does take a lot off quickly and like I said use it in a well-ventilated area or wear a mask or something because the pre seasoning and all the rough you know parts of the cast iron that you are taking off is it stinks it's not good it's not healthy for you just be cautious of that so once you do this once you start doing it just move it around don't stay in the same spot you don't want to create grooves or anything so here we go [Music] now I've already done the other cast iron with this and it doesn't seem to be taking it off as quickly as the other one probably because it's filled the pores a little bit but it's still going to work it might just take a little more time so you see I'm just keeping it moving and eventually now I'll just do it right now but I just stay at this lip right here and just right where the flat meets the side I try and work it in there [Music] and I just continue to work it and I eventually come over and and tilt the pan and and really get in here and I also like I said do the edge and I even go as far as probably about here on the handle [Music] now I'm probably gonna make a separate video on how I personally season this because it would obviously take way too long to do both but this is strictly stripping it and then cleaning it after you're done you want to clean it and dry it really well so I'm gonna get to this and I'll show you what I've got all right I didn't spend too long on this probably just five minutes with the drill and this doesn't there's no give it's it's solid so working the edges is probably the most time consuming but you know once you get to this point and I've dumped this out quite a few times just right outside the door but you know there's all the stuff that comes off all the rough cast iron and the factory seasoning so I'm just going to dump that now and this is this isn't practical for the sides it's only really practical for the middle just on the flat cooking surface I use this on the sides and everywhere else and also you know it's it's kind of a rough edge it's a cast iron so I took this kind of that angle and just kind of rounded that edge just a little bit on both sides just to kind of have a smoother transition and I apologize for this piece of crap it just stays on but it's what I got keep it moving [Music] very nice very nice and I you heard the compressor kick on if you haven't seen my video about the Husky 30 gallon air compressor it is doing very well and I highly recommend it so I have a review on that if you want to check my channel I might continue doing it just kind of in this area just where I think I might want to smooth out just a hair more and then we'll go back and hand polish it all right polish it up probably another couple minutes I mean it didn't take long and because of the angle of this I couldn't really get a angle to really get on the side so the very center is just very very very smooth and this this is smooth but it's just not basically this is hit the center the whole time I tried to tilt it a little bit to avoid the center but I don't think it's gonna make that big a difference I would have liked to have gotten it all that smooth but I don't want to take too much material off so here comes probably the most time-consuming part is taking my scotch brite and really working the edges making sure I get down in between the flat and the sidewall because this can't do it and the voluntee quick strip is just pretty much quick strip it is not fine-tuning it's not super smooth so she's some scotch brite you could also just take some some sandpaper and probably polish it up - it's no big deal scotch brite works really good and we have an abundance of it at work so do this I'm not gonna make you watch me but also and I did this on the other pan also I turn it over and just hit it with the scotch-brite just to kind of smooth out any burrs or casting you know from when it was made and molded cast whatever because I have a glass stovetop so I do that to help provide a smooth surface so I don't get any scratches and I have been cooking on this with all my glass stovetop with my 10-inch cast iron with no issues one thing you just want to do or not do rather is once it's on the glass is slide it around you know you could probably rotate it and do what you need to do but just don't slam it down definitely don't slam it down and just don't don't move it around a whole lot don't slide it around and you could probably see that smooths out quite a bit compared to you know this this holds the old old new seasoning that comes on the pan so I'm just going to do this and show you the finished product here is the finished product this piece of crap grass something the center is just smooth as glass around I mean it it's it's smooth probably around until tell about maybe an inch half inch from the sides kind of where that orbital sander couldn't reach you could hand do this with some scotch brite or some some sandpaper and and really get it perfect but this is all you need it makes night and day difference when you're actually cooking and using it so and I did like I said I rounded the lip I did the lip of the rim and I took the scotch brite pretty much everywhere on the outside also I didn't want to take off too much material on the outside but just to smooth it out any like I said any rough spots from where it was cast I don't really mess with this handle that much because I mean you don't really need to but I do go probably a half inch past the handle but there it is and that is going to be a great pan for years to come and I'll show you hopefully in another video how I seasoned this and from here you definitely want to go wash it because there was you know cast iron dust I mean look at my fingers just pouring out of here when I blew it with the blow nozzle on the air compressor so you're gonna want to wash this very well and then dry it also and I wouldn't just you know paper towel dry it how I do it and you can do it stovetop I guess I start to grill up and well after I wash it even if it's still wet I go lay it on the grill and close the lid and make sure this is 100% dry and ready for seasoning and the way I did my other pan I kind of alternated I did not have this stuff when i season my other pan I just used vegetable oil one time and then I got it seasoned and hot on the grill and then I wiped it down with some olive oil the second time and I just kind of alternated the oils and just kept it well oiled inside and out and just seasoned it on the grill so it didn't smoke the house up so hopefully I'll have a video of that but from this point dry season and enjoy this has been repairs and reviews thanks for watching
Channel: Repairs & Reviews
Views: 827,983
Rating: 3.7269275 out of 5
Keywords: Smooth lodge cast iron skillet 12 inch strip polish clean old season factory
Id: b4pBTI2vnd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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