Why I left swift

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wow two videos in a week so i'm getting better i'm giving you guys what you asked for we want more videos we want to see you look stupid more often well here i am two videos in one week just for you guys and i'm bringing the lion's mane today because my head hurts and i don't want to have my hair in a bun so here you go all natural it doesn't normally look like this i think it's just a headband but uh we're just gonna put that back there you know curly hair problems or just hair problems in general uh okay i'm gonna stop messing around because i'm already almost a minute into it um today's video is about basically me not being with swift anymore um i just wanted to come on here and explain to you guys basically that am not with swift when i left swift and why i left swift so i actually started with swift in i want to say june of 2020 so last year uh um right i would say in the middle of this whole coveted stuff um it was super risky but you know i had to do something um but basically to just kind of give you the backstory on it um i know in i used to work at basically a t-shirt shop or factory or whatever you want to call it um i don't really want to put the name out there i know a lot of you already know but no bad blood between us that i got no beef with them so i'm just not gonna put them out there like that but i worked there actually for four years and during the beginning of the covid's um we actually got laid off so a lot of us got laid off slash for a load and i was actually brought back and then i was like oh um so it was a total surprise kind of um i already knew it was coming but anyway uh so i had gotten my cdl back in 2018. as i was going to this was supposed to be my career in 2019 when i turned 21 but tickets you know whatever whatever a lot of tickets in a car accident kept me from being out here and driving well fast forward to 2020 when three of the five tickets dropped off um i was able to drive but i still didn't i was comfortable where i was i was making enough money i was also in school to become a sonographer well things happened i got fired i couldn't afford school because i was paying out of pocket because i did not qualify for any help so you know [Music] i was like i don't know what to do and i was like cdl so that's how i got started with swift um i applied basically to every starter company um even companies that aren't starter companies like let's just give it a shot uh just to name a few i applied to us express they're right near me they had a dedicated route home every week great uh oh my gosh jb hunt um prime which is where i was wanting to get on with uh swift obviously cr england i mean all of your beginner ones where i knew hey this will probably suck except for prime because i really wanted it um for the first you know couple months as you get your training done but then you can dip and find something once you have a little bit of experience and more those tickets fall off so i applied to all of them and i want to say it was eight places total and every single one of them i think got back with me within three days a covenant was another one and every single one of them know your driving record know your driving record or no we want more experience or no we're not taking any uh new drivers we're not wanting to train during coven so then swift calls my probably i'd say it was in the bottom three and the reason that for me it wasn't because it was swift it wasn't because of their you know reputation it was i knew i didn't want to go with swift i knew they paid pretty crappy starting out and i knew it just wasn't really something or a company i wanted to go with so they called and they're like hey we can get you in for orientation next week i'm sitting here and i'm looking at my bank account and i'm looking at all these bills and i'm looking at the fact that rent is due in you know three weeks and i'm like i gotta pay my bills you know i sought a car payment i had you know your regular adulting bills and i'm on my own so i was like look i can either go broke lose my car potentially you know have to cut service off for my phone or i can just do this so i said you know what it's a challenge and i'm i'm fearful to take this step i was scared and then i got to thinking this is good change is good if you're comfortable doing something you probably shouldn't be doing it and i say that as in when it comes to taking chances i'm not telling you to go out here and be like oh if i jump off this bridge there's a chance i might live no smart chances and being scared is honestly the sign of change and change isn't always bad so i said okay let's do it i didn't really have any responsibilities at home no kids you know i'm not married um yeah i had family but it wasn't like they understood so got my house things in order went with swift got through the training cool um it was great you know i went and i saw the west which i've never been out west farther than like west virginia and i'm from virginia so one stayed over but anyhow um that was swift and after a week after the training i think i was out a week on my own and i was like you know what i got home for the first time in five and a half weeks so that's cool saw people rekindled relationships whatever you want to call it and it was nice so i go back out knowing i'm going to be out for another five weeks it crushed me and i miss my family i miss my niece and when i was out that was it i had had enough i was like yo call them i can't do this anymore i just can't so i dipped i didn't leave the equipment on the side of the road i took it to a terminal but i was out so for all of you asking about swift or when i'm still with swift are you seeing me in a terminal you did not see me at a terminal maybe it was my doppelganger um yes i quit swift no i'm not still with swift so just to clear up any questions i'm not with swift anymore i'm not not not not not with swift anymore just to make it clear because i have a lot of people asking me how swift's going which does not get on my nerves so i'm not like calling anyone out i'm just saying hey i'm not with swift anymore um so and i know a lot of you oh i have a ringing in my ear i don't know what that means i read something about it but anyway um a lot of you have asked me questions more about you know more in depth about swift's stuff i don't know i'm sorry that's probably why i haven't answered because i just don't know um i wish i could answer you but i have no idea what's going on anymore um and i know there's some questions i can ask like let me answer like your basic questions but i can't really answer um i can't really remember a lot of it i mean it was seven months ago but anyhow whatever um honestly if you have questions just about the training portion of it i can definitely kind of give you any advice or just kind of insight on what it'll be like or the upgrade test but past that i honestly don't know um i don't know how to pay works honestly i didn't really care at the time because it was a paycheck uh i do know during training i was getting i want to say i think it was 400 a paycheck for training every week so i think it was either four or 500 it was no more than 500 but it was enough for me to get by because i wasn't at the house so electric bills none food honestly i barely ate stuff like that so all i cared was i was getting the training portion done and then yeah again planning on staying later but the here i go again with emotions got to me and i was like i'm done i can't like i'm out