The 5 Meals Anyone Can Make

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why are people excited about food now more than ever and yet nobody ever wants to cook it themselves because it takes so much time and secondarily because they think they lack the skill and that is why I'm going to show you the exact five meals that anybody can make at any skill level no questions asked no practice required get the ingredients cook the food it's quick and it's guaranteed to be delicious a few guidelines for you here number one none of these will take more than 30 minutes number two all of these ingredients should be easily and readily available for you unless you live in an area where most things may be typically hard to find like a desert and the most important rule number three don't worry about it being perfect worry about having fun and let cooking do the talking so let's begin we cannot make this video without the number one dish any great cook starts with it is a simple but beautiful country style omelet with mixed greens oh that's so boring trust me this is something that when you make it and you taste it you'll be proud best part of all it can easily be made and cleaned up to serve just one person remove the leaves from one small Hut of baby lettuce that could be butter lettuce spring mix whatever it's going to be be about 1 to 1 and 1/2 cups of leaves wash in a salad spinner spin spin spin until dry as possible Now set that to the side grab yourself a small mixing bowl and add 1 tbspoon or 15 G of whole grain mustard one clove of garlic grated 1 taspo or 4 G of lemon zest 2 taspo or 8 G of lemon juice a little bit salt to taste then while constantly whisking drizzl in a/4 cup or 60 G of extra virgin olive oil that's it by the way all that stuff could be eyeballed if you wanted to it's still going to taste good now we'll toss our salad after we make our omelette heat your pan over medium heat two mediumsized nonstick pan add just enough butter to coat the bottom about a tablespoon or two beat four eggs in a small mixing bowl season them lightly to with salt once the butter is melted and bubbling which should take like 15 to 20 seconds add your eggs and then as the eggs set continuously bring the edges towards the center all the way around the pan tilting your pan to fill that empty part of the pan with uncooked eggs then once the eggs are about 90% of the way set add any kind of grated cheese you want on one half of the omelette in this case I did 2 oz or 56 G of grated Grier fold your omelette over and option you can add another small knob of butter just to toast the bottom of the Omelette but honestly the omel let's done at this point so if you don't want to spend any more time just grab a plate line your plate up with the pan and carefully flip to land your omelet on your plate then just add your greens to your bowl with dressing toss toss toss and place on the plate that is it this whole process when you get good at it takes maybe 10 to 15 minutes and pretty much all this stuff can be put in a dishwasher so the cleanup is very simple but how good is it this is something that I used to make all the time before school sometimes before I went to go lime cook this is a very reasonable breakfast you can make it home and look at this you got a Cheesy moist perfect omelette it's salty it's fatty it's moist buttery for those of you who don't know let me give you little education this is the jacqu pepen country style omelet give your flowers and give your respect to that man the salad a lot of people think a salad is something you Skip it's something boring right but this this is on ludicrous mode there's the art to making great dressed greens I didn't think salads really all that so I worked in a restaurant that really taught me how to make a salad and that is salt lots of it at multiple stages season the actual greens not just the dressing and you have this like incredible salty acidic refreshing but also like deep ly flavored green that goes perfectly with this it cuts the richness this is a perfectly balanced meal and it's healthy and it's easy I me come on if this isn't the perfect kickoff I don't know what is moving on there are a few things that you need in a kitchen when it comes to making great food and one of those things is a quality pan and since we're talking meals that anyone can make let's talk about cookware anyone can use that brings me to today's sponsor made in cookware now these are prle products crafted in Italy but made for home Cooks given my restaurant background I'm kind of picky when it comes to the quality of my cooking pans and so on and so so forth that's why I love made it genuinely their stainless steel line has fantastic heat retention thanks to their five ply stainless steel material do I know what five ply is no but I know that it has even heating their handles stay cool on the stove while their ergonomic design keeps things balanced not to mention their pans are used in thousands of prole kitchens including multiple three Michelin star restaurants and since these can withstand the demand of a prole kitchen you know that they'll last for you for years to come Maiden offers a variety of pro level cookware in different shapes sizes materials which you can literally see me using through my videos throughout the years like before I even had a partnership with them so check out their cookware using the link in the description to save on your order now if you want a fancier breakfast that only takes maybe another 5 minutes you can make a quick Chile kiles now these aren't hyper traditional but they are extremely delicious so by heating a medium sized pan over medium heat drizzling about 2 tbsp or 30 G of canola oil a rough chopped half sweet onion and four cloves of garlic also rough Chopped season to taste with salt and cook until just soft about 2 to 3 minutes now to a blender or food processor add 2 cups or 240 G of crushed tomatoes five Chipotle chilies in Adobo 1 tbsp or 15 G of nor chicken soup base look hear me out right this it's different it's optional but it's basically chicken soup based with MSG adding your cooked