Everything was FROZEN! | Trucking Through A HUGE Blizzard Part 2

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all right this one's leaking a little bit right here which doesn't make any sense to me this one's leaking pretty bad same thing for this one it's leaking as well you can hear it see our lights that's it straight ice [Music] it's very windy and i'm just just trying to maintain my lane wherever it is and the snow keeps coming and going as far as if it's on the road or not and i'm just trying to stay in the snow because i only have one set of drives chained which works for me i turned my differential off because i wanted to go a little faster than than uh 20 and i i didn't want to like by accident mess up the differential by going too fast so i turned it off and wiped off the windshield wipers it's been really hard to see they keep freezing over so now i just have them going because they're less likely to freeze if they just keep moving and what was really interesting is the people who uh passed the chain up area and decided like 20 miles down the road oh it's okay we'll just stop in the slow lane and make a whole line of trucks and start chaining up that was interesting i saw one vehicle that was in the ditch other than that there's just been a lot of people that are stuck so so far so good it's not a graveyard out here yet but it's beautiful it's beautiful it's very uh mother nature is very fierce but um we're gonna keep going there's a truck up here with his lights on so i don't know why he's stopped but we're gonna try to move over [Music] thank you [Music] okay thank you [Music] thank you [Music] so we pulled over here um gonna switch because that's usually when we switch and dakota is going to play in the snow since there's some snow over here um it doesn't seem like it's lighting up at all um it's really windy and it just keeps snowing and i think it said it wasn't even going to stop until after tomorrow so it just it's going to be a great run i think we're going up through what is it called um the fourth of july idaho is that what it's called fourth of july i think so or independence pass or something we're going up that way oh oh no we'll be there in the dark i was gonna say we could uh stop by that fountain in the woods because i still haven't seen it um and we're just gonna continue on it's gonna be montana idaho and then north dakota and i heard north dakota looks okay right now so or at least that's what uh another team said is it looks okay right now so hopefully it stays that way it's going to be a long long trip but that's okay we're gonna go play in the snow now right yeah you wanna go outside [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're gonna swap now i just wanted to say this whole beginning of this year i know i didn't film hardly anything but the things that i did film show you that it has been a very very wintry winter first thing you want to know about chaining is what kind of chains to get it's been just very interesting and it's allowed me to put a lot of my skills to the test and i guess it's just an experience like everything else and after every winter i still feel like i still see new things and i still have a bunch of new things to learn and we still have so much fun you know what's funny about dakota is she hates water like you show her a garden hose and she will run away you show her a giant like pool of snow and she'll be like oh my god that's amazing and she'll jump right in it it makes no sense make no sense so i'm gonna finish my burrito and i'm gonna head on to bed i've been up for way too long and i will see you in a hot minute or maybe like two seconds or three two one [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning it's tomorrow now so i guess it's today it's the next day and um i've been up since two this morning but of course there hasn't been much to see so but i pulled over now because the sunrise is so pretty and i'm currently in montana i just wanted to show you this okay now that that's out of the way and i pulled over on the side of the road so i should really move but it's really beautiful this morning and like of course the video never does it justice you have to see this in person these are just things you have to see in person so let's get going [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so we just made it to north dakota not too long ago and we had a little trouble unhooking from the other trailer because everything's frozen solid it's negative 22 here and it's freezing cold and i just threw on like all the clothes that i had to help because i was actually in the sleeper and um so when bkm went to hook up the trailer set and he pushed in the the trailer air everything was frozen solid so there was air leaks probably because the rubber was frozen solid and it wasn't making a seal anymore or these guys hooked it up and there was already an air leak so because i don't know which is the case i decided to go ahead and buy all the stuff to possibly fix it or to like hold it over so i got some well i got this hammer to get off some of the ice it's the only thing that they had in there besides like a giant metal mallet and um let's see i got duct tape in case and then i got some grommets and then i have some extra grommets in here i got a i don't know where it is i bought a flathead screwdriver to kind of get them out sometimes i like pliers but pliers don't always work the flathead's always the best way to get these things out i don't know why but it is anyways because it seems like the truck's holding air at the moment i think we might roll on it as it is but we have all the stuff in case we need to pull over and fix it but i don't want to fix it right now if i don't have to because it's so freaking cold outside and it's so cold that everything on the truck is ice so on the back where the snow is covering the lights it's freaking solid and so i can't really do much with that i'll try to scrape off what i can with maybe the back of the hammer but i don't want to break the light or like scratch the light or anything so we're just gonna go see what we can get off but of course i put all my tools in my newer truck because they needed them and story of my life so let's go i guess see this ice all right this one's leaking a little bit right here which doesn't make any sense to me oh i think maybe we just hear the air going through hold on okay this one this one's leaking i was gonna say this one shouldn't it shouldn't have air going through it so this grommet's leaking might need to fix that but it's okay for now this one's leaking pretty bad i'm gonna just leave that on there for now if it can hold i want it to just oh man we'll see if we can hold air but i don't know if you can hear that but i'm like it's definitely leaking same thing for this one it's leaking as well you can hear it so i was slamming