The ARCH LINUX Experience

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3 weeks ago I installed what's considered to be one of the easiest operating systems to install you click next a bunch of times and while doing so I managed to completely erase everything on my hard drive there she goes after exploring it a little bit I thought huh why don't I try something spicier so I went straight for the final boss and installed what's considered to be one of the hardest operating systems to install Arch Linux you get this black box called a console and you have to configure your operating system by using text commands that took me only one rage quit and around 7 hours spanned across 2 days while installing I had the option to choose my desktop environment that's what you see on the screen without it Arch Linux would still be this black box so I conducted a scientific analysis of all desktop environments that I knew about two of them gnome or gnome and KD plasma and after hours of research decided to go with KD plasma it looks like this so let's do some exploration the first thing I'm going to look for is some sort of a text app where I can write down the list of tasks that I'm going to try and do inside of Linux oh Vim not going to go there Kate Advanced text editor and krite just a text editor let's do the one for noobs so first the things I want to try to do inside of Linux explore settings and install a program install a program is that a suggestion how is this a simple text editor take a screenshot crop image convert image format to another format install Steam install a game own some noobs in that game record gameplay footage because last time inside of Linux Mint I had trouble recording Minecraft footage so let's see how flawlessly it works inside of Arch Linux what else did I do last time create a folder Alias use Virtual desktops multitask with keyboard shortcuts access cboard history and I think that's good enough for now so let's begin by exploring what's here the settings and the operating system so this is the settings app what is this weird line underneath my bar I'm pretty sure it's not a part of the wallpaper If You full screen something it automatically takes up all the space and becomes full screen mode very nice so we spawn into Quick Settings first Dark theme oh apply makes sense and the wallpaper changed as well beautiful let's do light theme why not animation speed slow what animations well that's not oh I didn't apply oh that's slow I expected it to be like slightly slow but this this is actually slow look at how long it takes for the preview to appear and I love that this is one of the first settings that you can customize let's leave it on slightly faster apply oh change wallpaper oh L run oh yes apply very clean very clean boats by the way if you're dual booting Linux and windows which means that you have both operating systems installed on the same computer you can go into your file manager like file explorer dolphin in this case and access files that you have on windows so this is my windows partition and if I go here I'll be able to access files from my Windows computer this does not smell like Windows I mean this is my windows partition program files yes yes so let's quickly yoink a wallpaper that is wallpaper desktop beautiful this weird thing at the bottom of my taskar is not super nice let's go back to settings Scarlet tree I'm stuck in a tree okay you know what even though my wallpaper is super clean let's use the Scarlet tree one apply of course ooh and there are different size ones even one for your phone choose an application oh there's no app to open photos with let's come back to that later mouse and touchpad I've been here before to disable pointer acceleration obviously rebind additional Mouse buttons o it's so cool that you can rebind your mouse buttons straight from the settings there's no need for third-party software that's crazy screen edges this is like hot corners on Mac OS there's one already used overview oh this is Mission Control I mean overview you can add multiple virtual desktops from here that's pretty nice I think I should be able to access it with the meta key and tab or not the meta key is the Windows key basically so can I make this corner show my desktop yes oh apply what's here oh you can switch desktops from your T that's something new so what if I add like 20 oh it just goes off screen want to get to your 12 desktop well bad luck and what happens to the taskbar it's just fully filled with virtual desktops wait what if I now set my animations to be slow interesting so you just see a roulette of virtual desktops fly past every time you want to switch there must be a keyboard shortcut for making more than 10 surely keyboard virtual keyboard shortcuts oh yes you can customize shortcuts for different things Emoji selector meta Control Alt shift space let's just do metav V just like on Windows metav V is already assigned to show clipboard items at Mouse position oh actually access clipboard history we can do right now meta V boom let's copy some more things so it's populated there we go perfect and if I click on one of them it does not paste automatically it just puts it in my clipboard so I can paste with control+ v very nice and the Emoji selector is meta