Why I Built Minecraft's Most ILLEGAL Farm

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I'm gonna be building Minecraft's most illegal farms in ways that completely break the game and here's why you see this is my cousin Izzy and we're in a race to gather some of Minecraft's most farmable items such as wither skulls emeralds iron and even totems all to Craft Minecraft's different command blocks to obtain power on the server Beyond imagination and if I let Izzy win this farming race well I actually don't know what's gonna happen that's the most terrifying part let me quickly sum up the entire War for you just in case my cousin first stole my stuff in which I built a tiny house to steal everything plus more back he then tried to kill me with a birch Warden and I hate Birch so I shrunk his house I then logged on to being trapped in an impossible prison he built where he showed embarrassing pictures of me in a maze so I summoned the giant tsunami to flood his house which sort of corrupted all of spawns for Revenge he was gonna kill and rob me so I built a secure base to hide to stop him and everything was fine until he said this wait what he said that's it I'm gonna summon the game master and literally the only thing we know about the game master is you summon it by doing this wither build thingy and whoever you summon it on is supposed to be severely punished so in other words Gamers we need to get ourselves a command block reinforce iron Redstone and a Nether Star okay but what is reinforced iron that's so much iron bro and now to see how much iron I have oh bro we're screwed okay at least I have some Redstone I have a lot of building blocks we're gonna need a lot of this glass now Izzy's online I wonder hello bro he's Loki not answering me and I'm almost like positive that I saw him build something this way we need to get our iron farm started and we kind of need Hoppers which requires iron no I swear he was building something around here oh my goodness wait is he around here right now wait oh my God I see him I see him it looks like he started building something over here but ended up making it on land ooh yo yo yo yo he's he's literally AFK I'm gonna type in chat just some random distraction and see the answers bro I actually think he's fully AFK okay screw it go go go go go go go go go go go oh my god he has a freaking God Farm bro what oh my God oh my God oh dude we're so behind in this war are you kidding me wait why his neck built like that okay I don't even need his stupid valuables oh my Hoppers 19. okay I'm gonna steal that I don't really need anything else of course he has another portal because that's right we're gonna need nether Stars oh my goodness okay it's fine we're gonna be building illegal Farms Gamers this is gonna be so easy we're gonna totally Beat It we won't need to make a double stacked whatever buttcrack Farm I mean we'll still need Hoppers though so that's good that we just stole them off him so I think we should probably build the farm honestly that Island looks pretty good yeah it is gonna be the farming Island all right let's do this first we just need to make a small little platform like this this is gonna be where the Golems die and now let's go up make an outline this is gonna be where they spawn we need the signs and I know Gamers this might look super weird but it's all gonna make sense I'm literally building a farm you've probably never seen before because well I'm making it up and then this little pocket that we're in right here is where where we need a villager and a zombie bro spawn looks literally obliterated who would have known a giant tsunami would have wait why are there diamond block okay this entire world is cursed you literally have mobs spawning in the day in The Dead Zone bro okay but perfect the spawn Village is right there is there actually oh my God there's actually a village here bro what are you farming my tsunami destroyed everything every single piece of grass you're uh you're coming with me buddy where are you going bro what are you doing oh my God a brewing stand why is he so mad I keep taking his jobs come on yes get trapped idiot you lost all your jobs and now you're coming home with me let's make a path I'm so smart yes villager acquired yeah yeah idiot you're trapped yo this is kind of romantic though oh guess not okay there you go let's trap him in just like this and then we just need to trap a zombie like right around here yes come on get in there yes and so now when the Villager wakes up and panics because of the zombie let me drag and drop this yes there you go it's installing right now is he still AFK so he didn't even see the Mojang loading but if we search Up totem oh my gosh he has no idea we can make a totem of iron protection this is gonna increase the spawn rate but it's really expensive I really hope I don't regret this but yeah we're gonna have to use my totem and so if we put the iron at the top the totem in the middle two emeralds right here and then I think just