onion and garlic that you just cooked a second ago season lightly with salt and blend on high until as smooth as possible and look if you don't have a blender you can totally just rough chop your Chipotle rough chop your cooked vegetables and toss all those other ingredients together in a bowl and stir and it would be fine just wouldn't be as smooth it'll be a little more rustic so yes you can still do this with just a pot or a pan now remember that pan you just used guess what you don't have to wash that all you got to do is put it back on the heat over medium add your puree to that and let that cook down for 5 minutes guess what buddy you got tortilla chips in the cabinet perfect add as many tortilla chips this will fit in the pan around 5 to 8 ounces stir with the spatula until the chips are evenly coated in the sauce and serve and then at that point you can put whatever you want on this you can add some Mexican Crema maybe some queso fresco pickled red onions if you have them or fresh red onions you want to toss scrambled eggs or fried eggs in it cool scramble some eggs or frying egg in a pan until it's medium maybe some avocado some cilantro I mean look at this thing this is beautiful and you can put whatever you want on it really the base is just the chips coated in the sauce and you're literally just repurposing pre-made bagged tortilla chips and transforming them and obviously an egg on top I think is kind of a requirement but all the other things are up to you so let's taste and rate Chila kiles you could skip the whole blending process just throw everything into a pan add your chips and call it a day this is a very fast recipe it looks impressive you could serve it to guest or you can have it for yourself the whole goal of this is to get a little bite of everything you know it's salty it's acidic you got the creaminess from the avocado little pops of flavor from the pickled onion it's like a multi-course meal on one plate even though this is a quickie chili kace It's not hyper hyper hyper traditional there are not going to be many places you go that are going to taste this good don't believe me maybe try making the recipe cuz it's easy as now moving on now let's talk lunch I want something like a gourmet glorious Unforgettable sandwich Not Just Turkey on a dry cold piece of bread this happens to be many Lon Cooks favorite because as we've heard before it's one of Anthony Bourdain's go-tos for a quick cheap and delicious meal get the nicest bread you can get sourdough would be ideal you can also use burger buns or a kaiser roll it's up to you so hit a 10-in non-stick pan over medium heat lightly greased with a little bit of oil then in the shape of your bread Mound on anywhere between four to eight thin slices of Mortadella in the pan and then just let it sit if you want to weigh it down with another pan or whatever you got you can do that but it's not necessary and then just let that cook for about 3 minutes and flip and you'll see a beautiful crispy Brown Mortadella bit on the bottom let the other side crisp up add one to two like slices of your favorite cheese in this case I have provolone and cover with an overturned mixing bowl lid or whatever the hell you got you can even use foil cut off the heat and let that cheese melt now remove your cheesy Mortadella from the pan add a little butter to the same pan yep that's right you don't need anything else and toast your bread in the pan over medium heat about a minute or two until take get a little bit of Crispy Crunchy now as that's toasting spread on a little bit of spicy mustard on that slice then add your Mortadella on top of that now on your other slice of bread spread a little May top your sandwich with the other slice then after about 2 minutes of toasting flip and toast the other side of bread basically like a grilled cheese is this making sense here you pull it off you slice it in half ideally on a bias because we all know that that creates more sandwich it's a mathematical equation trust me and you have a beautiful cheesy I mean godamn look at this all done in one pan minimal ingredients maximum delicious and you can make this for a dinner party and ain't nobody going to be mad at you brother God I wish I wasn't on a diet holy sh look this is a sandwich that can all be made in one pan it requires no prep at all if you don't have to slice your bread all you going to do Mound your meat in a pan put some cheese on it toast your bread and do it all in the the pan and eat it you can make a number of these back to back you saw the juice now let's let this Goose loose that feels illegal this is what the Cubano always wanted to be sorry there's so much effort involved in a Cubano and you end up with a sandwich it tastes great but it's not mindboggling this is the kind of mindboggling you expect from a Cubano where it's fatty Rich the mustardy flavor but it's not so acidic that it detracts from the sandwich the Funk from the provolone and the Mortadella makes this so juicy and it's got some toothsomes to it and the crunch of the bread I mean if you use the right bread in this almost no effort for a luxurious sandwich anyone can make this you can moving on now let's transition what I call liner or lunch dinner this is good for lunch dinner a snack a group of people and it is arguably the easiest most important pasta dish that anyone can make and everyone should know it is pasta Italians how did I do huh I've been practicing okay get a large 6 to8 qu pot filled with water and bring it to a boil over medium high heat if you don't know how to boil water that's okay all right I'm not judging I'm judging once that water is boiling season the water very generously okay I want it to be damn near as salty as the ocean I'm not even joking now once that's boiling add one package which is typically 1 lound or 450 G of spaghetti to the water and cook according to package directions now while that's cooking we're going to use one more pan here a large one for the pasta so just Reserve a/2 cup of pasta water drain it and then do all of the following that I'm about to show you you would do it in the pot that you