Kurama's Death - It's Impossible for Naruto To Revive Kurama - Why Kurama is Dead FOREVER in Boruto

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[Music] welcome back everyone and it's time to go bullsd and i hate to be the bearer of bad news and i know korema's death hurt it hurt a lot but things might be worse than you think no god please no no no no with our degree in anime bush science and based upon the evidence we have found on how tail beasts are created we think there is no way kuruma the nine tails can come back once you completely watch this video you will understand what i mean the only way kuruma can be brought back to life is if kishimoto introduces a new concept through a model or a rochumaru figuring out some type of way to bring kuruma back by writing some sort of plot device i'm saying this because the evidence that we will explain in this video will pretty much clear up how kudama died and why he cannot be reborn what's wrong with you bro what the hell you tripping bro you tripping so for me to address the various theories in the community and in the comments that i have seen in regards to kuruma's rebirth and how he isn't actually dead forever i need to first explain how he died and why this way we will all be on the same page with the answers that we will provide okay guys before i dive any deeper i would like to address a question a lot of you asked in the comments what editing software do you use or recommend i want to learn how to edit like you guys at abd well what if i told you i can safely and confidently recommend an efficient easy to use video editing software with powerful tools that's right i want to introduce you guys to femora 10. a lot of you are inspired to become youtubers and one of the biggest steps you need to take to go into the right direction is using the correct video editor so that you can make memes your own style create videos with photos pictures music stickers and sound effects you can use femora x for whatever platform you want youtube instagram tick tock facebook whatsapp or even twitter one of our favorite features is the new ar stickers these babies can make 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black air force energy wanting all the smoke from naruto and sasuke ishiki considers both of them as flies since they lost to him in his lesser vessel named you guessed it and indeed they did get bodied we cannot deny that naruto and sasuke are fighting a losing battle getting smashed around with the utmost disrespect kuruma witnesses this disrespect by the way he witnesses all of it so he offers naruto a power that could help him win baryon mode now with the name of this mode baryon mode you're probably thinking what does this even mean and i've never come across it in my entire life abd please help me out well that's where i come in i'm gonna do that just for you kodama somehow has an understanding of nuclear fission and chemistry borita has become a story based upon real life science where amado uses inorganic technology and orochimaru is using organic right the writers themselves have claimed that science and technology is an integral part of boruto's society that determines how powerful a nation would be so characters that had intellectual understanding of science gained more prominence in peace time i need to break down what baryon mode is doing to prove the fact that konoma's chakra and existence no longer can exist with the way he described how the power actually works essentially baryons are subatomic particles belonging to the hadron family of particles where hydrons are simply subatomic composite particles made of two or more quarks held together by a strong force quarks are a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constitute of matter think of them as the foundation for all things without quarks there will be nothing in existence at all hey yo so think about kuruma how was he created he is pure energy right hagadomo created him the most familiar baryons are protons and neutrons both of which contain three quarks and for this reason they are sometimes called tri quarks and these particles make up most of the mass of the visible matter in the universe and compose the nucleus of every atom which is made up of neutrons protons and electrons okay i get it this is all science stuff i don't know what you're saying abd you're confused well listen naruto's new mode is referring to the fundamental building blocks of energy and existence itself remember it's not just chakra but the very life energy and everything that constitutes it this moves us onto the process of how this mode works which kuruma compared it to the process of how the sun generates energy which is of course nuclear fusion nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atoms collide combining to form a different atomic and subatomic particle the change in mass between the reactants and end products becomes energy either being absorbed or released so this explains how naruto and kurima are using their own life force or absorbing ishiki's life force as he lands punches on him as they both are part of the reaction now in the real world humans have used this type of process in creating devastating outputs of energy including nuclear weapons whilst in naruto the tell beasts were referred to as this they were political tools before naruto came along and brought about peace nuclear weapons in our world followed the process of nuclear fission such fusion weapons are generally referred to as hydrogen bombs the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated was the star bomb of the ussr releasing an energy equivalent of over 50 megatons of tnt so the important point i'm making is that the fusion of mata releases crazy amounts of energy in naruto's new form the fusion is between naruto and kodama's chakra and as they fuse into something new a huge amount of energy is released now you guys don't really have to understand the whole process of what the hell i'm saying right now even kuruma says the theory doesn't matter but he does explain that their two chakra are serving as kernels to create a