ALL the PROPOSAL DETAILS | Bailey & Asa BTS Engagement Vlog

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(family cheering) (happy exciting music) (family cheering) (happy exciting music) - Hello guys. - Hello. We are engaged. (party horn) (celebrating cheers) - [Voiceover] Thank you so much to for partnering with us in this video. (upbeat music) - This is legit people. - It's legit. - We are engaged. - And she didn't know the entire time and we're about to tell you the entire story. - Don't mind me flashing this. - We're going to tell you the whole story. - Occasionally in the video. We were expecting to get engaged until really I had graduated. You have food in your teeth. - I do? - Cut. What I was expecting and this is kind of what my thought process was is that I wasn't really thinking we would get married until he was done with school. And so - Mm-hmm - And I still have one more year. - I was expecting it to be like within the year timeframe of when he was graduating. But I also had been telling him how much I feel like I want to get married. And now is it kind of the - And it's just been moving - [Bailey] right time. - [Asa] slow. - And it feels like time is moving really, really slow. And for those of you who may or may not know we've been dating for over four years - [Asa] Four years - We've known each other for five and a half years. - Yup - So it's been like, we did our due diligence. - Yeah - So at the same time we had James Allen reached out about like a ring. I knew about that ring situation. Like I knew that they had reached out but we both were like We're not ready right now. - Yeah let's take a couple month. We'll reach back out. - So they were totally like - wait till whenever you want to we will work with you. So it really didn't have a lot to do with the timeline. That's just like part of the storyline, I guess. So we waited, I think it was several months before he reached back out and was like now's the time. - I was like, you know what? Let's just give them a call and get some more information about the ring. (upbeat music) - Today I am actually getting on a call with a ring specialists. To talk about some prices talk about, you know, maybe some different designs and stuff that I could get Bailey. Man. This is the first day of a journey over the next maybe a couple months or a year. And I'm so, so excited. (upbeat music) (sighs) So I just got off the call. I am overwhelmed. I thought I had an idea of what I wanted to do but holy cow, I have now seen billions and millions and millions of different shapes, different colors. I mean, what's the difference between a 1 carat and a 1.1 carat? I have no idea. I'm definitely going to have to talk with Brooklyn and Kamri. Probably Rylan and Mindy. Get their opinions then, you know, maybe by then I'll have a better idea. (rhythmic music) - Huge update for you. I think that today I'm ordering a ring for Bailey. (groans) I don't know why I was so nervous about it. It's not that I don't want to because I'm 100% sure that I want to. But I'm still feeling a little bit freaked out. And I'm about to FaceTime Brooklyn and show her what I'm thinking in terms of what the ring's going to look like and (sighs) wish me luck. So this here is Bailey's perfect dream ring. As you can see, there's kind of a pear shape here with a halo. And we have this like crown situation on top. She loves it. This was a long time ago. These are some other ideas. So this is the ring on James Allen's website. What I'm going to have them do is custom make a band that goes over the top and it's going to be already attached by the time we get proposed. Just like this, these bands will be in rose gold. We'll have something like this going on. So not quite the pearls, but still very much what she's looking for and what she wants. This is what I just showed at Brooklyn. And she loved it. Rylan loved it. I know for a fact that Bailey's going to love it. So I'm about to get on a call with the ring specialist at James Allen. I think that honestly today I might be ready to order a ring. This is kind of what I'm thinking. I'd prefer to have it like custom so that it would come already fused. - [Ring Specialist] So everything is going to be very open and airy right here. So there will be quite a bit of a gap if she looks at it from that angle. - Okay. Is there any way that we could do basically the same thing with just a little less space between there? - [Ring Specialist] Which we can do, like we could actually ask for some really cool design features to kind of take up that space if you want. - I think I do like just, the more simple like that. - [Ring Specialist] Okay. I think that's a beautiful choice. - Fast forward a little bit. I kind of get clued in a little bit that this is maybe a possibility. He sits down with my parents because we feel very strongly in my family that both the mother and the father needed to be asked permission. And Brooklyn needs to be