Why is Hiroshima Okonomiyaki a Special Dish?

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hello everyone today I want to talk about okonomiyaki specifically focusing on Hiroshima style okonomiyaki while okonomiyaki from Osaka and Hiroshima are the most well-known Regional variations they differ significantly in both taste and preparation methods however okon Miyaki is a beloved dish throughout Japan with local variations existing in many regions the beauty of okonomiyaki lies in its versatility it's a dish that can be easily made with your favorite ingredients so you can include any ingredients you like in Hiroshima prefecture there are over 1,600 okon Miyaki restaurants with around 800 of them concentrated in Hiroshima City this number exceeds the number of convenience stores highlighting the Dish's popularity Hiroshima style okonomiyaki includes a variety of ingredients such as cabbage and beans sprouts and also provides protein from pork making it a nutritionally balanced and Hearty meal okonomiyaki is widely loved and enjoyed by people not only in Hiroshima but across Japan interestingly even within Hiroshima prefecture the cooking methods and ingredients used for okonomiyaki can vary there are unique versions of okonomiyaki that reflect the local Specialties and were developed as part of town revitalization efforts s each variation has its own unique charm incorporating local ingredients and historical background let's introduce you to some of these fascinating local okonomiyaki varieties kuryaki is a unique style of okonomiyaki from Kur City located in Hiroshima prefecture this local variant is notable for its half moon shape which sets it apart from the circular Hiroshima Style okonomi kuryaki is packed with a generous amount of cabbage and uses thin udon noodles produced locally in Kur unlike the Hiroshima style okonomiyaki which is typically steamed slowly kuryaki is prepared by stir frying the ingredients together for a quicker cooking time this method not only speeds up the process but also adds a distinct texture and flavor the half moon shape of kuryaki serves several practical purposes one Theory suggests that folding the okon Miyaki into a semicircle makes it easier to fit into rectangular takeout containers making it convenient for packed lunches another theory is that this shape was designed to allow Shipyard workers to eat quickly during their short breaks reflecting the area's Rich ship building history the tradition of takeout is still strong in kuray with many locals preferring to enjoy kuryaki at home this customer dates back to the 1950s when a local okon Miyaki shop started adding udon to their okon Miyaki to provide a more substantial meal for Shipyard workers kuryaki remains a beloved local dish embodying the area's cultural and Industrial Heritage anami city known as the city of hills and recently as the city of cats offers a unique take on okonomiyaki called anami chiaki this version is distinguished by its inclusion of gizzard and Squid tempera when cooking on aaki on a tepon a generous amount of gizzard is placed to top the Cabbage while many Hiroshima style okonomiyaki restaurants include squid tempura Anam michiaki stands out for its use of larger pieces of squid tempora some variations of anami chiaki include additional ingredients such as sliced pork belly ground meat or seafood from the nearby SEO Inland Sea depending on the restaurant this results in a lighter flavor and a unique crunchy texture that enhances the omami with each bite one of the notable features of anami chiaki compared to Hiroshima style okonomiyaki is its thicker batter this thickness helps to hold the plentiful ingredients together preventing the okon Miyaki from falling apart when cut with a spatula anami chiaki combines the rich flavors and textures of its ingredients to to create a memorable and delicious dish that reflects the local culinary traditions and cultural heritage of anami miar Yaki a unique variation of Okana Miaki from miara City in Hiroshima prefecture is characterized by its use of chicken aul as a topping mihara City accounts for half of Hiroshima prefecture's chicken production providing a fresh supply of chicken aul this abundance led to the inclusion of tat in okon Miyaki around the 1950s okon Miyaki with chicken aul is not only more affordable than pork but also nutritionally rich and delicious this variation has gained popularity Beyond mihara spreading throughout Japan today miara City continues to produce about half of Hiroshima prefectures chicken making it a significant local resource designated as a regional asset the preparation of Mahar Yaki can vary widely although it often follows the general method of Hiroshima style okonomiyaki some establishments Place noodles on the batter before adding cabbage While others top the batter with sauce fried noodles mixed with cabbage additionally there are traditional establishments offering okonomiyaki without noodles a style known as modanyaki in conai reflecting the cultural connections with the conai region miar Yaki showcases the local culinary traditions and highlights the versatility of okon Miyaki making it a