I Restored the World.

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this Minecraft world is in a state of disarray and destruction so I decided to take it upon myself to restore the entirety of it through repairing all of the destruction and adding in new builds that however requires a lot of work so let's start with the easy stuff I easy I mean spend five hours mining obsidian whilst listening to whatever the Frank this is why what is this music and after my suffering had finally ended I needed to mine just a little bit of grass and dirt nobody's gonna be upset if I take this are you built on Australia it doesn't exist whoever told you Australia is a real place you relied to my friend I'm so sorry then I spent literally 10 hours mining grass and dirt once all that was finally done you can finally press subscribe please I'm really close to 50K I mean at least a bunch of dirt and a bunch of grass and maybe go a little insane in the process so the server crashed earlier and last night it left you with having to play OSU and I felt really sad I don't know why I was genuinely upset that I couldn't Place dirt like I was having withdrawals man crazy talk aside I had finally finished spawn well not exactly because I still have this whole half of Spawn to do which means I have to repeat everything mine some grass play some grass mine some grass cry a little bit and play some more grass and boom finally we're done placing all the grass and dirt spawn actually looks pretty good aside from whatever the hell this Tower is like actually who built this ugly piece of junk well let me introduce you all to Mayfair because the guy who destroyed spawn alongside another member their reasoning something about not liking spawn being protected by Leo Wilko they threw a little bit of a temper tantrum by spawning in over a hundred Withers to destroy it that's all besides the point this Tower had to go so I decided to leave an eviction notice there we go and now that should solve our problem with this ugly Tower hopefully he sees my signs problem resolved he agreed to remove it what is this never mind May pick is evil and I absolutely hate it I may pick this is a message from the spawn Community die you dumb why the would you do this oh well literally someone else hated MapIt quite a lot and rightfully so because mapic decided it would be a good idea to place or double chest a obsidian down and a tower shape if I responded like any normal functioning member of society I killed him and then destroyed the Obsidian Tower alongside Zam who evidently now also hated maypay but after he helped destroy Swann I couldn't fully trust him yet I mean he could be secretly plotting to kill me to get revenge from Maple after about four hours of mining the tower was finally removed so I could get back to restoring spawn now in order to restore the server and actually make it look nice we need more than just a flat area of grass so let me introduce phase two make other people build for me because I'm incredibly lazy so I set up a build competition where members of the server would have 24 hours to build anything on spawn the best build would win some of the most valuable items on the server three hearts now there's two ways to obtain hearts on lifesteal first is through killing people and the second is through crafting I decided not to become a wanted criminal and to instead destroy the environment by crafting the hearts this man I need a few resources diamonds oh my God totems what redstone finds Redstone with Riz does that mean another right bro somebody just like left ancient liberty down here it's literally scripted and with all those collected I can make the three hearts I hate the environment I I want I just want a quick rundown of what you're doing over here it's a community Hub it's gonna have a community house and a courthouse and some villagers to trade with and also a fountain is gonna look pretty and it's gonna be awesome I don't know what he wants from me I'm so confused hey hi what are you I think why only three people actually began building once the time started which kind of reminds me of my birthday party except nobody came anyways now all I could really do was wait for the 24 hours to finish and judge the builds I logged on and I turned to my to my left and I saw this amazing Tower I was awestruck honestly what was the inspiration behind such a it's a wonderful build I didn't build this tower for the tower I built this Tower you can see amazing work that you and everyone else unless you can put in you wanna know the best part about this Tower sub what's the most part of the star so let me just go ahead and show you the bill so as you can see we already have some inducification with the city in everywhere on top of like this really cool thing we have like this waterfall on the middle if you uh go ahead and click that button then a door will open up the waterfall will fold away and it will split the waterfall and this is a secret base or if you want to call it a volt no this is the this is kind of what we have it's really cool I think it's smaller but it actually like if you put a