I Forced Myself to Use Linux For 30 Days (Linux Challenge)

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Good video...but IMHO, it seems the author is being a bit too picky with some of his complaints. I have been using Ubuntu as a daily driver since 16.04. I've been able to do everything I wanted to (in a general computing sense) without issues. Granted, I don't do video editing or gaming, so those are non-issues for me. Currently using 22.04.1 (switched from 20.04 last week) and not having any issues. Of course, everyone's experience will be different as each of us use our systems for different things.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kg4cna 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

For editing purposes I do feel he may be better off with the Mac option. I mean they do seem to function better at that then any other device. I have done some minor video work on OBS and did not have the issues, then again, I do not do it as a career. Very valid issues and most reside with that confounded NVidia driver. Nvidia just does not put enough support into it. Maybe that is changing now and it is certainly better than it was in previous years but still always seems to be the hitch with things going sideways. Don't get me wrong AMD has issues too but just doesn't seem as prominent. Maybe I am wrong, I use all AMD in my Linux machines and have few if any issues and I am primarily a gamer so I dunno.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Think-Environment763 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
recently i've been having some issues with windows whenever i open the calculator for some reason it becomes unresponsive and so does literally everything else i can click on the taskbar or all tap to switch between programs and this buggy state persists for at least a few minutes which is why i've been using google search results as my calculator for the past 6 months i also do a lot of web development for which i occasionally need to use vsl for which is basically like running linux command line in windows but for whatever reason it recently just stopped working and so did the new windows terminal probably all i have to do is just to install them however you have to do that through the microsoft store and the issue is that the install button literally doesn't work for me and i've always had issues with the microsoft store the first issue i had with it was its existence which is why in something like 2015 i actually uninstalled the microsoft store and suddenly came out that many of the windows apps didn't even start anymore because apparently to open calculator.exe you need the microsoft store also every day when i'm typing windows keeps adding random languages to my list of keyboard layouts which is a problem i've had for years on every single windows install on every system and it's not fixable because it's either a bug or some feature that you can't turn off another issue i've been having for a long time now is that the spotify client on my windows parks out every time i start my computer and i have to close it from the task manager to get it working and there are other small annoying issues here and there as well but long story short to fix all of them in one clean swoop i should probably just reinstall windows itself but because i do a lot of multimedia and programming work i'd have to reinstall reconfigure and re-crack all of the applications and settings i have and i really don't want to do that also this may seem completely unrelated but recently i went to a grocery store where i wanted to use the self checkout but for that i had to make an account using my government issued id card and i also had to accept their data collection policy which i of course unfortunately did because nowadays it's normalized to the extent that even ovens require you to accept their terms of service so every time i do reinstall windows suddenly finding three extra trackers i have to turn off is pretty annoying and what the is this and why do i have to make a microsoft account just to install an operating system and why do i have to log in to clear my local browser history on edge and now you're telling me i can't even play minecraft without a microsoft account absolutely disgusting unbelievable actually not too long ago i also made a video about moving on from sony vegas 13 and finding some new video editing software to make my videos with i decided to try out davinci resolve because adobe is basically the duolingo of subscription based software and i heard davinci is always just escapable but is free with a single time payment premium version as well and after spending a lot of time on learning resolve i ended up making the first minute of the part 1 of my store renovation series entirely in resolve but i ran into some issues and ended up using adobe premiere for the rest of the video instead and while i was actually pretty happy with my cracked copy of premiere pro and after effects i for some reason still wasn't satisfied even if i am able to use adobe software for free by going through the really annoying process of pirating them if i decide to settle on adobe i'll still increase my dependence on them and one day i might still need to spend thousands of dollars on their subscription just to make videos and it would also mean that i'd most likely be stuck on windows forever and i wasn't too happy with that which is why i tried davinci resolve again and i ended up making the second renovation episode and so far this video entirely we didn't resolve and i gotta say i'm actually quite enjoying the experience to some extent even more than i enjoyed using adobe and the good thing about davinci resolve is that it's not only available on windows and mac os but also on linux so while i could just reinstall windows and get on with my life i kinda don't wanna do that because the annoying experiences i recently had with everything forcing you to use an account how everything is mining data and how certain tools i depend on have such a strong monopoly that once you're too deep into their ecosystem they can just do pretty much whatever they want because you have no choice but to keep on using them this is also why i'm not too big of a fan of how pretty