Emma Chamberlain on Her Acne Journey, and Guide to TikTok Makeup | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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[Music] hi i'm emma chamberlain and i'm going to be taking you through my everyday skincare my everyday makeup and my everyday hair i just changed the color of it so this is a big deal and you know it deserves a little bit of light and my dream is coming true right now because i've always wanted to do one of these so let's do it okay so step one i'm going to take the nearest headband i have and put it on hydrating face mask i do this probably three times a week four times a week i'm honestly kind of somebody who just follows my instinct if i feel like my skin is dry i'll do a hydrating skin mask if i feel like my skin is gross i'll do some sort of detoxifying skin mask i just i'm intuitive with the whole thing i've had on and off acne my whole life well since like puberty um but my skin got really bad in high school and then it got bad again as like an older teen and so i decided i would go on accutane which is a very intense acne medication i did that for seven months last year and my acne went away but i still have to maintain my skin it actually made me fall in love with skincare and i'm only way anyway i'm gonna leave this on for 10 minutes this is a very crucial part of my morning routine i have a really love-hate relationship with my acne journey um and there was good and bad moments but y'all saw all of it you can go back and see any of it it's been 10 minutes i'm washing this off now i look like a newborn oh my god my eyebrows my eyebrows are very neglected guys please don't give me a hard time i i really don't do anything to them um but moving on first we have this serum that has some sort of snail i mean according to this it's supposed to oh my god this is going to prevent wrinkles that is something i'm starting to worry about anyway i drop a little bit into my hand i've always liked putting it in my hands more than putting it directly on my face i feel like it always just like falls off you know you always see people on like take talk and stuff going like this i'm like [Music] mine just goes straight onto my shirt when i try to do that i don't understand then i use a tea tree relief whenever i'd have a pimple in middle school um and i lived with my dad he would tell me to put tea tree oil on it and that's what he did when he had asked me thank you dad for the acne tip but it's actually it was kind of nice growing up with parents that also had acne because they kind of felt my pain um it runs in the family so i felt like i had the support system of parents that were like we get it next i'm using a niacinamide serum it's so funny because with skin care i'm very interested in it especially recently and especially since i got off accutane because i was like wait a minute i don't want to go through acne again so i need to really work on maintaining my skin and keeping it as healthy and happy as i possibly can the crazy thing about skincare that i've realized is it is so different for everybody i've tried hundreds of products i'm constantly switching it up i'm constantly trying new things this is literally my favorite product this makes me look like a baby's butt on my face it's a hemp oil it's unreal when i wake up i look like a vampire i don't know what it is i feel like while i'm sleeping i just lose all of my life in my face and i can't explain it this product truly brings the life back to my skin i also try to avoid dairy not only for my extremely disgustingly sensitive stomach but also because i think that dairy does make me break out although sometimes it doesn't and then i'm like okay so i can put unhealthy amounts of parmesan cheese on everything that i'm eating throughout the day last step of my skin care routine sunscreen i just recently started wearing it daily wear sunscreen please like don't be like me and start when you're 19 and already have had too many sunburns to count on two hands you know what i mean it's just not like i feel like i'm probably wrinkling from it you know whatever it adds personality lip balm this is huge i'm like kind of addicted to lip balm and i have been for many years like i always have a lip balm on me and if i don't i'm begging someone to let me borrow theirs which actually is not allowed anymore and never will be again it's crazy that i ever did that now in retrospect uh that really is some food for thought it's makeup time i am a huge fan of a light makeup this is a tinted face oil life-changing i i like it basically acts as like a super light foundation-ish type of thing so i put a little bit on my hands i rub it and i just literally like lightly rub it in but it's like so nice and light i started wearing makeup probably eighth grade freshman year of high school because i became a cheerleader competitively and we had to do crazy hair and makeup and i just ended up getting kind of decent at it then when it came to day-to-day wear i never was huge into it up until recently let's really make sure we're looking okay here see how nice and light it is though on your skin it makes you look glowy and like it's an amazing product concealer i'm always trying out new concealers because these under eye bags are not going away anytime soon they are in fact genetic it's funny because i'm starting to see people on tick tock draw on under eye bags or under eye