control old shift space how do you even oh my what is this keyboard shortcut let's do a classic nerd emoji copy to the clipboard and boink what is this green and orange bar control s oh it's orange if the line hasn't been saved so you can see which parts of your file are saved and which are not saved very interesting back to settings by the way I love this mouse cursor animation when you open an app let's do VLC look at this oh it's bouncing while it's loading hello why does Windows or Mac not have this okay that opens too quick but there's a little pixelated icon that jumps up and down probably pixelated because of my screen scaling but this is such a nice touch anyway so I can set keyboard shortcuts for so many different things like my file manager dolphin what's the dolphin sound effect default shortcut meta e so if I do meta e it will open Dolphin and you could briefly see the bouncing icon I love that system monitor meta Escape memory 30.6 gibes learned that from the last video oh and that's my IP address let's quickly get out of there so this is like a task manager I'm assuming I can right click and quit an application Bo I love that you can customize keyboard shortcuts for everything settings control shift comma let's do control Comma just like on Mac OS so if I open this and then control comma it should bring up its settings control shift comma did I not apply of course so contrl comma will bring up settings in any app does it work in Firefox no good to know I'm so amazed by how many things you can customize in Linux plasma shell activate task manager entry one no idea what that is that's enough of this what's kwin close with window alt4 let's do something simpler like meta W toggle overview what's toggle overview okay kill window meta control Escape meta control Escape select the window to force close boink very nice show activity switcher meta Q what's an activity switcher create activity name description let's not get into that rabbit hole maximize window meta page up that's a horrible maximize shortcut let's just do meta up oh apply apply so why does it not work it just Scrolls up instead of of maximizing can I remove this one yes oh now it works So Meta right snaps right meta left snaps left and now meta up maximizes instead of doing the weird thing where you see only half the app I never use that move window to the next screen meta shift right by screen do you mean this oh this is probably a monitor Peak at desktop meta D beautiful quick tile window to the bottom meta down I want meta down to restore the original position not to tile it to the bottom can I look for ReStore original position no oh pressing the same keyboard shortcut toggles the maximize and then the restore of original position so there's no need to bind anything for ReStore window but what if I forget how I tiled it if I do something else then I have to come here and press meta right to restore it instead of meta down which would just restore the window from any position so now whether the window is like this or like this I have to think which keyboard shortcut to press to restore it I would prefer to just have one keyboard shortcut for restoring there's so many things you can customize here I love it toggle grid view what's the grid view this is like mission control on Mac OS and what is this oh it shows every single virtual desktop so that's how you can switch if you have too many over here meta G there they are why are they in the single line like this if it's called grid view walk through Windows of current application alt Tilda ooh this is a good one also exists on Mac OS so if I have two Firefox Windows like this I can switch between them with alt and the squiggly line so now I'm only switching between my Firefox windows and not between all of the apps that I have open very nice I'll definitely come back to this later oh the sound setting setting up the actual video recording inside of OBS was not a big problem but setting up the audio to work was a slight hurdle this works does it work display setting I love that you can increase scale by 5% it's not like on Windows where you have these massive jumps you can tune it in just right 135% and it worked really nice from the first time I didn't have to troubleshoot this like when I tried Linux Mint and the scaling wouldn't work this is probably because Arch Linux is a rolling release dis T but I'm not going to go into my super Advanced immense Linux knowledge colors and themes accent color from color scheme what if we do purple apply oh and the weird bar is gone from underneath the taskbar why is it gone does it come back after maximizing and then un maximizing yes Breeze light oxygen Breeze dark Breeze classic Breeze classic apply so the buttons changed slightly get new I can get new color schemes okay sweet KD they come with icon packs no way white sir that's some high definition it's crazy de customization options of course there's Windows let's not get stuck here application style Breeze Fusion oxygen Microsoft Windows you can configure style Windows drag mode drag windows from all empty areas drag windows from title bar only drag windows from tit okay transparency opaque transparent so nothing changed what if I open another app okay wait I hate that you have to apply each time I hate