Why Introverts Can't be Extroverts

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you've probably noticed by now assuming you watch all or a few of my videos or read the title of this video I'm an introvert more specifically a social introvert which means I hype myself up for exciting social activities while knowing I would crash and burn and availably in the moment oh it can't be you can't be social and introverted at the same time I thought introverts are a bunch of shy awkward socially anxious breed of humans that hate talking to other humans I know right I thought that too until I realized I don't have to put myself in a box of stereotypes that I don't personally relate to after hours and hours of intense research interrogation and laughing at Twitter memes I stumbled upon this insightful hipster article from alive daily that answered all of my existential questions in the party but not the life of it what it means to be a social introvert cool didn't expect to be called out for my lack of partying skills so we're off to a great start introversion and extraversion have nothing to do with how social you would like to be it's all about where you get your energy and what activities require energy from you the reason why I like this article is that it automatically debunks the misconception that all introverts are shy not fun and incapable of any social interaction same deal with extroverts to put it simply introverts get their energy by spending alone time where it's extroverts gain their energy by being around people how much you would like to socialize isn't based on whether you're an introvert or extrovert it really is up to you how social you want to be none of that limiting belief crap before I get into the problems I'd like to quickly kill all your high hopes and expectations of me being good at socializing because I'm not like I said before I crash and burn before the fun could even start and that's because as of recent I finally attended my first VidCon us I had tons of fun meeting online friends and interacting with fans but oh boy I'd be lying to you if I said that VidCon wasn't an intense socializing obstacle course believe me when I say my social stamina is pretty much non-existent quite pathetic actually it's so bad that I don't even notice myself zoning out in a conversation or an activity it's like knock-knock hello brain are you there it's not like I was this interested of the topic or anything and in a way I get sort of happy when someone approaches me let alone try to talk to me like thanks for doing the hard job of approaching people and thinking I'm interesting enough to talk to you whenever I'm faced with fast-talking extroverts I usually do this technique where I repeat things that they've said but say in a uh-huh I see what you're trying to say type of tones so I could buy myself more time to say the next thing but up up up up up that's not the coolest thing about this technique the coolest thing about it is that you get to make the other person feel like they're being listened to and not only that they can elaborate what they would be talking about without needing me to say something so it's a double win they get to talk more and feel validated while I get to shut up and reserve my energy so that's the social introvert way of socializing you can thank me later [Music] VidCon day zero my friends and I went to Huntington Beach where we spent our day being buried alive in the sand and losing our sunglasses in the ocean there was a social networking event taking place later on that night which we RSVP'd beforehand and as you've probably guessed I didn't have enough social energy to attend to the event since a bunch of my friends are extroverts and we're very keen on going like what you guys want to do more things you guys ever get tired little old me suddenly began to have second thoughts one part of my brain told me to stay at the Airbnb re-energize myself by doing nothing so I can have the energy to do something later on while on the other hand a latter part of my brain just screamed do something you can't just do nothing you spent thousands of dollars to be here and now you have the audacity to do nothing get a grip of yourself Alex come on be social talk to people let's go the whole time I was at the event I was pressuring myself to socialize and get out there more because that's what you do in a social networking event in a roomful of creators right another huge and insecure reason I decided to tag along was the fear of missing out FOMO for short oh yes the agony of watching your friends insist stories as they have fun while you don't while all my extroverted friends bounces around the room feasting on this social atmosphere literally doing what they do best talking to people I on the other hand was also doing what I do best not talking to people i sat in the corner and drew on some coasters for two hours it was shut up not long after I began to feel super self-conscious of myself and the people around me am i doing something wrong why am I so quiet what happened to getting out there and talking to people aren't I supposed to be having a good time with everyone knowing me when I get super self-conscious I start to think and when I think I think a lot to a certain fall so this is the part where everything crashes and burns in my head my brain was ready to shut down on me after ignoring her limits for a good while it's one thing just being tired but it's a whole different beast when you're both tired and overly self-conscious and overthinking the freak out of everything initiating freaking flight mode I went home and I'm not gonna say I cry but instead I'm gonna say I watered my eye sockets I called up my close friend John and we decided to go on a little walk in the streets of Anaheim to clear up my head and fortunately talking out with him helped me quite a lot John needed to drop off someone's swim trunks at this house party and promise that will be only dropping by for a few minutes no biggie I don't have any social energy to be in a party mood right now even though I like parties [Music] welcome so glad you guys came you know I eat to anyone over to anyone yeah I'm I'm sorry what I can't hear all this noise yes I'm 21 no dude you just turned 21 yesterday oh really yeah take a birthday shot all right I'm gonna go find this person give them back their songs I'll be back cheers to Alex for turning toward so I took my 21st birthday shot [Music] I felt nothing five minutes later hey Billy have you seen Alex Oh Oh Alex she's right over there sitting in her Alex's corner Billy you are terrible hey Alex I'm all sets leave are you oh my gosh what did you do we dip the party right after I screamed into John's face and shortly afterwards the cops got involved and stopped the party due to noise complaints the police find the Airbnb party hosts a hefty fine of $1,000 woof so what did we learn today everyone oh oh yeah I forgot you're all introverts here you guys can't talk although this trip may have its ups and downs I still got a good experience out of it in the end anyway what I've learned as a social introvert during my fun time at VidCon is always have a close introvert sober friend near you at parties thank you John it's okay to say no to a few people and events know your limits prioritize forming deep quality relationships and superficial quantities lastly don't be an airbnb party host unless you want to get also rank FOMO as an introvert I love listening listening to other people's stories and experiences as I animate my videos entertain me to no end so I'd like to thank audible for sponsoring this video head on over to audible.com slash Alex's corner or text Alex's corner to 500 500 to get one free audiobook - free audible originals and a 30-day free trial I'd like to thank audible as an extraverted friend in mobile app form that always has something to talk about ranging from unmatched selection of audiobooks to original audio shows you can listen to audible while you're out commuting going to the gym or if you're someone who sits and draws in their room all day like me recently I've been listening to the hidden power of effing up by the try guys because who doesn't love to try guys their book talks about how failure is more important than succeeding and how we shouldn't be afraid to try surprisingly listening to them talking about their failures and successes and their tries got me motivated and amped up while animating this video once again start listening and get your free audiobook plus - audible originals when you go to audible.com slash Alex's corner or text Alex's corner - 500 500 enjoy listening
Channel: Alex's Corner
Views: 1,307,091
Rating: 4.9581413 out of 5
Keywords: alex's corner, story time, animated storytime, storytime animation, life experiences, introvert, introvert behaviour, social introvert, introvert vs extrovert, extrovert, alex's corner my social introvert problems, introvert problems, social introvert problems, am i an introvert, being an introvert, introvert personality
Id: dusEcMEwH4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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