New Truck Tour | 2021 Freightliner Cascadia

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye hi guys welcome to another video if you don't know already my name is shelby and this is happiness by the mo but today i first want to start off by apologizing to everybody that's been worried about where i am because i've been just super overwhelmed with everything on my plate lately as far as getting this new company going and then of course all the messages from everybody has really made it hard to get back to people so today i'm making a video on the 2021 freightliner cascadia i'm sure as you've seen from the intro and there have been a lot of videos on youtube lately about the 2021 freightliner cascadia but none of them have seem to hit the points that are really cool about it and the things that are different about the 2021 and not its predecessors because we've already seen the new body style we already know what the inside looks like we already know most of the features that come on the newer cascadias but the 2021 has some things on it that are brand new to the whole lineup and i am freezing right now because it is cold outside and it is windy and so i'm gonna hurry through this hurry through the outside so we can get inside the cab and talk more about that but one more thing i've gotten a lot of messages lately about the company and everything and this is not a recruiting channel so if you want to know more about that and the positions i have open currently all that's going to be in the description for the video so let me show you some stuff okay first things first i don't even know what these things are called but they're little um guards up here near the windshield and what they do is they help deflect when you use your your wipers gracious when you use your wipers it helps deflect the runoff it gets all over the side of your window and on your mirror and then it makes it hard to see and you constantly have to clean them that little thing is supposed to help deflect the fluid so that way you can see for a lot longer anyways so that's that moving on all right now there's nothing new back here so to say but these are just some things that i've done to these trucks because i told you that i was ordering trucks specifically for my company and what it does and so the first thing i want to point out is both of my tanks are rear fueled just like i talked about before i ordered them with the fuel fell in the back oh my gosh it's much warmer here because it's out of the wind the fuel fill in the back and they're both 120 gallons so that's really nice second thing is i got a larger deck plate on these because when it comes to hooking up the doubles or any of our trailers mostly we have our fifth wheel all the way back because the trailers aren't built for two axle trucks on the rear because our fifth wheel is all the way back so we don't run into the landing gear it makes it we have all this space to where you hook up your air lines and so in order to safely hook up your air some people need to climb up onto the the frame of the truck and so i don't want anybody slipping off the frame and like falling into the drive shaft so i got a larger deck plate up top and then steps of course to help you get up onto it so also i got a fontaine fifth wheel with my trucks because they're easier to pull than the joseph wheels when it comes to winter conditions and i've explained that before the jose is where you go up over to left out and to the left so it's it's a lot of movement when it's really not necessary when you can just pull it out and you're good to go um other than that the only difference um that we make to our fedex spec trucks is these uh type of mud flap holders because or mud flat frames i don't know what they're called anyways the point is this is a cheaper version than what usually comes on the trucks which are the you know the bigger metal bulky ones basically this is just so it's easy to replace because these things get ripped off by our trailers all the time and i'm hoping because i've actually driven one of the newer trucks already with a with a fedex set um i'm hoping that they actually won't get ripped off at all because our fifth wheel goes so far back on this truck that i can literally crawl under the truck through to the other side which if you're a fedex driver you know that that's quite crazy so because it's usually like so close between your mud flap and and the landing gear anyways okay last thing last thing um these right here which are really nice so basically this should be tilted i probably can't tilt it not right now it's not greased yet so it's not dirty it's still new um these are little i guess little ramps i like them if anyone knows what the name of these things are please put it down in the comments because i don't know i even looked at the build sheet before coming to do this and it's between two things that i saw on the build sheet and i'm not sure what they are right now but i'm sure bkm will put them down below um what it could possibly be you guys pick which one you think it is anyway so it's really nice so that way you don't just jam into the fifth wheel usually this will be tilted down so it'll just go right up on if it's too low but most of the time a lot of drivers are are good about their height of their trailer so they don't need this okay moving to the other side i guess this is kind of the second to last thing the chain rack here i can't open it because it's actually sealed closed right now but basically what you do is you lift this up and then there's some hooks down below where you hook on your chains and when i do another video to show you the finished truck after i finish putting everything in it um we'll be able to see that better okay finally this little bugger right here is the part of the side guard assist actually it is the