asked permission. - And Brooklyn, of course. - Kudos, snaps to him. Oh say hi to Brooklyn, by the way. - 30 minutes before, we were in the living room talking about movies. And then we just like shift rooms and all of a sudden I'm like. - And it's not like you don't like, it's not like they would say no, but he was still nervous anyway like you acted like you were worried they were going to say no or something. - I don't know how to describe it. It's like something about how formal it was maybe. - Yeah - It wasn't that I expected them to say no but it was like, I sat them down and I was hoping they would have something to say but they just expected me to say something. - Well that was your job. - Well I know but I was like how do I even start this conversation? (soft guitar music) I am at the McKnight's house. And I'm about to sit down with Mindy and Shaun and Brooklyn and have a conversation about getting their blessing to marry Bailey. About to go in, so wish me luck. - You know I always thought this day was going to come and you're never ready for it. But Asa is just a good kid. He's a really good kid. And I couldn't be any more happy to have him be in our family, but he was scared to ask. He didn't even actually ask us the question until the very end. So I said are you going to ask us? So he asked us and we, you know made him squirm a little bit, but you know of course we told him that we loved him and that we appreciate him. And how much he loves our daughter. Brooklyn's over there and saying you already know my answer. Mindy had some good questions and I had some good questions for him and we gave our approvals. - (heavy sigh) Okay. So...well...that. I think my hand is still shaking just a little bit. All I can say is that I don't really remember what I said. I'll probably remember it later when I'm done freaking out. Obviously they all said that I had their blessing and that means Bailey and I are officially going to be getting married very, very, very soon. We are now talking about potentially proposing in the next three weeks. I'm so, so, so, so, so excited. (upbeat music) Oh man. So the ring that I ordered is supposed to be coming in in the next two or three days. Which means that I'm going to be proposing. I have been planning all weekend and some of the past week or so with Bailey's mom and my mom and my grandparents just to try to get everything together. And as of right now it looks like I'm going to be proposing, today's Sunday, I'm going to be posing on Saturday. (screams) (upbeat music) I am going to go pick up the ring right now. Oh, I am so excited. Okay. So I just opened it up and it looks so beautiful. Looks so beautiful. So it came in this beautiful box here. There we go. Look at that. That is beautiful. (upbeat music) - His whole family lives on like this really big piece of land. And so a lot of it's like very beautiful. And so you kind of scoped it out while we were there because you already obviously knew the layout of the land. So he kind of picked a spot. - I had been telling her all weekend, this weekend, we have a big family dinner. We're dressing up. We have photographers coming. Like you have to look really nice. - Which might seem odd to y'all, but it's very common for their family to do big family events where they all get dressed up and do like fun dinners. I was told the week before we left. Saturday there was going to be - Saturday right before Easter a bridal shower for Bella Robertson. And we all got dressed up for that. There was going to be a big family dinner where we all get dressed up and there were going to be photographers to celebrate like a bunch of people's birthdays. And then Easter Sunday, we all get dressed up. Through like coercion and subtle persuasion from Brooklyn and my friends, I like packed the white dress that I wore at the proposal. Because it's a really, really cute dress. And they were telling me that this was a really formal dinner. And so I wanted to look really dressed up and nice. And they were the ones that were kind of like you should wear that one. That one's really cute and dressy, but like not too dressy. So it was through suggestions that I happened to pack that dress. Same thing with getting my nails done. So that same week when I was told the plans one of my friends invited me to hang out and in the process of hanging out, she was like, let's go get our nails done. That is not something I normally do. And I didn't even question it. I didn't even question it. She was like, let's go get our nails done. And I was like, yeah, I want to hang out with you. So I'll go get my nails done with you. - I had been telling her for the last like five months, If you think anything is happening pretend it's not and ignore it. Because if she starts looking into stuff she will always figure out a surprise, no matter what it is. And so she's had to practice - Like shut that off. - Practice shutting that down. - Literally like shut down