dark circles with like dark eyeshadow and i'm like wait a minute under eye bags are trending now under eye circles are trending now count me in i like to put this in with my fingers i never i used to use a sponge but i find that it looks more dewy and natural if i use my finger i also like to put the excess products that are on my fingers on my eyelids it just creates like a nice light base for the things that go there next i use powder early in my routine because i feel like it just prevents from any creasing in my base of whatever is going on here let's not comment on my brush usage because i literally just choose whatever brush i feel like would work best for what i'm doing i think setting under eyes forehead and chin is the most important i've found and under my nose actually too so now we have a nice base i'm having a good makeup day sometimes i have fully bagged makeup days and i do my whole face makeup and i'm like this just looks wrong but today's a good day so i'm glad that you're here with me we're bronzing now you know just a little light dusting never hurt anybody highlighter the thing i've learned is less is more and that's because you watch a tutorial and you realize you don't need to put the whole bottle of foundation on your hand to make your skin look good you know if anything it'll look worse eye shadow [Music] okay sometimes i'll add in like a little bit of a color like this into my crease but i make sure i don't overdo it because it's very easy to overdo it my eyes can get overpowered very easily so i don't i always try to avoid that at all cause i am not a big eyeliner person so i like to take this kind of medium brown and maybe mix it with a little bit of this brown this side is just a nightmare for me trying to get my hand [Music] can you not you want to say hi to my cat what's up [Music] okay you're gonna go back outside that's fun though right okay if you keep scratching on the door though you're grounded back to work being a cat bomb is not easy take a little bit of this i rub it in between my fingers i just kind of lightly tap it on my inner corner i feel like that really lightens my eyes up take a brow gel keep them nice and fluffy and natural looking then i take a little bit of tinted brow gel the next few sets of this routine is just out of order but that's the way i like to do it so bear with me i like to wipe all the excess product off my lip and then i take this plumping lip cream and i put this on and i let it sit while i do the remainder of my look so that my lips can kind of fluff enough i think that i could use some blush this is the only blush i literally own i hate the way you have to smile when you put them blush can you guys look away for a second while it is oh my god this eyelash curler is so gross but i've had it for so long it's just the only one i've ever found that i like [Music] all right then we have my mascara that literally is the coolest shape how fun is that [Music] i love the like twiggy look with like the crazy lower lash line and i really want to play into that this year 2021 is the twiggy lower lash line here lip liner i've always neglected my lips but i feel like they actually pulled together a full makeup look i've recently learned the importance so here we are oh my god i'm done what do you think now i need to do hair i did just go brunette i was blonde for like eight months and i loved every minute of it but uh my hair got extremely damaged and so just a few days ago i cut all of it off and dyed it brown dry shampoo this one's really good this one has been amazing especially with brown hair it's hard to use dry shampoo because it really just shows up dry shampoo is also great because it adds volume like why not you know okay i'm also somebody that's always loved to have my hair up in a ponytail or up in some way and now that my hair is literally this short i can't do that so i have to adapt the dry shampoo honestly like weirdly styles it enough to a point where i'm like satisfied with it but i do like to add a little bit of hairspray i will just do anything for volume see now it looks good because i have to see my own face on the internet every single day it's made me a little bit more obsessive about how i look but at the same time it's just about practicing resilience and realizing that you know hopefully people aren't following me because they care about my hair color hopefully hopefully they're following me because they want to hang out with me when i start to get to in my head the phone's off and i'm playing drums i'm hanging out with my one friend talking to my parents on the phone that fixes everything i think this is the final look i feel good about it um thank you for hanging out with me i have a lot of fun with you today and see you around bye hey
Channel: Vogue
Views: 3,641,244
Rating: 4.9538713 out of 5
Keywords: how to, celebrity, emma chamberlain, emma chamberlain beauty secrets, emma chamberlain interview, emma chamberlain vogue, emma chamberlain vogue interview, emma chamberlain beauty, emma chamberlain makeup, emma chamberlain makeup tutorial, emma chamberlain getting ready, emma chamberlain gets ready, emma chamberlain getting ready with, makeup tutorial, beauty tutorial, emma, emma chamberlain youtuber, emma chamberlain tiktok, emma chamberlain vogue makeup, vogue
Id: I7wTe5SRRsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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