THE OUTLAWS - Jason Statham & Wesley Snipes In Blockbuster Action Crime Full Movie In English HD

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foreign [Music] get the [ __ ] down right now you people move forward that you don't want to do God the [ __ ] up oh you have picked the wrong day not to use the ATM do what you're told when you're told you may live that I make no guarantees I'm in you up your security system you can electronically seal all the entrances yes yes oh what a wonderful attitude you and I are going to get along just fine it's done you're locked down smashing gonna be late for work fire in the hole what the hell do you think you're doing [ __ ] set off the alarm no before he set off the [ __ ] all right the alarm's been tripped we're on a clock let's get these people out of here next time if you're going to do something do it right this is detective Galloway [Applause] I want all points eventually identified and covered Nina SWAT you now have emergency crews done and by didn't take them long come on man set a perimeter moving back how far Portland hey got him online this is detective Carlo Seattle PD who am I speaking I'm in control of this facility now complete control nobody gets in or out without my say I'll execute every day I'm a man of zero tolerance today I'm listening all right detective I only have one demand and one demand don't do you have a warrant I need to speak to you Quentin well that's where your [ __ ] out of luck because I don't need to speak to you it's important foreign detective Shane Decker looked like much of a detective I could say the same about you Charming change is transferred in from Tacoma you might be interested to know that his father I really don't care just get to what's on your mind we got a hostage situation over at American global and uh we'll talk to anybody but you so we need you to do this why should I because people's lives are at risk like the kids said I did want to help I'm suspended as of right now you're back on the force just like that just like that I won't however unleash you alone Shane here's your new partner you can consider him a younger version of me oh how nice for my call you've been with your partner the unemployment line long time ago you know for a moment I thought you cared where are you going thank you I'm here now I'll let you know back to Connors so we have a few words yeah I'll give you two blow me you need to follow up comment let me know terrific talk to about 9 30. 9 30 all right 9 30. okay Vincent nice to see you both okay so Connors has been reinstated to full active duty and his scene last time this guy headed a hostage situation an innocent civilian died it was not responsible well you never are that girl would be alive today if it wasn't for your cowboy antics you destroy lives well look who's talking about destroying lives I seem to remember that's your [ __ ] specialty callow ladies please I was first on the scene and I have seniority decisions been made Bernie don't do this Martin don't cave into this guy Bernie I need you to take a hike all right we'll talk about it later fine I'll watch the train wreck from home okay SWAT because of special circumstances we'll defer to Connors he's in charge of course I heard SWAT deferred that again I want you to do the folks in the bank a bigger favor by proving me very wrong about that's an order anything questionable happens today I want to know about it okay yes sir it's like you got yourself foreign [Music] heavily armed men holding an unspecified number of customers and employees hostile just a wealth of knowledge Vincent their only demand so far has been to speak to you let me align it to the bank let's see what they really want thank you well well well it isn't detective Connors speaking well for now the rents how are we doing in there you do anything food medical supplies perhaps we heard an explosion everyone who matters is fine of course I would have preferred the authorities not be involved at all Seattle's finest it's a presence on the scene I'm glad it's you oh well my thing precedes me don't be flattered I needed to have someone who's been through this experience before detective I plan on living a long full rich life bus but I'm back your information's old never get what you pay for well I guess you want to know about the hostages huh yes and they're doing just as well all of them except one someone's dead Fury put to practice isn't always perfect you can't expect to keep the houses in check if you let a bad deed go unpunished we're just randomly what else will I be looking for it wouldn't be too much to ask for you and your colleagues just to pack up and bounce huh all right well you just stay by the phone and I'll wait Lorenz don't worry that's until sunrise tomorrow relax gonna be a long one come on Lorenz this this is not finished patience detective patience we don't want this to be another Pearl Street bridge now do we he's out this standoff is reaching two hours now we've been told the detectives have made contact with the perpetrators inside the bank but whether specific demands have been made we cannot confirm when we're in the know we'll let you know I'm Karen cross live for Channel 2 News where is our fearless Captain you went Uptown to brief the commissioner here in his place it's all right you quit smoking caffeine too if you must not what a man's capable of change yeah don't worry I still have advice or two protective 15 