God Has A Plan For Your Children - Zac Poonen

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it's always a joy to pray for children because we have hope that they will grow up to be another generation that lives for God so I want to turn to Hebrews in chapter 11 Hebrews 11 in this fantastic chapter where the miracles that so many people did by faith like splitting the Red Sea and pulling down the walls of Jericho killing lions with their hands driving huge armies away with just a few people and an old couple like Abraham getting a son at the age of a hundred amazing miracles in the midst of it we read something very ordinary that doesn't look like a miracle at all but it is a great miracle because the consequences of that were amazing and that is in Hebrews 11 and 23 about the parents of Moses they never did anything that we could call a miracle but here in this paraphrase it says by an act of faith Moses parents hid him away for three months so they're hiding Moses was an act of faith that means they believed that God had a purpose for this child and even though Pharaoh was an all-powerful ruler with the soldiers going searching in every house it says they looked at the child and they saw he was a beautiful child and they were therefore not afraid of the Kings edict that all the children should be killed now I see from there that when you look at your child you must see it as a beautiful child and if you only look at physical appearance like the people in the world some of you may not think your child is a beautiful child that's not because of the child it's because of your blindness as a parent or you're desperate to have a boy and you get a girl and you say that's not a beautiful child that's not because the child is not beautiful it's because of your Indian non-christian prejudice it's not from the Bible it's a heathen way of thinking that's influencing your mind that makes you think if it's a girl it's disappointing it's amazing how many people sitting in CFC have that heathen non-christian bent of mind and it can affect your children I tell you it can affect your children because unconsciously it'll come forth in the way you treat that child you know how it's a well-known fact that many female babies are killed in India sometimes in the mother's womb when they detect it's a female and those who don't have the ability to detect it earlier soon after birth kill them or leave them outside some Hospital or in even in a garbageman that is the heathen way of treating a female child and I want to say to all of you in Jesus name if you look at your daughter like that you have a major part of hedonism in your mind if you cannot look at all your children equally they're all beautiful children that itself is a miracle that they could look at their child and say it's a beautiful child and that means I see that they felt there must be a special purpose God has for this child and when you look at your child or children you must believe God has a special purpose for this child he did not accidentally send a child to the world you know some people call that children accidents that's an absolute insult imagine when the child grows up to say you were an accident I say such parents don't belong in CFC should go to some temple or mosque and live there or some dead church God makes no accidents David said you formed me in my mother's womb Psalm 139 and he made no mistake about the colour the gender male or female and any other thing a man of or a woman of faith looks at a child and says this is the gift of God I will never forget many years ago I saw mother Marti more than 35 years ago in another country who had a child with Down's syndrome you could see that as soon as it was born it was who's going to live all its life incapable of living in normal life because it had this disease called Down's syndrome it was be mentally and physically could not take care of itself and it was obvious as soon as it's born and that mother told me the Bible says children are the gift of God the Psalms he does not say intelligent children are the gift of God that is again a hidden concept intelligent children are the gift of God good-looking children other gift of God others are who who created them the devil you look at your child every one of you and look at it and say who created this child who created this child in the mother's womb are you going to despise the one who created that child so that's the first thing that Moses parents did in look at that child and said this is a beautiful child they already had other children a daughter Miriam another son Aaron but here was another one and this one was born after the law came all male children must be killed but they were not afraid by an act of faith they said we are not going to obey fair law we believe God will protect this child it's just like we sing in that song because he lives this child can face and unknown tomorrow is something like that because today's world is just as bad if not worse than Egypt they may not be laws to kill your child physically but there's enough evil in the world once your child starts going to school for that child to be destroyed spiritually you must have faith it will not happen to my child I don't care how evil the world is it will not happen to my child that is how we must bring up our children God honors faith I tell you he does and the result was because by an act of faith they hid it instead of being afraid of the king and killing it that child grew up to be the greatest leader that Israel had to deliver the Israelites from Egypt God has a plan for every child that's born into the world and somebody else could not have done the job of Moses so it was very important that Moses grew up and later on Pharaoh tried to kill him he couldn't kill him either when he was 40 years old he had to run for his life so parents have a part if their value of their child and saying God's got a plan for this child you must look at your son your daughter say God's got a plan for this child even if it's a daughter you read in the Bible about a couple called Aquila and Priscilla they were a very godly couple they came to the Lord I think they were in