not being able to see what these do plasma style Breeze Breeze dark Breeze light oxygen what's oxygen oh I like these taskbar effects can I have oxygen light get new of course you can install different themes look at it that's a cool effect let's stick with Breeze light for now window decorations Breeze oxygen plastic let's do plastic so just to avoid Windows XP copyright okay this is horrible why is it so pixelated let's go back to Breeze and of course you can get new Styles Mouse cursors Breeze light does it still jump yes that's good news there's different sizes 72 perfect not compensating for anything is it slight slightly transparent wait it is you can see that line the more you know is this one transparent I'm not sure let's get a new one oh I can sort by downloads highest rated first I see install does it still have the bouncing icon yes that's nice simple cursors but how do I install more it just let me install one of them and I got the left-handed one what if I want to install all of them my cursor just became invisible simple ADW simple Breeze let's just do ADW oh simple all that's how you install all of them or is it so why is it not installing them fail to adopt okay let's just relaunch settings oh the icon is back and the settings are not turning on interesting so did installing a new mouse cursor break them what's the resource monitor app system monitor quit system settings yes boom easy troubleshooting so colors and themes cursors and I want to get the simple cursor pack posy cursor really nice let's get this one and it works what about this one and it works not the best though do apple cursors look better on Linux probably not there's so many different cool ones and we're back banana cursor oh it's a banana okay definitely increasing the size of that maximum size okay welcome to Arch Linux oh what am I it's flipping around okay let's just use uninstall install simple ADV left is that the one that's not the one boink it's not that impressive but the banana cursor is crazy and it does back flips of course I've installed way too many by now okay let's stop with the cursors system sounds splash screen oh this is the loading screen I like this one what about this one if it wasn't the pixelated icon I would pick that one oh inside of colors there's accent color from wallpaper yes please that's what we're after so if I set a custom wallpaper now it's purple yes if I go back to the tree it's orange beautiful I'm spending way too much time in these settings window management title bar actions double click to maximize yes that is the correct Behavior Mouse wheel change opacity oh apply of course why do I have to apply a setting like this it doesn't need to be applied just let me immediately test out title bar and frame actions what are frames is this frames oh that's fancy task switcher so this is alt tab of course you can customize alt tab show selected window nice it now doesn't show the selected window thumbnail grid compact cover switch wa what is this this looks cool but I don't think it's as functional as just normal alt tab flip switch we're about to see some crazy animation oh okay large icons just like Mac OS what happens if I have multiple windows of the same app open so two Firefox Windows oh and it has both of them unlike Mac OS sidebar what's sidebar definitely not sidebar let's do large icons include show desktop icon where is the show desktop icon only one window per application oh so this turns it into Mac OS if I apply this now there's only one Firefox window even though there are two that are open Windows and Mac should learn so much from Linux customization settings like I wish it was this easy to change the mouse cursor on Windows or on Mac OS on Mac you have to use a third party application and make your own cursors because there's no one making them since it's so inconvenient to install them desktop effects inverts the color of the desktop and windows I'm not sure if it inverted anything configure toggle invert effect meta control I oh now that's what I'm talking about look at that wallpaper it reminds me of plant versus zombies for some reason it looks cool though how do you un invert oh oh this little plus icon on the app shows that there more than one instance of the app open so if I close this one there's no longer the plus Mouse click animation create an animation whenever a mouse button is clicked this is useful for screen recordings yes please configure of course meta plus snowflake okay it looks weird linewidth I'm surprised they didn't let me do 1,000 ring radius uhoh ring count 99 Rings ring duration okay so let's just continue with the tutorial let's open Firefox right there and let's actually oh some things have spawned onto my desktop how do I disable this can't even right click everything is frozen why would that be oh we're back are we back clear okay I definitely like the desktop effects section Shake cursor make the cursor larger when the pointer is quickly moved back and forth so just like on Mac OS why is it so pixelated nope track Mouse display a mouse Cruiser scaling effect when activated what is that so is this like a loading screen magnifier magnify the section of the screen that is near the mouse cursor wait how much can it go everything is turned up over 9,000 on