rings no answer try again in five what are they doing in there wasting our [ __ ] time precisely he knows police protocol not to mention the [ __ ] now on Precinct discus voice probably means he's got a record and has done this before drops that hint about Sunrise just buying time why I was trying to figure out his next move he wasn't expecting us he wasn't expecting you said he thought you were suspended yeah probably thought it took hold it he almost has what he came for where is the SWAT Commander not fun that's a big call Quentin if you thought about what you're doing question to me Teddy unfortunately yeah well I question how you can [ __ ] that [ __ ] you do and still manage to look in the mirror the hostages are an imminent danger they've already confessed to killing someone that's an automatic murder one charge life sentence maybe a needle thrawn so I keep Witnesses around to testify the longer we wait the greater the risk we need to go in now when so what we got snipers up top 10 soldiers on the ground swing tear gas blow the doors hold on no explosives I've got 40 civilians in this two greater chance any other way no there's no [ __ ] weigh-in the doors are locked electronically from the inside and we ain't getting in without Force or what if we cut the power that'll disable the system we can open the locks manually going that way that'll work [ __ ] Wayne Commander cut the power and we go in at 11 15 and Shop emergency generators which once the powers down will kick back on in approximately three to six minutes be over before then Commander your man in position standing by call for the power to be cut once down wait for my signal nobody moves until I get the go understood you come here you just shut the [ __ ] up thank you here they come okay let's go around the horn cut the power look go hey hold on hold on what just happened holy [ __ ] come on guys we're moving in stand the [ __ ] down Commander it's a trap no you sound the [ __ ] down this is my show now repeat do not go in on my account three two one [Applause] secure the area [Music] [Applause] thank you anybody come your way no no one bites detectives we found these loves masks let him walk right past us [ __ ] beautiful [Music] okay we we got the one teller dead the two that were strung up they're alive but they're in critical condition a few of the SWAT took second degree burns but that's the worst of it uh now depending on who you talk to it was between five and nine purps now nobody saw them because they were wearing the masks all the time I got Dax collecting all the security tape so it's at least gonna give us a firm number checks on every hostage they're all suspects until they're not excuse me yeah I need to hear that conversation between Connors and Lorenz again well you'll have to wait how long an hour maybe more you show me how to play myself and look it it doesn't work this way okay I don't take orders from you I don't know you and no one touches my stuff okay you'll have to wait excuse me what the hell are you doing are you add along with whatever they stole in this war zone they left behind a man's dead and the killers are running free I don't have time to wait I'll figure it out myself thank you for your help uh this is a dab recorder you know what that is digital audio tape it's just like regular tape player right playing stop rewind the headphones Jack straight in tape's already inside right that wasn't so hard was it um I don't break anything okay so everyone's been cleared out at this point except for those two there what about this one oh that's a camera in the vault it got blown in the first explosion and here comes that's when you cut the powder so we can idea there's a four minute 52 second gap before the image returns but yeah they're long gone by then go to the head of the types when they first went in document each move they made for the two hours they were inside oh hey uh awful lot of news cameras outside maybe one got a good look at them coming out I've been so check it out Connors you better come out here protective on join us would you they might just randomly Revolt chaos has some order to it Prince Amar al-aban is one of the wealthiest and least popular Arabs in the Middle East countless threats on the life and fortune in the past but for better for worse is an ally to the United States last month in Charlotte North Carolina the Crown Valley Bank was hit same Mo Prince had a safe deposit box there too so what was in the Box we don't keep records boxes of private since 9 11 we we screened for live tissue viruses and explosives if it passes those tests we don't ask look it's fascinating [ __ ] what about the money bank robbers still like cash don't they cash drawers don't appear to be touched now that it's a cash Vault so they broke into a bank and didn't steal any money we believe the prince's box was the target we're trying to reach him now okay sir may I have a word with you please thank you are you familiar with the term franchise-sized [ __ ] up it's my fault huh I'm beginning to understand why they wanted to deal directly with you you think you're smart Quentin but man are stupid you got played oh that's not fair everything is according to standard procedure you came to me I didn't ask for this commissioner's office is scrambling to make sense of this if they need a scapegoat I got zero problem serving you up you won't understand if I had to be somebody very put to practice randomly