my detective skills and just be like I'm ignoring everything. (upbeat music) - Okay guys. So I have to tell you this very quickly. It is two days until I propose. We were just downstairs eating dinner and Bailey said, yeah, you know, last night I had a dream That you proposed over Easter and your whole family was there. My family was there. I was like (inhales) because that's exactly what I'm doing. I just have to like play it off and just kind of laughed it off. I was like, whoa, that's crazy. I really hope. I really hope she has no idea. So that her actual dream will literally come true. (upbeat music) I have to be quiet because Bailey is across the hall. It's like 3:00 am right now. I'm definitely nervous but I'm so, so, so excited. The only thing that I'm really nervous about is that some how, she finds out. I'm so, so excited. If I get a chance to update you tomorrow I absolutely will. But stay tuned. At 3:00 AM the night before the proposal I drafted up a long message, sent it to my entire family because I knew the next morning she was going to be at the bridal shower and all the family was going to be there and I would not be there to control the conversation. So I sent them a text and guys if you're going to propose this is exactly what you need to do. - Yes. - This is the best advice. Create a template of things to say, of things that they're saying they're going to wear. And so I said, tell Bailey, you're wearing a nice dress. Tell Bailey that you're having a nice dinner that we're doing this and doing this. So that if she asks anything, everyone was telling her the same story. - Because I showed up to this bridal shower asking all of his girl cousins like, Hey, what what is the attire for the dinner tonight? Like I, I packed some options and I don't want to show up being too dressy. And all of them of course have this like template script from Asa. So they're all like, Oh, we're really dressing up. - We're wearing white. - We're wearing white. - [Asa] It's really fancy. - It's super fancy. (upbeat music) - It is the day of the engagement. I am freaking out. We have all of the decor in the trunk of the car for your party. I am currently coordinating with Antoine on like how we're going to mark the ground and test the lighting before you guys get there. And you might get pissed at me but I am going to stay and watch the proposal. I know you don't want anybody else to watch but I feel like I don't count. I need to be there. So I'm hiding with Antoine in the bushes to watch the proposal. (cheers) - We're here in Louisiana. We're on the Robertson's property. We have convinced them that we are just doing Easter at home. And they're here in Louisiana. visiting family for Easter. Okay so we have this cute little pond. And I don't know if you can see this little bridge behind here but this is where we're going to do it. So Bailey's going to be coming from over here. She'll be walking across the lawn. She'll come over here. And then suddenly it's the whole group. We're prepping the bridge. Voila. Antoine's doing video and photos for us. And then we'll have like a runner pulled out here but you can see. Isn't it cute? The noise makers. The Mr. and Mrs. The fish is starting over there. They're about to boil. Over here we have all these pictures. - Don't show them. Don't show them. You can't see it yet. - [Brooklyn] What? - Marking spots for the cameras. - [Brooklyn] I am also marking spots. I'm being Bailey. - How come I got the knee down? I'm older. - I'm her exact look alike. I get to be the woman. Even the weather is perfect. Like it's just a tiny bit windy nice and warm, perfect weather. The evening time. It's going to be beautiful. And of course it would not be a real proposal for Bailey. If we didn't have some books involved so. It's like T minus, I think let's see two hours. T minus two hours. - I didn't know what I was supposed to do with her between 1:00 and 6:00 pm. It was like five hours of just dead time. I had no plans. I didn't know how long it would take get her dressed. I didn't want her to like accidentally end up over there. So I was like, we're just going to stay here and rest. - Yeah and I was like, no. So he had to emergency texts the group chat full of all his sister and his girl cousins. And he was like please somebody take her somewhere. - Somebody just do something. - [Bailey] Do something. - [Asa] Grab her. - Like please. And so his sister texted me and was like. - She was like, I'm on it. And like sends me a screenshot where she's drafted up a message to Bailey. And she's like, Hey girl, want to go to target and shop? - We spent like an abnormal amount of time. - [Asa] Three hours at target. - [Bailey] Like two hours or three hours in Target. And I was like, I didn't think anything of it. I was like, this is so fun. I'm spending quality time with his sister. - Meanwhile I'm at the house. I'm like counting down the hours. I'm just sitting there alone, like pacing