side guard assist portion of the truck and i'll explain what that means later and let's go inside now because i'm [Applause] freezing [Music] friends okay so that thing outside that i just showed you guys hold on my fingers i still can't feel them the black thing on the side of the passenger side door the side guard assist that is part of a new program or a new safety system that detroit has made called the detroit 5.0 safety suite and it's got a couple of cool things on it and it's going to take me a while to kind of remember them all but that is one of them and it's called the side guard assist so basically what happens is when there is a car next to you or a truck next to you or even a pedestrian walking next to you a bicyclist anything at all that is within a certain range of your truck there's some cool videos out there so you should check them out and and see more about it but it basically lets you know if somebody's in your blind spot and this is pretty cool because it's going to help warn drivers so those accidents don't happen so you know the saying that the driver's side is passing side and the right side is suicide well hopefully we can avoid the suicide the next thing i want to talk about has already been on the freightliner cascadias in the past and that is the lane departure warning and there's actually a button for it on the dash which we all know if you have that you know where the button is because you like to turn it off um so if you press the button the light illuminates and it shuts off for 15 minutes but basically what the system does is while you're driving if you drive close to or outside the lines when you start to go in a direction where you're going to cross the line there is a fake rumble strip sound that comes from the side of the truck of whichever side you're going to cross the line and so it can be kind of irritating in construction zones so that's where a lot of us have gotten that kind of memory of pushing that button off all the time and the cool evolution to this has been the lane keep assist and the lane keep assist also has a button for it to kind of turn it off but hear me out this lane keep assist is the coolest thing that has been on a truck ever this is basically the first truck that can drive itself so what i mean by that is as you're driving down the road you can set the cruise control on the interstate and you can just hold the steering wheel and the steering wheel will adjust for you to keep you going straight in the lane down the line so you just need to hold on to the steering wheel and it does all the work for you so in high wind and basically long stretches of road it makes it really really nice and the weird thing about this system that it's done to the trucks now is i kind of and this is just my opinion i feel like in the older trucks so anything that doesn't have this lame keep assist on it has a bit of weight to the steering wheel where you can feel if you're turning the steers you can feel like the friction on the ground and same thing with the wind it's like everybody knows like how tired you can get from holding your truck straight in heavy wind and what the thing what the lane keep assist has done or what the technology for the lane keep assist has enabled this truck to do is you could turn the steering wheel with one finger there is it's it's like having a hundred percent um power steering instead of like 80 power steering if that makes sense when i first got in this truck and i drove it from the dealership to the yard here i was freaking out because i thought the steering wheel wasn't connected to the truck and that was the weirdest thing i had ever had happen ever and it takes a lot of getting used to but it's actually really cool technology and it's going to make our job easier in the long run some other cool things on this truck that i haven't seen on any truck on the market as far as like heavy duty trucks go is that this truck has automatic lights which is new for a truck i mean i've never had a truck that automatically turns on its lights just like a car does but there is something a little bit cooler about their auto lights so if you have it on auto and you have your lights on there is a portion of the system that allows for automatic high beams so i'm sure maybe some of you heard about the automatic high beams that are coming out on some of the pickup trucks out there on the market but this is really really cool for semi trucks so basically just if it sees another set of lights tail lights or headlights it will turn off the high beams for you and turn it back on when it no longer sees those other people and the other thing is automatic wipers which is just so so cool to have on the truck and i'm being really weird right now i'm just really excited about it but automatic wipers on a truck and that's just it's crazy i've never had that on a truck before and there's also one of the cameras will show you speed limit signs now on the display in the dash so if it sees the speed limit sign and i've checked this before it'll actually read the truck speed limit signs you know how sometimes there's two signs there's the car the regular speed limit and then the truck speed limit it shows you the truck speed limit so that's pretty cool and then the one other thing is the adaptive cruise control can now go all the way down to zero miles an hour so basically if you're in stop and go traffic you can set that cruise control and this thing will just go for you as long as it's not stopped for longer than i don't remember what the exact number was but it was a couple of seconds or a minute or something like that somebody's gonna have to fact check me on that but if you stop for a certain amount of time it'll shut it off but you can re-engage it by just pressing the pedal so that's really cool and those are just new technology features