two poppies yes we get the totem of iron protection this does nothing for us however if we give this to our villager hello villager man yup wake up oh God okay he's panicking if I give him this okay wait is it working oh my God oh my God no way they're spawning oh God wait but they're spawning uh a little awkwardly yo they're not stopping dude okay okay wait wait wait give it back give it back okay well at least we know it works hello Mr Golden let's definitely extend this to be a lot bigger move man oh my God these Golems are so annoying boom and bro perfect I'm placing dirt where the Hoppers are gonna go the only problem is yeah they're all gonna fall on the sides what we can do is build a little side platform okay I can't build here Mister oh my God you asked for it I didn't want to bully you okay this is actually looking pretty good so far now we can break this and I guess I miscalculated because I guess we have to make all of this floor Hoppers oh no I'm scared that we might need more Hoppers yeah we're gonna need more oh it's okay we'll just fill in with poop for now and so all we need now is to trap one more villager here and if that doesn't make sense don't worry it will this is illegal yes yes you fool no no no no no no yeah all we need to do is get this villager super hungry and you're probably wondering how are you gonna get a hungry villager well we're going to make a potion and we literally just need yes some rotten flesh perfect okay bottles let's put another war and while you can't normally make a potion with uh rod and flesh as you know when you eat the rotten flesh it gives you hunger and so now come on come on yes now we get awkward potion yeah baby oh my goodness we have the hunger potion bro oh wait I don't want to drink this yoink I almost forgot the gunpowder and oh my gosh perfect flash starvation potion bro this gives hunger three I'm like the opposite of Mr Beast Bros trying to like save the world from starvation and I'm I'm starting the problem okay something is definitely wrong with me but you know this is kind of dangerous to do it oh my God all right we're gonna have to do this quick because if not I could die all right bro get back get back let me Splash this on you like that okay perfect and now let's give him an iron ingot oh God oh God we gotta go we gotta go we gotta get out oh my God okay okay let's just quickly go oh my goodness all right starving villager consumer he's pissed hey there little guy hey we cannot fall in there trust me Gamers you do not but now if I go ahead and give the iron protection total to him there we go he's holding it he's gonna get scared it should trigger yes please tell me this works oh my goodness no no I don't want to fall in there hey y'all look this kid all of the Golems they don't even have a chance oh my God bro is having a feast right now oh my gosh wait this isn't gonna stop this is the ultimate iron farm hold on let's actually see how much iron we're dude where are you yo yo yo yo yo yo bro ain't no way bro it's literally just going it's literally just going bro this is amazing we can already make seven freaking wait no we can make more oh my gosh oh my gosh wait we're getting so rich bro I can't even keep up I can't even keep up bro's just chomping bro is just chomping oh no this is insane oh we're gonna win this war Gamers and now we can make boom we got two reinforced blocks is this Humane no but we gotta craft ourselves the freaking command block somehow and I think we only need oh my bro what no no wait no way this is way too much we already got four reinforced blocks yeah all we need now is the nether star and that's it and then we already got the First Command Block we just made the most illegal iron farm in Minecraft dude we so got this all we need now is the Wither skulls because we need to kill the Wither and perfect we have obsidian right here and we have the Flint and we'll never basically run out of iron for our next Eagle Farm though we're gonna need a few things we're gonna need an armor stand which is not that hard but also a dummy head yes this is gonna be to bait the wither skeletons and we just need to play your head with some weed now in order to get heads on the server right now we need to kill a player with an ax now while I could go kill Izzy honestly I feel like that'd just be kind of wrong boom there you go we got our armor stand I had no idea that Izzy wasn't AFK anymore and was secretly spying on us yeah fish liquor join the game okay wait where did he spawn hello this is my ALT account and this is how I'm gonna get there you go yoink we got fish slicker's head don't ask why that's my alt's name but anyways we have the dummy head and so if I place this like this this acts like a player which is how we're gonna bait the Wither Skeleton skulls oh dude this is gonna be so easy Izzy's definitely AFK because yeah he did not say anything about freaking fish liquor over here there he is oh my God he just left the space let's go build our nether portal