remove chaos has some order to it foreign the way he spoke paused before certain words have you ever heard of the cast Theory Edward Lorenz invented the chaos theory in the 1960s it's the study of phenomena that appear random but in fact have an element of regularity which can be described mathematically try that again will pretty much uh initial state of events may seem unrelated and random but eventually a pattern emerges and in the end all the pieces fit together anything else to officers no that'll be all thanks so you're a college boy which one place I've heard of one of those inbred State schools no one showed up UW so it's the latter how'd you end up on the fourth it's kind of the family business your dad's dead and so I'm back listen do we really need all this get to know you crap a couple hours ago you didn't give a [ __ ] you've grown on me besides I've entrusting my life to you I should know something about you a little something about me I know about your detective everyone does I can say that with much enthusiasm not much to be enthusiastic about listen my reputation often precedes me you however have no reputation at all fact I need to deal with you've been through the [ __ ] I have then you can judge me now we can try to work together and make the best of a bad situation pay thick sizes all day it's up to you since this is your first day here today mine's bigger just come in go ahead you got something you're going to want to see Leslie I don't like the pac-10 it's overrated come over and see this detective can't stay away from me can you yep good right there perfect you're a loser I busted him a couple years ago and attempted robbery stupid bastard never learns what's he doing back on the streets he gave up his partners and cut a deal with a D.A got an address the only thing on fire is in Spokane but I think I remember that he had a girlfriend in town Gina step back shots fired officer down we need an ambulance and back up foreign huh [Music] I'm a police officer that guy's a murder suspect I need your bike man [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you ah [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] lawyer I'll kill a lawyer wow he's unconscious but stable with a nice knot on his forehead three officers are watching the room he waits they call they Quincy come on give me the rest Quincy was a coroner you might just be bruised but you may have a cracked rib you should get to a hospital I should do a lot of things you sure you're all right fine Gina Lopez 28 done time for possession has two kids am I interrupting no excuse me Gina claims she doesn't know anything about a bank robbery of course she doesn't Vincent yeah yeah I haven't put Miss Lopez in interrogation want to turn the AC on for let me know when her nipples can cut glass sorry detective I didn't when we first met I didn't realize who you were yeah I've worked with your dad previously right after I got out of the academy it was an honor thanks Vincent father was Harry Decker detectives ready for you somebody going on a trip looks like it don't I you're looking well money I've heard you were back calling us he's dreaming you on the other hand hi Marnie Shane and I gotta bike myself maybe we can go for a ride or maybe I could just ride you let me get back to work now please we have passport suntan lotion Bermuda shorts the hearse and yeah must be 50 large his cut you think right it's not well don't put words in my mouth but uh two things jump out of me here first of all every bank has their own money bands and these are not American globals after a little checking we find they belong to World National Financial that sounds familiar yeah four months ago a half a million dollars was stolen in an armed robbery there especially in grab job but they caught the guys they were covered about four hundred thousand now they've been in jail ever since and their trials are still pending so it brings me to point number two hmm smell that what is that when evidence comes in any physical contact can make it hard to lift prints so now to Mark the bills we just spray a scented solution directly on them is that new yeah wave of the future try and keep up with the times so this money's not from our bank oh no no this money is from the world National Financial job in our evidence room for a list of things you can put in my mouth colors do you remember who headed up the world national case I think it was Calla well no reason just thinking out loud come on you said it was your family business I I didn't realize I guess I just didn't connect the dots don't worry about it I thought there was a hero yes he was first I thought maybe you were related to the captain no no relationship you found the money Gina my name is Dave that money came from our evidence room I told you the number of bank robbery whatever Damon was into I knew nothing about so where were you going position us felony murder one if you're protecting him good life I didn't do nothing but I didn't do anything didn't do nothing as a double negative in first a positive the grammar in this country is terrible well this isn't going away if you want to walk out of here some semblance of a life you tell me something now I'm done talking I want a lawyer now fine and there's two phone calls I'll make the first little bit of the public defender's office the second will be the Children's Services simple you insist on a lawyer I'll take your kids you can't my