lot of thought into it it's like itmg no way I'm just like itmg then I made a courthouse it's a little Pond I made it looks really cool this is my big Fountain it's a big Fountain over here we have a villager trading Hall it's not the greatest uh over here we have a community house pretty cool over here we got a frog statue that is that is beautiful the competition was surprisingly tough all of the builds batted their own unique touches to spawn but a decision had to be made all right you just showed me his build a couple minutes ago I don't know how you seem like the full thing yeah I've seen it it's pretty cool but I told him I think his build is really cool but I think your build gives more character to Swan and it brings more life to it and for that reason I have here one two three hearts you win the competition yeah Zam the exact person that destroyed spawn now won the build competition for best build perhaps I could begin to trust him now that's besides the point though because spawn still looks incredibly empty so what did I decide to do I decided to spend five hours learning world at it to learn how to build a floating island which wasn't even a part of spawn a spawn was still totally empty what was I thinking on the plus side though I had custom trees so I guess I love the environment again except in order to make those trees out of forested half of a jungle biome I'm sure at this point you're wondering why exactly do I need weld on it to build a giant aisle you see by using world edit I can make the exact shape of an island and texture it fully in a separate world and with the help of another mod light matica I can copy a schematic of the island I built in the creative world paste the outline into lifesteal all that stuff to do is fill it on like a child coloring and a coloring book in the center of the island I decided to build a giant meso-american style Temple which I think actually turned out quite well laundered around the temple would be those trees I mentioned earlier after finishing the mega Island I realized oh no zam's getting killed wait Sam's getting killed why was he messaging me for help can I truly trust him I mean this guy literally blew up spawn destroyed the thing I'm trying to repair but at the same time he also helped with repairing spawn by tearing down mapex Tower and building in the competition I knew there was only one decision to make oh I don't have low fire oh this is gonna be awful [Music] May pick out May pick and his teammate Rose Shambo had Slipped Away evidently Zam lets May pick's team after spawn was destroyed I might have felt incredibly guilty for destroying spawn so he decided to help in the restoration process this meant we had common interests and restoration to spawn and our distaste from Apex for that reason we formed a team if one of us were to be attacked by mapic the other would come to help out so if that now settled I once again realized the island was not at all helping take up the large quantity of empty space I decided to ask a friend for suggestion on what to build and he told me to build a temple around the nether portal do that though I need a black stone deep slate red terracotta I just need like a solid three seconds of mining red terracotta footage maybe five seconds and Mangrove that sounds easy right wrong Mangrove is the worst material to gather like it took me nearly an hour just to get nine stacks of this wood on the plus side though I could now finally build this Tower [Music] boom we finished the tower is done you can only see the top I think it looks pretty good though because I'm such a kind person and totally didn't want to milk my audience's brains for the next build I decided to make a community post and build the top comment which was a QR code to Never Gonna Give You Up so I decided not to build that because I hate that one guy who suggested that and only him I instead built the second most liked comment in Memorial to technoblade and then my horse got kidnapped and then I got murdered and then I got hunted down I'm honestly not sure why this happened I mean maybe it's because I threatened to evict May pick and he got upset that his ugly Tower could not remain and maybe he's upset that I killed him and protected Zam or something and maybe they realized that I was online alone at the time so it was an easy target I still stand by the fact that the tower is ugly like honestly a two-year-old with her thumb stuck in their mouth could build better than that aside from that though I can now find some totally wild sheep at their wall and then build the memorial after the Memorial is completed without any further options I finally had a cool idea I wanted to build a Japanese styled Village why exactly I don't know cherry blossoms are like cool and stuff but I decided to spend an entire night learning how to build in this style I'll link any videos I used in the description below and then spend an entire day Gathering resources and there was let's just say a lot the only resource that was difficult to gather was the dark prismarine I decided to set out to make a guardian Farm oh yeah there's a