Linux this is me moving my mouse cursor by the way that's crazy fall apart closing windows fall into no there's no way animation speed this is perfect hold on a minute what if I closed all of them at the same time wait for it let's position it so it's easy to close no wrong move KD plasma ladies and mental gen let's go back to normal Mouse Mark allows you to draw lines on the desktop yes so you're telling me I can draw like this good thing I didn't finish because it's stays on the screen clear last Mouse Mark meta shift F12 how is this not in Windows and Mac OS translucency make Windows translucent under different conditions inactive Windows moving Windows dialogue so now if I move this it becomes transparent wobbly Windows deform Windows while they're moving let's see this one this is so good let's quickly reduce transparency so if I drag this Edge only this Edge wobbles no way so far I'm just stuck in explore settings but let's continue magic lamp simulate a magic lamp when min izing Windows oh it's the genie effect animation duration squash squash Windows when they're minimized definitely going to be good oh of course I'm doing magic lamp okay here we go oh my show FPS display Cav's performance in the corner of the screen 144 good for games I love that you can customize things like virtual desktop switching animations and Mac OS definitely needs this animation speed slider I would definitely increase it window management Cube arrange desktops in a virtual Cube surely it's not what I think meta G Cube phase displacement toggle Cube meta C oh meta C and you can rotate the cube with virtual desktops wait no way this is a thing toggle present Windows contrl F9 oh this is like mission control on Macos that's really useful androl F7 is only for Windows of this current APP I think oh and when I move my window it actually moves on the preview thing on the task bar that's nice wait can I drag and drop a window to a different no General Behavior middle click paste select text huh I can copy and paste with middle click and if I select everything it will immediately copy and paste everything I will forget to use it and paste in something embarrassing so I'm going to turn it off file search File search helps you quickly locate your files you can choose which folders and what types of file dater are indexed by the way you can search with alt space and this is such a great feature I've already been calculating something although one problem is I'm pretty sure it doesn't open instantly so if I type never mind it's pretty instant I love this feature I love the search bar just like on Mac you can do things like quick calculations and it immediately gives you the answer I'm assuming you can even search Google yes beautiful subscribe by the way I love that this is built into KD plasma let's see the settings oh it's called krunner position on screen top or Center let's do Center activation activate when pressing any key on the desktop so I can just immediately start typing from my desktop and it searches things hello nice plasma search plugins here's where I can enable and disable what it searches terminate applications Web Search keywords yes I can set up C custom keywords let's look for YouTube YT there's already YT for YouTube so if I do old space YT space and anything else like my channel I can press enter and it will search for it on YouTube I love that this is baked in by default about the system quickly flexing that I'm an Arch Linux user okay let's stop here with the settings I love the customization the only thing I don't love is the apply button and it's amazing having the ability to change anything from your animation speed to your mouse pointer to how much the windows shake when you move them Linux is so good when it comes to this all right let's come actually I have not explored the taskbar icons only task manager task manager window list oh this is like expanded one oh it's gone and this is the windows list interesting how do I change it back configure icons only task manager ooh clicking active task minimizes the task middle clicking any task opens a new window yes Mouse Wheel cycles through tasks what do you mean so if I scroll here it Cycles Through the Windows that's nice enter panel edit mode okay I can change the height visibility always visible Auto Hide Dodge Windows what do you mean Dodge Windows as then it hides when a window comes close boink style either floating or not floating let's do not floating because it has this weird color underneath it so I'm going to do this one so it's not visible with fit content oh so what if I do floating like this it rounds corners and is there that there's still this weird rectangle underneath so let's not do floating can I align icons differently wait what is this so this is just a random taskbar spacer right in the middle of my desktop interesting how do I move icons to the middle oh what just happened not 100% sure what I'm doing here add widgets of course they're widgets okay let's mark settings as complete uninstall a program let's first install a program so that I can uninstall a program what was that why is it minimizing over here refresh desktop what's over there why are you minimizing there anyway I still haven't been inside the software manager which is where you can