Why Infinity War Worked and Justice League Failed | One v One

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oh dude how long have you been standing there an hour an hour I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I've become invisible to the eye watch hey fellas it is I Phil mento back at it again with another online video this time if it's okay with you I'd like to talk about the most ambitious crossover in entertainment history or no the second most ambitious crossover in entertainment history a close but still not the one I mean I mean the third most ambitious crossover in hmm all right I saw Avengers infinity war for the second time last night and honestly it still is as much of a wild ride as it was in theaters when it first came out in short it's a hell elite film maybe not the very best of the entire MCU but not far from it either in fact watching through infinity war my mind once again went back to the same age-old question as it did during my first viewing why couldn't DC's big live action team up movie be anything like this if you didn't already know I personally grew up with DC as much as I enjoy these Marvel characters and their movies to me they have never really been asked meaningful as those on the DC side at least not outside of spider-man that said seeing Justice League in theaters was one of the worst experiences of my life I mean right up there with tasting broccoli and going into an actual coma because my little brother decided to throw a fricking brick at my head in other words no I don't think Justice League is a very good movie it's not the worst movie I've ever seen not even the worst movie in the DCU but it is one the most disappointing movies I've ever seen and this fellas is the reason why we're here today to figure out why one of these two superhero team-up movies is great and the other isn't why does in Finn divorce exceed where Justice League fails what exactly did the Marvel filmmakers do differently you know aside from not using Microsoft Paint to remove Captain America's beard five minutes before the premiere I've said this before and I'll say it again DC has a villain problem it might be hard to believe considering they have by far the best comic book villains ever created but with the DC EU unfortunately it is true a perfect example of this is Justice League's big bad guy Steppenwolf also known by his other name tall talking mass of vanilla CGI number 26 to be fair for a long time villains also seem to be a problem for Marvel not that there weren't any good ones it's just that a lot of them just seemed to be very forgettable to the point where you couldn't even tell them apart nowadays however it seems that they have managed to move past that problem which is very much evident in infinity war with Thanos not only is the nose one the best comic book villains in the MCU is also one the best comic book villains period truly a highly memorable highly intimidating presence under no circumstances can we bring the time stone to Thanos I don't think you quite understand what's it's no here it's you who doesn't understand that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back and I don't know what to do Thanos has been inside my head for six years six years six years [Music] looking at these two villains side-by-side at first glance they do seem very much the same they're both tall planet conquering CGI on Strasse DS so why then does the nose work when Steppenwolf doesn't because he possesses an actual personality in infinity war we learn more about Thanos than any other character we get to know who he is where he comes from as well as what he's trying to do and for what reason I wouldn't necessarily agree with what he's doing but I can understand why he's doing it and this is the reason why he feels like a real-life person with real life debt as opposed to just being an empty CGI shell with Steppenwolf in Justice League there's pretty much nothing he does want some boxes but that's about it we don't really know who he is or what he wants or why basically all of our knowledge of him comes from boring generic exposition told by other characters the only real lasting impression we get from Steppenwolf himself is that he so desperately wants to be with his you know honestly Steppenwolf could switch places with any other DC EU CGI villain and this movie would still play out the exact same way he has less personality than Thanos henchmen and I'm pretty sure one of them doesn't even speak let's put it this way if Steppenwolf was in infinity war he'd probably be assisting the assistant of one of these four henchmen aka he'd be doing paperwork in an office somewhere maybe walking their dog if he's doing well and even then it wouldn't take long for him to get fired because he keeps bringing his mom to work with him mother [Music] [Music] one of my personal favorite films of all time is Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest I think there's a lot to love about the story of this movie but to me there's one specific thing that makes it so fun and intriguing to follow every last one of its characters has their own clear goals and motivations and when I say that I don't mean just the main good guys I mean everyone this course really well if she wants the chest for herself donor mr. Norrington I think he's trying to regain a bit of Honor Oh Jack's looking to trade it's a design scheme and Turner there I think he's trying to settle some unresolved business twits him and his twice close pirate forever sad the reason I enjoyed infinity war so much I think is the exact same reason I enjoyed Dead Man's Chest this movie boasts a massive roster of characters but still somehow it manages to keep its story simple and easy to follow how you ask because in addition to the overall objective of stopping Thanos the filmmakers also made sure to divide these characters into smaller groups and give all of them their own clear goals and motivations Tony Stark's party travels to face Thanos head-on because of his troubled relationship with Captain America Thor Sparty heads to forge him a weapon which he can then use to kill thanos star Lords group joins forces with Starks because he wants Gamora back Captain America and most of the other Avengers