delicious and integral part of meara's food culture fuu Yaki is a local variation of okonomiyaki from fuu City in Hiroshima prefecture while it follows the basic structure of Hiroshima style okonomiyaki it has some distinctive differences instead of sliced pork fuyi uses ground beef and it does not include bean sprouts the ingredients are pressed down with a spatula to achieve a crispy texture on the meat and noodles the combination of the Savory ground beef and the crisp noodles with the tender cabbage creates a unique texture crispy on the outside from the beef fat and soft and fluffy on the inside the standard dish nekama soba can be modified with udon instead of Chinese noodles known as nikutama Udan popular among women are toppings like melted cheese or a lighter version without noodles in 2008 the local Chamber of Commerce launched the Bingo fuu Yaki promotion Association to promote this dish fuu Yaki participated in the B1 Grand Prix and National event showcasing Regional gourmet dishes it also won the first title at the Hiroshima tepen Grand Prix organized by the Hiroshima Economic Council fuu Yaki is a community focused delicate y available in around 40 establishments within fuu City showcasing the town's culinary Heritage and local Pride shabar Yaki is a unique variation of okonomiyaki that originated in shabara city located in the northern part of Hiroshima prefecture this distinctive style was created in 2010 and won the second Hiroshima teen Grand Prix while it is based on Hiroshima style okon Miyaki shabari iaki substitutes noodles with locally grown chabara rice and uses ponzu sauce instead of the traditional Okana Miyaki sauce the dish features soy flavored rice and the standard Hiroshima style meat and okonomiyaki topped with chopped green onions pickled Plum red Pickled ginger and mayonnaise each restaurant adds its unique touch to shabari Yaki with variations including kimchi fried rice butter rice or Misa flavored rice the toppings are also diverse ranging from tomatoes in natto to grated Dyan radish Bonito Flakes and seaweed all of which complement the light and refreshing Taste of ponzu this local dish showcases the creativity of the chefs offering a wide range of toppings and variations that make dining a delightful experience in the world of okonomiyaki two regions stand out as the most prominent Osaka and Hiroshima people in Osaka consider their version to be the standard referring to the one enjoyed in Hiroshima as Hiroshima style okonomiyaki conversely residents of Hiroshima view their okonomiyaki as the mainstream and refer to the Osaka variant is conai style okonomiyaki this strong sense of regional pride has led to an ongoing debate that remains unresolved to this day Hiroshima style okonomiyaki is prepared by spreading a thin layer of batter on a hot griddle then layering cabbage bean sprouts pork belly yakisoba noodles and a fried egg on top the batter is more watery compared to the conai version resulting in a crepe-like base initially the ingredients are piled high but as they cook the volume decreases making it easier to eat one of its main features is the generous use of cabbage up to about 150 g with the addition of soba or Dawn noodles being standard after flipping the okon Miyaki is cooked slowly allowing the Cabbage sandwiched between the batter and the T into steam which enhances the sweetness of the Cabbage although SOA noodles are the standard inclusion udon is equally delicious local regulars often order the mix a carb loed option that keeps them coming back to enjoy a variety of okon Miyaki without getting bored when enter entering a restaurant it's common to see local regulars sitting in front of the tepen eating their okon Miyaki directly with a Hera those who eat this way are often regarded as food connoisseurs and can Revel in a sense of superiority hirosima style okonomiyaki is typically enjoyed with a special okonomiyaki sauce the two main varieties are otafuku sauce and carp sauce otafuku sauce is on the sweeter side while carp sauce has a less sweet and more spicy flavor there are other varieties as well but these two are the most commonly used cooking okon Miyaki slowly and meticulously using a special method brings out the maximum flavors of the ingredients resulting in an authentic taste experience when making it at home the cooking method is relatively simple often leading to the creation of conai style okon Miyaki however despite this he Hiroshima style okon Miyaki holds its own in terms of flavor compared to Kai style once you try it you might get hooked on its unique taste the ancestor of okon Miyaki dates back to 1568 and is said to be the tea snack faki devised by sen no Riku this faki consisted of dough made from Adon flour kneaded with water and sake then rolled out thin and baked with miso spread on top and and rolled up it is considered the Prototype of Japanese okon Miyaki around 1912 women running small candy shops started to dissolve wheat flour in Dashi flavored water cook it on a griddle and top it with chopped green onions selling it primarily as snacks for neighborhood children at that time adding sauce to any dish made it Western food