whole new kind of energy something different from chakra naruto asks how it's different from any form he's had to this point and kuruma says it's completely different down to the root as before with the other forms such as kcm he was just taking chakra he acquired from elsewhere whereas this new baryon mode is actually consuming their own chakra and life force as the raw material to give naruto a momentary boost in power this is because the baryon mode reaction that's taking place isn't just on the surface level compared to any other simple jutsu it's not transforming chakra into another form of energy like we see the various other techniques rather naruto's barian mode is literally eating the chakra and life force so in ishiki's case even if atsuski do not have the connection to produce chakra by molding their base energies they still have life force which naruto can zap out of them with his baryon mode this will continue until either one of them or both life run out as the reaction would come to an end due to this kuruma cautions naruto to not make any unnecessary movements and to even get rid of any unneeded thoughts as that's what is required to keep up this baryon mode as a result the benefit of baryon mode is allowing naruto to shave off his opponent's chakra life force when they come into contact with them hence in ishiki's case he thought everything was fine but he was actually suffering the anime wreck on a lot that happened in the manga or should i say illustrated it a lot better in the manga it seemed like ishiki was still stronger as kuruma even stated this while the battle was still happening where he stated that it was a battle of attrition but in the anime it clearly showcases that naruto was overwhelming and even states that their power should definitely exceed his so if you were concentrating remember i explained the process of nuclear fusion well since kuruma died that means all his life force and chakra was consumed for this reaction to occur this energy has been used against ishiki and therefore gone forever in chemistry when a catalyst has been consumed to create a reaction it means it doesn't exist anymore since its energy has already been transferred for the reaction to succeed and to further prove that boruto has used science to create the concept of this reaction in baryon mode we can use the fact that naruto mentions that his body feels heavy like lead after the mode was deactivated which is a clear node to the reaction since lead is a by-product of a variant reaction by the end of naruto's fight with ishiki kuruma used up all of his life force and as we know from chapter 55 kuruma bids his fare well kuruma tells naruto that normally when a biju is extracted the jin choriki dies bonarito is an exception to this rule and that the biju chakra will simply just vanish now i'm going to pass on the video to yusuf addressing all the community questions and theories regarding why kodama can come back alive okay so now that adul explained varian mode and his effects let's finally come down to what exactly happened to our nan tail fox kunama and if he's truly gone forever addressing the questions we as a community have for example a lot of you pointed out that in chapter 503 tail beasts are noted to resurrect after a time period if they pass away some of you have even suggested that the 10 tales sasuke found could be split into a new kuruma and i even heard possibilities of anime signs occurring with the gold and silver brothers where they have a bit of kuruma's chakra after eating it and with that it can help resurrect kuruma well i'm here to explain why that unfortunately will not be possible but to understand all of this we need to break down what exactly is kurama and the difference between him and other living beings well firstly kodama along with his tailed b siblings were originally just a huge amount of chakra the ten tales chakra to be precise the ten tales body was sealed becoming the moon yes the moon is literally the embodiment of the ten tales shell and then the ten tales chakra was taken in by haguro mo making him a jin cherokee but think of the ten tales chakra as a form of life energy consisting of spiritual and physical energy also a side note is that yin and yang are also respectively the representation of spiritual and the physical yin release uses spiritual aspect of chakra and yang release uses the physical aspect later the underlying hagaromo using his creation of all things technique divided the chakra into nine separate bodies based on his imagination yes this godly sage just popped nine monstrous being into existence he was able to do this by using yin yang release to create a form out of nothingness which is from the spiritual energy and the basis of yin chakra and then he would use the application of physical energy from the basis of young chakra to give the form life and a actual body once he did this haguroma gave these nine distinct entities names in essence kurama was just living chakra with a distinct personality attached to it so the question if this beast have a soul is you know is a difficult one in chapter 55 kurama did say that if naruto doesn't be careful and overdoes it he will end up joining him implying that kuruma could be going to the pure land where all earthly souls meet or he simply just meant joining him in death regardless of if he has a soul or not given the nature of kurama's birth it's fair to say that kuruma is just chakra with personality attached to it we can also apply information from what we know of the separation of kurumaba minato when he split it into yin and yanghaf each of the kurma had distinct personalities and experiences yin kurama was sealed away with minato and had his own experiences likewise yang korema with naruto when the both half re-emerged their memories and personalities combined however for the time they were separated these two kuramas were distinct beings this point is important to grasp to understand whether kuruma can come back to life because once you realize that kuruma is literally just a living personality and experiences attached to chakra and