install a bunch of applications of course you can also do it through the terminal so let's try and install something like Steam which will knock off another task Pac-Man DS steam does this work you cannot perform this operation unless you're root of course pseudo Pacman DS steam Target not found steam okay so the package is not called steam install Steam Arch and install the steam package so it is called steam did I do something wrong pseudo Pacman DS steam steam like this let's look for it in the software manager lounger for steam software distribution service installing beautiful let's check off install a program and install Steam at the same time well it's still installing I'm pretty sure everything will be okay surely let's also do calculator let's get that as well and I also want to install something through the terminal so let's do something like VLC I'm pretty sure I already have VLC installed but it's not through the software manager so let's uninstall VLC pseudo Pacman DS wait how do you uninstall how to uninstall Arch Linux you can do pseudo Pacman DSC smiley face that smiley face scares me so it's Pac-Man d r ns- RN n s VLC removing VLC breaks dependency VLC required by Photon something VLC Pac-Man dasr pseudo Pacman d r VLC fail to prepare transaction removing VLC breaks dependency VLC okay you know what let's do the calculator let's first see if it's downloaded calculator enter yes we have a calculator why does it have a different mouse cursor anyway pseudo Pac-Man d r calculator boom calator calculator do I have to capitalize calculator Target not found so it's probably because I installed it through the software Center and not through Pac-Man so let's install something through Pac-Man Pac-Man popular packages Arch Linux must have packages okay let's just do Spotify pseudo Pac-Man DS Spotify surely this works Target not found Spotify let's do alacrity pseudo Pacman d s alacrity yes okay it's installed alacrity boom and let's uninstall it so pseudo Pacman d r alacrity do you want to remove these packages yes and now alacrity is gone perfect install a program is complete let's see if steam has been installed and yes it has or has it missing permissions for input devices steam input devices under rules don't seem to be installed consider installing steam devices package okay pseudo Pacman DS team devices Target not found at this point I remember that there's a thing called the Aur Arch user repository essentially on Arch Linux when you want to install stuff through the terminal you can use a command called Pac-Man to do so think of it as an app store but many things aren't available in this app store that's where the Aur comes in it's essentially an App Store where people can upload different apps but less regulated so you can download more stuff and I found out that if I install it I can use the yay command instead of the Pac-Man command to access a bunch of different packages or apps and while I was doing this I clicked okay on the steam error thing and it turns out that I didn't even need the AR user repository to fix steam oh I just clicked yes and it's automatically installing steam so maybe I don't even need the optional dependencies thing and we have steam before I get sidetracked let's continue with the rest of these take a screenshot obviously let's first look for a screenshot app oh get screenshot so I think if I press this it's going to take me to the software Center where I'll be able to get the app not open Steam app Elementary screenshot so do I just search screenshot ooh there are a bunch of screenshot apps best screenshot tool for Arch Linux okay let's try Cas niip let's install it through the terminal so pseudo Pacman D snip beautiful and new screenshot no okay quit weird application yoink and it's gone flame shot let's do flame shot Mouse select screen area crl s save screenshot to a file so let's do this selection o and you can do a bunch of things here by the way why is my desktop half the size I'm assuming it's because of display scaling but come on also why does my mouse cursor change every time I visit a different app this happened inside of the calculator and also inside of this screenshot tool we can draw highlights this is blur I think and this to save let's do it inside of pictures and there's the screenshot I still can't open it because I don't have a image app but we took a screenshot best image app Arch MDF but wait you say that's a PDF viewer and you're right it is the best one I'm sold mu PDF there 128 providers available for test data okay let's do default yes don't know what that is so now can I open this picture yes and it was pretty fast as well with mu PDF so there's the screenshot yoink crop image sure I'm not going to be able to do that with mu PDF oh it shows the actual size of the image how do I fit it to the screen are there settings for M PDF so there are no options you just view the image in full screen let's try another image viewer Arch Linux best image viewer Mirage is worth a look it's a pretty good map a fast and simple gtk image viewer it's also from the a arch user repository which I went ahead and installed so that I can do y-s and Mirage and install things from the arch user Repository packages to clean build none all abort installed not installed none