kids the brain you can't treat me like this I'm right you know you can't take my children away from me I can and I will not exactly useful information you believer the first time in the girl's life she's telling the truth well you had to know when she asked for a lawyer or anything she told us would have been inadmissible yeah I would have known I've been her one against mine and who do you think the jury would have believed Justice by any means even if you cross the wire the only line around here is the blue line across that one then you got problems that's cool he knows what I'm talking about those serial numbers Marnie fax me according to our computers that money should be downstairs I heard you were back kind of like not having you around Connors I'm another donut Harry that said [ __ ] is the sole guardian of the city's biggest source of contraband drugs weapons cash Millions just sitting here for the take-in now that you'd have to have some major Firepower not to mention an extra large set of balls to knock off the police station if you're a cop just walk right in and take whatever you want here it is line 17. Bernie Cowan like I said no one takes anything out of here unless they sign for it so when he showed you a warrant what he must have he must have you lost your [ __ ] memory Harry you know how many times someone signed [ __ ] out of here I see the same guys all the time I can't remember one instance from two weeks ago if that's his signature that means he signed for it take it up with him money from Richard's place traced back to the world National Heist the case calendar Bernie signed the money out of evidence himself two weeks ago how much 433 thousand dollars if it is Callum it would explain how the police protocol and how our department operates also explains why he was so pissed this morning about being replaced by Connors he doesn't need another reason to be pissed at me what motive do we have one pressure could have been getting to him he's been getting big cold shoulder from Cops since he tested by about Pearl Street no I don't buy that he was also getting divorced about a month ago he told me he and his wife might be splitting if I knew a Lori who wouldn't clean him out I didn't think it was this serious first-rate copy was a Boy Scout for Christ's sake this just doesn't make any sense guys they never do captain come on the facts speak for themselves no they don't why if Cal is involved why didn't they ask for him at the bank Jenkins and you arrived home at what time Mrs Kellow you feel okay to continue wife came home approximately 45 minutes ago found him here one of the neighbors heard anything there was no forced entry and no one was sawing and I was fleeing the scene Footprints from the back there's pictures schematics there's at least a dozen internet articles on the Saudi Prince so that's it residents no one can only protective callers starting to connect the dots putting all the pieces together is the pattern starting to emerge they wouldn't punch him but I will Vengeance will be mine Detective and come and get me you piece of [ __ ] foreign what the plan really was must have been two different things obviously this wasn't part of a plan Keller would have agreed with you think a cop would be smarter come on as cops we come across every Temptation in the book money drugs power I don't like to think we can resist any urgement we're not Saints socala was involved another Dragon you into it why man said he wanted vengeance piss anyone off lately me so I just got off the phone with agent Doyle and apparently after the Charlotte break and the prince withdrew all his possessions from every safe deposit box in the country they didn't touch the cash or the safe deposit boxes no no so they break into a bank blow it up and steal nothing still makes sense to you something about today makes sense excuse me return to the earth now if your mind is troubled and your heart is uncertain for it is by returning to the beginning that we can clearly see the path is you're fine Detective I want to say that again we go back to where this all started we go back to the bank the tapes of confirming five bad guys but since of all cam blew what they did in there is a total mystery you know I've been through these caves 20 times I'm telling you there's nothing shut up ducks wait hold on a second you see that see what go back a little what look closely at the camera angles they're all fixed right they don't rotate or pan okay play it now camera eight dominates our attention because of the explosion but while that's happening check out camera two where are you going change the angle watched it 20 times adex what's in that corner they don't want us to see so are you at all concerned that there's some wacko out there trying to get you I'm worried about every threatman against me I never leave the house watch your eyes lots of prints here check them all anyone's got a record I want an ID yesterday you got it X yes sir yeah I can do this hack into a Nationwide Bank security system yeah I I'd love to uh hang on hang on so what do we do in the meantime do you like Italian thank you I simply didn't get it you never know with you guys okay what was the thing you were saying we're saying returning to the beginning path or something yeah it's a Buddhist story we're all is [Music] um one day the Buddha found his heart in turmoil so he retreats to the forest to the Earth to the base of a great tree and uh