why is he using a boat dude this is gonna be so easy like I actually think Izzy just dyed IRL and isn't even grinding anymore and oh okay that is definitely overflowing what has even happened did I break the grinder okay who cares man what is that oh my God and oh bro bro there's no way I messed that up that bad okay you didn't see wait what why is it not oh my God is he making it your portal I have to chase someone come on come on come on come on you guys didn't see that now that I was in the nether my goal was to find a fortress let's go okay they're already spawning bro and for this form guys it's super easy we just got to put the dummy down and there you go oh my God hello dummy we should probably test this hey big guy oh my God okay okay Run keep running keep running keep running and hide oh my God yo they're taking the beat he doesn't even care about me he's trying to kill the dummy oh this is perfect wait oh my God wait he's an idiot they care more about the dummy than me that's actually hilarious so now all we need to do is make a tunnel maybe we should make it out of glass there you go just like this boom okay perfect let's open up the gates over here and now for the crucial component Gamers is We're not gonna kill them that would be not illegal however if we craft ourselves yes a side head cutter I think you know where I'm going with this first we just need a couple of okay wait we need more than one I think this should work if we put it like that yeah it's perfectly aligned with his head this should work perfectly let's quickly break the dummy okay and let's pick it up oh my God oh my God oh my oh my God it sliced his head no way and it dropped the Wither Skull oh my God is that okay I don't know what liquid that is we already have one Wither Skull so let's put there you go this one there look at these idiots okay wait we gotta make sure not to die go go go go go go go go go and if my calculations are oh come on you guys are stuck really okay maybe I could just break these two blocks oh my God oh my God chopped off we have two more skulls right here these guys are actually when did bro we have four weather skulls no way all we need to do is sit back and relax look at this they're literally just one by one getting their heads oh that one actually survived uh no no you gotta go oh there we go and by adding Hoppers the farm was complete bro we already oh my God we have 17 wither skulls oh sorry of course this one just doesn't go in The Hoppers I think Danny's out of the nether what is that is he cheating did he Farm the nether skulls there's no way let's go dude okay so now all we need to do is oh God summon this thing wait a second Izzy just got spooky scary skeleton there's seven oh my God the whole time I thought he was doing it legit and this guy's out here cheating bro I didn't know he was back I guess we're not that ahead because he just got his first Wither Skull he said perhaps you cheater wait what I'm so confused does he know I feel like he's just saying that to me I don't feel like he actually knows what we're doing okay regardless Gamers let's do this let's get ourselves the Wither Skull I remember the Wither being a little harder than this [Music] and wow that was uh really easy I might as well just kill the other three right and get comboed and that was with my eyes closed finally Gamers if we put our reinforced iron just like this with another star in the middle we get a freaking command block bro this is crazy no way and boom Oh my God oh my God what is happening yo dude maybe we made him okay okay that was insane we're gonna win this war and build the game master and we're gonna build it in front of my house to flex and I think Izzy heard that I think he knows hold on you know what let's call him Discord yeah bro First Command Block dude come on now I'ma win this thing how did you already get a command block uh where are you at bro you don't even want to know man I'm still getting the reinforced iron blocks man what no how did you already get the command block wait if you're behind I don't have time to talk to you bro good luck man dude I'm gonna summon him and I'm gonna win this you're an idiot and so the next command block we need is oh God no way the chain totems bro okay this is gonna be pretty hard but honestly we just need to make a totem farm and for this totem Farm we're gonna need an L.A as well as this Pillager Outpost toy you guys already know I have a trick up my sleeve bro which is just some Cobblestone walls and dark oak logs and a chest yeah honestly we just need to find a Pillager Outpost and probably just save the LA there I know where an outpost is and it's literally this way which I just realized is exactly the same way wait what the that's weird I was gonna say The Outpost is this way we might as well just check on Izzy hey yo why hasn't he done anything or maybe he has bro what I mean I'm gonna take his wood I don't see he's made any progress at all oh no he's gonna see that I haven't made any