diffs to show none I don't know what I'm doing proceed with installation yes and it's ready Mirage no it's not fail to install the following packages manual intervention is required Mirage well that's the package I want to install okay let's do all instead of none and the difference is to show all yes module not found no module named dist utils manual intervention is required okay let's do another package core image simple lightweight and easy to use image viewer based on something let's do core image y-s core image there are two providers available repository Aur this or this enter packages to clean build let's do all remove make dependencies after install so I'm pretty sure these are packages that it installs in order to create the program but then they're not needed after the program is created so I'm going to say yes to remove those and proceed with the installation okay it's doing stuff proceed with installation yes proceed even more yes and I think that's it so it's called core image oh it's here core image an image viewer no files are open Okay so let's take a screenshot with our screenshot tool save it next to two purple balls right click open with core image and there we are can we crop it okay we can do different Zoom amounts which is different from the other one and we have some tools open save rotate sh in the folder open in editor okay open in editor multimedia Graphics wait can I crop it with flame shot right click configuration no okay so core image doesn't work for cropping program to crop image Arch Linux I think you should check out G Thum it's perfect for these purposes at least it's perfect for me G Thum is a free and open- Source image viewer and image organizer with options to edit images yes so let's do terminal y-s wait yay and let's first search for this does it exist extra G thumb image browser and viewer for The Gnome desktop I have the plasma desktop so I hope this is not an issue so let's do y- S and G thumb and it's installing by the way with what's really useful is that I can mute my microphon and you basically don't hear anything so we should have it installed G thumb get G thumb wait didn't I just install G thumb interesting packages to clean build but didn't I already install all of this okay let's do it again oh fail to install the following packages manual intervention is required once again but am I doing it wrong G thumb Arch Linux image browser and viewer yes maybe I have to install it with Pac-Man Pac-Man D SG Thum yes oh there we go let's see our image open with G thumb and there we go okay it looks promising set to actual size rotate left rotate right transparency edit file ooh there are a bunch of things I can do surely there's crop crop there we go oh I can paint with the crop tool let's crop it like this and Mission successful convert image from one format to another format so let's do it in here format that's not the format let's try crl s to save it's still a PNG new window open location save as so if I just say j Peg does it actually change oh it does let's do horrible quality and maximum smoothing save another mission accomplished perfect install a game here we go it's time to own some noobs imagine let's open up steam and try to install Counter Strike install this is going to take a while while that's downloading let's complete some other tasks record gameplay footage oh create a folder Alias I remember in Linux Mint you could do this with control and meta key link here link yes was the the shortcut control shift yes it's control shift in Dolphin so now this links to this folder if I create a new folder inside of this folder called Shrek and then go back into the link I'll be able to see Shrek very nice use Virtual desktops I've touched on these before but now let's actually explore them so I can switch them like this and I'm assuming there's a keyboard shortcut yes it's control meta right and control meta left to switch virtual desktops and probably meta 2 and meta 3 never mind this opens apps in the taskbar so control meta 1 and meta 2 meta shift 1 and two how do you switch them with numbers let's go into settings keyboard shortcuts wait what was the shortcut for the weird rectangular thing oh Cube what's the shortcut meta C why does this Cube not work do I have to have more virtual desktops for the cube to work yes there we go probably one of the best interfaces I've seen for switching virtual desktops you just get a cube obviously there's no cube with just two sides let's see if I can switch virtual desktops with keyboard shortcuts oh it's F1 instead of one contrl F2 switches to the second one F1 switches to the first one and so on okay so you can do that okay that's pretty much complete multitask with keyboard shortcuts what I meant here is using keyboard shortcuts to snap windows in place which I've already set up before just the UN snapping behavior is weird because you have to hit the same shortcut twice so if it's on the left I have to hit meta left one more time to restore the original position I can't do it with meta down so that's kind of weird behavior and also multitasking with alt tab which we've already covered so that's dealt with let's see if Counter Strike is finished finished downloading so let's browse some more apps that we can install you know