Why Everybody Hates Diablo 4 Right Now

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the state of Diablo for so season 3 comes out and I would say that season 3 has had the worst reception of any season because at least in season 1 people were hoping that it would get better now it's in season 3 and people aren't so sure anymore I'm going to look at the Reddit so far at Lev 52 this feels worse than season one Jesus okay so this guy doesn't like the season so far the one thought that D4 needed more an down and tipped around them with horrible top down controls and nonen with such fine movements oh while the also the hit boxes in the game aren't accurate like I feel like every game should just do what Final Fantasy does or like your character hitbox is one pixel in the middle of your of your character and I think this is especially important in online games because those in those online games there are a lot of cases where you're out of something on your screen but you still still get hit by it because of lag I think give people a little bit of extra rooms in the spell effects obscure your vision of them and God forbid you're a melee or shred you have to be choose between standing still and not attacking anything or running into traps and hit mobs they're killing you from range BS will go down to the worst content of D4 game wait of any D4 game ever mark my words I really don't like him saying that because what if blizzard what if blizzard reads that and takes it as a challenge they said you think we've peeed no bro like we we got we got way more we got way more gas in the tank bro like we got a lot bet Cal downn bro Jesus they're going to make wor [ __ ] vs they with Annoying traps L Lo in the last room when so is it like a scuffed lab linth are vaults just scuffed labyrinths or what maybe this one here okay so here's a vault echo of malas that's like a boss this just looks like a nightmare dungeon yeah this is the same it's the same area I don't even know what to say about this it has traps so there's more traps okay spawn on you they Dr drop loot or XP LOL I can't stop laughing about this I'm so disappointed at a really good time with season 2 and so many keep on the good T rolling wait what are people replying to this thing the sad thing is I'm having more fun playing Diablo 3 season 30 recycle content than Diablo Jesus that is sad bro if you are down bad so much that you're playing Diablo I still D3 season 30 slaps at the moment oh my God F can season 30 let us go we just hit one the and farming our ass off it's amazing for 12 years and it's fun oh holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] take something from Poe that people don't even like uber Labs make it worse and more boring and we have season 3 vaults uh nobody likes that people don't even like make it worse and more boring and we've got season three vots okay L not that bad dude it is bad you have liking in season scroll for a few minutes un4 that's a Nory sheep um looks wait what did you say R 4 hop on using a season well you should try the no people are salty as [ __ ] make it sound a thousand times worse than it actually is obviously people are going to be more likely to provide negative feedback but the reason why like at the beginning whenever the game came out like if you look at Power world I bet a lot of the the post on the power world subreddit are positive I I mean yeah I bet it's not the worst game ever but I mean [ __ ] guys sheap last de yeah look at last bet that's probably fine bad as soon as it was announced man St back from season 2 on level 29 I'm already bought it out of my mind holy [ __ ] it's like what the [ __ ] I guess we wait for this is not even sorted by controversial by the way Chad this is literally like just nor noral comments these are upoaded comments well I guess we have to wait par until then it's back to P world don't even wait just get it now oh my God this is so bad the devil chat um holy [ __ ] 29 is one hour of playing LMO I guess we should only play the even numbered Seasons yep oh [ __ ] it's like classic Star Trek movies like classic Star Trek movies the season is the opposite uh the season is completely opposite and painfully unfund the punishing in a way that is designed to purely waste play time I'm not the traps involved in content punishing in a way it's purely waste of time yeah true um why why did they think that players wanted more traps I think this is kind of like this is the problem that like uh people like people like that Diablo 4 devs have is that they have an idea of how people are going to play the game like they want people to play Dungeons the way they want them to play them and so they make people play them that way I think the best example of Blizzard doing this is whenever nobody liked tyrannical Mythic plus dungeons blizzard just made the meta for completing the like the achievements require you almost to do tyrannical dungeons so it's like okay well because people aren't doing them we're just going to make it mandatory and that'll solve the problem is doing anything while I'm [Laughter] fighting yeah I know that feeling dude like you're like [ __ ] is it working like is it doing anything like does that have a cool down like is it even attacking I can't tell great class Sho himself in the foot how many times do the play I have to uh say that we absolutely hate shitty obstacles that just slow us down well it's just that let's be real running back and releasing every prisoner whenever getting hit by mobs causes your released cast bar to stop casting this just isn't really a good time how did anybody think this was a good time and and it's like they're just so fixated around making people play the game in a way that people don't want to play the game and this is this is the problem that I think that people have fundamentally with game development and like a lot of triaa game development especially with blizzard is that and that's why for example whenever that PO World CEO guy said I don't have a vision I just want to make a game that people like that's why people were so refreshed by that and happy about it is because it's like [ __ ] finally you know this is somebody who just wants to make something and doesn't want to like force some kind of like [ __ ] on us and I think that also like having [ __ ] forced on you isn't a bad thing it's only a bad thing whenever it's [ __ ] like for example I bet balers Gate 3 makes you do a ton of annoying [ __ ] but it adds to the texture of the game and it makes it better and same as Dark Souls I'll be honest the traps aren even that offensive to me at all I mean if it was more rewarding M I feel like just need to make it more rewarding won't complain as much yeah they would have San him but end up with lab not really people say no that's not that you wouldn't know do you guys really think that there are not a lot of players who think that certain things they have to do in balers Gate 3 are annoying like of course people think that that's just that of course people think that people think that about every game maybe inventory management yeah I mean come on what are we talking about I'm not saying the game is annoying or it has bad features that's not what I said I said that for like every every game is going to have features in it that like for example like valheim for