progress he's gonna think that's so sketchy okay no this is suck Gamers is he even trying his farm isn't even working anymore hold on I'm just gonna honestly steal his stupid Toppers I've literally just been following him around and I went to is he destroying my stuff okay that's pretty weird hiloki seems super clueless when you talk to him I feel like there's something going on here come on come on where's he going yes come on please tell me there's an delay here please oh my God there is wait bro are you really stuck oh my God he's gonna see me hold on I gotta be sneaky hey look no no hey little guy look I saved you with my peepee Choppa here take this yup come on yes I need you bro please come on is he gonna follow me now oh my God thank you wait what the okay I don't know why why is there two bows hey yo why are there two oh no do you see my boat oh no he saw my boat okay that is super weird but okay anyways we gotta Focus let's grab some of the dark oak let's make ourselves this Pillager Outpost thing oh wait I need one more and so we need to craft a toy version of the pillar Outpost which I mean I guess this craft makes sense there you go boom Oh My Gosh okay wait that actually looks exactly like it and so now hey little guy give me back that and take this come on come on no you have to go over here bro oh my God oh my God dla should pick up the entire structure please I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh it worked what just happened what was that hello come on Ron oh my God dla has the freaking thing I need to get that I need to get that give it to me yes oh my goodness Gamers it actually worked we got a delay to freaking steal the thing oh my goodness corrupted pillar Outpost structure dude this is what we needed why do you need a mob spawner or a raid farm when you have the structure this is gonna be super crucial Gamers now we just gotta make it back alive and my armor broke no now that we got the legal structure we could build the totem Farm let me just check oh my okay yeah if you guys thought our iron farm was broken no this is about to be crazier okay so this is where the evokers are gonna drop their totems he is making another spawner oh my God and now we just have to stack all the wait what the oh my God no our villagers gonna die what did you okay well I mean I don't even think we need the iron anyways oh my God my infant is about to be out in like 20 seconds if anything I'm just gonna have to get out of here this is where they're gonna fall let's fill this in and then to make the walls let's use glass wait why didn't you say hope you're ready I'm so confused does he not realize I'm gonna get all these totems he said you will see bro bro's being mad sketchy I told you guys he's being super weird let's put the sign what terrible sign placement but that'll do now what we're gonna need to do is make a one by one tunnel which is where we're gonna be and if you guys are confused don't worry man wait we actually can't screw this up because I don't even know if we can mine this but I think right there oh my God okay he he literally has no idea that I'm right here below him dude that is so cursed whatever we do we cannot right click it yet or else we'll probably die we'll need some slabs okay that was lucky way too much we don't want them spawning right here so let's patch this up trap door right there so that we can yes sneak okay perfect let's Place water and boom perfect just like this oh god let's finish building the tower and done oh my my god let's Place dirt right here there you go good old double chest right here upper now we just need to make a staircase all the way up there wait what why did you just say where are you I don't see how that matters but anyways Gamers oh my goodness bro this is gonna be crazy we have our grinder and if we right click this hopefully this should work oh my oh wait no no no no no no that was not supposed to happen let's definitely avoid more vexes I guess the glass was not a good idea Gamers there you go we can just keep right clicking and summoning them oh my goodness and if we jump all the way down oh my God there's so many freaking Gollum move bro oh my goodness we can form them oh my god dude this is freaking no this is busted he started a raid from in there oh my God wait no no no was a mistake that was a mistake I messed up it's okay we can just keep farming them oh my dude we already no way bro okay wait a second let's close this off dude there's just too many toners bro we don't even need this much oh no oh no not again not again oh my God I gotta Escape is he running no no I can't let him get away oh they're attacking me now bro oh my gosh wait what they're still here they're so annoying okay but all we need to do now is Boom we get the command block and then just literally surrounded in totems and we have the chain command block oh my goodness bro we barely survived it well we did it Gamers and he has another command block oh my god he has another command block we're one