the house. I'm just like freaking out. I might not be showing it my face but like my body is completely reacting to the nerves. My stomach has been upset all day. My biggest fear with the proposal is because it's going to be set up on the bridge but there's kind of a long walk. I'm fearing that she will see it from afar and she's going to be like reacting to it. But be kind of too far away to get it on video. So I don't know how that's going to play out. The funny thing is earlier in the day, Bailey had said you know, today would be a really nice day to propose to me. - I was just kidding. - Because she was all dressed up. - I was joking. - Well, I took that seriously. I was like, what does she know? - In the moment I was like, I should tell him like today would be really nice to day, because like this is the way I want to look. Your family's here. And so I thought it was like being like this is what it should look like whenever you do it. Like this would be a perfect time to do it. Not actually, but like it should look like this later when you actually propose. And I didn't realize that it was actually actually happening that day. - Yeah so that. That like just tore me up. My stomach was so unsettled. I pooped like five times. - He pooped like six times. - So bad. Like. - Apparently Asa nervous poops guys. - Yeah I just kind of poop the nerves out. - I get all dressed up for dinner. I put on the white dress. I put in the pearl headband because that's what I was told to wear. We hop in the car, he's acting so casual, like so casual. - Well it was funny because on the way there, I thought she knew. And I knew, and we were both like not addressing the elephant in the room. - I had no idea. - So we're like really driving and like I really can't stay. Baby it's cold outside. Singing that the entire way. - Wait that's the song we sang? - That and Don't Worry Be Happy. We were like had gone like going back and forth on like the 10 minute drive to the setup, I just thought. - I think he was so nervous. He didn't want to like say anything. - Yeah I didn't want to say anything so I just like started singing. (upbeat music) - Okay. T minus moments. We all know Asa's so nervous. They're on their way. We got it all ready. (sighs) My heart's beating for him. - [Shaun] Okay, here we go. Everybody here is watching Bailey and Asa as they walk out. All these people want to. Everyone wants to see this. (crowd chattering) How are you feeling there dad? They're starting to walk out right now. - Getting excited. - Getting excited. - A little nervous. - We've been there before. - I'm hoping Asa makes it without any issues. - He'll be fine. - Doesn't flub any of this. - He'll do fine. - I know he'll do great. - Great. - Here's Asa's mom. How are you feeling? - Super excited. - I know. - And nervous for him. - We pull up to his grandma's house and you have to basically walk like across this yard all the way to where his cousin's house is. I was in these like skinny, silver heels. I was like, I'm, I'm going to sink in the grass with my heels on. So I took them off in the car and I was like oh, I'll just walk barefoot. - I was like don't, don't take your shoes off. I'll carry you. - I didn't know at the time. But the set up was like right in the middle of the grass spot. - Like, like 20 steps away. - Like literally 20 steps away. - I was like, no, no, I'm going to sink. I don't want to be carried. I'll just like walk. It'll be fine. - And so because I had been so casual already up to this point, I can be like, no, put your shoes on. I was like, okay. - He was like, oh, there are probably those like sticker plant things - The little pokey grass. - in the grass. You should probably put your shoes back on. I was like, okay. He knelt down to help put my shoes on. And again, I didn't know this but like at his cousin's house everyone's watching through the window and they're all like wait - They see me kneeling down. - your set up is 20 feet, like 20 steps away. Like, why are you kneeling down right there? - Is he doing it early? What the heck? - Like they were all so confused. He was just helping me put my shoes on. (family chattering) - [Mindy] She's like Asa - [Brooklyn] Oh no. my shoes, my shoes. - Her shoes, her shoes. - [Brooklyn] Oh no, oh no. - [Mindy] He's like its fine. Keep walking. - And I spot Brooklyn. And she's like - Crouched under a bush. - She's like crouched under a bush, like so far away. - All the way down across the grass. - And I'm like, what is Brooklyn doing here? And I thought in my head, this was my thought process. I was like, is that Brooklyn? No, that's definitely Brooklyn. Should I tell him I see Brooklyn? What if I'm not supposed to know that she's here. - She goes, uh, is that Brooklyn? - Is that Brooklyn? - I said, I don't know. It might be. - You said, Maybe. And I was like, that's when it hit me. And I was still 20 steps away from the setup. And I was like. - She's like locked up. Her