I'm paraphrasing but this elephant comes up and tells Buddha he doesn't like seeing him discouraged and um he can talk to an elephant it's a Buddha he's attained the sixth level of Consciousness he's capable of communicating with plants trees even rocks rocks please continue the Buddha was troubled so he goes back to the beginning he goes back to where he came from to find the path answer so when you hit a dead end go back to the beginning to find your way or something like that we have a genuine philosopher in our midst are you uh are you a Buddhist no just something I picked up along the way but you're religious not particularly excuse me you guys are all uh pretty tight well I've been through a lot together I guess I just thought I don't know with him being in so much trouble coming back from the suspension everyone might treat him differently I can't really believe what you read or see on TV I mean if anything are tired of Quentin's gotten stronger even when things got pretty wild today and everybody else panicked he was in control that just doesn't happen he's just he's not good excuse me what are you doing I realized something today being around you all that's happened I can't I made a mistake it's too late you made your choice now live with it they got a match got a name Chris Lee prick used to work for some big time software company so they caught him pirating programs a couple of years later it was busted for hacking into the pension plans of retired cops say for a genius is a [ __ ] [ __ ] this was your case you and York you made the bust Why didn't it stick we're in the middle of the Pearl Street Fallout [ __ ] lawyer put us on trial say we were crooked abusive and we planted evidence Julie bought it was it true the guy was guilty he was scum that's the truth it's something they don't teach you the system breaks down you have to compensate to get results that gives you the right to break the rules Bend not break it means Justice absolutely another thing they don't teach you come on ah [ __ ] very well Chris foreign foreign Richard's awake Take Five Guys hey Damon how you feeling no flowers for me we got you dead to write some murder and armed robbery and you're there cracking jokes you [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] yourself Detective you remember me don't you Damon no we're only going to give you one chance one chance to tell us what we need to know and help yourself really one chance I was skiing about three years ago and asked beautiful country you ever been Damon huh never mind I uh hit a mogul flatted on a sheet of ice and slammed into a tree broke myself up pretty bad kind of like you did today I was in a hospital bed for three months there it is morphine I thought this stuff I wouldn't have made it this IV drip administers a small dosage every minute or so makes you feel nice and relaxed no pain but if I were to inject this whole thing that'd be all she wrote for Damon oh this equipment malfunctions all the time David overdoses are quite common besides I don't think the da is going to launch a full-scale investigation over a scum like you foreign you don't have to tell us anything lead the fifth roll the dice okay okay I'll talk [ __ ] hypocrite question my interrogation skills Mr don't threaten them on the lethal overdose there's never been a single case in recorded medical history of someone overdosing on five cc's of saline Bend not break that's what you said right Damon Richards testifies that Lauren's true identity is Scott Curtis he's wanted in connection with three other bank robberies extortion and kidnapping he's also the brother of John Curtis the perk Connors shot on the Pearl Street Bridge now we also have the names of two other accomplices Lamar Galt and Xander Harrington everybody was supposed to meet up tonight at 10 and we have that address now after finding callow and Lee dead today it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that Curtis is eliminating his accomplices one by one doesn't matter what he told Galt and Harrington he's planning on finishing them off tonight never think of the repercussions suspect's mother brother a decision affects them murder in his eyes John Curtis pouring lights everywhere it had only done what I said drop the weapon it was not to be my dad died when I was 12. walked into a liquor store in the middle of a hold up I just opened fire you didn't even have time to react they said he was a hero you know what that means to a 12 year old because he dies on the job he's a hero never made sense to me will I become a cop finish what he started every day he went out trying to do some good try to help the people who couldn't help themselves just give him a chance is what he always said didn't always work out but he tried you tried to help save that girl on the bridge if you weren't there the girl still would have died I don't know it's 25 after we go now all we get is golden Harrington Juan Curtis now relax and keep the line free it's driving me man oh [ __ ] what I'm out of gum look man call him okay all right I'm not sitting around here all [ __ ] day man we can't let him walk we gotta go now no Stand Down we bust them now we got something we let him get in that car we got Jack Squad we've got three cars a new one back up a couple directions I want Curtis nobody goes into the house until I say he's answering are you [ __ ] out here alive [Music] take the flexion go [ __ ] ing foreign foreign [Music] last warning get out of the house now get down Hey where's Connors [Music] one working no yeah let's be great thank you foreign are you son of a [ __ ] ready you've always been jealous of him Martin are you jealous it's because he wasn't just a better cop he was a better man detective go home you're something you want to say no sir you said it perfectly you okay Congress was right we should have never gone in a [ __ ] dumberly Detective I know what they're doing inside the bank there's a record of transactions from the bank an average day produces about three or four hundred Pages give or take today there were over 3 000 pages meaning we've just witnessed the largest bank heist in history about a billion dollars come again they planted a computer virus it randomly withdraws money from all the accounts and deposits it into the bad guys account now if you look at all the transactions no two amounts are the same and none of them are over a hundred dollars you see most security systems work on the size of the money not the amount of transactions so you wire out a million dollars from a handful of accounts red flags pop up but wire out less than a hundred dollars from say 10 million accounts all right Flags where's the money now I don't know what do you mean you don't know well the virus set up a host of fandom accounts right where the money sits temporarily until it transfers to another account and another and another and another and it's never in one place long enough to get an accurate fix on it so the money's still moving around yeah any withdrawal or deposit from any bank doesn't normally go through to the next business day so all these are just going to float around till 9 A.M tomorrow or 6 a.m Pacific time sure sunrise so why break in if they're just wiring money couldn't they do that from anywhere no see that's the regional manager's computer terminal from there you have unlimited entry into the bank's Mainframe so there's no more working around passwords no hacking and it's straight in nice and clean a billion dollars is missing and we're only discovering this now ironically when you guys shut off the power it helped hide the virus and bought it time to work so they weren't trying to make it look like they were robbing a bank to rip off a Saudi Prince they were making it look like they ripped off a Saudi Prince to rob a bank Chaos Theory what you gonna do now I think this is beyond our jurisdiction hello put it through it's not over yet no my wish is to catch you You're a murderer a cop killer at that I know about the money you steal a billion dollars they will find you foreign it doesn't add up what doesn't add up Detective why would he say Kell is insignificant who lorenza Curtis call me really he said he didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it he said Cal was insignificant but he wasn't without callow he doesn't have the knowledge of the department or the front money to hire the crew Curtis called you yeah well now he's screwing with your head you did good today Shane father be very proud get some sleep be more bad guys for you tomorrow I was in bed already just couldn't wait till tomorrow sit down how did you come at you Harry it's the only thing that doesn't make sense what are you talking about all day long we thought callow was dirty cup all day long we were wrong there's a sign out she here is one of Kalos reports here's another one and another one they're not the same signatures Harry they're not even close maybe he got a cramp in his hand I don't know here's your fight we're reprimanded one one punched him I ring a bell and I do it again cops who testify against cops shouldn't be breathing the same air I do there's a line you don't cross so you set him up you forged calo's signature you gave him the money and you helped him with his plan because you thought he got the wrong deal at Pearl Street Bridge until Pearl Street Bridge everybody got a raw deal you're a year away from your pension this is how you want to go out my conscience is clean this has been a very long day it's like we're chasing a phantom here just when we have him he disappears he's been two steps ahead of Connor's me all day of course he has who knows Connor's better than him how the hell does Curtis know Connor's better than anyone I'm talking about Curtis don't we Harry Who would know Connor's better than anyone who would you protect I know in your mind got the wrong deal of Pearl Street Bridge drop the weapon one more step for the girl dies that you don't want to do okay think about it you kill her where are you gonna go [Music] it was York who was the dirty cop he assumes Scott Curtis's identity to throw us off the trail York plays his old partner knowing all his moves cut the power now Ramses enemy for the crime kills him too he has blueprints from the back his pictures schematics there's at least a dozen internet articles on the Saudi Prince and pulls off one of the biggest robberies in history you want you won't call me to tell me he's going and he's gone and you ain't never gonna find him watch the phone number that York used to call Harry Hume is a cell phone number ran it through all the local service providers Nextel got a match can they get a location on it should be able to trace his location within 100 meters or less great oh hang on hello got him excellent thank you that'll be 848 please keep the change I'll face it's in York this is the police put your hands in the