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toxic people are the worst if you're a friend watching this and is panicking right now since you might be thinking you're one of those people who I'm about to roast in this video then you're you're right man my friends who have been supporting me and encouraging me and have given me so much value in life yeah those guys are the absolute worst I can't believe I'm still stuck in such a healthy and loving relationship okay okay I'm not talking about friends who roast each other and create wholesome memes of one another those friendships are the best 10 out of 10 admit it most of you probably have a secret archive dedicated to your friends looking either hella extra LMG clean insert weary face sweat drops emoji or looking like they just sniped a bunch of freshly baked brownies for the most part I can say that a lot of my past friendships were very much healthy and wholesome but if you want to dig much much deeper into my dark dark past okay maybe not that deep you'll find that I struggled and dealt with a lot of unhealthy relationships aka toxic friends it all started in primary school I made three friends who will call Aiden Gigi and Evan I got attached to them pretty quickly since they were the only friends I got at the time Gigi and I became best friends and I would always play tag at her place along with Evan and Aiden I can't pinpoint a specific event when my friendship with these three start to go downhill but I slowly dreaded every time the phone rings and it was them asking me to come over and hang out of course I would say yes because well because they're my friends so I go to their place and play tag but then tag you're it no you're still it what that's not fair Gigi you saw that I tagged him right I didn't see anything what now you're most of the time I no idea why they were being so unfair to me and when I try to speak up about it it would always backfire they would call me sensitive and that I was taking their jokes way way too seriously there were a few times I've heard from other friends that Evan was calling me a female dog behind my back even though I literally didn't do anything to him like what the hell dude what's your problem you'd think confronting them would somehow lighten up the situation but once again they try to find ways to turn things around guilt-tripping me was a popular tactic of theirs where's that Alex who we knew since primary school yeah bring the old Alex back since I was such a people-pleaser I always gave them another chance and brush off the whole darn thing everything just everything you know like I don't care just just hit me hit me as for Aidan he would occasionally join into teasing too but he was more so the quiet and disinterested sort of guy who answers you in one words responses he didn't care as much it was during middle school that I slowly stopped hanging out with them since my mom forced me to go to a private Catholic school instead of the public school near my house where all of my friends attended mom how could you I was so bummed knowing all my friends who were together hanging out and having the time of their middle school life without me I begged and pleaded to my mom to transfer me to that school but she would always Pat my head and say Jesus comes first [Music] what Jesus doesn't even go to my school I did keep in touch with those friends for a while but when high school came around I mostly lost contact with all of them to be honest it was for the best because girl they've done and sucked my self-esteem dry oh and thanks mom for not giving to my emotional teenage hormones this is probably the part where I tell you that I've learned my lesson about staying away from toxic people or people in general but nope I still got plenty of patience and tolerance to go around back in the day I used to hang around with a lot of the neighborhood boys with my brother and one of those boys let's call him Jason was an absolute whenever I try to converse with this guy about literally anything videos movies games he would always shoot the conversation down and end it like this hey this youtuber is really funny that's gay oh um all right have you watched this movie called oh that movie I didn't like it the main character was pretty gay oh I like that movie I thought this part was pretty funny huh same here did you like the part when the main character did that and that and that and that and that [ __ ] you I think I just heard something gay first of all expand your limited vocabulary and there's nothing wrong with being gay and secondly I wasn't so sure if it was just me but I noticed that he was treating the other guys in the group wid more quote-unquote respect just my personal observation I never realized how much bull if I had to brush up just for the sake of getting on Jason's good vibe side at the time I thought that if I was patient enough kind enough or cool enough by letting everything slide maybe just maybe you would change his cold attitude towards me if he can respect all the other dudes in the group then why can't he spare a little bit of respect to me it didn't take long for us to go on our separate ways since we got busy with school I wasn't able to cut these people out of my life sooner because well it was hard and I know a lot of people can relate to this since why would you want to cut off the only friends you have in your life that leaves you having no one by your side who would want that I know that struggle from all angles but honestly I never actually thought that I was doing myself a huge favor because eventually I found people who respected me and appreciated me for who I am just me it didn't hit me that all those external approval and validation from people they never existed in the first place I just needed to believe that I deserve better that me and my feelings matter who knew that one small courageous thought can hold such a huge and significant impact in your life if you ever feel this way towards someone ask yourself this do they add any sort of value into my life if the positive qualities outweighs the flaws of this person then great sounds like you got a good friendship going on there but if you constantly feel trained moody or feel yourself esteem diminishing then it's time to reconsider the type of people you hang out with life is too short to spend your time getting on the floor and be a literal doormat for everyone to step on just think of all the better things you could be doing in the moment yeah that's right not being a doormat I hope this served as a wake-up call for all those people who are in too deep and their toxic friendships just know that it's okay to lose a friend or in some situations friends for better or for worse it may suck to lose that person now or you may even feel like the bad guy for walking away from that toxic relationship but just remember that it's going to be okay because eventually you'll discover new and better friends along the way and this time for sure you will never think of letting go of these amazing and supportive people in your life hey everyone yes it is I I am back again with another video after two months first of all it's been years since I've had any sort of interaction with these people in my life in my videos since these stories were way back in primary and middle school I believe that people can change and honestly in my opinion kids do dumb things and don't realize that they're hurting other kids so yeah I just want to put it out there I want to know if you guys have any similar experiences with these type of friends so write them down in the comments below I'm glad to be back on the YouTube grind and honestly this video was slowly killing me as you can tell from the new designs and colors and backgrounds and everything I'm not used to it yet I was really getting bored of the black and white colors and no background for my older videos and I felt that I can do so much more now that I'm out of school also did you notice that the bit of the hair on top of my head is shaped as a heart yeah I know it's cute it was the amahzing so hey I love fan art and if you got fan art for me and want to be featured in the next video send it over to my Twitter and Instagram I really appreciate the ones that are up on the screen right now yeah I love it anyway I'm rambling too much thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Alex's Corner
Views: 1,973,875
Rating: 4.9477949 out of 5
Keywords: toxic friends, toxic relationship, middle school, alex animation corner, animations, animation, life stories, funny, entertainment, life experiences, experiences, animator, storytelling, alex animations, school stories, school, friends, how to deal with toxic relationship, toxic friendships, triggered, dealing with toxic people, dealing with toxic friends, dealing with toxic friendships, personal, how to get out of a toxic relationship, how to get out of a toxic friendship
Id: jtmrV6J2qCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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