that are in the 2021 freightliner cascadia but all this other stuff is also pretty cool because it's stuff that i've done to this specific cascadia for my drivers to help make their lives a little bit easier so as i've mentioned before in my previous video i talked about having a top bunk so of course all of my trucks come with this top bunk i am also putting down a very very nice mattress and believe me it's really nice i actually got to spend a week in one of my trucks with another driver and he and i both agreed that these are like the most amazing mattresses ever and i'm so excited to show them to you but that's coming later so if you guys have never seen before under the bed is actually storage and on this truck i had side boxes access on both sides so there's actually two compartments one on this side one on this side and then of course one in the middle so on this side you can see that i got a side door on the cab which is kind of hard to get to because this thing it's pretty neat so i like thinking that if they're at a hub or something like that and they have to wait for a couple of hours at least they could get some fresh air if they wanted to and sit in their bunk and watch tv or read a book or whatever quality of life next is of course the fact that i got the platform instead of the fridge that usually come that you can get with the freightliner cascadias it's not it's not a usual thing it's just an option you can do either or you can get the fridge that comes with it or you can supply your own fridge and now that i'm thinking about it and i remember the coolest thing on my truck is the fact that we have outlets so if you can see behind here in the microwave section there is actually an outlet here not only is there an outlet there but there is also an outlet for the fridge and there is an outlet on the bottom of the bunk right here so you don't have to plug things into cigarette lighters anymore you could just plug them into the truck but this truck it runs on shore power but i have a fix for that for how the drivers can use it while they're on the truck and i'll have to show you that later and i'm really excited to show you but for now this is how i had them built for this specific reason so people could use things and not have cords running everywhere and it would just be easier it's it's quality of life on the road and i'm hoping that all the little bits that are all the details that i'm thinking about are going to make their lives a lot easier and then of course general storage for everybody it's just i'm sure you guys remember what the cascadia looks like on the inside it's all pretty much the same for a double bunk you just have this storage up front and then if you weren't to have this bunk you would actually have some more storage along the back and it kind of looks similar to the front if you were not to have the bunk but we need the bunk because there's going to be a team in here i told you guys about the side guard assist earlier and there's actually a little illuminator right here and i forgot to talk about it but basically what it does is if somebody walks by on the side this light right here illuminates and it turns yellow when there's something beside you if you have your blinker on it'll turn red if something's beside you to warn you not to go over towards your blind spot so it's really helpful for these trucks i got basically all the bells and whistles on it don't pay attention to this this is just for mounting reasons i like to actually i was going to have somebody else do this but now i'm actually attaching them myself and i'll show you the whole process in another video i got basically everywhere there could possibly be a hole or a gauge or a button there's a whole engager button so extra gauges um these don't come standard of course um you have to get them with it but they're just helpful as far as like if somebody was training in this truck this has not only a brake application gauge so when somebody's pushing the service brake it helps them kind of with brake checking and knowing how much pressure they're putting on the brake and if you guys know anything about doing a brake check that's helpful with a student um the other thing that we have on it is actually a brake application gauge for the trailer as well so our trailer break here has its own application gauge and we have i think this one is the yeah okay so this one is the fifth wheel air so this tells you about how many pounds of air are in the fifth wheel back there holding up the trailer and what's cool about this one this one helps you when you actually press the air dump right here so we air dump when we drop trailers um to kind of save the landing gear it's kind of nice for the trailers so say that's why you only roll them to the point where you feel just a little bit of tension and you put it away because then you dump your air the trailer sets down on the landing gear and you can pull out from under it really softly instead of just dropping the trailer and hearing it slam down on the ground because it's can't be good for the landing gear anyways so we like to gently drop our trailers and appreciate the equipment that we have um of course an air slide that comes with every truck with a sliding fifth wheel to move the fifth wheel but we're not going to because we don't need to it always needs to be to the rear for the fedex spec truck um this truck also comes with a kingpin release and so the way that this button works which i'm kind of like half and half on this button i like i like the button and i don't like the button if it was up to me i might not get the button again but we'll see i've had them before on two previous trucks that i've driven and one truck it wasn't a problem the other truck it was a problem so we will see if this becomes a problem in the future and i will let