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- (shivering noise) This is a perfect case of Peter wildly underestimating the weather in the mountains. I didn't bring a jacket, because I was like, "It's summertime," but I'm in the mountains. It's been all jet skis and sunshine and I'm in a hoodie and it's like zero degrees and it snowed up here this morning (shivering noise) so I'm just trying to, just trying to deal with this right now. This would probably be a great time to introduce you to my favorite spot on planet Earth. Welcome to Marine Lake. Best spot on the planet. I mean, I don't think I really even need to say anything to convince you. Welcome to Canada. (serene music) What's up dude? - Not much man, how you doin'? - [Peter] I'm Pete. - Matt. - [Peter] Nice to meet you. What time did you get here this morning? - 3:00, 3:30? - [Peter] 3:30? Okay, we got here at 7:00 and we were like, "There's gonna be no one here, we're hardcore," and the parking lot was full. And you got here at 3:00? - It was still half-full. - [Peter] You got good shots? What do you got? Oh yeah, that looks awesome. Dude, it's so different being out on the water. - Yeah 100 percent. - Like it's a completely different perspective. - When these guys come in, you're more than welcome. - Oh, sick! - We're renting it, but... - See, it pays off just being nice and saying "Hi" to people that are doing the same thing you are. Can I leave my gear with you? - Yeah. - [Peter] If I go out? In Canada, you can just trust people like that. It's phenomenal. Yeah, watch. We'll come back, Matt'll will be back in his home. - I'm boosting as soon as you leave. - He's like, "Peace out, I just lied about all of that. That's not even my canoe." Look how clear the water is guys. It's just, it's just perfect. It is so cold! Dude, that is frigid, ice, I mean, I guess technically it's glacier water. Man, just look at it! It's so clear. I love that. Got a new lens the other day, Canon sent me the new 720028 Mark III. It's a dope lens, which why I brought it to Banff, because it has come in handy so much here, because the compressions you get with a telephoto lens is just incredible. It's pretty nice. It's pretty heavy, so being that it's in my camera bag right now, I had to take my drone out of the camera bag, which isn't a huge deal 'cause you can't fly drones here anyway, so this was the substitute, but being able to get that super tack sharp image with that nice depth of field in the background just makes those subjects pop so hard off the background, like here's the pictures of Matty for example, (camera shutter sound) Here's the picture from yesterday (shutter sound) from the Santa Fe car that we did, we took some shots of. You can just see how crisp and sharp it is and the color reproduction is just absolutely phenomenal, so I thought I would show you guys this lens and maybe talk a little about why telephoto lenses are a great tool to have in your kit as well as exploring my favorite place on Earth and meeting new friends. What a great day already. All right, folks. It's time to get in this fun canoe that these friendly here people borrowed us. This guy's from Toronto, too! And he knows my friends! I love Canada! How do I do this? What do you mean just jump on? What if it tips? (strains) (laughs) Oh God! Canoe rule number 1, stay low. - [Matty] Stay low with those lanky legs. (laughs) - Clearly done this before. I am not gonna move. My leg is cramping. I've done this before. Dude, you are like the canoe master. - Right, my mom gave birth to me on a canoe. - [Peter] Evidently so. Look at you! Bear Grylls right here! Why did you start a tra- you should start a channel about how to survive in the wilderness. You look good doin' it, too. Look at this guy here. I'm gonna give the vlog some slow mo of you paddling this canoe. (EDM music) - You know you have a paddle, too. You could paddle. It's not just me. I'm good, (laughs). - Classic Peter. - Someone has to document this epicness. I've taken on that task. You're welcome. - First time touching the water. - [Peter] Yeah, dude, for those photos you were takin' my hand was just frozen. I'm not joking when I say the water is cold, like it's glacier water. This is probably like five or six degrees, so it is no joke. If this thing flipped, it would suck pretty bad, so good thing Matty's a master at canoeing. - It's just my legs. - I'm just admiring this vlogging technique. That is impressive. - You gotta do what you gotta do. - All right, we survived. We're back. How do I get out? How do you actually get out of this thing? Is there a YouTube video we can watch real quick? Is there a tutorial? - How to get out of canoe. - I fully feel capable. There we go. All right you're on your own Matty. - Thanks. - Cheers buddy. See you later. You're gonna do it. - [Matt] No I'm not. - This dude's gonna go swimming in the glacier lake, and it's like, I just had my hand in the water, you saw that tasty shot. Hell no. But if he's gonna do it, I'll gladly film it. Crazy! Dude, the vlog thanks you. I wish I had the courage to jump in this lake. I just don't but I'm gonna live through your demonstration of manliness here. This is gonna be great. (dramatic music) Oh dude. - Naked? - [Peter] No. - I was about to say, I was like, - [Peter] No, children watch this vlog! Oh that's just cold just to watch. It's happening. Okay, Matt are you ready? - [Man] Don't jump off yet. - Okay, guys. It's windy, he's gonna jump. This is it. Three, two, one (dramatic music) Oh my goodness! What? How? Oh my goodness, dude. You did it! You actually did it! - What do I get out of it? - [Peter] How cool are you right now? - I can't really tell yet. It could be a couple hours. I'll put his Instagram right here. Give this guy some love. Thanks for that, man. That was great. It was nice meeting you guys! - Nice to meet you! - [Peter] Thanks