this one earlier try to get all the ice off of it but i don't want to break anything else so i don't know what to do besides just let it hold air and then uh see our lights that's it straight ice i'm just scratching it really carefully much better all right well at least we can be seen i don't know about the air at the moment okay it's so so cold um you can see i'm trying to share a seat here with someone who doesn't like to share um this is actually really warm i'm gonna go to bed because i haven't slept and pick this up in the morning um if pkm doesn't need help changing the seals and stuff if we get if we happen to have an air leak that's pretty bad i mean they sound pretty bad back there but we're holding so we're just gonna go like it is because trying to get those things off right now is going to be almost absolutely freaking pointless because they might be frozen together anyways the point is if he does need to pull over i'll probably like hold a flashlight or we could both do them at the same time there's light back there we'll get it done i'll update you in the morning or if we do something good night for now [Music] [Music] [Applause] come here don't go that far wow i had a feeling it would be like this so basically it's four degrees now here or two degrees something like that and it was um negative 27 before so the theory was the grommets were so cold that they were pretty much solid and um so they didn't make a seal you know like the rubber grommets do they're they're malleable so they just kind of squish together but when they're like two pieces of plastic and you push them together it doesn't really make a seal anyway so that's good i don't hear any air going through these so like i just i brought the grommets out just in case but it doesn't look like we need to fix them okay this one actually we might need to fix i don't know if you can hear that do you hear the difference come here [Music] so um somebody's got a piece i'm gonna shut the air off and fix this one um look at all that at least the lights are clean that's important guys doesn't matter how dirty the rest of this is just keep your lights clean i just wrote a pretty message on the back of the trailer and my gloves are broken from landing gear so they they aren't as warm anymore and i need better gloves but all our lights work and everything so let's get out of here girls [Music] the snow is really thick here please don't of course now let's try all right let's go there we go we can go backward there's like i don't know how many inches of snow are on the frickin get out of um if not [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] girls [Music] stop all right big bumps um everybody was blocking the freaking turning lane to uh i don't know what our road is marine drive that's what it is i couldn't think of a name earlier but everybody's blocking the road because they're making people chain to go eastbound and you don't need to chain to go eastbound because it's just uh it's fine the way it is anyway so i'm just going the back roads to get back to fedex because they were blocking the freaking way so i had to go this way bye bye even though it's icy and stuff i learned from experience recent experience that slowing down is what gets me stuck so as long as i just keep going i'll be okay as long as i'm not like of course sliding and getting a jackknife but we should be okay we should make it there and i haven't even put the the interaxle differential in yet so we're just flying normally [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] somebody dropped this fedex trailer in the way to the hub and nobody can get past it so we're sitting in a line up there and our truck isn't moving so i'm trying to dig it out i'm digging it out to see if i can i'll put chains on my truck and i'll try to drag this thing out of the way as soon as i can get in but i don't know if i can i think i could possibly get one of my tractors out to come get this we'll have to see i'll have my phone on me right now so i'm just gonna keep digging i've never seen this before but maybe it's because i didn't um grow up in a cold climate but it's a little blade of grass has a freaking icicle on it how does that happen like what is that very interesting anyways i'm gonna get back to digging because i have a lot of digging to do and hopefully we can move this trailer so that trailer that you saw me digging out earlier okay come on um can you can you move over okay we're going to get i'm going to pick up that trailer now why you got to be right in front of me we're going to pick up that trailer now but i need to put chains on my tires before i can go get that trailer so that's what i'm doing now i just finished dropping all my stuff i parked one of my trailers in a parking spot and the other one i just squished it next to it another trailer as best as i could anyways i'm gonna go get that trailer now because it's getting dark and i want to do it before it gets too cold so let's go do that [Music] so uh foreign [Music] [Music] well obviously we're moving and there's the trailer behind us so we got it out i was digging out like little holes for the for the trailer tires to kind of like because bodhi was rocking it back and forth and i thought well if i just dig a hole in front of the trailer tires then when he rocks it they can go into that hole and get momentum to get out and it worked so that was awesome and now we're uh gonna go drop this trailer somewhere even though there's really nowhere in the yard to drop it but we'll figure it out so yeah that's good that's our good deed for today which is awesome i like helping now since i'm just gonna go drop this trailer i'm gonna go home and shower eat some food and please remember to like the video and subscribe if you if you want to and you know i always love the comments down below i try to get to them when i can and of course when the video first drops i try to be on the comments for the first couple of hours so if you comment within the first couple of hours of the video um you'll more than likely get a response from me if you ask a question or something like that um and thank you thank you for being part of this wonderful community and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Happiness By The Mile
Views: 610,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: happiness by the mile, shelby trucker, freightliner, freightliner cascadia, trucking vlog, truck driver, female trucker, winter driving, winter storm, chaining a semi truck, stuck in the snow, trucker problems, white out, trucking in the snow, snow chains, how to chain a semi truck, Winter trucking accident, Winter trucking, Chaining, Portland Blizzard, I-84 Blizzard, winter trucking, frozen semi truck, trucking in America
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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