How EMMA CHAMBERLAIN Makes the Perfect Cup of Coffee | What's Cooking? | Seventeen

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- God, it's so beautiful to watch. Garlic powder has its own personality. It's such a good avocado. Look how perfect it is. Hi guys, I'm Emma Chamberlain, and I'm gonna be showing you how to make my favorite coffee recipe, and one of my favorite breakfast recipes. It gets out some anger while you're at it, right? (pan sizzling) It's very beautiful. (bell dings) (upbeat music) Mm. (upbeat music) Also, my voice sounds so weird right now because I'm losing my voice for some reason. I think I've been screaming too much. (sniffs forcefully) So I need to get some coffee in my throat ASAP. I'm also gonna be answering some questions. So let's get into it! First thing I'm gonna be making is a latte. So, first I need a mason jar. Okay, it's from, why is it dirty? Okay, it's a little bit dirty, but it's fine 'cause I'm the only one that uses it. This is my Chamberlain Coffee mason jar. Then I need a few other things. This is my favorite almond milk, vanilla almond milk. And then this is my favorite vegan creamer to add into my coffee. And then, I'm using this blend of Chamberlain Coffee right now. It's the Careless Cat Blend. This one's a great little medium roast. I kinda circulate through all of my blends with Chamberlain Coffee. I don't really have a favorite, which sounds like it's too good to be true, but it kind of is too good to be true. I need ice too. So, one more thing. All right, now let's get into some questions. Okay, first question. What is my favorite video I've ever done? That's a really good question that I don't think about often. I would say my favorite video that I ever have done would have to be probably my Coachella vlogs, just 'cause I love the memories with my friends. Watching them back is so fun. Basically any vlog of me traveling with family or friends is probably my favorite. (grinder whirs) Next question, as I'm grinding my coffee. What would you consider to be an overall style don't? (grinder whirs) I'm somebody who really likes to switch it up when it comes to style, and I don't really like to follow any specific rules. I break my own style don'ts, quote unquote, all the time. I feel like there is no such thing anymore, to me. And that's because, as long as it makes you feel good, I really think that any clothing piece is a yes. So I would say a style don't is don't wear something that makes you feel uncomfortable, or doesn't make you feel like you. When you wear something you're proud of, you're confident, you're into it, blah blah blah. But when you're not into your outfit, you don't feel as good, and you don't walk around with that confidence that you would have otherwise. So I would say that's my big style don't. And that's something that I make a big priority, is, if I don't feel good in the outfit, but I'm just not gonna wear it, and that's that. (machine buzzing) God, it's so beautiful to watch. Next question, what's something that I feel like I couldn't pull off, fashion-wise? I have a really hard time with dresses. I feel like I don't look good in dresses. I just, I think with dresses, I struggle. So it's like, majority, 99.9% of dresses, I don't feel like I can pull off. And there's the occasional dress that fits and looks good, but it's pretty rare. Majority of dresses I can't pull off. (chuckling) Dresses are really cute, and sometimes they make me feel good, but usually they don't. My second favorite drink, besides coffee, is (clock ticking) sparkling water with lime, but coffee is definitely my number one. I also like ice water, just a good old ice water with a little lemon wedge in it never hurt anyone. Anyway, back to the recipe. I got two shots of espresso in here. Then I add some almond milk up to about there. And that was a lot. It's okay. Then, I take Nut Pod Creamer, (liquid sloshing) vanilla, and to top it off. And then it's done, and it's very beautiful. Very beautiful. Now it's time to start making breakfast. We're gonna be making avocado toast 'cause it's the only thing I know how to cook, which is unfortunate. Okay, so here's what you need, ingredient list, and then we'll get started. It's very easy to make, but I feel like everybody makes their avocado toast a little bit different, and that's why it's kinda fun to watch. I feel like mine's pretty basic, but you guys can be the judge. So first you need avocados, of course. Then you need your bread of choice. I freeze mine. I get this bread that's this spelt bread. I don't know what that even means. It just tastes really good. It's spelt sourdough bread. And I cut it up and I freeze it so that it doesn't go bad. So, this is why it looks weird. (chuckles) We have lemon juice, salt and pepper, onion and garlic powder. Although my garlic powder is rock solid, so I don't know how I'm gonna handle that, but whatever. Now Everything-but-the-Bagel seasoning, and chili flakes, and hot sauce. I like Cholula. Whatever you like is fine. Sometimes I add an egg on top, but I'm not really in the mood today, so we're just gonna do basic avocado toast. Step one, toast your bread. While we're toasting the bread, we answer questions. (upbeat music) My favorite part about making a coffee company, I mean, it was honestly all of it. I love tasting the coffee. That's obviously fun. It's great for me to be able to just, have coffee at my fingertips at all times, that's amazing. Most favorite part would have to be just learning more about coffee in the coffee industry. It's really interesting. And I just had some great people around me, great people on my team that just taught me everything I'd ever need to know. And I'm just very grateful for that. So I think learning more about coffee in the industry, that's probably my favorite part. (upbeat music) I think what makes Chamberlain Coffee a little bit different from other coffee companies would have to be the playfulness of it. I feel like most coffee companies tend to be very serious, but we wanted to keep Chamberlain Coffee very casual, and lighthearted, and fun, and I think that that's what kinda sets it apart. By the way, avocado is cut. So now we're gonna scoop it out into a bowl. Scoop it out. This is a perfect avocado, wow. Oh, that's such a good avocado. Look how perfect it is. (upbeat music) If I could have a superpower, it would be to heal people. Be able to go, "Zing," and I just heal