much everything is moving away from ownership and shifting towards subscription-based services all of which combined is why i recently really started appreciating free and open-source software so much more than i used to so instead of reinstalling windows i recently been kind of wanting to try out linux i've actually already used linux for development before but i've never really daily drove it because at the time it didn't have the best software compatibility especially when it came to gaming and video editing but thanks to the winky resolve being a proper professional video editing program that's compatible with linux and the fact that gaming on linux is also becoming better and better due to things such as valve's proton i'm imagining that i might just be able to daily drive linux without even needing to dual boot windows but i'm still not really too sure about that yet and that's exactly why i'm going to lock myself to linux for at least 30 days and i'll be trying to daily drive it for all the tasks that i use my computer for such as programming gaming graphics design and of course video editing which is probably going to be the most challenging part so without further ado let's get started the first thing you have to do when getting started with linux is to decide which distribution to install you've probably already heard of ubuntu which is the most popular distro and it's also pretty polished and decent but personally i prefer linux mint which by default comes with a desktop environment that's similar to windows however this time i think i'm going to try out pop os instead because i've heard a lot of good things about it especially when it comes to having pre-installed graphics drivers and it also should be pretty easy to install the software that i personally need to use they even listed davinci resolve on their homepage for media production so i'm hoping that they've at least tested and verified that it's installable without too big of hassle because i've done some research on it and resolved on linux is officially only supported on centos which is basically a destroyment for corporations that nobody would actually daily drive on their home machines and apparently it's also kind of dead or something also from what i've heard the experience of using davinci resolve on linux will be nowhere near as smooth as using it on windows or mac os which is pretty concerning but hopefully it will be at least somewhat usable on popos even though i'm kinda assuming that they just listed it on their website because resolve is quote-unquote linux compatible so having decided which distribution i'm going to be using all i have to do now is just download it put it on a memory stick disconnect my windows drive and start the installation as a pretty bad omen for some reason i got an error already during the installation but luckily when i chose a different boot option with an identical name i was able to finally install it and i was now successfully running popos the first thing i did with my new operating system was check out the application store which was pretty nice i suppose and sure enough i was able to install obs without big issues with obs installed it was time to fix the mouse sensitivity and turn off acceleration and i kinda wish the slider had some numerical indicator of what speed value you're on but i'm sure you can set it up from the terminal as well if necessary then i wanted to make sure that my gpu drivers were installed and just as promised they were so it was time to set up a list of challenges to myself that i would like to try on linux so the first challenge was to customize my desktop environment to my liking this is one of the fun parts of linux where you can customize pretty much whatever you want for example i personally don't really like this top bar and for my workflow i prefer the dock to be more like the taskbar from windows the next challenge is to install programs i need to use either the ones that i already used on windows or alternatives that are available on linux after that i wanna try out gaming on linux which is something i've never done so i challenged myself to install at least 5 games that i'd actually like to play another thing that seems challenging on linux is typing japanese which is something i need to do so i'll try to get that working as well i occasionally also need to do some programming and i don't think that will be too much of an issue here but what will definitely be challenging is making a fully fledged video entirely in linux and for that i'll have to get davinci resolve working and just in case i'm also interested in trying some open source video editor so with all that out the way it was time to get started with customization my main goal was to get a windows style taskbar and start menu which i eventually succeeded with and i also messed around with the fonts for a while because one of the biggest issues i've had with linux is that i find the fonts to be rather blurry especially in specific applications and even though i didn't get them looking perfect in the end i was relatively satisfied with the outcome after that i wanted to try some gaming so i installed steam and as the first game i wanted to try css which comes out was natively ported to linux in 2013 and sure enough it launched without any problems and it really felt no different from running it on windows i was a bit worried that maybe it will have performance issues or that the aim input will somehow be inferior but despite not having played fps games for a really long time i really didn't experience any technical issues regarding game at all and then i wanted to play some noita which is not supported on linux but when i enabled proton it became installable and while it did take a bit of time before it launched after hitting play the game started without any issues and even my last position was saved from when i made the immersion video i did notice a few mild lag spikes but i'm not really sure if those are exclusive to linux and i didn't really feel like they obstructed the gameplay so i'd say that it ran perfectly fine after that i tried installing osrs through proton as well and as expected everything worked perfectly fine but surprisingly every time i clicked on