Why Is BIDEN's New Car So Expensive?

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why is the u.s presidential car commonly dubbed the beast so expensive well in this video we'll look at the various reasons that make this coveted presidential limo so expensive but the beast is a unique catalog made by general motors and it's upgraded every decade or so the 45th united states president donald trump was driven around in a model that debuted in late 2018 and this model is expected to continue as the main presidential limo into the late 2020s the beast is one of the most famous and most expensive cars in the world on book it's expected to cost the american taxpayer between a million and 1.5 million however it's been reported that gm has amassed some 15 million 800 765 by january 16th in the development of this behemoth in comparison the average price of a new ford f-150 the best-selling car in the u.s is 35 grand that makes this beast over 451 times more expensive than the f-150 from its sheer size to its high-tech defensive features watch on to find out exactly why the beast is so expensive be sure to stick around to the end to see why the cost of the current beast was so expensive and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and notification bell so you don't miss out on more amazing so expensive videos let's get started number six the exterior the beast is basically a tank on wheels and tanks are well expensive its size is nothing short of humongous for a car in its class it reportedly weighs in at a whopping 20 thousand pounds which is equivalent to five fully grown elephants with the magazine rodent track describing this presidential limo as massive and tall current driver reports that the bee sits on a gmc top kick platform a chassis platform used for medium duty trucks the body of the car is military grade armored from aluminum titanium ceramic and steel which is one main reason why the beast is so expensive the exterior walls are about eight inches thick and its windows can't be rolled down they're five inches thick that's about the thickness of two and a half reams of photocopy paper see that door it reportedly weighs as much as this a boeing 757 door interesting right and get this these doors don't have any keyholes whatsoever only the secret service know how to open them these tires shred and puncture resistant and come with steel rims which makes the car extremely useful in the event of an attack we'll talk about this later in the video on the exterior you'll also find night vision cameras right here which are incredibly useful to capture images at night and during low light instances these cameras can also be used in case the windshield is compromised number five high-tech defensive features another main feature that makes the beast so expensive is the high-tech defensive features onboard remember those weighty doors well like normal cars when they close they form a seal so strong that the occupants are protected from chemical attacks and don't think you can just walk up to the u.s presidential motorcade and go about opening the door should the secret service not reach you in time which is highly unlikely then be prepared to get electrocuted by the beast itself it will electrify its handles to prevent entry remember those shred and puncture resistant tires well gm uses a set of bust-sized kevlar reinforced goodyear run flats and for good reason coupled with the steel rims these tires can keep the beast going for quite some distance in the event of an attack kevlar is very expensive material because in its production problems arise from the concentrated sulfuric acid required to keep the water insoluble polymer in solution during its synthesis and spinning the kevlar also makes the tires bullet and stab proof pretty cool huh the fuel tank's defenses are much like the tires in that the fuel tank is bomber with thick armor plate but that it also has another line of defense if the fuel tank were ever hit it would fill up with foam preventing the tank from exploding this special foam prevents the fuel causing an explosion even after a direct hit let's take a quick break for the quiz which one of the following medical features are not included in the beast a oxygen tank b bags of the president's blood type c life support machine d radiation protection suits you think you know the answer write it down right now in the comments section below and keep watching until the end of the video to find out if you are correct as we reveal the answer number four weaponry the beast is also decked out with some impressive offensive weaponry ensuring that the president has a good chance of getting out of danger if need be it's armed with on-board pump action shotguns and tear gas canisters there are even reports of grenade launchers integrated into the beast however the presidential's car specific offensive weaponry is secret in order to stop enemy forces from divisive attacks this expensive weaponry isn't all you also need people to operate the beast always comes with two more passengers aside from the president in the front passenger seat sits the president's lead secret service protected agent the chauffeur is highly trained by the secret service and is capable of operating on the most demanding road and weather conditions they can perform 180 degree turns in the beast and are trained with evasive maneuvers the windows of the car are multi layers of glass and polycarbonate and this helps with stand armor piercing bullets they can't open as we reported before but there is one that can the driver's one but only by three inches the chassis is also lined with steel plates to make the beast sturdy against bombs number three the interior the interior of the beast has always been shrouded in mystery and for good reason the secret service don't want the enemy devising any attacks using this information however there are some really incredible features that are public knowledge the president's seat is reserved on the back right on his seat he has access to an encrypted satellite phone with a direct line to the vice president and the pentagon the united states department of defense headquarters with the satellite phone he never has to deal with signal issues like the rest of us the u.s presidential car also comes with a glass partition between the passengers and the driver and only the president has access to the switch they can bring this glass partition down talk about some awesome quirks other features sure to drive up the cost of the beast include a panic button used to call for backup response oxygen supply that's reportedly hidden under the president's chair and pints of the president's blood the beast carries these pints in case the ambulance that travels in the presidential motorcade gets cut off and the president needs blood transfusion out back the bees carries a firefighting system in the boot you'll also find smoke screen and tear gas dispensers there number two there's only two another reason why the beast is so expensive is the fact that there are only two produced at a certain time unlike the mass production of cars that helps drive down their costs due to economics of scale the beast sees only the production of two cars these two cars which are alike are then sold to the government of the united states another factor that pushes the cost of the car up is the research and development costs since the car is developed from the ground up the us government has to pay general motors the cost of developing and incorporating both their suggestions into the car some of these suggestions are more expensive than others and that's why you see the cost of the latest beast up from 1.5 million to 16 million a ten-fold increase in cost number one running costs the running costs of the car are also through the roof it has a huge 6.6 liter engine but the overall weight means this huge amount of fuel can only get the car to a maximum of 60 miles an hour its fuel efficiency is really poor and thus really expensive at 3.7 miles per gallon compare that to the average car that sits around 25 miles per hour the huge engine means the beast votes the horsepower to rival that of ferraris and bugattis however due to its massive size and weight this power can only get the car to a maximum of 60 miles an hour the acceleration from zero to 60 miles an hour max speed takes about 15 seconds but this in comparison it takes the new mercedes-benz s-class 6.5 seconds fleet from 0-60 additionally the beast has other everyday costs that wouldn't make it feasible for the average person for example the beast always has an identical spare alongside it and both cars go everywhere the president goes for overseas travel the two beasts are transported by the secret service on a military transport aircraft reportedly the president has 12 copies of the beast on standby cost wise that's the equivalent to having over 200 2021 audi a8s sitting in your driveway and now the moment you've been waiting for the quiz answer earlier on we asked you which medical equipment wasn't found in the beast the answer is d radiation protection suits the presidential car includes an oxygen tank and even bottles of the president's blood type it also includes a life support machine but no radiation suit however if you were listening carefully earlier you would have noted cars already sealed against biological attacks
Channel: CuriousReads
Views: 2,198,726
Rating: 4.5025234 out of 5
Keywords: the beast, so expensive, why is the beast so expensive, the beast car, the beast presidential limo, trump car, obama car beast, us president limo, us president limo the beast, us president limousine beast, us president motorcade, us president car, Biden car, Biden, curiousreads
Id: F175RwDLuM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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