step closer baby oh God what is happening what the heck oh my God I have to go back oh no he's One Step Closer I don't know if Izzy heard that I don't think he did because he didn't say anything but for the last command block Gamers and we're basically done oh my God we just need emeralds I guess it's time to use our illegal Farm bro you know it's bad when you pull up to your freaking grinder Island and it's just so laggy I guess that's a good thing for us okay but what we need to do is uh are there a bunch of totems on the ground oh my God okay we already have 62 emeralds how much dude this is six Emerald blocks already we're just in a few more emeralds and we're good all right and after literally like just five seconds of grinding oh my nuts there's no way dude wait this is actually if I spent more than like two minutes grinding this we we do we'd have a stack of emeralds we got it we have everything what the oh my God oh my God he's there oh my God oh my God okay okay that's easy he's been watching me hasn't he I'm Gonna Act Like that's it I'm just gonna act like nothing I don't think he knows that I have the emerald but he has to told him oh my God so he must know I have the emeralds I'm so confused I don't know what he knows or what he doesn't know I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta summon this thing where is he looking he's right there how did I not notice him before he must have been invisible or something a little rat actually doesn't think I know that he's there where are you bro yeah answer that I'd like to see him answer that now that's why he was asking me he was out he was acting dumb it's fine bro we already basically won the race closer than you think is that so is he we got the final command block boom oh my goodness we're actually insane we crafted all the command blocks okay okay okay okay boom Oh my God what is happening dude what what is that what is happening what is happening what the heck is this bro dude really see him right there this little nerve interesting don't say hello to me the last thing we need guys is to put three heads on this along with the respawn anchor yeah there's nothing you can do about this bro you can't even break this you can't even break this buddy yeah watch out yet no step back bruh step back bro dude that's it we gotta go we gotta get that we gotta get the respawn anchor dude he's chasing me man oh my God I don't even know how we're gonna kill him look at this little loser running you know like thanks for the boat idiot I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out no he's running oh my God oh my God yes yes yes yes oh my god there you go there you go there you go I gotta go back I literally don't know where he went I managed to escape Izzy grab the glowstone and even trade for the crying obsidian I don't see Izzy and all we need to do is place the respawn anchor and kill him three times with an ax my peepee Chopper to get his head and boom okay this is us though why wouldn't he be here I told him to Discord I'm gonna call him right now hey man hey it's been a while yeah it's it's been a good you know two to five minutes who knows you know time is only an illusion now where are you bro where are you no I only need to get your three heads and it's over for you yeah I wish you would try I'm just uh getting ready to find you that's all okay where are you at you still in the nether running away no no no I'm getting gear I'm getting gear to destroy you bro yeah because while you just been stealing my stuff I've actually been grinding no no stop oh my God you idiot bro come on at least let me get my gear bro at least oh my God oh my God oh my God you're here let you get your gear huh oh my God oh my God you get your gear huh come on come on let's go dude no no no no no oh my God oh my God oh my God hey I hate you bro I hate you no way no way dude dude stop stop all right relax relax thank you oh my God I got my head no oh my God chill chill chill chill chill wait we can talk about this we can talk about it don't come in closer don't come any closer is he is he wait wait wait don't come any closer okay okay okay listen there you realize we haven't even seen or know what or how powerful the game master is uh yeah you were gonna call him on me weren't you only because you were gonna do it to me first yeah yeah yeah please please please just just give me like Mercy Mercy Mercy bro please please if you do this I might actually like bro I could even get banned do you have any last words man okay yes I do tune into the next video subscribe bro
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,245,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Why I Built Minecraft's Most Illegal Farm, bionic, illegal farms, minecraft illegal farms, i built minecraft's most illegal farms, minecraft farms, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, challenge, family friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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