this new feature i got disconnected for a moment and i'm once again not sure whether or not this is a linux issue and osrs is also playable on linux through roonlight anyway if it turns out to be an actual problem i also tried another game called gunfire reborn which i expected to have the most problems but turns out it has a gold rating on proton db aka it quote-unquote runs perfectly after tweaks but i started it up played a multiplayer go up game that ended up being over 2 hours long and despite my unstable internet all tabbing and afking i literally experienced zero issues and the game ran completely smooth and as a slight spoiler ironically gaming linux at least to the extent i did it was the only area where i so far had pretty much no issues at all because now i want to talk about the biggest issue by far that i ran into on linux and it was also the biggest fear i had before i even got started which was that every time i use linux the desktop experience is incredibly laggy for example when i drag windows around you can see that it's not smooth it's stuttering and it's lagging behind the cursor resizing windows is also really buggy and laggy and things like this really bother me because i notice every single lag spike and stutter this might not bother everyone especially people that are used to it because they use low end hardware with 60hz screens but i personally use 865hz screen and i find it really unpleasant when my pc setup that costs over 8000 euros feels like an underpowered laptop it's not that it just looks ugly but it also makes doing work on the computer feel nauseating distracting and it slows me down and it makes using the pc for long sessions at a time rather uncomfortable because it's fatiguing occasionally it even got to the point where my computer was literally unusable because just moving a window freezes everything for over 20 seconds okay so look at this i'm going up i can't i can't even touch the window i can't drag it anymore i ca i literally can't drag what what what what what is that i had this problem from the moment i installed pop os and i also experienced similar issues a long time ago on linux mint with both the cinnamon and xfce desktop environments even the first time i installed linux on my own machine in something like 2017 when i installed ubuntu and later mint on my laptop it clearly didn't feel as smooth as windows also this is not exactly related but for some reason i had this issue in both native applications and in the browser where pop-up menus kept closing the moment i opened them so i couldn't even turn on the dark theme or check notifications on youtube i eventually installed the kde desktop environment instead where the pop-up issue was gone and the desktop definitely felt a bit smoother however it was obvious that everything on the desktop except for the cursor was still stuck in 60hz despite me having a 165hz monitor and i found out that when i turn off the second monitor everything does become close to 165hz but then obviously i can't use my second monitor so it's not really a solution and after more research it comes out that this lagginess is really common in linux even on really high-end computers especially when you have multiple monitors with different refresh rates one of the reasons for this seems to be that the x11 display server that linux uses doesn't work very well with the nvidia linux drivers because apparently they both suck or something and one of the workarounds is just to use this thing called weyland instead of x11 which is basically the same thing except more modern but valent is still being worked on and apparently it also doesn't work too well with nvidia cards one of the other options you have is just to get an amd card but because i need nvidia for deep learning and davinci resolve neither of which are properly supported on amd especially on linux it's not really a choice either i did try to get valen working on pop os but my first attempts just didn't work for some reason but all the lagginess aside as a change of pace i wanted to try out some video editing and i decided to first try out gaiden live which is a video editor slightly similar to sony vegas and it's regarded as probably the best open source video editor out there but right from the first moment i started using it i ran into issues such as the audio being buggy during playback this is an example clip for testing gate and live this is an example clip for gideon yeah it's not good so honestly i just lost all motivation and interest or skating live because making a video is already a battle with all the issues that video editing programs have and i just don't want it to get any worse than it already is so instead i finally tried installing davinci resolve and despite running into a few issues eventually i succeeded which i was really happy about but unfortunately since i didn't have the paid version of resolve i still couldn't really use it because the free version does not have h.264 support on linux making it basically unusable for me so i decided that i'll just wait until i get the paid version anyway eventually i got sick of how laggy popos was and heard that ubuntu apparently has valence support right out of the box even for nvidia cards so i decided that i'm just going to hard reset everything i've done so far and just try out ubuntu instead i had no issues with installing it and once it finished i was honestly kind of blown away i haven't used ubuntu for a long time and it has become really polished and beautiful compared to the last time i used it the only annoying thing is that they still don't have a way to turn off mouse acceleration from the settings and also the infamous ubuntu snap packages that everyone keeps complaining about truly do take much longer to start up making the computer feel slower than it should the desktop experience was definitely a lot smoother compared to pop os but a lot of it still felt like 60 hertz and sure enough came out it was still using x11 instead of valen for some reason but luckily this time i actually got valen working pretty easily and when i opened up obs for some reason it was even laggier than before but this is probably some issue related to obs because when i closed it suddenly the desktop