you guys know because this is a learning process for i guess all of us um the way this button works is you hold it for three seconds and so that way if you accidentally hit it it's not going to release your your trailer from you you hold it for three seconds and then it releases and it shows you a bunch of prompts on the display screen up there so that's pretty cool um and then we have our inner axle lock and the differential lock so you don't well interaction differential they're both they're both differentials anyways these buttons very sensitive i'm kind of i'm not sure if i will get this one on a future truck because if it's used incorrectly it can really damage the truck and then the differential or the interaxle walk is actually really really helpful when it comes to slippery conditions and snow anyways i will go over what these buttons do in a future video um if you want to know more just like leave a comment down below if somebody does want to like help out the community just leave a question down below i'm sure it'll get answered most of these buttons come standard on the cascadia so i'm just going to go over some of the ones that i think are important um light test it's actually an option and i think it's a really important option because it allows you to run around your truck and it flashes all the lights for you you no longer need somebody to sit there and turn on your blinker for you or hit the brakes for you anyways it's really helpful and then i actually have two option switches here which i have plans to use in the future and you'll see why and i hope you will stick around for that um then just these are all blanks and okay so there's two switches on this side that i really wanted to talk about just to kind of hit um the lane departure warning off switch is over here and then the lane keep assist warning or warning the lane keep assist where it actually drives the truck for you the off button is over here as well that's pretty much it as far as like buttons and things go um there's a lot of things in the dash cluster you can watch a bunch of videos on that it's all pretty much the same um this is just a really cool truck on its own with all the new technology on it and the cool thing is you can turn most of the technology off so you can drive without it or you can drive with it whatever makes you feel comfortable but the one thing that i like most about it is this new technology is not only keeping the driver who's driving safe this system is basically helping keep everyone safe and that's important to me because i want the driver in the back to get quality night sleep so that way they can get up here and they can drive and make their money during the day because we all know how hard it is to sit here and drive when we're tired and it affects not only our mental well-being but it also affects the money we can earn and i just wanted to give my drivers the the best that i could possibly give them and so going forward i can't wait to show you all the changes that i'm going to make to this truck now that i have it um i've actually already done one so far so i'm actually going to show you the complete process i'm going to be putting in you know the refrigerator in the microwave which isn't really that big of a deal i'm going to show you the bed that i bought for the truck and i'm going to show you how to install the inverter for this truck and i got really nice inverters i got 3000 watt inverters and basically i'm just hoping that nobody can manage to blow a fuse because it's 3 000 watts i'm hoping that they don't blow it because that used to be a big problem that i heard about and i was like okay i'm gonna make sure that they have significant amount of power and that they happen to not blow a fuse while they're out on the road because then they're out of a microwave and a refrigerator and i don't want my guys or my drivers eating out of truck stops i do have girl drivers i just generally say guys anyways i guess that's it for this video and i hope you guys really enjoyed the tour of the 2021 freelancer cascadia because i feel like nobody has touched on these things that are really cool about it the new safety system and the fact that this truck can freaking drive itself that is so cool okay so cool and it is definitely the start to something just it's gonna be mind-blowing in the future and i'm excited for it and no i don't think we're gonna lose our jobs i just think our jobs might change a little bit and might get a little bit easier so that's all for i guess this video guys and i can't wait to see you in the next one and i hope you all remember to be safe out there on the road and remember if you're interested in this company at all the information is down below don't send me a message look at the information down below and i'll see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] two compartments one on this side one on this side and then of course one in the middle which is three i just meant two compartments that are on the side oh well there's a lot of crap under there maybe we don't do that maybe you just maybe you just talk over that because i stored all the crap under there [Laughter] oh boy um
Channel: Happiness By The Mile
Views: 780,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: happiness by the mile, shelby trucker, 2021 freightliner cascadia, 2021 freightliner cascadia truck tour, truck tour, freightliner cascadia review, freightliner cascadia, 2021 freightliner, lane keep assist, detroit assurance, best team truck, OTR trucking, trucking vlog, truck driver jobs, youtube trucker, female trucker, trucking careers, how to drive for fedex, shelbys trucking company, happiness by the miles trucking company, bright mountain
Id: rqvLtghZJz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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