Corinth but you read something about them in Acts of the Apostles and chapter 18 in Acts of the Apostles in chapter 18 see Aquila and Priscilla you read about them first of all in verse 1 they were tent makers that's how they were there were poor people earning their living making stitching tents and since Paul was also a tent maker verse 3 he stayed with them because Paul was a single man he stayed with them and he worked with them and they must have seen something in Paul's life when he stayed in a hall you know when you stay in somebody's home they will see what type of person you are whether you make any demands on them whether you're content with whatever facilities there are and whether you seek to help and serve that's a wonderful testimony for a Christian to be a blessing in any home we visit even for a short while and that's how they were drawn to Christ and they became Christians and they became such zealous Christian days learned so much from the Apostle Paul at a time when the New Testament was not written that later on we read in acts 18 verse 24 a Jew a very eloquent preacher or as twenty eighteen twenty-four mighty in the scriptures that is in the Old Testament this man had been instructed in the way of the Lord but he did not speak and teach accurately the things concerning Jesus because his life had come only up to the level of the baptism of John he was an Old Covenant Christian believed in Jesus there are lots of them in the world today thousands Old Covenant Christians they have come to the level of the baptism of John they are defeated by sin they know forgiveness of sins they've repented like John taught them there are many many thousands of Old Covenant Christians and a pollicis one of them and it says here when he preached in the synagogue he preached so boldly according scripture after scripture after scripture and in that synagogue was sitting priscilla and aquila that's not like the Indian custom of writing mrs. and mr. no there's a reason why Priscilla's name is mentioned first because I think she knew the Scriptures ten times better than her husband maybe she listened more carefully maybe she had more attentive Yura her husband was a good man there are some sisters who know the Bible much better than their husbands and rather more spiritually spiritual inclination that's why you frequently read about not Aquila and Priscilla which is the normal way we would mention but priscilla and aquila so when they heard this him preaching like this and they could sense this guy doesn't understand a single thing about the New Covenant don't you hear that sometimes when you hear somebody speaking and so it says they priscilla and aquila took him aside took him home and explained to him the way of God more accurately they didn't try to correct him there who took him home what a godly woman she was and then he went to a Chaya and he greatly helped those who had believed but and it says later on he became a powerful minister of the gospel along with Paul but you know who helped him the most Priscilla and I have a feeling that Priscilla that girl that lady got her bent of mind from a god-fearing father and mother who did not say oh no we got a girl very thankful for the girl God had given them it's not just the boys and brought her up brought her up taught her the scriptures taught of the scriptures started the scriptures so well you can't learn the scriptures in a short time taught of the scriptures from childhood for years even though they knew that in the Jewish custom a woman can never preach so what taught of the scriptures so that she can be godly and then when she understood the New Covenant later on through Paul all of those scriptures became alive to her and she could sit with her husband in humility and teach her policy so God has a plan for your son and your daughter in the days to come maybe your daughter will marry someone who doesn't know the scripture so well and even though she may never preach she may lead many many men and women in her home to inada life so take it seriously from early on to teach the children the scriptures Moses mother did that and I'm sure Priscilla's mother did it too and the end result was that there a house church in their home in Rome there were many house churches and you read in Romans 16 a Paul gives a list of the church in Rome is too big to meet in one place so they met in many many homes and the first of those homes was priscilla and aquila romans 16 3 greet Lord Aquila and Priscilla but Prisca and Aquila who risked their life necks for my life imagine a lady and her husband identifying with Paul and willing to risk their lives for him and all the churches the Gentiles they must have served Paul in so many ways and God took note of it and greet the church that is in their house you know I have found through the years that it's almost impossible to have a house church if the woman of the house the wife is not wholehearted behind it so train up your daughters to one day have a house church in their home so every boy and girl that's born in CFC we want them to know the Scriptures we wanted to be no the Scriptures well enough to teach others and share others when they grow up I mean even by the time they are teenagers they should know the Scriptures you must insist on their reading the Bible gonna picture Bible and then they will that will continue with their children the gift I got for my grandchildren was a picture bird toys and all our secondary and I'm very thankful my eight-year-old grandson has already read through the whole thing that action Bible Genesis to Revelation and now he's reading the Living Bible you got to teach them from very young to know the scriptures because we want generation after generation to know the Lord so if you have children teach them the scriptures if you have grandchildren encourage them to read the scriptures
Channel: CFC India
Views: 9,480
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: zac poonen, cfc, Christian Fellowship Church, Church, Fellowship, Christian, Zac, Poonen
Id: Emg4jKiz9SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 19 2015
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