fly to a condo because they want to destroy the mine stone before Thanos can get his hands on it to pull it short everyone is headed to the same destination they're just taking their own routes to get there and Justice League there really are no person specific goals or motivations at least not outside of Batman's conflict its relationship with Superman basically the whole movie goes like this let's get a team together let's go stop Steppenwolf from getting the last box I survive Superman with that box because that's how stuff works let's go fight seven wolf again in addition to objectives of the heroes infinity war also manages to make things very clear with its villain Thanos wants all six Infinity stones so that he can snap his fingers and make half of the universe feel not so good that's pretty simple to understand Steppenwolf on the other hand wants three boxes because that's just who he is apparently and it doesn't help that it's never entirely clear what these boxes are exactly are they dark side are they his actual mother I don't know and I've seen the film I mean I do know that they paint the sky orange and make tentacles grow from the ground but that's about it all in all Infinity Ward works better because it has something Justice League doesn't clear character and motivations I know that so far I've done nothing but trash on Justice League so I do want to take this opportunity to say some good stuff about it too when it comes to action this movie does have a very cool moment where Batman is driving through the overtaken town in the Batmobile and the rest of the team joins in to help him very cool the only problem is that this moment lasts from maybe 30 seconds and this is a 7,200 second movie so to quote my previous video discussing this movie there are two main action sequences in Justice League and both of them take place in a deserted tube a sewer and a power plant or in other words generic dark DC CGI Space 1 and 2 also there's the park scuffle scene after Superman awakes apparently some people thought it was cool which is fine but to me the whole thing just seemed pretty dumb I mean you have all these superhuman fighters and their big battle is limited to standing around in this one tiny Park wasn't long ago when Superman was fighting in frickin space and just look at flash he gets this cool slow-mo run moment but then you realized it he runs maybe 20 feet almost as if this whole scene was just a quick half-assed reshoot that or maybe the DC characters just got tired of moving around I bet your parents taught you means something is sure here for a reason my parents taught me differently you tell me if you've seen infinity war and you most likely have I don't have to tell you just how spectacular the action in that movie is it's visually incredible always in motion taking place in multiple different terrains packed with emotion and comedy and it also features Spider Man which never hurts where as justice league action mostly consists of generic punching and kicking here we have multiple aesthetically distinct fighting styles and abilities which well just here you go [Music] [Music] [Music] if you follow the movie industry at all you might have heard that Justice League had its fair share of so-called production hiccups it was originally planned to be part one of two films but we all know how that plan turn now originally we had Zack Snyder with his own vision but then along came Joss Whedon with his stuff and of course then there were water brothers executives with their views and because of this there really isn't any consistency as to what this movie wants to be like I've said before it's just a big mess something infinity war is not for example let's compare the themes of these two movies in Avengers the main theme revolves around the inevitability of failure and defeat it's the very first thing that us talks about and it's what the entire film builds itself apart I know what it's like to lose feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail nonetheless in all the time I've served that I have never failed him to be fair Justice League it does feature a sort of overarching theme as well the theme of having to unite and come together if you're wondering why Steppenwolf kept rambling on about the boxes as the unity that's why because the same way he has to unite the boxes to do who knows what with them the Justice League has to unite in order to defeat him it's a good idea but unfortunately in the film it doesn't really work but what's the point of a United supergroup if this one dude is stronger than everyone else put together and can just come in and deal with the bad guy by himself overall while the idea of unity is ok the whole thing too seemed like something that was quickly glued on at the last minute with the reshoots so that the marketing team can then stick it on the posters and this coupled with what we talked about so far is why I think Justice League failed an infinity war succeeded because unlike Justice League infinity war always had one consistent vision [Music] [Music] [Music] his crazy car parked outside Oh mr. Parker um what what are you hey I'm Peter Tony what what are you what are you talk [Music] I don't feel so good you're alright I don't know I don't know what's happening here we are Phyllis there's another Avengers last justice think video for you please tell me your thoughts on these two films and why do you think Avengers succeeded with Justice League failed or is it actually the other way around let me know thanks for watching [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Filmento
Views: 2,212,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, justice league, infinity war, Avengers infinity war, thanos, batman, infinity war ending, wakanda fight scene, superman, infinity war clip, iron man, spider-man, wonder woman, movie, film, blu-ray, iron man thanos, infinity war part 2, justice league 2, infinity war death, infinity war who lived, review, mistakes, honest trailers avengers, avengers 4, marvel, phase 4, infinity stones, everything wrong with infinity war, dc, captain marvel, one v one, one versus one
Id: 5K_hUqz62_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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