body stopped. - I froze. I was like, Oh. - And I just grabbed her back and said okay yeah come on yes this is happening. This is happening. - And I start crying. So like in the video you can't see me crying because by the time I actually arrived to the bridge I had already cried - She had already cried all my tears. for like a mile. - I literally cried all my tear out. So by that point I was just really excited and like smiley which is why you don't see me, like bawling my eyes out. because I was bawling leading up. - The entire mile walk all the way up to the bridge. (family chattering) - [Family] Everybody's going aww and they just took a right. (family awing) - [Family] Okay here we go. Here it is. - We get to the bridge. Obviously I see like the photographer and Brooklyn. And I'm like, still like in complete shock. I'm shaking like crazy. But I'm super excited. He says his little spiel. I don't remember a word he said. - I don't either. - I remember he said, I love you, when we first met. And then I was saying, yes. - The thing is I wrote down, like I had a whole like two pages of like stuff I was going to say and we get up there and like she starts like laughing and crying at the same time. So it was making me laugh. And I'm just like just like (stutters) nothing is coming out like I wanted it. And then I'm just like, I love you. Okay. (family cheering) - [Family] She said yes. (cheering) - [Family] Congratulations. (cheering) - She said, yes. - [Shaun] That we think. We weren't there. (happy music) - So excited for you. - Look. Woo hoo. - It's real. - Its happening. - [Shaun] What? - I got my emergency things. - [Mindy] She's got lipstick, blotting. - Lipstick, oil blots, tissues. - [Shaun] In case she needed it. You were prepped for her. - I have the speaker chord. My phone. - Oh my gosh. That is a sister for you. - [Mindy] No that's a maid of honor. - She had everything prepped. - It's a maid of honor. - In case, a maid of honor - that's my job. - She had it taken care of. - So that's pretty much the entire story. I don't know if there's much else to tell. The next day was Easter. Really cool fact though was the day we got engaged was I know like different countries do their dates differently but it was the fourth month. The third day in that month of the year, 2021. So it's four, three, two, one. - So we like to say everyone including the world was counting down for us. - Everyone in the world was counting down for us. - And now we're here. - And now we're here. - Ta-Da - And we're so excited. - Either you saw the engagement video from last week. If not - You're seeing this now. - The link in the description box. - Go check it out. - Go watch the engagement video from last week. We've actually filmed our reactions the first time we got to watch that because I didn't get to watch any of the raw clips. He didn't get to watch any of the raw clips. And Kamri was the one that edited it for us. We just, the whole thing was magical watching it for the first time. - It was beautiful It was awesome. - And of course I literally cried from beginning to end and after. - She cried before anything even started. - So you guys will want to watch that clip. So we'll pop it up here. (soft guitar music) - Not me already crying. - You already started crying. - Literally hasn't even started yet. ♪ Let me count all your freckles. ♪ - You're kidding. ♪ On your arms alone. ♪ ♪ I think your love is my cure. ♪ - Me bawling my eyes out. ♪ Don't let me go ♪ ♪ Just kiss me slow ♪ - Oh the box is backwards. ♪ I love you alone. ♪ (soft guitar music) - That was so good. - That was awesome. - Not me crying. - [Kamri] What'd you think? - Loved it. Loved it. - Thanks Kamri. - [Kamri] Aww Bailey. Don't cry. And my roommates are crying. - [Brooklyn] Not me sympathy crying. (laughs) - Thanks Kamri. - She was crying two seconds in. - Can we watch it again? - [Brooklyn] Mm-hmm - You guys like I know y'all were asking for this video, all the dirty dirty details of how it all happened and went down. So hopefully you enjoyed hearing about it. - Hopefully this covered it all. - Comment down below if you have any more questions for us because we'll be doing a wedding Q&A pretty soon. - Yup. - And we'll be answering those questions. And number two, let us know if you want to get some wedding vlogs. wedding planning, vlogs. You know, your girl planner. - Dress shopping. Plans. - I already got it moving. All right we love you all. Goodbye. - Goodbye. - I feel like I'm in a dream. - So on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you? - 1000, 55 million. - There we go. That's awesome. (upbeat music)
Channel: Brooklyn and Bailey
Views: 2,069,766
Rating: 4.9737124 out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn, Bailey, brooklynandbailey, lifestyle, college, school, teen, mormon, lds, fun
Id: FNfA1O6iea0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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