so this gdle cooked dish of wheat flour dissolved in water and topped with green onions was called ISO u meaning Western food for one penny and it became popular among many children in 1962 Regional flower-based dishes like Tokyo's maiyaki which evolved from mojak and tohoku's daki began to become popular as staple flavors of local cuisine in the kai region mazaki which is the Prototype of today's conai style okon Miyaki became popular and spread throughout the conai area afterward as the world plunged into war obtaining food became increasingly difficult the rationing system required individuals to purchase their allotted portions with money these rations were barely enough to survive a single day forcing people to subsist on a diet primarily of sweet potatoes mixed with vegetables wild plants and a small amount of rice resulting in a gr- likee soup to Stave off hunger in 1945 the atomic bombing of Hiroshima instantly reduced the city to ashes those who were fortunate enough to survive the end of the war struggled desperately to get through each day amidst the Despair and hunger caused by food shortages people started making isoku again utilizing iron plates found in the burnt out ruins and the flow provided through American food Aid thus amidst the post-war Devastation the resilience and Ingenuity of the people gave rise to a beloved local Cuisine that provided both sustenance and comfort by around 1950 the bustling nightlife of hiroshima's shinten area saw the rise of numerous food stalls to make the meals more filling some vendors started adding yakisoba leading to the creation of what would become the Prototype of Hiroshima style okonomiyaki it was also around this time that okonomiyaki sauce was developed as the demand for a sauce that wouldn't simply run off The Griddle and would complement okonomiyaki greu food manufacturers worked closely with stall owners to create a specialized sauce specifically for okonomiyaki meanwhile in the suburbs many widowed women who lost their husbands in the war converted the spaces under their Eaves into small okonomiyaki shops equipped with griddles the prevalence of shop names including Chan was partly to make it easier for returning soldiers to find these establishments thus Hiroshima style okonomiyaki evolved alongside the city's post-war recovery gradually incorporating ingredients such as eggs pork and noodles and transforming into the Beloved dish we know today Hiroshima style okonomiyaki is deeply intertwined with the history of hiroshima's people and their post-war reconstruction emerging From the Ashes of a city once said to be Barren for 70 years years after the war hiroshima's okonomiyaki became a source of Vitality for its residents growing alongside the city and its people it symbolizes the spirit of post-war recovery and has become the sole food of Hiroshima in 1975 when the Hiroshima Toyo carp won the central league for the first time the city was filled with jubilant citizens the televised images of celebrations in okonomiyaki restaurants across Hiroshima Drew Nationwide attention this media exposure significantly boosted the recognition of hiroshima's history and Cuisine attracting many tourists today hirosima style okon Miyaki is featured in travel guides worldwide further increasing its recognition hiroshima's okon Miyaki has become known not only in Japan but also in many other countries attracting a large number of foreign tourists to the city the ingredients for okon Miyaki are easily obtainable and inexpensive making it simple to prepare with local products anywhere in the world many of you may already know but in Hiroshima City there is a food theme park called Hiroshima okamura dedicated to Hiroshima style okonomiyaki it houses 25 okonomiyaki restaurants packed into three floors of a building by comparing the flavors of each restaurant you can enjoy delicious konam Miyaki to your heart's content and it allows you to appreciate the peace that enables such enjoyment During the period of Rapid economic growth okonomiyaki restaurants became places where the people of Hiroshima who were striving for post-war recovery could rejuvenate themselves and engage in Lively social interactions today hiroshima's culinary Delights including okon Miyaki are not only enjoyed across Japan but also introduced to the world as part of the Hiroshima brand if you have the chance why not experience this authentic taste firsthand thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: About JAPAN
Views: 1,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese cuisine, Japanese traditions, Japanese food culture, Authentic Japanese dishes, japan travel, Japanese food, about japan, japan, Hiroshima Okonomiyaki, Okonomiyaki Recipe, Hiroshima Food, Teppanyaki, Japanese Pancake, Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki, Cheese Toppings, Okonomiyaki Toppings, Hiroshima History, Cooking Okonomiyaki, How to Make Okonomiyaki, Traditional Japanese Food, Hiroshima Culinary, Visit Hiroshima, Food in Hiroshima, Explore Hiroshima, hiroshima
Id: R9z1KjFi-y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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