way too far and i want to come home more than every four to five weeks they tell you three to four but then i was told four to five and then i'm just kind of like and then five days home it's just kind of like it won't for me plus i'm trying to keep my fitness up because man i lost 80 pounds in nine months two years ago in 2018 almost three years ago now um and i don't want to gain all of it back i've gained probably about 15 back so i can definitely see it in my little chunky face and my little chunky chunk but it's all good i'm working on it again this year we're back to healthy eating and it's all good it's gonna be okay i'ma lose it back um so that's what happened with swift um why did i quit that's why because it wasn't anything to do with they sucked or it was so terrible because it's done it's not that bad and i i couldn't handle it honestly uh i don't think i was mature enough to handle it at the time i had a lot of things going on at the house i had a lot of figuring out to do just as i guess an adult um i was 19 when i got my license i had to wait till 21 and my plan was to come out but in all honesty i don't think i was mature enough to emotionally handle not only the stress but the loneliness and the just all the emotions i wasn't mature enough and honestly i wasn't mature enough to understand them so i'm the first one to admit like was i ready for it yes and no i was ready for the start of something new but i was not prepared for how tough it would be so yeah i was a little baby about it i'll admit but that's okay um now i think within the past couple months i've matured a little bit more no i'm not perfect but i think frame of mind is more mature and the want for this career is a little bit more because now i'm actually in it and i'm actually realizing how much i can do and you know how different my life can be if i really work hard for this so why i love swift again i couldn't handle it i didn't like it that was just my personal thing there's a lot there's nothing wrong with swift guys i'm gonna be the first one to say it is not a bad starter company especially if you have tickets and they are considered like a second chance company hold on my mouth is dry i'm sitting here talking about eating healthy and i'm sitting here drinking a large dr pepper from burger king whatever i've been eating good all week it's thursday it's all good but um yeah so i have no shame in working for swift there's no reason to um yes you see a lot of swift drugs mess up some of them i find very hilarious especially when they're posted online and i just laugh obviously it's not hilarious to the person it happened to or anything like that but some of them come on now the jokes are funny some of the jokes are funny even when i work with swift they were funny but you see the most screw-ups because they are literally one of the biggest carriers out here so they have way more trucks they have way more uh employees and honestly since they're a second chance company you might get some crappy drivers and i'm pointing to myself because i'm considered a crappy driver on my mvr so it is what it is um i mean other than that i don't have much to say i just really wanted you guys and really wanted to make a new update because it has been so long since i've told you guys i'm not with swift but once again yeah i'm not with swift um i would like to keep the company i'm with now on the low so and the only reasons for that is i just don't want trolls simple as that and honestly like i'm not saying i want to hide it from you guys but i'm not going to sit here and tell you i know one day you guys are probably going to come across and be like that girl looks familiar that messy haired oily face small handed girl looks familiar you might not realize it's me because trust me this is a good day a lot of times a couple videos i look rough but most time i try to look decent like showered at least or at least a clean face um i try to do it at the beginning of the day but this is actually the end of the day for me so i'm i'm doing okay today it was a long day but i'm doing okay so yeah that's all this video was supposed to be about and just kind of explain the whys and everything why i haven't been answering a lot of swift questions well there you go uh would i change anything no uh some people have asked me would you change would you have changed the company you first went with absolutely not reason being there was no other companies willing to accept me not even anyone local or like anyone paying under the table absolutely not i everyone told me no uh other than the experience i it was an interesting experience but it was an experience nonetheless um i got to see so many beautiful places and honestly i i did have fun it was it was again it was very interesting but i still had fun and i don't think i'd be where i am now if i didn't have the experience i did with swift um not only that but now i have a better gauge of what i do and what i do like and what i don't like about companies or um being out for so long but there's still a lot of learning to do and guys i don't know if you know it but most people i would at least say 98 of people don't quote me on that they don't stay with their first company because their first company are starter companies so nothing wrong with where you start don't let anyone tell you otherwise definitely weigh your options though definitely try to get the best starter company and definitely apply and i wouldn't tell you negotiate but negotiate or think about it or compare i don't know the word for it i'm losing it right now i'm tired i'm ready to go to sleep but that's it um i wanted to thank everyone for the subs oh my gosh we're almost at 900 which means we're almost at a thousand if we can get to a thousand so i can start doing lives and like actually start doing some more things with you guys that'd be amazing so definitely spread the word um i would like to start doing this is definitely something i want to do i want to start doing zoom calls so i don't know how i'm going to work it out yet we're going to figure this out it's going to be within the next upcoming i'd say weeks to a month or two definitely by the summer i would like to start zoom calls with people either to just get their perspective to just chat to just talk about whatever so if you'd be interested in that definitely comment so i kind of have a gauge on how many people i would have and kind of like what topics you want to talk about that'd be great so hit the comments i read all of them trust me i do um i like receiving them and or you can hit my email which is faith alexisborne gmail.com f a i t h a l e x i s b o u r n e g gmail.com again what if you're interested in it um what you would want to talk about when you'd be free so maybe i can get some stuff set up for just a trial so i'm throwing that out there you guys let's get this going because i want to slowly start oh my gosh my vocabulary start talking to you more and actually being more face to face with you guys i'm going to dip out so i can eat my unhealthy ass burger king and so i can eat my amazing looking popcorn and watch some netflix so i'm gonna go and see it back there anyway i'm gonna go see you guys later you're welcome for two videos in one week you're welcome you're welcome it might be three if you get lucky i'll see you guys later
Channel: The FABulous Trucker
Views: 68,221
Rating: 4.6388888 out of 5
Keywords: Swift transportation, leaving swift, CDL
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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