someone from an injury, whatever it may be. I just want to be able to heal people with my finger. That would be life-changing. Next thing we're gonna do for the avocado toast is mash the avocado with a fork. So, go crazy with that. Have fun with it. It kinda takes a second. It gets out some anger while you're at it, right? (upbeat music) If I didn't live in LA, I would probably, I mean, I'd probably be living in San Francisco, but I don't know if I'd want to live there. If I could live anywhere, I would still live in California, but I'd live by the beach somewhere, maybe in Malibu, or something like that, because I just love it over there, and it's a lot more chill. And I don't know if that's technically, I don't know if Malibu is technically considered LA, but it doesn't feel like it's LA when you're there. So, if I could live anywhere, I would live there. (upbeat music) A secret beauty tip for clear skin, for me, would be a few things. Number one, go to the dermatologist and talk to a professional. I went on medication for my acne, and that's what truly healed my skin. And I don't think that I would have the skin I have right now without that. So I think that contacting a professional is huge, but also moisturizing a lot. I used to kind of neglect the moisturizing step, and it's very important. Okay, so now the avocado is mashed up, I'm gonna add in a little bit of salt, (salt crunching) a little bit of pepper, wanna add a little bit of lemon. That was a lot. I always overdo it on the lemon. Then I'm gonna add some garlic powder, just a tiny bit. You really don't need much. I think that's probably enough. God, it actually smells good. It doesn't smell like raw garlic. It's like, garlic powder has its own personality. I'm going to have to hit this against my counter to break it up a little bit, so. (bangs counter) A little bit of onion powder. The onion powder really adds a flavor that I would have never imagined. So a tiny bit of that. And then, I add a little bit of chili flakes. And then, we mix. As you can see, it looks very delicious. (bowl scraping) (upbeat music) If I could collab with any fashion brand ever, it would definitely be Louis Vuitton. I mean, no doubt in my mind. I just feel this warm, fuzzy feeling with them, and working with them in any way is always a pleasure, and such a honor. Sip of coffee time. Toast is out of the oven. So I'm gonna spread the avocado on top. (upbeat music) I rarely get starstruck, I would say, but I have been starstruck before. I would say I was starstruck when I met my favorite YouTuber, Cody Ko. I was on Cody Ko's podcast a long time ago, when I was like 16, and it made me so nervous to meet him. And he was the first person I'd ever met, him and his girlfriend, Kelsey. I met them, and I was just such a massive fan. And getting to meet them was just crazy. And I just remember being so beyond nervous, but now I'm friends with them, and they're amazing, and it all worked out, but I was very embarrassingly nervous. I was shaking, talking really fast. I was a mess. I was a mess. (upbeat music) I'm somebody who doesn't really believe in regrets, so I don't regret anything, in my whole life. Isn't that kinda crazy? But it's like, there's obviously things that I would do differently now, but it's like, there's nothing I can really do about things that have already happened, right? So, I don't really, I try not to have regrets, to be honest. I look at it like this. Every single thing that I've ever done made me who I am. I don't want to take any of it back. You know what I mean? (upbeat music) Something that I wish I knew when I was younger was that nothing is that serious. Everything seems so serious, and so life or death in the moment, but in literally less than a year or something, can be so, such a distant memory, and not matter anymore. So don't dwell too hard in the everyday stuff. There's a bigger picture. I feel like I never thought of life that way, and recently I started to, and I think it's really helped. (upbeat music) Done. I'm done with the avocado toast. I didn't really tell you what I did. I topped it with some olive oil, Everything-but-the-Bagel seasoning, and Cholula, and now it's done. It's kinda very pretty. (upbeat music) Cheers. Okay, so I have my avocado toast here, and my coffee. This is just so beautiful to me. I'm gonna, I need to take a photo of this avocado toast 'cause I'm really proud of it. (food crunching) (upbeat music) Mm, the last show I binged was "The Vow" on HBO Max. And it's about a cult. It's a little bit scary. But I like it just because I'm very interested in the human brain, how it functions and all of that. And this kind of shows a deep dive on a weird psychological thing that goes on with cults. And so that's really interesting. But I'm also constantly bingeing "The Office." (upbeat music) The last person I texted was, let me look, my friend Olivia. (upbeat music) My favorite emoji is that one that's like, (bubble pops) the pouting emoji. I love that one. I use it so much. I also just like the red heart. I feel like it's just so quick and effective. You know what I mean? All right guys, listen. Thank you for watching me cook and hanging out with me. Mm. Let me know how you think I did. Would you eat this? I mean, I feel like it's pretty good. I'm enjoying myself. But let me know if you guys would eat this, and/or drink this. For more videos like this, make sure to subscribe to Seventeen's YouTube channel. If you want to check out my YouTube channel, my name is Emma Chamberlain. My name is Emma Chamberlain on all social media platforms, if you want to look me up. Also, if you want to drink the same coffee as me,, it's also my coffee company, and I think that's it. Thanks for hanging out with me. Try this out, and let me know what you think. (food crunches) Bye! (upbeat music)
Channel: Seventeen
Views: 601,561
Rating: 4.97049 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chamberlain coffee, emma chamberlain coffee recipe, emma chamberlain coffee review, emma chamberlain cooking, emma chamberlain david dobrik, emma chamberlain house tour, emma chamberlain fashion, emma chamberlain beauty, emma chamberlain seventeen, emma chamberlain interview, emma chamberlain breakfast, seventeen, seventeen magazine, seventeen youtube, 17 youtube, emma chambie
Id: F9b9gmp7RcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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