The Making of "Good Person" (BTS w/ TheOdd1sOut)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/megaannn_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Furologist ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
try going even harder on energy this time oh what oh yeah i'm a good frog yes that's the one this is why we need the behind the scenes welcome back to another daily video my name is joel from roomie official and this is my friend james who makes animations on youtube and if you don't recognize him like this you may recognize him like this we just released the song we made together called good person over on his channel and this is the behind the scenes video i guess you know that if you click the video i know you're thinking how did this collaboration come to be i'll tell you originally me and james get to know each other through mutual friends but we first met in real life at vidcon 2018. even though james is a massive creator and couldn't walk in a republic without causing a commotion he was still really approachable and easy to talk to he was just really nice and open to chat and joke around with anyone even to me so we brainstormed a bunch of different things and we decided that we wanted to write the song about little achievements and things that you do every day that make you happy you're like yeah i'm celebrating this little thing i did right and james suggested that we do it a little bit in a lonely island style wave like really telling a story with rap like they do but so in the middle of writing the song james remember these two youtube brothers that i'm not gonna name but he was like oh yeah these guys they do a lot of bragging and like talking about little things that they do well but in reality it just feels like they're doing it to come across well they're not really doing it for the right reasons and i thought that was a really funny concept so we ended up changing it from just actually celebrating things that you do well every day and instead we went with the concept that we celebrate something that we did well but in the end of the verse it's all just zero like it goes bad instead for example the verse about taking out the trash but you can't find the trash cans you end up dumping it in the ocean but i can still tell people that i'm a good person because i took out the trash but from that we had the structure for the song it was finally time to record james's vocals so i don't know if you guys have noticed but there's a little bit of a situation going on right now where you can't go and see other people in real life so the effect of that was that we had to record all of james's vocals over video call this led to a few struggles for us first of all the typical video call problem hello hi can you hear me oh no oh you can't hear me now quarantine tech time i love this this is good even though james is used to recording voiceovers i really do think he has one of the best and most engaging voices on youtube he still hasn't recorded a lot of music on his own where he has to kind of have the music track in the background and record the vocals on top of that so that meant that i had to show him over video call how to do all that in a music program that i had never used before it was all very confusing make sure i'm recording i can't record on this why can't i record on that oh technical difficulties oh it's still not letting me record no okay uh can you share your screen with me and i can uh help yeah you can't click record i don't think you have a valid wait oh yeah oh i think it is you got to select the input there we go there you go yeah our last tech issue had to do with his headphones and microphone james was using these bluetooth headphones which was adding extra lags he was always behind the beat when he was recording and i was listening to him through the microphone in those headphones and that microphone was distorting all the time so basically i had to try to coach him when his voice was not on the beat even though he was rapping on beat i couldn't hear it unbeaten i'm at the supermarket gonna cop some rhubarb i reach into my pocket it's time to get charged oh what oh yeah i'm a good person you can have that money it's yours and elsa coins are uncomfortable in my pockets but eventually we got used to it and we double checked the actual audio he was recording and that sounded great so we decided to continue something we worked on getting right was to get his energy level exactly right and it wasn't actually too hard because james is a really talented voice actor and we could really dial him up and down in intensity he was super interesting he really has a lot of control and also coins are uncomfortable in my pockets uh so for the melody for the coins thing i want and also cars are uncomfortable in my pockets do you think i should do way more energy i think we should have a few different ones the whole idea of the course is to have multiple voices of you kind of stacked anyway so it kind of sounds like a bunch of james's one funny thing i noticed was that james would never believe me when i told him he was doing great he was really nailing take after take but he would never think that it was good so i had to convince him i think part of it was that the whole recording session took like four hours which is pretty long but that was because we needed so many layers of dreams oh what oh yeah i'm a good person did you want that yeah that was perfect that was excellent but even though he was doing great that's not to say that there were no mistakes because this one was hilarious try going even harder on energy this time oh what oh yeah i'm a good yes that's the one this is why we need the behind the scenes oh yeah i'm a good friend oh it's beautiful i'm glad we're filming behind the scenes for some of the words i wanted really specific dumb pronunciation but james nailed that really quickly as well just because he's a good voice actor i guess it's not that surprising that voice acting and singing especially rapping is pretty close but i was surprised after we had been going for a while i barely had to give him any instructions he was in the zone but since i wanted to record an army of james's it took a lot of time and he started to lose his voice just look at this timeline right here just for this little part we recorded like one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 different takes when you record for a long period of time people get tired in this really weird way and sometimes that impacts how people think like their psychology some people get really cocky and think that every take they do is great and that anyone who thinks different is wrong but in james's case i noticed the opposite that he was like losing a little bit of self-confidence and his humor started being a bit uh interesting we're falling into uh whiny james a little bit we need alpha james 6 000 james with the big muzzles okay turns out i played your eyes and now i'm in detention uh maybe it would be funny to have like a sadder uh there or like whiny maybe you're we were a number of hours into recording now james kept coming out with great vocal takes and i was just sitting there eating ben and jerry don't get ripped that was good that was good easiest job in the world but yeah towards the end james definitely started losing his voice i do my chores couldn't find a trash can so i dumped it in the ocean do you think i sound tired i think you're putting on some distortion because you're tired now we were on the home stretch we were almost done but james struggled to do the verse about the grandma right he just couldn't sound angry enough when he was threatening grandma about the will so we decided this kind of weird thing that we would role play that he would hold his grandma by her frail neck like this and it really helps for some reason can i get one where you're like i guess threatening grandma a little