for the canoe. - Peace out. - [Peter] See you back in the six. - See you back in the six. - [Peter] Bye friends! - [Matty] Thinkin' 'bout how much gear's in here. - Those guys were awesome. I love making friends. Dude, I'm really, really cold. - I don't know how you're surviving. I at least have this jacket. - Like it's just going' down fast. - We did not prepare for this at all. - No I'm like shivering right now, but we still need to get B roll shots and do some actual photos here and we actually have to work now instead of watching that guy jump in the lake (laughs). We've done nothing since we've been here. - [Matty] Well I canoed a little bit. I paddled. - [Peter] You paddled. - I did a little bit of work. - Cinematic sequence...begin. (rock music) - Okay, so we stopped the car because look at this road. It's an endless incredible road and I wanted to show you guys how I can use that new 7200 and the compression that a telephoto lens has to get some cool floating shots kinda like the twirl we did months back, months back with my friend The Brightest Hour when he's teaching me how to jump all lifeless, so I figured this would be the perfect background for that and I'll show you the difference between a wide lens at like 35 in that compression and like a 7200 and the compression that has and how it looks. Oh so crispy! But before we get into that, this is the perfect road for running and Matty and like to shoot B roll with running, so (electronic music) All right, how did that go? - I think we need to work out more though. - [Peter] Well that was working out. - Is that working out? - [Peter] 100 percent. - Just like work out so then we can actually do this properly and not be dead. - I don't know. These are my wounds from yesterday. Not bad. Opened this one up on the rocks this morning. Other than that, pretty good. That's the thing with those running sequences, you have to do it like seven times to make it look like one shot. It's hard work. - And then when you forget to put it in 120, you have to do them two times over that seven, right? - [Peter] Yeah. We did the whole first sequence at 60 p. Thanks Matty. So check this out. I'm gonna do some of those shots. We're gonna shoot it in 120 both at 16 mil and then at like 70 mil with the telephoto lens so you can see the difference in compression, so here's what that looks like. (electronic music) That's the difference using a telephoto lens. And compression and stuff like that, so what we did is we used the same frame for all three shots you just saw there. First was 16, the second was 70 and the last one was 200. So what we did is we had to move back each time we shot it, so we kept that frame the same, but it gives you a very kind of fun and interesting visual representation of what a compressed lens does versus one that's short, like 16 mil. Hope you enjoyed that. The other nice thing about this lens is that it has image stabilization, especially when you're shooting something that's far away, you've got a long focal length like 200 mil, having image stabilization like that, it just helps so much, especially if you're shooting video. It's also a really sharp lens, like legendary for being tack sharp and we all want those crispy Instagram shots that are tack sharp, so I think my favorite thing about shooting out here in the mountains, is just like, there's so much variety. You've got shots of roads, mountains, lakes, canoes, and Canada's just so beautiful. If you've never visited Canada, I highly recommend it. Especially Alberta. Making a mess. That was a great donut. See you later. (chill electronic music) I'm pointing the camera this way for a reason, 'cause I wanna surprise you yet again, 'cause that's kind been the theme of this vlog, like I did at the very beginning. What an incredible ending to an incredible day when you get a view like this. And we got here just in the nick of time when the sun was hitting those peaks. Check out this shot (shutter sound). And this shot (shutter sound). And this shot (shutter sound). It just looks so good. We got here in the nick of time. Even the wind's picking up a little bit and that calm, still water is starting to get choppy. Just so amped. (electronic music) How do you feel about this? - I feel good. - [Peter] Perfect timing right? What a great day. - Great job. - [Peter] What a great day. - See you later. - All right well the light is pretty much done for the day. We got the best part of it. Those are the shots you saw with the wide angle lens. Here's a shot I did with the 7200. You can see the difference in compression. Not the best for a scene like this, but still really cool 'cause it gives you a totally different perspective. Really enjoyed running around the National park with the telephoto. I didn't think I would, but I'm glad I brought it. Those are my thoughts on the new 7200, so if you guys are gonna go out there and take shots of nature, highly recommend it. Also, this chipmunk (shutter sound) picture. Come on. Hit the like button if you like that video. Smash it. Do whatever you want. Subscribe if you weren't already. I will see you guys back in Toronto. Peace. Wait, we'll do it like we used to. (chill electronic music)
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 2,148,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telephoto Lens, Canon 70-200, 70-200, 70-200 MK3, Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon Photography, Photography, Learn photography, Peter, Photography Tutorials, Tutorials, LEarn Filmmaking, Alberta, Moraine Lake, Matti Haapoja, McKinnon, Vlogger, B Roll, Peter McKinnon B Roll, Slow Motion Video, 120p, How to shoot slow motion, Lens choice, zoom lens, zoom, Compression, Background Sepparation, Bokeh, Blurry background photos
Id: Mnsi5GEtLWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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