was really smooth and i was really happy about it even when i was playing a video resizing and moving the windows still felt smooth and i was really happy that using linux finally felt like i'm using a real operating system on my actual hardware instead of feeling like i'm running a virtual machine on an underpowered laptop this also meant that linux finally started becoming a viable daily driver because honestly the lagness i had before was unacceptable so it was a complete deal breaker but now all i have to do is see if i can do actual work on it so i could settle and daily drive it but there is another concern i have which is that i often keep running into other issues for example as i was having fun with my new 165hz vailand experience when i restarted my computer suddenly everything was stuck on my second monitor on low resolution and changing display settings did absolutely nothing i checked through the terminal that suddenly my nvidia drivers were no longer working so i just assumed that somehow they uninstalled themselves when i ran apt upgrade or something but from the driver menu it showed that i still have the 510 drivers installed luckily reinstalling the drivers fixed it but the whole ordeal just really made no sense and it was quite a waste of time and energy especially because it happened exactly when i really wanted to get some work done also before on pop os i had this issue where sometimes when i went afk later my computer just wouldn't come out of sleep and one time my computer just completely froze for whatever reason and the actual reason it's concerning is because i'm not really surprised over any of these things i've always had this kind of an experience on linux which if you're familiar with it's no secret that that's just how things quite often are on the linux desktop if you're not familiar with linux though then it might have game as a surprise to you because while people within the linux community talk and joke about issues with linux all the time when it comes to talking about linux to people outside the linux community it's kinda taboo to say anything negative because people want linux to sound as cool and amazing as possible and especially that it's better than windows in every imaginable way and it's no surprise considering that for a lot of people using linux isn't a means to an end to play games or get worked on but it's also a hobby a fandom and linux is also heavily tied to the philosophy and social movement of free and open source software and unfortunately linux on the desktop is still a minority so it's pretty easy to see why a lot of people tie their personal identity with linux and feel attacked whenever it gets criticized unfortunately this also leads to over-promising and quote-unquote false advertising which is actually pretty sad because it creates false expectations in people trying out linux for the first time and taboos surrounding problems with linux within the linux community which can slow down the improvement and therefore also the adoption of linux so while linux itself as an operating system is stable and amazing which is also why it's so great for servers when it comes to the desktop experience it obviously has some problems i mean if it didn't it wouldn't even be such a wide discussion and i wouldn't even have to mention it if criticizing the linux desktop in front of a non-linux audience wouldn't be such a taboo so my concern is that if i decide to daily drive linux i'll be spending a lot of time just trying to fix issues that i otherwise would never have to deal with and i'm not sure if linux also makes the most of my hardware on applications like davinci resolve however let's not forget that linux is free and i don't mean free like how windows is free if you download it and run an activation script from github but in the sense that it's not only free of cost but it's also open source and 100 user focused it's not a product designed to sell but instead it's a tool born from one of the biggest community driven collaborative efforts in existence of course companies and corporations also use and contribute to linux which is fine as well but regardless of that it will always stay in the hands of the community because when something happens there is always another distribution it's actually mind-blowing and amazing to think that linux even exists because i can easily imagine a world where it doesn't the fact that i'm able to do nearly everything on linux including running davinci resolve and even games is absolutely crazy if that wouldn't be the case i wouldn't have a choice but to use windows or mac os which are both great operating systems as well but i also really appreciate having a safe fallback option that's not controlled by a duopoly that might one day get even less user-friendly in order to maintain exponential growth for shareholders so while the journey is far from over as i still have many problems to solve i still haven't tried typing japanese and i've yet to make a fully fledged video with dominici resolve entirely on linux i decided that i'll conclude the video here there might be a part 2 update video but in case there isn't to answer the question about whether or not i'm going to be daily driving linux i really don't know i'll still be playing around the linux after this video to fulfill the challenges and see how it goes it's a bit hard to imagine that i'd be using linux 100 of the time especially over the long term because it's currently not possible without sacrifices including having to spend more time on the computer to get the same amount of work done or at least that's what i assume right now even if i do end up back on windows in the end i'm glad to know that linux is an option i have and considering how much linux has improved since the last time i used it i mean i remember not even being able to change the refresh rate from the settings i'm positive that perhaps some years from now the linux desktop experience will be completely different [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Livakivi
Views: 220,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: livakivi
Id: moYwK0YMFjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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