bit because that's kind of like the vibe i get like you better think of me when you're a little bit angry remember how he held grandma around the weakness that was good a little bit a little bit of that again you better think of me when you're drafting up your will ah that's good really good job i gotta point out he said that he would never do it to his real grandma it's just a little mind trick in order to sound angrier he would only do it to his imaginary grandma side notes james had been working out for a while here and he's pretty buff just putting that out there i don't know why but all the youtubers i end up writing songs would end up ripped i don't know why but i feel like i should get the credit for it i'm helping people get ripped somehow but yeah we were getting to a point now where james would forget immediately what he was trying to do need more cool james more cool more cool yes i'm cool never did i forgot to be cool in that one [Laughter] i'm gonna do cool gems oh i forgot to be cool never did that's good but just at that moment when we were almost falling apart it was time for the last line can you say well hopefully no one will listen to it with a few different intonations well hopefully no one will listen to it well hopefully no one will listen to it what happens if you start normal and then go as low as possible well hopefully you don't listen to it that's good that's a good one okay i think we got enough awesome all right that's a wrap james you've done okay so now everything was recorded we sent all the vocals to another music producer gilberg and he went through all of it and selected the best james takes for the lead vocal and he also went through and tightened up the james army so that everything would be really tight rhythmically and then those vocals were sent to another music producer basic the guy who made the beat and he mixed it all and made it sound and bam the song was done and i was totally finished and it was time for james to put together the animation so now we're gonna react to the animation and talk a little bit about it this is also gonna be the first time i have ever seen the music video i'm really excited to see it oh hey james oh hey is this joel who are you in four words um what hi my name is james rallison i have a youtube channel called the odd ones out and me and my friend joel have made a song together so do you remember when we started on this song because i know oh you do i remember we were throwing around the idea of a person that bragged about how good of a person that they were and we were just like oh that'd be a good idea and then we like didn't do it for a long time i remember first we were gonna do it december 2018 i think really yeah so we first started talking about this october 2018. wow that far back yeah i had to fly back to the uk to film the congratulations video and that was like actually on the day when we were supposed to start working on it i remember that okay now that reminded me you we were like supposed to work on stuff but then you like send a message you were like hey something better came up that was not at all the thing so yeah we only really got started on it properly i guess sometime in the middle of this year we've been working on this on and off for two years now dude on and off is a good way of putting it no no 100 of our timers into this song yeah that's right it took us two years to make this song that's why it's so good so how do you feel about your own voice when singing and rapping and stuff when i first did it with dave i was very nervous i told dave i was like well i'm not a singer and dave was like that's okay and i think you know with enough practice and like doing it over and over that i do think that it sounds nice you know what i mean totally what do you think of my voice i think you're probably honestly think you killed it i think that your voice acting skills together with you know the attitude needed for this song it sounds really awesome i thought it was going to be good but i think that it ended up like really great is this your first time like seeing anything yeah this is my first time seeing this video at all i'm really excited feel free to give any commentary on stuff okay three okay two one go oh it's the supermarket yeah i'm at the supermarket it's time to get charged and i know what happens next yeah i saw is name [Music] i [Music] [Music] that's a good shot [Applause] [Music] yes yes but it's so cool because with the visuals it adds so much it's like the song is like immediately 50 better only 50 percent okay 100 better whatever it's double as good what do you think of it so far i love it i love it this is actually one of the few scenes that i i've seen you you sent me like a rough draft of this when you're wearing the thick thing i love it to the kitchen yeah i know that it looks so good [Music] signing with a chip [Music] such a jerk and suddenly no fun aloud all my friends in panic that's my favorite scene what do you like most about it i just like how it turned out it was just three characters all moving at the same time and i've watched every single one of the characters i've rewatched it a bunch and i'm just like oh i like it yeah no it looks really good i love that like with the paper so good [Music] that switch i love that that's so good oh man you're watching this for the first time oh there's so many good extra jokes in here yeah uh like the freaking lawn mower on the on the clothes that's so good doing the chores wrong i love that so much this is so freaking good you and your team are amazing [Music] joel do you remember when there was a version of the song that had the telephone ring oh yeah i remember that that's it that's all i wanted to point out there is a version where it said i'm grandma's special boy so i am gonna call and then there was a ringing phone sound effect and i think we took it out because we were like oh we don't want people to think that that their phone is ringing yeah because a lot of people are like watching on their phones and it's always like i'm just like oh i hope people don't think they get a message and like click out of the video but it would have worked really well there now that you say it like because the phone is ringing and like yeah well ah anyway too later there's a mistake there but i fixed it do you want me to point it out sure right there instead of zooming out it's getting squished is what has happened on instagram oh oh yeah yeah i see it it's pretty cool though but yeah i can see why you want to change bragging about all the nice things you've done misses the whole point of doing nice things in the first place first place that's so good the crisis [Music] oh and i got to delete this song wait it's already on youtube and spotify well hopefully no one will listen to it yeah so yep and this is the end card and it's just it's just black it's switching between i like it [Music] oh it's so many that's so cool dude i love it so much you guys killed it amazing i love it i would have loved it even if i hadn't been part of making it it's so crazy even though i've you know made the video and it is almost six o'clock in the morning and i'm very tired i have yet to become tired of this song and we hope you guys at home feel the same way am i right james yes okay guys get here for the music video on james's channel click here to subscribe to james click here for more videos by me and i will see you tomorrow in another daily video i just realized i should have worn this in this video because i wear it in the music video and now i feel dumb big thanks to james it was so much fun to make this i'll see you tomorrow in another daily video remember kids wear your seatbelt you did it
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,742,969
Rating: 4.9661074 out of 5
Id: 6H9IrDn5jGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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