iroh being a tea-loving comedy icon for 10 minutes

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I don't want you to get too excited over nothing please sit why don't you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea I don't need any calming tea join me for a drink sorry but we have to go Prince Zuko show commander Zhao your respect we would be honored to join you do you have any ginseng tea is my favorite the Fire Lord will finally claim victory in this war if my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly then he is a fool two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue so how is your search for the Avatar going my fault entirely he's mine now keep them here more key please do not taint your victory so this is how the great commander Zhao acts in defeat disgraceful even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you thanks again for the tea it was delicious did you really mean that uncle of course I told you ginseng tea is my favorite really should open the window in here give me the map there have been multiple sightings of the avatar but he is impossible to track down a meadow ball I should have known you startled me little one seems I've dozed off and missed my nephew's deadline but it was a very sweet night he's a Fire Nation soldier he's no ordinary soldier this is the fire Lords brother the dragon of the West the once great general Iroh but now he's our prisoner [Music] really Prince Turki could you shoot them down with something more fragrant even more urgent it seems I I've lost my Lotus tile changed our course for a stupid Lotus tile see you like most people underestimate its value just give me 10 minutes to check the merchants at this port of call hopefully they'll have the lordΓ­s tile in stock and I can get on with my life this place looks promising oh that is handsome wouldn't it look magnificent in the galley we lost the Water Tribe girl and the little bald monk she was traveling with this monk did he have an arrow on his head what do you know about respect enough we're all a bit tired from being at sea so long I'm sure after a bowl of noodles everyone will feel much better what did they want perhaps a sporting game of Pi sure Chow has been promoted well good for you excellent I take the part but you're all improving I'm certain you will win if he play again have you been trained Zuko you missed music night lieutenant JEE sang a stirring love song I'm going to bed no disturbances out of my way he means no offense I'm certain you bathe regularly forget it Plus will pay your weight in gold make it your weight then we get a deal you got it [Music] uncle I didn't see you get hit with the tongue uncle is that true I'm afraid so he's taking everyone even the cook sorry won't be there to watch me capture the avatar oh joy they dare to meet your fate as I was saying I want my father not to think I'm worthless I'm sure he doesn't why would he banish you if he didn't care these magnificent shells I'll enjoy these keepsakes for years to come you're looking at the rare white dragon bush its leaves make a tea so delicious it's heartbreaking that oh it's the white jade bush which is poisonous we need food not tea when the rash spreads to my throat I will stop breathing but look what I found these are pakua berries known to cure the poison of the white jade plant that oh macha holy berries that cause blindness we're not taking any more chances with these plants we need to get help but why are we going to go there enemies of the earth Kingdom and fugitives from the Fire Nation of course we have names you two look like you could use a good meal why don't you stay for dinner that's too bad my mom always makes too much roast duck why do you live exactly I haven't seen my father in many years is he fighting in the war it's a long long way to Ba Sing se but the girls in the city they looked so pretty where did you get these what does it matter where they came from I hope I made it the way you like it that was very mmm bracing so uncle I've been thinking to perform the technique requires peace of mind I see that's why we're drinking tea to calm the mind oh yeah good point I mean yes and found peace and freedom also they apparently had pretty good senses of humor the stomach is the source of energy in your body it is called the sea of Chi only my case it is more like a vast ocean come on you've got to feel the flow you teaching me how to protect myself from it to shoot lightning at you maybe we should make camp no please don't stop just for me but after all these years I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace as a tourist what sort of King is he eating like the fat happy kind you want to help us liberate some food hey what are you doing firebending your tea for a wise old man that was a pretty stupid move I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea but what a handsome baby thank you I just want our new place to look nice how do you feel ridiculous uh this possibly come in a larger size this crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city oh that's very sweet comes marching home huge how would you like to have your own tea shop my own tea shop this is a dream come true I even get to name the shop of course after I reconquer Ba Sing se I'm going to reconquer my tea shop and I'm going to play pie show every day hey my belly's not that big anymore I really chin down well I think you all look perfect [Music]
Channel: zuko fireprince
Views: 728,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, avatarthelastairbender, iroh
Id: rbCFcvmTFrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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