what let's install Da Vinci resolve for the free version install Da Vinci resolve Aur or D Vinci resolve beta a let's see if that works y- s d Vinci resolve yoink packages to clean build okay what does it mean to clean build clean building will remove all cached files from the last build before it downloads and builds the new package oh so since I'm doing this for the first time it doesn't really matter and here we go I'm pretty sure this will take a while because the Vinci resolve is a massive Pro so let's explore some other programs switch heru convert and manipulate images seems pretty useful drawing edit screenshots or memes definitely getting that one photopia Advanced image editor wait it's actually an app I thought it was a website it's essentially a free Photoshop alternative let's check out the drawing app first it's the first time no oh so this is just paint you can draw literally anything I'm pretty sure this is the same app I tried on Linux men it can also obviously crop images and Export them in different formats very nice Da Vinci resolve fail to install the following package manual intervention is required so why does it fail like every time how to install the Vinci resolve y-s the Vinci resolve but that's what I just try to do yes and it failed the installation what if I just do it through the da Vinci resolve website let's do public beta Shrek noodle shush Street register and download okay let's wait for that to download let's explore the other apps that we downloaded photopia online photo editor oh there a bunch of ads on the right but if you don't care about the ads this program is a pretty good Photoshop alternative let's try me mega mind let's try to cut out the background of mega mind select subject oh it's horrible can we do it with blend if yes we can yoink and we have mega mind cutout it's definitely not as good as Photoshop but all the keyboard shortcuts are the same and it gets the job done let's do some mustache filter liquefy let's exaggerate some features perfect anyway so that's photopia let's do the switcher Roo drag in the mega mind export format let's leave it jpeg is this a live preview or just a picture resize algorithm default pixel what do we get Perfection pretty nice apps o it's finished downloading let's go processing Wen shaders oh my computer's fans just started spinning interesting well Dad's doing its thing let's try to install the Vinci resolve run and PDF so I think we need the Run package it's a file called run never seen this one before what do you wish to do with this file execute D Vinci resolve installer next next next start install that's pretty easy oh the Vinci resolve just spawned on the desktop that's a good sign let's try and open it boink boink boink this makes me enjoy my time while a program is loading doesn't seem to want to open somehow I suspected this would happen system monitor there doesn't seem to be any diviny resolves running here it just crashes immediately that's good news did the same happen with counter- strike processing shaders well we've been here before it went from 0 to 99 so quickly and then it's stuck any second now do I just skip oh should have skipped sooner before I do anything let's make sure it's actually recording my screen seems to be recording my screen really nice so I'm going to set up some settings like the Crossing here ooh my sensitivity is horrible wait but this is my actual sensitivity get owned I was trying to change my pointer speed and I unchecked device enabled for whatever reason then clicked apply and now I can't use my mouse so hopefully I can somehow get here with the keyboard how do you check something with the keyboard what if I disconnect my mouse okay connect it again still can't use it space it's space okay space select now why does it say keyboard okay down yes enable how do I now click apply control enter meta enter my mouse is on the apply button but I can't press it what if I try to close this alt f4 yes apply yes my mouse is back that's crazy get raw input Arch Linux maybe it's because of display scaling my mouse sensitivity is different oh now the game looks weird let's try to relaunch it yes now it's normal so why does changing the scale of my display change my mouse sensitivity in game that doesn't make any sense wait why does my Crosshair look so weird so why does my sensitivity change based on the resolution I set that doesn't make any sense let's see how many FPS 330 that's to be expected but why does my sensitivity change based on the resolution I set that's so weird Okay regardless let's own some noobs the Assassin it plays pretty well but the mouse sensitivity becoming bigger due to display scaling is kind of annoying I hope it's fixable so we installed the game owned some noobs and recorded the gameplay footage and that concludes all of these tasks so from now on my favorite operating system is is
Channel: Bog
Views: 189,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcch linux, arch linux, linxy, linux, Linux, ARch linux, Arch linux, linyx, linuyx, kde plasma, plasma linux, linux plasma, Aarch linux, arch linux experience, kdeplasma, kdee plasma, kde plasma 6, gnome, nome
Id: urYjGtnfckM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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