monument right that I can't use it though what is that bro what is that mod that is disgusting oh wait what is this ocean bro wait no way there it is I kind of forgot to replay modbuilding the farm so hopefully watching his Guardians suffer makes up for it I may have went a little overboard on the old Guardian kills whoops with all the materials now gathered I slowly began building up the village starting with the temple and then moving on to each individual house foreign [Music] [Music] eventually The Village was finished well not quite I still had the best part to build the cherry blossom so let's set a few of those up around the village now we're done not yet still The Village entered a few final touches to add some more life starting with the path then maybe a pond and then some foliage along with this cool Ramen card I found on YouTube and finally let's add a few lanterns floating about now we're finally done at the Village this honestly turned out much better than I expected I went from knowing nothing about building this style to building an entire Village the world was finally Beginning to Look whole again Fields were sprouting up everywhere and people were beginning to hang around spawn again that was until May pick and his teammate oh Shambo decided to claim the entirety of the server for themselves lifesteal from today forward belongs to me and mapic the server thus far has been chaos Wars break out every other week and spawn is constantly getting destroyed and the only way to solve that is with one centralized power and that from henceforth will be me and mapic so in order to create a more stable server and preserve the beautiful builds that are coming back to spawn please don't get in their way I couldn't just let them claim everything I had just restored I did not spend the last month of my life painfully grinding resources and building for these two Hooligans who once destroyed everything to claim it so I arranged a meeting I wanted to talk to you guys today because you guys made a bold statement a couple of days ago about owning like the entirety of Spawn now well the entirety of the server yeah it's uh oh the whole server wow yes same thing pretty much same thing pretty much well I'm just I'm just clearing I think that's even worse honestly I think it's even worse to like own the whole server I don't see how you guys can just like claim the entire server you know all we're doing for the server is good nothing nothing has really changed except for the fact that we now have theoretical control over the server and we are keeping it in check we're keeping it stable through the new power that we have I've come today with an offer for you too I want to challenge both of you at the same time for control of the server and if I lose I will be fully exiled from Spawn if you ever see me here you have full permission to kill me whenever all I really want is to guarantee full protection of Spawn for for everything that I've done everything that I've built here and in the past you guys have had a bad history of Spawn and I I just simply cannot trust you guys to have power over it that's what this comes down to if you guys can kill me then I guess I can believe that you guys can protect fun I had challenged both may pick and Rochambeau to a 1v2 for spawn if I were to lose that would be it spawn and everything else would be under their control and I would be exiled however if I were to win no harm would ever come to the newly restored spawn again [Music] [Music] foreign I worked for was gone just like that I have an exiled from the home I spent weeks working on that was the end or was it when I lost the Dual Zam Challenge mapic and Rose Shambo multiple times knowing full well he couldn't win why because he wanted to carry on the Legacy I left behind he wanted to stand up against roshambo and may pick just as I have after all those duels Zam was left with nothing being asked we had helped each other in the past I couldn't just leave him in his current position sure he was evil before he had proven to me through helping repair spawn that he was trustworthy I'm on two hearts please help me follow me I've been working for quite a while on something and I'm showing you this because I trust you and because I think because of what has happened to you on the server that you'd be willing to help out for Stans oh my God oh that's my teachers I've been cheating since first grade I hate you so much
Channel: ItzSubz
Views: 519,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hermit Craft 9, hypixel skyblock, hermitcraft, lapata smp, smp, pvp, rlcraft, lapata smp season 4, lifesteal, bedwars, dream smp season 2, error smp, hypixel bedwars, minecraft traps, baconwaffles0, pvp legacy, lifesteal smp ip, mcc island, minerival, feather client, earth smp, bacon waffles, awaken smp, public lifesteal smp, smp applications open, lifesteal season 4, how to join lifesteal smp, 1.19 pvp texture pack, life steal, crystal pvp, parrot, spoke, vitalasy, rekrap2, jaron, pve
Id: 93vLyRhlIa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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