nothing more then you will come to terms with kurama's death being dead forever with no means of coming back because the essence and life force which formed kuruma is now gone now coming to the argument of naruto chapter 53 where cuccine indicated that the tail beast comes back alive over time as she was planning to die with kodama we also know this happened with the free-tailed beast isobu as when it was inside of rin when she committed suicide using kakashi chidori he was gone for however long and then reemerged in a lake where he stayed until dedarra captured him however the way we could understand this is because the tail beast itself didn't die rather when the jin cherokee dies the chakra just disperses and then over time it gathers up again the personality which was created by hagoromo eventually reforms whereas in kurama's case he does die as in chapter 55 of boruto he specifically stated that his life force was burnt and the bg chakra naruto had will just simply vanish this statement could also indicate that any chakra which was linked to kuruma's consciousness will also just vanish which brings us to the case of the gold and silver brothers it's likely the moment kuroma's consciousness and life was died every single chakra that was attached to his personality and consciousness also disappeared meaning they shouldn't have it anymore either remember guys as aldo nicely explained earlier on in this video the science behind the barring mode kodama's chakra and life force has been consumed rather than utilized also i want to clarify that unlike minato with the yin kurama the gold and silver brothers did not have the nine tails consciousness attached to them after they ate the flesh and gained his chakra rather the gold and silver brothers having the nine-tailed chakra is more akin to when naruto shared his chakra to everyone back in chapter 617 even though they exhibited a form of nan tales transformation kuruma's consciousness was absent from all of this but the main point i'm trying to make here is that the bahrain mode literally killed kurima's consciousness and the very life force that represents who he is and even if somehow someone grows a new god tree learns the creation of all things uses it to create a new set of tale beasts as hagaroma once did kodama will still be gone why well because these new tale beasts will not be kurama would not have his experiences and would not have his distinct personality all of that is gone now i know i have to mention all of this because in borato we have another tail beast waiting around to suck up that earth's good energy and become the god tree bearing the chakra fruit and people think that naruto and sasuke having yin yang chakra and the mastery of sage mode they would be able to replicate the creation of the tail beast again henceforth reviving kurama but as i clarified this new beast will be a completely different being also to further debunk this theory there is a huge misconception that naruto and sasuke can even perform the creation of old things jutsu narata only has six path sage mode not six path chakra six paths chakra is different from six path sage mode the six paths power as an array of abilities originated from hagaromo the ancestor of all shinobis and through the generations these power have been separated to create what's known as ninshu and the sixth path senjutsu those gifted with the sixth path power will inherit one of the two markings the mark of the sun if they have inherited the sage truth or the moon if they inherit his ideals but the power used by hagoromo involves an incredibly polished and unique chakra which as stated by sasuke is of course known as six paths chakra and whilst it's unknown what exactly the content of this chakra is we do know that it's needed to counter the shadows created by motherless limbo clones and other things this alone proves to us that the six path chakra ain't no ordinary and different from regular chakra haguromo himself even reveals that his chakra is evenly split between the descendants of his two sons indra and ashida which when combined would create this unique chakra however no one individually has it apart from him either way only with this unique chakra you can use the creation of all things techniques that's how hagiromo made the biju's that's how naruto healed kakashi's eyes and saved gai however naruto doesn't have this chakra innately and after the naruto series both naruto and sasuke used up all of hagaroma's chakra and come on guys if he could create he wouldn't have needed a hashirama arm my man would have just popped that into existence so i'm sorry kurama is dead and we have to come to terms with this trust me this death hit us hard we all grew up with naruto and kurima sadly the way the manga depicted his death in a certain manner with no emphasis on the magnitude of this loss we all felt it isn't real and eventually we will see kuruma again however it's clear that borato is trying to move past the era of naruto and sasuke to put more focus on the next generation sasuke losing his eye set this on stone both naruto and sasuke are intentionally nerfed and i'm sure it's going to stay that way let us know what you guys think and drop an f in the comment section below for arc 9 tells fox could i'm up with that guys don't forget to smash that like button subscribe ding that notification bell to stay updated with all our content till then i'll catch you lot next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 397,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, boruto episode 218, kurama, kurama death, kurama rebirth, will kurama come back to life, Is Kurama coming back to life?, boruto manga, naruto vs isshiki, anime, naruto baryon mode vs isshiki, baryon naruto vs isshiki, sasuke loses rinnegan, boruto timeskip, will kurama come back, boruto vs kawaki, naruto baryon mode, anime balls deep, boruto karma seal, kurama dies, naruto loses kurama, can kurama be revived, why kurama died, naruto and kurama
Id: ny1ZOaYub54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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