air and get down on the ground slowly oh do it now don't shoot okay just just be cool okay get down on the pavement you win oh [ __ ] okay get down on the pavement no look I'm cooperating okay I give up be cool okay all right you win I'm put my hat down I didn't ask you to put your hats up Put Your Hands where I could see a final warning I said I give up all right final warning is Harry who's Harry right I dropped the weapon and let the girl go it's over nope if you want to bring me in you're gonna have to work for it that you don't want to do isn't that interesting that's exactly what I said to him I mean do you see the irony here well am I the only one two months ago I was in your shoes yeah standing there with some punk holding a gun to a innocent girl's head asking myself what should I do what would you do what would you do you do exactly what I did you try to make a difference [Music] you all right yeah I'm fine he went towards the pier foreign yourself Jenkins is going to expect these kind of results from you every day FBI's got a team of 40 they'll break it your conviction would be admirable it's just that it's so sad get it through your head man the Cavalry ain't coming no no no Heroes coming to save the day oh no the bad guy wins at the end of this story but I have to admit though you have turned out to be quite the little thought I think Connors would be sorry that you died not me foreign come on foreign I would read the paper he'd win one of his thousand votes and deserve it I knew that I still loved you did we all get shot today said the city would be busy every day like this great I wonder what's next so how much do you really think I'm gonna charge you after all that go on thanks smell that what is that well when evidence is taken in any physical contact can affect our ability to lift prints so now to Market we just spray a scented solution right on the bill oh Leslie I don't like the pac-10 silver rated Miss Lorenz is trying to tell us something you don't say you ever heard of Chaos Theory Edward Lawrence invented the Chaos 3 in the 1960s it's the study of phenomena that appear random but in fact have an element of regularity which can be described mathematically try it again well pretty much initial state of events may seem unrelated and random but eventually a pattern emerges and in the end all the pieces fit together you tried all of them nothing for Connor's oil ranks I know no maybe maybe he's not on a flight try again but try Glick James Glick [Music] I need to know what passenger James click has checked in one moment officer we're gonna have to check with my supervisor quickly please hello this is not what they appear to be Connors think about that a minute doesn't that blow your mind ten bucks wrong gave up York Harry in a phone call he called me said the cowl was insignificant threw up all kinds of red flags from him that my friend was my mistake no my wish is to catch you You're a murderer a cop killer at that I didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it Kelly was insignificant you know York always thought the plan was flawless a random camera catches an image of Damon Richards a cent on the money you got that I was impressed all day long we were trying to figure out who the inside source was it was you prize well what if we cut the power that'll disable the system we can open the locks locksmen that way that'll work a billion dollars is missing and we're only discovering this now ironically when you guys shut off the power to help tied the virus and bought it time to work yeah Teddy's pretty devastated about your death he'll get over it get down [Music] so the corpse and the morgue with your name on its toe you're a serial killer yeah who got killed Curtis Harrington don't they [ __ ] hurts it was safer with him gone you said they were all hoods what about callow callow deserved this fate it's his fault so this is all Kalos fault one random act causes another causes another and in the end the pattern emerges that is the chaos theory it's after six the money's cleared I'm a wealthy man Lee for all his evil was one smart son of a [ __ ] fans will be chasing false leads for weeks you tag lead trial on purpose what did they expect so why not kill me you have plenty of opportunities who's about standing up for what matters besides you kind of grew on me you're not going to get away I already have this is a very valuable lesson for you to learn and it's good to have learned it early oh yeah what's that you don't own all your years of service for nothing you're a hypocrite I'm an opportunist I would oh yes either them none of this would have happened the system broke down ah good luck Detective resting partner I have to go now Connors Connors foreign I'll let the captain know we're ready foreign
Channel: Only English Movies
Views: 17,137,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood full action movie, Hollywood movies, Crime Movie, hollywood movie in english, hollywood english movies full action hd, hollywood movie 2023, action hollywood movie, Action Hollywood Movies 2023, new hollywood english movies 2023, new hollywood movies 2023, hollywood movie english mai, movies 2023 full movie, hollywood movie english 2023, action movie, new hollywood movie, chaos movie in english, Jason Statham, Chaos, Wesley Snipes, The Meg Trench
Id: fTBGaauetb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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