example like valheim you can't move or through a portal uh you can't move the motor eggs through a portal either so that like that limitation adds texture to the game and it makes the game a lot bigger and so that's you you can and change setting okay so yeah you're right if you use a cheat engine and and a and a command prompt code you can change it but I'm talking about the base game you can do that with any game but my point is that with these kinds of games those are things that improve the experience with Diablo it actively makes it worse it's it it's some sort of weight hybrid right how is po been thinking of trying it out it's a bit too complex for my taste and someone who prefers saying solo I don't like Poe much because it's relying on trading due to how complex the game is this guy is just so stupid he's just making [ __ ] up what are you on about it's literally worse with training the game's objectively worse with trading I think Quinn's wrong about this Quinn plays the game it's like his job of course he's going to have a different output of an outlook on it like uh it's too complex of course it's not for Quinn because Quinn's played the game for [ __ ] seven years he's played it play it's his job to play the game of course he's going to have a different Viewpoint bro what is he talking about I don't like peee so much because it's line on trading due to how complex the game is that is the most brain dead take I've ever there literal like [ __ ] multiple versions of ssf the entire like the guy the guy who made the game said the game is best enjoyed solo self found yeah there it is to the days actually play the game they create I seriously doubt they do who could actually find such a gameplay Loop fun Jesus if you read the recent interview with the PO Creator they said uh that they all amate game designers but they wanted to design wanted to create a game so yeah he's saying the same thing I was find it fun recent interview with PE lead designer also shows I know how the inside game and and out and you see the passion when they're talking about the game what sort of experience they want to deliver I really do not want to hate on the devs as I believe these uh instructions from the top make them this way I don't care about whose fault it is I'm just saying like the game is just got problems and it's boring like I don't want to go and like the next the next emergency campfire chat I don't want to have to be like it's his fault I know it we don't really know whose fault it is we don't know but like it's just the game's not the the game's not what it should be in respecting GES will find it so crushing to deliver such a product to the masses yeah this is what I was saying yesterday the difference between um you know D4 and PE and D4 and whatever a good a good game and a bad game often these LGE trip League games are not made from a seed of passion uh or like a really cool idea that a bunch of guys who are like gaming got like had and they're like yo let's make that it's no a bunch of Suits say make the [ __ ] next installment of our large triaa game um and we want to earn this much money and that like we're going to hire this many people to program it and yeah I do think that the people who are working on the Diablo team like the actual like the guy that and created the model for Uber durial I bet that guy is really passionate about Diablo and I think all of the people that are involved with that are very passionate about it and these guys you're going to be running it you know the stash guy job is to get these guys to you know make art your job is to make the and then that's where versus a few guys in a basement who have an idea for a really [ __ ] awesome game and they love gaming and then they start building up and they just make something that they [ __ ] love and then it grows naturally from there it grows into a beautiful [ __ ] tree you know like it grows into a beautiful game look at this aim look at his God bro Jesus Christ [ __ ] pipp like please help [Music] me that's why he keeps looking at I think that I think that guy leaked the thing about stash tabs being rendered by everybody on purpose I think that he knew that it was [ __ ] stupid and he just couldn't [ __ ] deal with people [ __ ] [ __ ] on him because of how [ __ ] dumb this decision was so he just mentioned it randomly on a Twitter thread just to prove to everybody see guys everybody else in here thinks it's just as [ __ ] stupid as I do I bet that's why he did it dark urge moment yes there you go I think that's what happened at the camera like that dude throwing soft sh Dev out he doesn't even need to throw shade all he needs to do is just simply say this happened that's all it takes highly plausible yeah I mean I'll be honest I mean I don't know how I don't know how the people at Microsoft aren't going to uh uh aren't going to kick aren't going to get rid of these guys like how how can you not get rid of these guys if uh if this is just so problematic Quinn beat Uber Maven and stole a cell phone hardcore that's badass and Blizzard's completely fire yeah yeah that's why Microsoft fired 1,900 of them yeah that's actually a good point with more stashes they need to load everybody else's stashes that are in town it's so difficult yeah even Rob uh said it was mad that's how bad it is I mean I I just I hope they get rid of the people that are just making these bad decisions and that aren't uh he should be fired with this performance is that on popular opinion I think that it's very simple none of us really know what the metrics for Diablo 4 are but every single observable third-party metric shows that the game is in a really bad State and I also don't think that there's any indication of it improving anytime soon so why would we uh like think about it from like the company perspective like so you have a game and you spend millions of dollars on marketing and then everybody's quitting the game why wouldn't you get rid of the people that made the game like what of course you would like I mean what is this it's common sense right I mean damn imag made a [ __ ] ton of money though oh yeah no doubt but like you have to look at like the uh the trajectory of the game cuz the only ones that know the game yeah exactly um uh I forgot Diablo 4 existed honestly I've gone back in times to play other games yeah cuz then you'd need new people to fix it oh [ __ ] true it's hard bro making a game is hard like how can you possibly bro how can you possibly make a game it's always leadership that needs to be replaced not the regular devs I think that leadership should always leadership always needs to fall on the sword they do now is it always leadership's fault the truth is that the answer is no it's not always leadership's fault but it is always leadership's responsibility because leadership should have fired the dev before it became a problem so what you really do is you fire the leadership you get new leadership and then the new leadership fires the bad devs but no I I don't agree that leadership are all wrong and the developers are all right I don't think that's I don't think it's that simple I don't think any game is that simple
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 586,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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