just cooked the pasta in that's how you keep this one pot if you want it one pot you're going to add 2/3 of a cup or 150 ml of extra virgin olive oil heat that over medium heat and immediately add anywhere from 4 to 14 cloves of thinly sliced garlic I did 14 because papax it garlicky if you don't want to peel that much garlic totally fine now cook that lightly in the oil just until it becomes fragrant then cut off the heat add 3 tasps or 12 G of chili flakes and guess what you don't even need to drain the pasta just get some tongs whatever you can to fish that out and add the cooked pasta directly to the pan yes it's okay to get a little bit of water in there trust me and then just begin tossing that to combine you can always add a couple tablespoons of the pasta water to help emulsify that into a sauce then add super God damn finely chopped parsley about 1/4 cup or 10 G toss toss toss and serve on a plate you don't have to make it as fancy as I did but I did use a carving Fork do a little twirly TW all right and optionally top with a little bit of fresh grated peino Romano or parmesano and fresh cracked black pepper this pasta requires six ingredients and all of those are incredibly easy to find and most are pretty inexpensive so is it really that good this is quite possibly the one pasta dish I think anyone in the entire world can make and probably has the ingredients for already you could even remove the cheese that's it Josh what about the water if you don't have running water I think maybe you have other priorities than maybe watching a YouTube video go go get off here and even with just a single spaghetti strand I already know everything about this pasta it is so flavorful for how minimalist it is a little spicy from the red pepper flx the freshest of the parsley and if you're adding the cheese this is an iconic pasta dish for a reason and anyone can make it including you moving on our final dish which I believe to be is one of the easiest and greatest items items you could make for yourself to create leftovers or for a group of people to impress first you'll need a half lb or 225 g of thinly sliced protein that can either be riy if you want to drop a little extra cash or pork Boston butt slice it as thinly as you can what helps with slicing thin well you can freeze it for a little bit but that takes time so you can skip that part if you need now to a large mixing bowl add half a cup or 80 g of cornstarch add in your protein and toss until fully coated then heat either a large pan or a large walk over medium high heat add just enough oil to coat the bottom about 2 to 3 tablespoons then once that's so hot add in your protein and sear for 1 to 2 minutes per side it's going to look crispy it's going to look borderline deep fried that's good take it out add half a yellow onion thinly sliced one jalapeno thinly sliced and the whites of one bunch of green onions also thinly sliced two cloves of garlic finely chopped and a half inch knob of Ginger grated now immediately stir fry that aggressively for about 20 to 30 seconds then optionally you can add 1 taspo or 4 G of shrimp paste stir fry that for about another minute or two then add your beef back to the walk followed by 1 taspo or 4 G of granulated sugar 1 tbsp or 15 G of rice wine vinegar 1 tbp or 10 G of soy sauce and 2 taspo or 8 G of sweet soy sauce which the sweet soy sauce is optional but recommended stir fry and toss two coat and you'll notice Something Magic happens here the cornstarch that enrobes the beef turns the sauce Saucier glossier and beautiful cut off the heat and then optionally but highly recommended add another two gloves of finally chopped garlic that's just a technique thing it's not going to change it dramatically but it does add a very deep garlic flavor which most people go gooo Gaga over now pop that onto a plate garnish with toasted sesame seeds and some thinly sliced green onion this dish has probably been one of the most favored stir fry dishes I have ever put out and I think that it's something that anyone can make very quickly within 15 to 20 minutes and can easily be increased or decreased in portion size to serve a party or just yourself it's fast and anyone can make it but will everyone like it hello obviously you can use cheaper Cuts you can use chicken thigh pork chop I use riby because I fuing wanted to it's not about how much you spend on the meat it's about how easy this process is that's unreal so vigam has told me that he makes this dish as a go-to pretty much every week and to make it cheap he uses pork bosson butt it's fast it's delicious this is like what you would get going to a gourmet Pan Asian restaurant the meat's deeply caramelized it's got Umami it's sweet it's salty it's fatty it's rich but it's also very balanced the melding of the flavors of the onion and the Jalapeno in this somehow feels like they belong together all along like they were married in another life and they had four kids but that was a past life a life they may not know about yet but one they'll soon to find out about or or at least you'll have found out about making something easy at home that anyone can make at any skill level that can be thrown together last minute for either multiple people or yourself thanks again to menen for sponsoring today's video don't forget to click the link in the description to save on your order now don't forget to subscribe and goodbye have a wonderful day don't forget to drink [Music] water [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,311,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, 5 ingredient meals, one pan meals, cheap meals, healthy meals, one pot meals, weeknight meals, one pan meals tasty, i tried to make 5 meals for 2 for only $20, 5 quick & healthy low calories meals for weight loss, budget friendly meals, 5 minute meals healthy, one pan meals healthy, easy meals, quick meals, 5 minute meals, easy one pot meals, budget meals, student meals, college meals, struggle meals, easy recipe, budget, easy recipes
Id: bwapUJcTVeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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